Chapter 84, old friends meet again

The elevator was a little dark. Under the Pale light, Xiao Qingqing's face was dim. Even the heavy makeup could not hide the sallow and tired look on her face. Xiao Qingqing was wearing a green dress with slanted shoulders and a white fur coat. It looked like she had just returned from a ball.

She was holding a cigarette that had not been finished. She leaned against the electronic door outside the elevator, her eyes filled with arrogance and uncertainty.

She had not seen Xiao Qingqing in the past few months. Du Anran was still stunned when she saw her. She could not believe her eyes. This... It was really the secretary, Xiao Qingqing, who had been by her side every day ? ?

Du Anran's face was a little awkward. She did not know what to say to Xiao Qingqing. This woman had betrayed her with the man she loved the most. She would probably be unusually awkward every time she faced the two of them.

"Du Anran. " Since the end of the world, Xiao Qingqing had always called Du Anran by her name. "He... is in the hospital? "

Du Anran knew who "he" was. She nodded. "Yes, but it's not a big deal. He'll be back in two days. "

Xiao Qingqing looked around and her gaze fell on Du Anran. "He never lets people he doesn't trust use this elevator. Of course, he doesn't let them use it for show. "

"Isn't it just an elevator? " Du Anran was noncommittal. She remembered that she had used it before. If she remembered correctly, Xiao Qingqing had used it too.

Xiao Qingqing looked at Du anran again and said, "isn't it satisfying to sit in the same office with him every day? "

Du Anran frowned. "How do you know... " Du Anran found it hard to believe that Xiao Qingqing knew something that even mother Xin and Chi Xue didn't know.

Xiao Qingqing did not seem to hear du Anran's question. She seemed to be talking to herself. "I don't know how many women want to stay by his side. Unfortunately, he still chose to turn back. Ha. I really don't know what's good about you. "

"Why are you looking for me? " Du Anran did not want to hear her say this and said impatiently.

"Can't I talk to you if I have nothing to do? " Xiao Qingqing crossed her arms and took a puff of the cigarette.

"I'm quite busy. " Du Anran smiled apologetically and turned to walk into the elevator.

In fact, Du Anran did not understand how Xiao Qingqing knew the password to the electronic door outside the elevator. Perhaps Xin Zimo had forgotten to change it.

"Busy? No matter how busy you are, it's worth it to have a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan. " Xiao Qingqing walked forward and was very close to Du Anran. Du anran could smell the strong perfume on her body.

"Who told you? " Du Anran turned back with a face full of disbelief.

Xiao Qingqing took another puff of the cigarette and admired du Anran's changing expression. After a long time, she said unhurriedly, "I said Xin Zimo told me. Do you believe it? "

Du Anran did not know how to answer her. Did she believe him?

"Don't look at me like that. I did come here today to talk to you. For example, how have you been recently... " Xiao Qingqing's lips curled up. She could not hide her pride and ridicule.

"actually, you don't have to lie to me. I'm not doing well, and you're not doing well either. " Du Anran also smiled at her. "Look at you now. You're neither human nor ghost. "

"You! " Xiao Qingqing did not expect du Anran to have the courage to speak in front of her. However, the anger on her face turned into a smile after a while "Are you really not going to invite me up? Perhaps, I can tell you some secrets that you want to hear... "

Ever since the world and the bankruptcy, du Anran had never trusted Xiao Qingqing. She shook her head. "I don't want to hear it. Besides, if I let an unrelated outsider into the office, Xin will always scold me for dereliction of duty. "

"Do you think you are not an outsider? " Xiao Qingqing admitted that she was hurt by Du Anran's words of "unrelated outsider" . It turned out that she had done so much for Xin Zimo, but in the end, she was still an outsider. She was not even considered a friend.

"I've never treated myself as an outsider, " Du Anran said calmly.

"Du Anran, how can I not understand if others don't understand you? " Xiao Qingqing smiled coldly "The calmer you look, the more you tell me that you're not balanced in your heart. For example, now that I'm standing in front of you, you obviously want to scold me, but you pretend to be indifferent. "

Du Anran frowned. "If you're done, please leave. "

"You don't have to chase me away in such a hurry. You'll regret it. " Xiao Qingqing leaned against the wall and looked at Du Anran calmly. "By the way, do you want to know who was the main character in the XIN building video that day? "

"If you don't leave now, I'll call security! " Du Anran yelled at Xiao Qingqing.

"You don't dare to shout. " Xiao Qingqing put on a fake smile. "If you shout, won't everyone know that you've been kept by Xin Zimo? What will people think of you? A mistress? Or a lover? "

"Get out! YOU GET OUT! " Du Anran was completely enraged by Xiao Qingqing's tone and attitude. She pushed and shoved Xiao Qingqing out of the elevator room and quickly closed the electronic door.

For some reason, she was a little afraid of others mentioning the video that day. It was as if she was afraid of some things in her heart. She was afraid that they would break with a bang... ...

On the other hand, after being chased out by Du Anran, Xiao Qingqing tidied her hair and sneered at the electronic door.

"If I don't have a good time, you won't have a good time either. " At the slightly dark entrance, a strange expression appeared on Xiao Qingqing's face.

After a long time, du Anran gathered her emotions and walked to the 36th floor. She really did not expect to meet Xiao Qingqing at the Xin Corporation. After not seeing her for a few months, she did not know where Xiao Qingqing had gone and what kind of life she was leading.

She also did not know if Xin Zimo and Xiao Qingqing still had any interactions. If they did, then what kind of position Xiao Qingqing was in his heart, and what kind of position Chi Xue was in... ...

It could not be cut off, but it was still messy. Du Anran touched her forehead and sat in her own seat, but she was no longer sleepy. Just when she was bored, Liu Wanwan called.

"Miss Du, are you up yet? " Liu Wanwan's voice was very sweet, especially through the phone.

"I'm up early. I'm not like you, a big slob! " Du Anran laughed.

"Sister Anran, I'm really wronged. I was just a little lazy when I was young. Look at me, I've already come to the news agency to rush out a press release! "

"So busy! " Du Anran thought that she was already very early, but she didn't expect Liu Wanwan to be earlier than her.

"Yeah, I'm almost exhausted. This president Yang is really not an easy person. He's always squeezing us, " Liu wanwan complained.

"then... do you want to resign? " Du Anran urged her ...

"It's fine if you want to resign, but you'll be free when President JIN COMES BACK! " Liu Wanwan said happily, "sister Anran, are you still going to the hospital to see the president today? "

Still going Du Anran hesitated... ...

Seeing that Du Anran was silent, Liu Wanwan shouted across the air, "are you afraid that those two people will bully you? I'm here, don't be afraid. Let's go to the hospital tonight, okay... "

"I... I have to work overtime tonight... " Du Anran lied ...

"really overtime? " Liu Wanwan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, really. "

"Alright then. " Liu Wanwan was disappointed and her mood sank.

"Go to the hospital and take good care of him. Send my regards. " Du Anran's voice was a little choked up.

"alright... but try to come to the hospital tomorrow. President Jin is alone in the hospital and has no relatives to take care of him. He's quite lonely, " Liu Wanwan said quietly ...

"I'll try... ''DUu anran replied, but she had always felt guilty, a sense of guilt towardsJinnShaonann's friendship.

He treated her well, but she could only use hiding to repay him... ...

"okay, it's a deal! " Liu Wanwan smiled and hung up the phone.

After the call with Liu Wanwan, Du Anran got busy with work. Last time, Xin zimo threw a bunch of financial statements for her to see, but she had not finished reading any of them.

Financial matters were the lifeblood of a company. Du Anran did not know why Xin Zimo suddenly trusted her. It was probably because he saw her as a fool. Even if he threw important things to her, she would not be able to use them.

Du Anran shook her head. In short, it was impossible for her to guess what Xin Zimo was thinking. Since she could not guess it, there was no need to guess. If he could "fall in love" with her on a whim, perhaps he could also abandon her on a whim. Who could say for sure... ... She had never known which of his words were true and which were false ...

When he was really tired of her, she would leave this country and never come back.

When Xin Zimo called, it was just past two o'clock in the afternoon. The warm sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling window of the office and shone on Du Anran's face and body. There was a perfect sense of brightness and warmth.

This kind of weather was very suitable for sleeping. Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo was not around, so she took a break. She could not continue reading the report, so at two o'clock, Du Anran was lying on the table taking an afternoon nap She even had a very, very long dream.

"Hello... " confused and confused, Du Anran picked up the phone. She did not even open her eyes.

"What are you doing? " The voice on the other end of the phone was very gentle, although it sounded a little weak.

When she heard that it was Xin Zimo, Du Anran immediately rubbed her eyes and lied, "I'm reading the report. "

"Don't be too tired, " Xin Zimo said, "come over and have dinner with me tonight. "

Du Anran couldn't believe that it was Xin Zimo. Last night, he had yelled at her, but today, he had changed his tone. She really couldn't figure out if if she said "no" the next second, would he change his gentleness to anger... ...

She could only say, "I'll try my best... ''

In fact, she could say "no" confidently, but once she thought about it, if she made him unhappy again, she would have to threaten him by firing her. It was more worthwhile for her to go along with him than against him. After weighing the pros and cons, she decided to be like other women and coax him. Perhaps this would make him lose his patience as soon as possible... ...

Sun Ping came to pick her up after work, but she did not mention to anyone that Xiao Qingqing had come to the Xin Corporation to look for her. In fact, throughout the whole day, she still could not understand why Xiao Qingqing came to the Xin Corporation to look for her. Could it be that she just wanted to tell her some so-called secrets?

Secrets... ... This world seemed to be filled with secrets from the year Xin Zimo deliberately approached her. It was a secret that he took revenge on her, and it was also a secret that Xiao Qingqing betrayed her. Even now that he had fallen in love with her, it seemed that he also had an unspeakable secret ...

It was really ridiculous and laughable, but she didn't want to know any of it.

"Miss Du, director Xin is in a good mood today. Don't make him angry when you go over later, " Sun Ping taught her like a teacher while driving.

"You might as well call me DU anran directly. At least that way, I can understand your meaning more, " Du Anran said coldly. Every time Sun Ping was very angry, he would call her by her name. However, if he called her Miss Du, she wouldn't be able to guess what Sun Ping was thinking.

"My meaning is very clear. " Sun Ping was neither salty nor indifferent. His eyes were always looking at the road in front of him.

Du Anran hated the tone of their conversation the most. She could not be bothered with Sun Ping anymore. She looked at the night scene under the neon lights alone.

There were cars coming and going in this city. The crowd was moving, and the night was beautiful. But du Anran always felt that she was a person without a soul, walking in this place that once belonged to her.