Chapter 117, you are not allowed to die

She hugged her arms tightly, trying to resist the cold, but the winter night in London was much colder than she had imagined. Her whole body trembled. At this moment, she was especially homesick. She missed her mother's cooking so much, and she missed her little blanket so much... ...

She had been hungry for an entire day and night, and she had eaten some food last night. Today, she had not eaten a single drop of water.

But even so, in this cold suburb, there was an unprecedented sense of relief... ...

This was a rare day in the past half a year when she did not have to face Xin Zimo. She did not have to guess his thoughts, did not have to go along with him, and did not have to care about his emotions.

As she walked, she suddenly cried. Why did she and he come to this point... ...

If he had treated her sincerely in those two years, they would have been married by now. They would have a complete and happy family like ordinary people... ...

Unfortunately, he had never treated her sincerely.

Du Anran walked forward, and finally, she saw a glimmer of light in the slowly rising white fog. It was a nearby ranch. It turned out that there was a ranch not far away.

She walked on the wide grass, completely ignoring the dew that had soaked her shoes at night.

She was very happy, but she did not notice that a dangerous poisonous snake was slowly crawling toward her.

Just as she was running forward quickly, the poisonous snake took the opportunity when she was not paying attention to raise its head on the grass and Bit du Anran's calf with lightning speed.

"Ah! " Not long after, Du Anran realized the pain. When she lowered her head, she saw a poisonous snake swimming back.

It was easy to meet poisonous snakes in this kind of wilderness, and she actually neglected this kind of thing.

But it was too late to blame herself. Her legs went soft, and her eyes went black. She immediately fainted.

Momo seemed to see a light in her vision. She cried out weakly, "HELP! " And fell on the cold grass... ...

It was already past eight o'clock in the morning when Uncle Chen found du Anran. He searched for the whole night and finally found Du Anran. He was really glad that he found du Anran. Otherwise, no one would know about her current state even if she died outside.

The morning dew was slightly bright. The warm sunlight dispersed the fog. The dew rolled on the grass and also dripped onto the ground. There were cows and sheep happily crying on the grassland, and there was a clear whistle sound.

"Old man, thank you for saving our miss. " Uncle Chen found du Anran at the farmer's House.

Du Anran had not woken up yet. She was lying on the bed. Her face was Pale and there was not a trace of blood.

"It just so happens that I'm out on patrol. This girl is lucky. " The farmer spoke in stiff Chinese. He had been to China for a few years when he was young, so he could barely communicate with her.

"Yes, yes. I really don't know how to thank you. "

"No need to thank me. Thank God! This kind of poisonous snake is very easy to see on our grassland, so you must be careful. Fortunately, we have a stock of medicine here. If I came a few minutes later, she would have died. "

"I'll definitely keep an eye on her when I go back. I won't let her run around. "

"okay, I'll go back to work first. There's still medicine here. Remember to apply it on her three times a day. She'll be fine in three days. " The owner handed the medicine to uncle Chen and went to look after the grassland.

After the owner left, Uncle Chen immediately called Xin Zimo. He didn't know if du Anran still had any friends in London, so he could only call Xin Zimo.

"Uncle Chen, it's so early. What's the matter? " Xin Zimo almost didn't fall asleep last night. His heart was in a mess. He only fell asleep in a daze in the morning. But now, uncle Chen called again.

"Mr. Xin, please come over quickly. Miss Du was bitten by a poisonous snake. She's now in the suburbs at the No. 78 grassland! "

"What? " Xin Zimo suddenly lost all sleepiness. He put on his coat randomly. "You take care of her first. I'LL BE RIGHT THERE! "

"Don't worry, don't worry. Drive slowly. Miss Du's life is no longer in danger. "

"got it. " Xin Zimo hung up the phone. He didn't even have time to change his shoes. He took out the Porsche from the garage and drove to the suburbs.

Fortunately, the car's performance was good. He accelerated non-stop and drove to the grassland at the fastest speed.

"You really don't give me a break! " Xin Zimo really wanted to scold her. She had only left his sight for a day, and such a big accident had already happened.

When the car stopped outside the grassland, uncle Chen came up to greet her.

"Mr. Xin, Miss Du is inside! "

Xin Zimo didn't have time to talk to uncle Chen. He immediately ran into the house.

Du Anran's face was still pale, without any color.

Xin Zimo's face also became unusually pale in an instant. His bright eyes slowly sank, filled with a bloodthirsty red.

"Du Anran, do you want to die so badly? If you want to die, don't die in London. I can't bear this responsibility! " Xin Zimo ran over hysterically and grabbed du Anran's shoulder. He shook her hard, as if he wanted to wake her up.

"Mr. Xin, Mr. Xin, please calm down. Miss Du's life is no longer in danger. Please calm down. " Uncle Chen saw something in Xin zimo's eyes that he had not seen for more than twenty years.

Uncle Chen thought, if du Anran really did not survive last night, what would Xin Zimo do... ...

"Du Anran, wake up! If you dare to die, I'll bury your family, your friends, and the Jin family with you tomorrow! " Xin Zimo's eyes were red He couldn't listen to uncle Chen anymore. All he could see was du Anran lying there.

He was suddenly very afraid. He was afraid that she would really leave him just like that. He was very afraid... ...

She didn't know that he had had this dream countless times. In the dream, she left him. No matter how he screamed, she would leave him forever.

He did not dare to tell anyone about this kind of dream. This kind of fear, this kind of loneliness, only he himself understood.

This was the first time uncle Chen had seen Xin Zimo lose control like this. Even when his father died when he was eight years old, he had never lost control like this. This was also the first time he had seen Xin Zimo cry after he grew up. He had always thought that Xin Zimo would never cry again in this lifetime.

But it was this kind of man, who was previously cold and heartless, who actually cried at this moment.

Uncle Chen sighed. Could this be fate?

"AHEM... Ahem... I'm lucky... I won't die... " Du Anran, who was in a coma, heard someone calling her name, and her whole body shook uncomfortably ...

Xin Zimo was shocked. All his panic and worry were replaced by joy. But after a while, he turned his face away, stood up, and threw her a cold back view.

"since you're not dead, then I'll have to trouble uncle Chen to take care of you. You really wasted my time. " Xin zimo strode out. He wiped away the tears on his face. He really didn't know why he lost his composure just now.

He went to find his car outside the farm. When he got into the car, he realized that he had randomly taken a coat. He did not even change the slippers on his feet. He did not even trim his hair. The buttons on his collar were also wrong.

But at this moment, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

He leaned against the back of the car, closed his eyes, and his heart fell to the ground.

In the small house, Du Anran took the water that uncle Chen handed over. She glanced at Uncle Chen and said coldly, "he came specially to see if I'm dead... "

"No, Miss Du, don't misunderstand what Mr. Xin said. He didn't mean that. He's actually very worried about you. He really cares about you, " uncle Chen quickly explained.

"He's afraid that I'll die in London. He'll be held criminally responsible! " Du Anran had actually been in a daze for a long time. She had heard Xin Zimo's words, but at that time, she didn't have the strength to open her eyes.

"It's really not... " Uncle Chen repeatedly explained "Didn't you see it just now? Mr. Xin didn't even change his slippers and came. When have I ever seen him so worried about someone... I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I saw it all. Mr. Xin Cares about you too much. "

Du Anran recalled what happened the night before last, and the situation when he was with Chi Xue yesterday.

She closed her eyes in pain. Why would she still think of these things... ...

"Miss Du, if you feel better, I'll send you home! " Uncle Chen saw the pain on du Anran's face, and his heart was also quite uncomfortable.

"Go home? I don't have a home... " Du Anran was already breathless and exhausted.

"Miss Du, why don't you go to my home first? "

"Uncle Chen... can you help me buy a plane ticket? I want to go back... " Du Anran said weakly, "the Party has ended. It doesn't matter whether I'm here or not. "

"This... I'm afraid I can't make the decision, " uncle Chen said, troubled ...

Du Anran nodded weakly. She knew that no one could help her.

Xin Zimo had been restless ever since he left the ranch. He did not know where to drive on the road.

When the car was halfway, Xin Zimo simply stepped on the brakes and parked the car by the side of the road. He lit a cigarette in frustration. He looked at the vast scenery outside the window, but he could not calm down.

The sunlight shone on his face through the slanted glass, but it could not dispel the coldness on his face.

Halfway through the smoke, he put it out fiercely, turned the car around, and drove back to the ranch.

When he arrived at the ranch, he got out of the car and leaned against the car door. He saw uncle Chen helping du Anran to leave. Uncle Chen turned his head and saw that it was him who had returned. He nodded and smiled.

"Miss Du, let Mr. Xin send you back! " Uncle Chen pointed at Xin Zimo who was not far away.

Du Anran looked up and met Xin zimo's sharp gaze. She shook her head. "I don't want him to send me. Uncle Chen, take me with you. "

"this... " uncle Chen was clearly in a difficult position. Just as he was hesitating, Xin Zimo closed the car door and walked over.

He grabbed du Anran's hand and brought her to the car without asking her if she was willing.

Uncle Chen was so anxious that he hurriedly shouted, "Mr. Xin, Miss Du is still injured. Please slow down. "

"Let go of me! Why are you always so overbearing! " Du Anran's strength was no match for Xin Zimo. She could only struggle and retreat. She really wanted uncle Chen to help her. She did not want to go with Xin Zimo. However, Uncle Chen could only shake his head helplessly.

"COME BACK WITH ME! " Xin Zimo was also helpless in the face of Du Anran's struggle. His tone was very tough, but considering her injury, he still hugged her horizontally and carried her into the passenger seat.

Because he was wearing slippers, his foot was cut by a sharp weed as he pulled, and blood immediately dripped down along his ankle.

Du Anran still struggled to get out of the car, but Xin Zimo was one step ahead of her and locked the car door.

"Why do you still want me to go back with you? Don't you get along well with other women? Also, I'm warning you, don't touch me! " Du Anran shouted at him.

Xin Zimo started the car, turned around, and drove towards the villa. He did not have much expression on his face, but the grass on the ranch was really strong, and his feet were hurting.

He looked at the car indifferently, and did not look at Du Anran. He only said casually, "who are you jealous of? "

"I don't like you, I don't need to be jealous, I'm just stating the facts! "

"Give me your phone. "

Xin Zimo did not pay attention to Du Anran's nonsense. His sudden words made du Anran's heart jump in her throat.

"My phone is out of battery. " Du Anran hid her emotions.

"Then give it to me too. " Xin Zimo's tone did not allow for any rebuttal.

"What do you want to do? " Du Anran asked guiltily.

"You just need to give it to me. I'll give you three seconds. 3,2..O... " Xin zimo counted down expressionlessly.