Chapter 118, everlasting and everlasting

Du Anran remained unmoved. When Xin Zimo's "1" ended, she still kept her phone tightly in her bag.

Although there was no recording in the phone, if she really gave the phone to Xin Zimo, she would be finished before the game even started.

She wondered if Xin Zimo knew something. The contract between her and Xie Chenjin, or if she just wanted to leave him... ...

When Xin Zimo saw that she was determined not to give it to him, he simply stepped on the brakes and parked the car by the roadside. He approached her face, trying to understand the emotions in her eyes, but he could not see anything.

"Are you really not going to give it to me? " Xin zimo gritted his teeth. He was only a few centimeters away from du Anran's face.

"Why should I give you my phone? " Du Anran leaned to the right and back, almost touching the car door.

"Are you hiding something from me? " Xin Zimo's attitude was tough, and his sharp eyes looked straight at her.

"I have my privacy, and it's none of Your Business! " If Xin Zimo saw the phone call between her and Xie Chenjin, she would be done for. She had imagined countless ways to die, but she had never thought that she would die so early.

At this time, she really wanted to bite herself to death with the poisonous snake from last night. The rancher did not save her, so it would be much easier.

"Don't play any tricks under my nose! " Xin zimo warned du Anran fiercely.

He did not continue to pester her. He let go of her and started the car again to drive to the villa.

Only then did Du Anran let out a sigh of relief. It turned out that if she wanted to fight with Xin Zimo, her cultivation was really not enough. In the future, it seemed that she had to be more careful in doing things.

She recalled the bug that Xie Chenjin had given her. She had to deal with this thing properly.

The car continued to drive forward. Xin Zimo and Du Anran did not speak either. Both of them were silent.

Du Anran also mustered her courage and said to him, "the party has ended. When are you returning to the country? "

Xin Zimo could not calm down. Hearing her question, he knew that she was very unwilling to stay abroad with him. He said unhappily, "If you want to leave, I'll get someone to book your ticket right away, okay, Miss Du? "

Du Anran felt that she could no longer communicate with him. A few days ago, he was still as bright as the sun, but these two days, he had put on a cold face again. She really could not understand his heart, and she was too lazy to guess. It was too tiring to be with him.

"Don't play hard-to-get with me, it's too childish! " Xin Zimo said through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean? ''DuuAnrann questioned.

"Don't think about being the young Madam of the Xin family, but say that you don't want to. I've seen too many women like you. You're no different from them, there's no novelty at all! "

"Who told you that I want to be the young Madam of the Xin Family? That I want to marry you? Since you've said so, I've also made it clear that I don't love you. I don't love you anymore. Do you understand? "

Du Anran shouted hysterically and knocked on the car door. "Stop the car. Let me out! Stop the car! "

In fact, Xin Zimo had always preferred that what Chi Xue told him last night was true. He would rather du Anran only covet the position of the Young Madam of the Xin family, even if it was just to get revenge on him. Because this was still better than her telling him that she didn't love him anymore.

"STOP THE CAR! " Du Anran's tears were already flowing out. In everyone's eyes, was she just that kind of woman?

With a "Chi" sound, Xin zimo silently braked. His injured foot stepped on the brake, and blood was still flowing. However, he pulled over du Anran's face without caring about anything else and kissed her cold lips.

Du Anran was caught off guard. She widened her eyes and looked at him, but she only saw his handsome and cold face and his furrowed brows. He closed his eyes and kissed her recklessly, as if he and she were the only ones left in the world.

He kissed her until she felt suffocated, but he had no intention of letting go of her.

This kiss lasted forever. The withered yellow leaves fell on the roof of the car, slid past the car window, and silently fell on the ground.

After more than ten minutes, Xin Zimo's phone rang, and he finally let go of her, still wanting more.

"Sun Ping, what's the matter? "

"CEO Xin, I've been keeping an eye on him recently. Do we need to take the next step? "

"No need. We'll talk about it after I return to China. "

"I'm afraid that he'll strike first. If we strike later, I'm afraid that we'll be controlled by others. "

"Then we'll talk about it after I return to China. "

"then... when are you coming back? Hasn't the cocktail party already ended? " Although Sun Ping knew clearly in his heart and didn't understand a bit, he still hoped that Xin zimo would put the Xin Corporation first ...

"If there's a time limit, I hope it's after the New Year. "

"In other words, there's still more than ten days at the earliest? " Sun Ping was greatly surprised. Indeed, a beautiful woman could cause trouble for the country!

"Okay. " Xin Zimo did not have time to waste with Sun Ping and hung up the phone.

Du Anran heard Xin Zimo's words and questioned, "what year later? "

"Nothing. " Xin Zimo did not want to explain too much to her. He was still angry. Although the kiss earlier had vented a lot of his anger, it did not mean that he would not pursue some matters.

Du Anran did not pursue the matter. She lowered her head and suddenly saw that Xin Zimo's feet were covered in blood. When she looked again, he was indeed wearing slippers when he came out.

Although she rejected him, she could not reject him at this moment. She only said plainly, "your feet are bleeding... "

Xin Zimo only felt a faint pain after she reminded him.

"There's a medical kit at the back, " he leaned on the seat and said casually.

Du Anran knew what he meant. She pursed her lips and opened the car door to get the medical kit. She found the medicine to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation and returned to the car to bandage his wound.

"I didn't know that you were so professional, " Xin zimo complimented her casually when he saw that she was very skilled at treating wounds.

Du Anran smiled. She wanted to say that she had learned some nursing knowledge in college, but the person she was facing was Xin Zimo. The more she explained, the more misunderstandings he would have.

There was no need for her to explain. She helped him treat his wounds and put the medical kit back into the trunk.

But when she returned, she saw Xin zimo sitting in the passenger seat, looking at her silently.

"My feet hurt, you drive, " Xin Zimo said matter-of-factly.

"Oh... " Du Anran sat in the driver's seat reluctantly. She thought that if she got out of the car and ran away at this time, he would definitely not be able to catch up to her.

"Don't think of any tricks. Even if my foot hurts, if you dare to leave, I can chase you back, " Xin Zimo said indifferently as if he had seen through her heart.

"Didn't you say that I was playing hard to get? Didn't you say that I was looking forward to marrying into the Xin family? Since you've seen through my scheme, why did you keep me by your side? ''DuuAnrann asked righteously.

This man was cunning enough. Others couldn't understand his heart, but he could easily read others'minds.

"I like it, " he said lightly.

Yes, even if she was really like other women, what could he do? He loved her.

Du Anran stepped on the clutch and realized that the brake position was already dyed red with blood. He could really endure it and drove all the way. If she didn't tell him, would he drive all the way back to the villa? After all, it was a few hours'drive.

Xin zimo enjoyed du Anran's driving very much. In the past, he had always been the one driving while she sat at the side. Today, when he switched places with her, he actually found a different kind of feeling.

When he arrived at the Strait villa, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. When the Butler saw that Du Anran and Xin Zimo had both returned with injuries, he was shocked. He hurriedly wanted to call the doctor, but was stopped by Xin Zimo.

"Butler... I haven't eaten for two days and two nights... " Du Anran collapsed on the Sofa as soon as she came back. She was going crazy from hunger ...

"Miss Du, I just made dinner. I was just waiting for you and Mr. Xin to come back! " The Butler quickly ran to the kitchen to get busy.

Xin Zimo, on the other hand, walked to the Monitor and pulled up the surveillance footage for today. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, she closed it with relief.

As expected, the Butler made a big table of dishes. Kung Pao chicken, shredded pork with Fragrant Fish, stir-fried pork with Lotus root slices... ... These were all the favorite dishes of Du Anran and Xin Zimo ...

"Your cooking is really good, " Du Anran praised. "You've been in London for so many years, and you're still very good at cooking Chinese food. "

"If you're hungry, hurry up and eat, " Xin zimo interrupted her.

To be honest, he was also hungry. He was angry with Du Anran. He had dinner with Du Anran, and from time to time, he would pick up food for DU anran.

His actions were very natural, but du Anran did not reject it at first. It was only when the bowl was full of food that she could not help but say, "I can't eat so much... "

"What did I say? If you want to have a son, eat more, " he said righteously.

"What kind of logic is this? " Du Anran's face was full of black lines.

The housekeeper heard their words. Although she did not understand, she had always thought that Xin Zimo and Du Anran were about to get married. Therefore, she also agreed. "Miss Du, Mr. Xin is right. If you want to have a healthy child, you can't be picky about food. You must have balanced nutrition, and you can't lose weight. "

"housekeeper... I'm not... " Du Anran was at a loss for words ...

"Yes, yes, you're right. " Xin zimo interrupted Du Anran and smiled maliciously. "You're an experienced person. Teach her more when you have nothing to do in the future. "

"I have two children. I'm quite experienced in this area. " The Butler smiled.

Du Anran really did not like the taste of the meal. She stole a glance at Xin Zimo. He seemed to be eating very happily.

She really could not understand him. During the day, he still looked like he was going to eat her up. Now, he had changed his expression again. His expression was like the sky in June. It really changed at a moment's notice.

"Oh right, Mr. Xin, someone sent a name card over today. " The Butler suddenly remembered what happened during the day and went to the drawer to bring the things over.

"Who sent it? " Xin Zimo finished eating and took the name card.

"A driver. "

Xin Zimo opened it. Du Anran saw that his face suddenly turned dark, and the gentleness in his eyes turned into a deep pool of water. The bottom could not be seen.