Chapter 85, gem earrings

When they arrived near the hospital, Sun Ping stopped the car. However, to Du Anran's surprise, this Western restaurant was where she had dinner with Jin Shaonan and the others yesterday.

She was stunned and couldn't take a step forward.

"Miss Du, Director Xin is waiting for you inside. " Sun Ping led du Anran to the door like a gentleman, but he didn't go forward. He only looked into du Anran's eyes.

Knowing that she had no way out, she rolled her eyes at Sun Ping, lowered her head, and braced herself to walk inside. She knew that Xin Zimo did it on purpose because she found Xin Zimo at the table where they had eaten yesterday.

This western restaurant was not very classy. However, because she was with Jin Shaonan and Liu Wanwan yesterday, she randomly picked a lively spot, just like when she had a spicy hotpot by the roadside in high school and university They ate in an atmosphere.

However, when Xin Zimo sat there, it seemed unusually abrupt. His Aura and aura did not fit in with this restaurant. In her impression, when she ate with him, she would usually be in a high-end club, listening to the piano and sipping red wine.

Those memories were a little distant from Du Anran's. She felt that she was probably more used to the world.

"Sit. " Seeing du Anran standing beside her, Xin Zimo glanced at her and said.

Du Anran smiled slightly and sat opposite him. It was the same seat as yesterday, but she was facing different people.

"What do you want to eat? " Xin Zimo's eyes were full of warmth. Today, his face was more rosy, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips.

"You order. " Du anran signaled the waiter to bring the menu to Xin Zimo.

Sitting in front of him, she still looked a little unnatural. At least, she would no longer be as free and unrestrained as when she was in love. She still could not figure out Xin Zimo. For example, the reason why he asked her to eat here tonight.

The memory of yesterday seemed to be still vivid in her mind. Liu wanwan drank a lot of wine and told many stories about her childhood with Du Anran. Jin Shaonan laughed non-stop every time he heard an interesting story. It had been a long time since Du Anran was as happy as yesterday.

"What are you thinking about? " Xin Zimo handed the menu to the waiter. He stared at Du Anran's eyes for a long time, and his tone was a little unhappy.

"Aren't you afraid of meeting Auntie or Miss Chi here? " Du Anran asked.

"If I can't hide such a small matter, I won't have to live in city a anymore, " he drank a mouthful of wine and said lightly.

Du Anran forgot that he was a person who was very good at acting. If he did not want others to know about something, he could definitely hide it completely. In this regard, she still admired him very much.

At least she could not do it. If she hated him, she could not even hide her emotions, let alone be indifferent in front of him.

"I have something to give you. " Xin Zimo put down the wine glass and looked at her quietly.

Du Anran looked up in surprise. "What... "

Xin zimo smiled. That smile was so gentle that it made du Anran hallucinate. She was completely immersed in it. He took out a square box from his pocket and gently pushed it in front of Du Anran.

"Open it and see. "

Du Anran took the box in puzzlement. The moment she opened it, the lights in the restaurant lost their color. It turned out to be a pair of beautiful sapphire earrings. The blue color was like the sea, so beautiful that one could not take their eyes off it.

Du Anran knew that judging from the color, workmanship, and size, it was an expensive item.

"Do you like it? " Xin Zimo asked with a smile. He had actually wanted to give this gift to her for a long time, but she had never given him the chance to take it out.

Du Anran nodded and smiled. "It's very beautiful. "

She liked it, but she didn't want to accept it.

The smile on Xin Zimo's face became brighter. He picked up one of the earrings and said, "let me help you put it on. "

"No! " Du Anran subconsciously stepped back. Xin Zimo was stunned, and one of his hands, holding the earring, awkwardly stopped in the air.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and even his eyes became unfathomable and dark. He put the earring back into the box, leaned back on the SOFA, and looked meaningfully at Du Anran.

Du Anran felt very uncomfortable under his gaze. She knew that she had disobeyed his good intentions just now. Sun Ping had said not to make him angry, but she had forgotten... ...

Fortunately, the waiter came to serve the food at this time, breaking the delicate atmosphere. Just as Du Anran said "thank you" to the waiter, Xin Zimo said in a low voice, "take it all away, I don't want to eat anymore! "

She knew that he was angry, and it was very serious.

The waiter was in a dilemma. She did not understand what Xin Zimo meant, so she could only look at Du Anran and ask for her help.

Before du Anran could say anything, Xin Zimo stood up and grabbed her hand and walked out of the restaurant. Du Anran staggered behind him. Because she could not keep up with his footsteps, she almost fell.

When they reached the street, he shook off her hand. Du Anran was thrown away by him, and she was caught off guard. She twisted her foot hard. Fortunately, she held on to a tree by the roadside so that she did not fall, but she was already in a sorry state.

However, Xin Zimo was still calm. He took a few steps forward and stared into her eyes. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "do you feel comfortable rejecting me? "

Du Anran tucked her messy hair behind her ear and looked at him, whose eyes were bloodshot. She shook her head. "Why do you think so? "

"If the person who gave me the earring today was Jin Shaonan, would you have accepted it willingly? " Xin Zimo was indeed very angry. He yelled at her again.

But this time, it was on the street. Du Anran begged, "can we stop arguing? There are so many people here... it's my fault today. I'm sorry... "

Du Anran knew that a man like him would be very happy no matter who he gave the gift to. She was probably the only one who did not go along with him, so he was unhappy.

But she really did not want to accept it. Accepting his gift reminded her of her awkward identity. It made her feel that she was no different from those women who coaxed him to be happy... ...

She was still holding on to her last line. She was really afraid that she would never be able to recover.

"What are you afraid of? " Xin Zimo approached her step by step. Looking at her shivering body in the cold wind, he sneered.

He took a step forward, and she took a step back. However, she seemed to have forgotten that she had just sprained her foot. With a slight movement, she fell backward.

Fortunately, Xin Zimo was quick-witted. He hugged her tightly and did not let go this time. He bent down and kissed her lips deeply.

"UGH... " she struggled hard as usual. There were people coming and going on this street. How could he do this.

She patted his back, but the more she did this, the more Xin Zimo was dissatisfied. He sneered in his heart. What apology? She was just perfunctory As long as she had any sincerity, she should have gone along with him at this moment.

Just as he was about to kiss her deeply, a woman suddenly walked over from behind him. She picked up her handbag and threw it at his head.

Fortunately, he had learned Sanda and was very vigilant. He raised his hand to block it, but the handbag did not hit his vital parts, but it still hurt his forehead. A warm current flowed down from his hair.

"What are you doing, you hooligan! " It was Liu Wanwan. She came to the hospital to see Jin Shaonan, but she did not expect to see this scene on the way.

Du Anran was let go by Xin Zimo. She gasped for breath and limped to Liu Wanwan's side.

"Wanwan... why are you here... " Du Anran said guiltily ...

"I haven't asked you yet. Didn't you say that you won't come to the hospital tonight? Why are you mixed up with such a person? " Liu Wanwan was aggressive.

"What kind of person? " Xin zimo covered his forehead and stared at Liu Wanwan with vicious eyes. This woman was really bold.

"You are such a shameless, despicable, and heartless person! " Liu Wanwan scolded.

Du anran quickly covered her lips. She had already seen Xin Zimo's eyes that were almost murderous. "Stop IT, stop it! Tonight is all my fault, Wanwan, you shouldn't have come... "

However, Liu Wanwan broke free from Du Anran's hand She pointed at Xin Zimo and said, "you clearly don't love Anran, why do you still cling to her and not let her go! Shihe, you have also succeeded. As you wished, Anran now has nothing. Your goal has been achieved, why are you still unwilling to let her go? "

"Yes! I just don't love her, I'm just toying with her! I just want to see her in pain. Why, do you want to stand up for her? " Xin Zimo was like a bloodthirsty lion. He had lost all reason and no longer had any calmness. He clearly loved her so much, but why was it that in the eyes of everyone, it was just endless pestering... ...

"I'll beat you to death! YOU SCUM! " Liu Wanwan was also angry. She rushed forward.

Du Anran did not expect things to develop to this point. She did not even have the strength to stop the fight. She just stood by the roadside and cried, "stop hitting me! "

In fact, throughout the whole process, Xin Zimo did not fight back. Liu Wanwan saw that the bag had smashed him until he was bleeding non-stop, and she was so scared that she did not dare to move again.

More and more people gathered on the road. Du Anran knew that she could not afford to lose face anymore. Coincidentally, a taxi came by the roadside. She waved her hand and went up without thinking.

"Master, drive! " Du anran wiped away her tears. She knew that it was not kind of her to leave Liu Wanwan here, but at this moment, she really wanted to be alone... ...

She did not have the courage like Liu Wanwan to dare to criticize Xin Zimo face to face. She had too many concerns, so step by step, she was forced into a dead end by Xin Zimo. She also did not have the courage like Liu Wanwan to hit Xin Zimo. But at least, he said what he was thinking, didn't he?

For so long, he had been toying with her endlessly. He wanted to see her suffer. After all, the Du family owed the Xin family two lives... ... With such a deep hatred, if she were Xin Zimo, she would definitely hate and take revenge ...

"Miss, where are you going? " The driver couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw her crying from the moment du Anran got on the bus.

"where... " Du Anran muttered in a low voice. Where was she going? Where should she go. There was no place for her in the huge city A.

The driver couldn't help but slow down and asked again, "are you going home or... "

Going home How could she still have the face to go home in her current state... ... If her mother knew that she was still involved with Xin Zimo, would she scold her for being useless ...

No, she wouldn't. Her mother would never scold her. She always smiled and waited for her to come back... ...

But the more she did so, the more uneasy du Anran felt. She couldn't go back. She couldn't let her mother worry.

"master... Let's go to the cross-river bridge... " she suddenly thought of this place. This place would always welcome her without reservation, but it also gave her endless pain ...

The last time at the cross-river bridge, she almost lost her life. Sometimes she thought that if she really died, it would be a kind of relief.

"Miss, you can say whatever grievances you have. It's so late, and the weather is so cold. Let's not go to a place like the bridge! " The driver was really afraid that Du anran would take things too hard.

Du Anran heard the good intentions of the driver, and she squeezed out a smile. "Send me there. I'm just going for a breeze to wake myself up. Don't worry, I'll be fine. "

But the more du Anran said this, the more worried the driver became. He still tried to persuade her earnestly. "It's so cold outside, and the wind is even wilder on the bridge. Be careful not to catch a cold. "