Chapter 98, fiery atmosphere

Sun Ping naturally knew very well that brother Wang had done something that made Xin zimo very unhappy when he listened to Madam Xin the last time. Being able to let them go was already the greatest mercy.

"Director Xin, after all, they have helped you before. Moreover, the last time they listened to Madam Xin was entirely because they made a mistake in judgment and mistakenly thought that you wanted to take revenge on the DU family. "This time, since they want to redeem themselves, why not give them a chance? It's better to have a few more friends than a few more enemies. "

"Sun Ping, " Xin Zimo said in a deep voice, "have you brought your brain? ''

Sun Ping choked. Uh, what he said was not right?

Xin Zimo felt that Sun Ping's Iq was not as good as before He said coldly, "If I reactivate brother Wang and the others, what will du Anran think? Brother Wang and the others are gone, I can find someone else to replace them, but if du Anran is unhappy, do you know how long I have to spend to coax her? "

Coax a woman... ... Sun Ping immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He could not imagine how director Xin coaxed a woman He could not possibly lose his wife and lose his army at the same time, right ...

"speaking of which, Director Xin, have you settled Miss Du? " Sun Ping had been visiting Liu Wanwan frequently in the past two days to "calm down" Liu Wanwan, so he had also heard a lot about du Anran. At this moment, his gossip factor was overflowing again.

"What do you think? " Xin Zimo felt that it would be embarrassing if he said the word "no" from his own mouth.

But Sun Ping immediately blurted out as if he understood it very well, "I don't think so. But Director Xin, I think it's too easy to settle things like women... "

"simple? Why are you still single? " Xin Zimo asked indifferently.

"..."Sun Ping felt that what Xin Zimo said made sense.

After a while, he said, "Director Xin, why don't you force yourself on her? Miss Du is too stubborn. "

"Do you believe it... "

"I believe it! " Sun Ping immediately surrendered before Xin Zimo could finish his sentence. He couldn't simply come up with bad ideas. It was more important to protect his bonus, vacation, and salary.

"since we just talked about the video, then keep a close eye on it. Let that person speak as soon as possible. It'll save everyone a lot of trouble. " Xin Zimo's tone was full of ruthlessness.

"understood. " Sun Ping nodded.

"Also, in the future, you don't have to call me for such unnutritious calls! Make Your own decisions! " Xin Zimo was really convinced by Sun Ping. After a phone call, he did not make a single point.

"got it... " Sun Ping said embarrassedly. He was also very happy because he had caught the manipulator, but he did not expect CEO Xin to be in a bad mood at this time. He turned his head. It was most likely because Du Anran had made him unhappy again.

If it was him, this woman would have lost her patience long ago. It was really fortunate that CEO Xin was so persistent.

However, Sun Ping recalled the night he saw du Anran on the bridge across the river. At that time, she was elegant and refined, standing alone on the bridge. Even though he thought that he had seen the world, he could not understand what this woman was thinking.

Perhaps she wanted very simple things, but these simple things were exactly what President Xin could not give her.

Xin Zimo did not enter the outer room after arriving. He stood alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the dining room and smoked a cigarette.

The Crystal Chandelier in the dining room reflected the brilliance of the sun, casting scattered and mottled shadows on Xin Zimo's body. The Winter Sun slowly moved westward, slowly lengthening Xin zimo's shadow.

Until the sunset covered the entire sky of city a, and then the reflection was cast onto the Qing River. The clouds were clear and shallow, and withered leaves flew in the air.

Du Anran slept very deeply, but subconsciously, she was not stable. She was afraid that she would speak the truth after drinking and say something that she should not have said. Even in her dreams, she was competing with Xin Zimo in terms of intelligence and courage.

Not long after, a burst of pain in her stomach woke du Anran up from the pain. She covered her stomach with both hands and curled up under the blanket. The room was filled with the fragrance of violets. She was sweating profusely and her body was boiling hot. She wanted to scream but could not make a sound.

It was just like the countless nightmares she had when she was alive and after she went bankrupt. In her dreams, she was forced to a dead end. There was clearly someone beside her, but no one helped her. They all looked at her with sarcasm and even pushed her.

Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead onto the pillow. Du Anran curled up in a corner of the bed like a kitten. She fumbled for her phone but could not find it no matter how hard she tried. She didn't know where it was. Du Anran was very anxious, but her heart was growing more and more desperate.

"ANRAN! " Xin Zimo heard the commotion in the room and quickly walked in from outside. He immediately saw Du Anran struggling in pain, so he went forward and hugged her tightly.

Xin Zimo was really angry and distressed. was she like this when she was drunk last night She clearly knew that her stomach wasn't well, yet she still drank. She really didn't want to live!

Xin Zimo didn't have time to call the Xin family's doctor to come up. He carried her horizontally and dashed toward the elevator.

Du Anran knew that it was Xin Zimo who was hugging her, so she was already powerless to resist. She grabbed his collar with one hand and buried her head in his arms.

"try touching alcohol again next time! " Xin Zimo really wanted to scold her. He could not bear this kind of fear and would come every few days.

"I said I don't want to drink, and you still forced me to... " it was clearly a rebuttal, but du Anran said it weakly and without any imposing manner.

Xin Zimo was angry and amused, but his tone was aggressive. "learn to 'speak properly' in the future. As long as you are a little obedient to me, I will love you very much. "

After he finished speaking, Xin Zimo took advantage of Du Anran's powerlessness and planted a kiss on her lips.

Du Anran was already powerless to speak and could only let Xin Zimo manipulate her. In her heart, she still wanted to scold Xin Zimo for being shameless. Go along with him, why should she go along with him... ...

However, if she did not go along with him, she would still be at a disadvantage. Du Anran moved her lips and did not speak again.

The elevator went down to the infirmary, and Xin zimo carried her in. This time, du Anran had drunk so much wine in a row. In addition, her stomach disease had relapsed last night, so her situation today was more serious.

The doctor hurriedly put an IV drip on Du Anran. Du Anran lay in Xin Zimo's arms, and after half an hour, she gradually lost the feeling of pain.

It was too cold to hang the drip, so Xin zimo maintained a posture and held her in his arms. He put his Chin on her head and placed her hand in his palm.

This time, du Anran really did not feel the chill at all. As she was so close to him, she could smell the faint smell of tobacco on his body. When she looked up, she saw his well-defined, handsome and good-looking face. His face did not have the usual unyielding and strong expression, but had more gentleness.

Du Anran really felt that Xin Zimo was turning against her faster than flipping through a book. One second, he could still yell at her, but the next second, he could look at her lovingly.

In the past, she did not realize that Xin Zimo had so many changes in his emotions. She remembered that in those two years, he only protected her at most, but his entire person was as humble as a gentleman, elegant as a gentleman, and he would never say anything shameless And he would never do anything shameless.

Now, Du Anran really looked at him in a New Light. It was probably because he had been enjoying himself in the past few years. He had become more of a womanizer, and he had become a playboy.

"What are you thinking about? " Xin Zimo noticed that she could be distracted while lying in his arms, so he couldn't help but pinch the back of her hand as if he was punishing her.

"What else can I think about? " Du Anran pouted in pain.

"As long as you don't think about other men, I'll let you think about whatever you want. It's best if you miss me. " Xin zimo smiled shamelessly.

"Boring. " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him.

"Can I tell you a story? " Xin zimo lowered his eyes, looked at her thin face, and suddenly said.

"A story? " Du Anran blinked. He knew how to tell a story?

Xin zimo paused, as if he had a lot on his mind. After a long while, he nodded. "Yes, a story that's not too far away. "

"Oh, just don't let me fall asleep listening to it. " Du Anran closed her eyes. She really did not have much expectations for Xin zimo's ability to tell a story. However, hanging the water was indeed a very tiring thing. Other than listening to Xin Zimo tell a story, she had no other choice.

Xin zimo smiled slightly, but there was an unnoticeable bitterness in his smile. He circled around Du Anran and hugged her tightly. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

Before he could tell the story, he whispered to himself, "I don't know if I made a mistake with you... "

Hearing his words, Du Anran's eyelashes moved slightly. She did not open her eyes, but her heart felt like it had been stung by a bee. It did not hurt, but it was indescribably uncomfortable.

Xin zimo looked at the snow-white wall in front of him. His gaze was somewhat scattered and blurred.

"There was a child who was born into a scholarly family. He had no worries about food and clothing. His father was a famous engineer, and his mother was a history teacher. Just like that, he grew up to eight years old without any worries. " Xin zimo paused and continued to look forward.

Du Anran, who was in his arms, trembled. She opened her eyes, but she could only see the side of his face. She could not see his expression, but she instinctively moved in his arms. She seemed to understand what he wanted to say... ...

"Don't move! " Xin Zimo lowered his head and happened to see Du Anran opening her eyes to look at him. Holding du Anran in his arms was already a test of perseverance. Now that she moved, he felt even more uncomfortable.

Du Anran had already felt the changes in his body and was so scared that she quickly stopped moving.

Instead, Xin Zimo bent down and wrapped his warm breath around du Anran's neck. He smiled with ulterior motives. "The next time you dare to play with fire, be careful, or I'll execute you on the spot! "

Seeing the fiery desire in his eyes, she shrank her body, but no matter how much she shrank, she could not escape his embrace.

Xin Zimo simply kissed her neck, lingering and unable to extricate himself when he was in love.

The moist and hot kiss swept over with the smell of tobacco. Du Anran was really helpless. One of her hands was still pricked with a needle, and she could not move. She could only use the other hand to pinch his back. "Don't move around. If the bottle falls, I'll still get a needle. "

Only then did Xin Zimo let her go, but he still kissed her deeply on the lips unwillingly.

Meeting her eyes, he smiled with ulterior motives. His smile was elegant and gentlemanly, but the words he said were shameless and despicable. "Du Anran, when do you think it's more appropriate for me to eat you? "