Chapter 99, the distant past

He admitted that up until now, he had not touched her. He was really afraid that if he continued like this, he would suffer internal injuries. When the time came, it would affect the "happiness" in the future. It was not worth it.

"What kind of relationship do you and I have? " At this moment, du Anran's mind was filled with chaotic scenes. There were his and Xiao Qingqing's, as well as his and Chi Xue's, including those inexplicable women.

He had so many women, and she was just a fill-in. She was imprisoned in a small world by him. She clearly knew her identity, but she was helpless. He could not let her appear openly in front of the world, so she was the kind of lover that everyone despised... ...

"One day, I will give you a wedding that will attract the attention of the world and make you my only wife. Are You satisfied with this answer? "

There were some words that Xin Zimo had hidden in his heart for a long time.

Du Anran did not refute and did not speak again. He did not know that what she wanted was only very simple freedom and happiness. As for the promise he had given her, she could no longer afford it. She was afraid that the price to pay in the future would be too great... ...

"Tell me a story! " Du Anran closed her eyes again.

Xin Zimo hugged her and sighed heavily in his heart.

"I just said that when this child was eight years old. " Xin Zimo paused again, and his deep voice was filled with depression and heaviness. "when he was eight years old, his fate changed from then on. "

"He remembered that it was a stormy evening, with lightning and thunder. The uncle next door ran over in a panic to tell him that his father had been hit by the collapsed square tower while he was monitoring the construction site. At that time, he didn't understand what it meant until his family was completely down and out because of his father's accident."

"The late treatment cost the family all their savings, but even so, his father's life was not saved. What was even more ridiculous was that later, his mother asked someone to investigate and found out that someone deliberately cut the construction rope at the top of the tower. In other words, this was not an accident at all!"

Speaking up to this point, du Anran, who was in Xin Zimo's arms, could clearly feel his heartbeat.

"The accident involved a huge amount of compensation and accountability, but the higher-ups of the construction company refused to meet the mother and son, as well as the huge amount of compensation and follow-up investigations. " Xin zimo's tone gradually turned cold "The child's mother took him directly to the company's CEO's house, but she didn't expect that the housekeeper would kick him out after pleading in the pouring rain. She didn't even get to meet the CEO. "

"The mother and son left so pitifully. His mother even suffered from a very serious sequela. And... " Xin zimo paused Her eyes were already red. "At that time, his mother was pregnant with his father's second child. Just like that, in the heavy rain, the child was also gone. "

"Just like that, their family lost everything overnight. Their House and property were all sold. "fortunately, there are still good people in this world. The uncle next door supported them so that they didn't end up on the streets. "later on, the child secretly swore that he would never beg anyone in his life. He wanted everyone to beg him. "

At this point, Xin Zimo stopped and did not speak again.

Du Anran had completely understood the whole story, and her heart was filled with sadness. However, it was not because of the little boy, but because of everything that happened in the next twenty years.

Du Anran slowly opened her mouth and continued, "so, later on, he hid his strength and kept a low profile. Finally, he took revenge on everyone that he hated, leaving them with no way out... "

Xin zimo smiled bitterly, but he refused to let go of Du Anran. He rested his Chin on her head, and his voice was choked with sobs. "No, he still lost. He thought that this time, he had lost his whole life. "

Du Anran's eyes widened. Twenty years, he had planned this carefully. Even though her father had passed away ten years ago, he still did not let go of the peace and the DU family.

When he was eight, she was only four years old. She was still ignorant, but he had to bear all of this with his shoulders. Her childhood was happy and simple, but his childhood was burdened with countless burdens and hatred.

Xin Zimo continued, "the story is over, but I think it is far from over... "

"You still hate the DU family, don't you? " Du Anran asked.

Xin Zimo did not speak. He hated... ... Yes, how could the hatred in his heart of twenty years disappear just like that? He could never forget the scene of him and his mother standing at the entrance of the DU family's villa and begging bitterly ... That year, he was only eight years old ...

He frowned. Perhaps, to forget, he needed time. It was just that he was no longer as childish as before, shifting his hatred towards the DU family to revenge on Du Anran.

"You must have been very unhappy all these years, so you don't want to see me happy. You want to superimpose the pain and suffering you've experienced all these years on me. "If that's the case, then you've succeeded. The current me is very unhappy, " Du Anran said calmly However, her choked voice betrayed her.

"maybe I thought so in the past, but one day, I suddenly realized that if you're not happy, I'm not happy either. After taking revenge on you, I don't have the kind of pleasure I expected in my heart. Instead, it's pain. "

Du Anran closed her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled into a gloomy smile. There was no way out for her and him. She had already learned not to love him. She could no longer distinguish between the truth and falsehood of his words.

She thought of the contract she had signed with Xie Chenjin. Since they were going to hell, then they would go together.

Seeing that Du Anran did not speak again, Xin zimo sighed. Yes, she probably did not believe what he said anymore. He had lied to her so many times that she was left with nothing. If it was him, he would definitely not believe it.

"I'm going to London the day after tomorrow to sign a contract with the partner. There will be a reception. According to the partner's habits, they need to bring a female partner. Can you accompany me? " Xin zimo whispered into her ear.

"I... " Du Anran didn't know whether to agree or not.

Probably Sensing du Anran's concerns, Xin Zimo said, "you can rest assured that there won't be any reporters at this signing reception. "

Du Anran wanted to decline, but she thought that since it was a signing of the contract, it might be a good thing if she went and obtained some information. Between Xin Zimo and Xie Chenjin, she could only choose one. Xin Zimo had already hurt her to the bone. She had no reason to help him.

Du Anran nodded. "okay, I'll go with you. "

Xin Zimo was delighted. He could not help but lower his head and kiss her cheek. He patted her head and said, "Are you hungry? I didn't even let you eat lunch. "

"Then are you hungry? " Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo was sometimes quite an idiot. How could he not be hungry if he did not eat lunch Moreover, she had also vomited at Xie Chenjin's house last night. She had not eaten breakfast or lunch, so she was already hungry.

"You look delicious. It's enough to look at you. Of course I'm not hungry. " Xin zimo smiled.

"But I'm hungry... " Du Anran no longer had the strength to talk to this idiot. If he had the ability, he would not eat.

"I'll get someone to send some snacks over. " Xin Zimo immediately called the restaurant.

Only then did du Anran lie still in his arms and obediently hang up the drip. Being sick was really torturous.

That day, it was torturous until eight o'clock before the drip was finally hung up and the meal was finished. As usual, Xin Zimo sent Du Anran back. However, this time, when the car stopped at Stone Gate Alley, no one discussed it anymore. Some people saw Xin Zimo's mercedes-benz coming over and had long hidden away.

On the other hand, Du Anran was extremely embarrassed. In the past, when she came home from work, she would always greet her neighbors. Now, they were hiding from her like the plague.

However, Xin Zimo was calm. He watched her enter the house before slowly driving away.

However, Du Anran did not expect that Jin Shaonan was already waiting for her at her house. She walked over and said, "Shaonan, why are you here? Why didn't I see your car? "

She did not see his A8, but if she did not see it and Xin Zimo saw it, then she would be in trouble again.

"I took a taxi here. " Jin Shaonan was chatting happily with Bai Ruyun, and Bai Ruyun was laughing her head off.

It had been a long time since Du Anran saw her mother so happy. She threw her bag onto the Sofa and sat beside them. "What are you talking about? It looks funny. "

"Shaonan is telling me a joke, " Bai Ruyun said. When she saw that Du Anran was back, she stood up and said, "you guys talk. I'm going out to buy something. I'll be right back. "

"Auntie, be careful on your way, " Jin Shaonan said.

Knowing that her mother had left on purpose, Du Anran did not ask her to stay. She looked at Jin Shaonan and said, "it's so late. Why are you looking for me? "

"Why can't I look for you if I have nothing to do? " Jin Shaonan laughed.

Du Anran burst into laughter. "Of course you can. Didn't you stay up late tonight to write a press release? "

Seeing that he looked much better, du Anran knew that he had recovered after he was discharged from the hospital. It was just that she had not been able to visit him. She felt bad about it.

"President Yang has been transferred to another newspaper industry. In half a month, I will officially become the president of the city Evening News. Writing articles can only be a pastime. "

"really? " This news was a little sudden. Du Anran had not heard anything about it before. It was probably because she had not been concerned about the newspaper industry for a long time.

"When have I ever lied to you? " Jin Shaonan laughed.

"That Wan Wan and the others will be so happy. The scapegoat who exploited them has finally left! " Du Anran was really happy for Jin Shaonan and Liu Wanwan.

"If they dare to slack off, I will still be merciless. "

"Your merciless face is nothing compared to President Yang's merciless face! " Du Anran knew Jin Shaonan very well. He was kind, modest, and used to convince others with virtue Usually, he would only give his subordinates a verbal lesson.

"Du Anran is the only one who knows me. " Jin Shaonan looked at her and smiled. "However, I did come here tonight to look for you. "

Du Anran blinked, got up, and poured him a cup of tea. She smiled and said, "since you have something to look for me, you can talk about it slowly. Anyway, you don't have to go back to rush the press release. "

Jin Shaonan picked up the cup and looked at the tea leaves floating in the Cup. He shook it gently and said, "I don't feel satisfied drinking tea. Why don't we have a few drinks? "

"No, no! " Du anran quickly waved her hand. Now she could think of the scene where she drank so much these two days. There was also Xin Zimo's warning in her ear. He was so smart that she could not guarantee that he would find out about it again.

Du Anran quickly explained, "you've just been discharged from the hospital, and my stomach hasn't been feeling well recently. You see, the two of us are worried and sick, so we should try not to drink. "

"I'm just scaring you! " Jin Shaonan saw du Anran's reaction and was amused, so he made a joke. He was very clear about du Anran's alcohol tolerance. She could be knocked out with just a few drinks, and she hadn't improved for many years.