Chapter 116. Don't worry about her

"It's okay, it's okay. It's all in the past... " although Xin Zimo was consoling Chi Xue, his eyes were slowly turning red.

He recalled the most difficult time for the Xin family. They had nothing and even their close relatives were far away. However, the Chi family was still willing to lend a helping hand and help them through the most difficult time.

All these years, he had been unable to repay the Chi family's kindness in England. Due to some reasons, he was unwilling to come to England. As a result, he had fewer and fewer opportunities to meet the Chi family.

However, he did not expect that the next time he saw uncle and aunt Chi, they would be forever separated.

The car turned into a desolate, wide road. The leaves on the roadside had all fallen off, scattering all over the mountains and plains.

On this road, only Xin Zimo's car could be seen driving. There were almost no pedestrians passing by. The closer they were to the cemetery, the fewer people there were.

When they finally arrived, Chi Xue was so sad that she did not even want to get out of the car. She lowered her head and only cried. Xin zimo looked at her and sighed.

"Let's go. " Xin Zimo took the bouquet that Chi Xue had prepared earlier and opened the car door.

Chi Xue held onto Xin zimo's arm tightly. However, just as they were about to reach the cemetery, she lost her courage and threw herself into Xin zimo's embrace.

"brother Zimo... I miss them so much, but I'm afraid to see them... " Chi Xue choked with sobs. "I'm afraid that I'll remember the day they met with an accident. I'm so afraid... I'm really afraid... "

"Don't be afraid, it's fine. I'm here. " Xin Zimo hugged her and felt a little uncomfortable as if a fishbone was stuck in his throat.

"Brother Zimo, I've always wanted to come back and tell them that I'm doing very well. You and Auntie love me very much. I want them to stop worrying about me. " Chi Xue cried "They've always wanted me to be happy and happy every day. Today, I want to tell them that I'm doing very well. With you by my side, brother Zimo, I'm happy every day... "

"I'll always be good to you. " Xin Zimo said.

Chi Xue nodded and cried in his arms for a long time. When she couldn't cry anymore, she raised her head and took the bouquet from Xin Zimo's hands and walked towards the cemetery.

She held onto Xin Zimo's arm and walked with heavy steps.

When she saw the two elders of the Chi family, Xin Zimo's eyes reddened again.

"Uncle, Auntie, I've only come to see you today. I've disappointed you. " Xin zimo bowed. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Chi Xue and treat her as my own younger sister. have a safe journey. "

Chi Xue's heart skipped a beat. Younger sister... ... It turned out that he had only treated her as his younger sister for so long ...

Even his aunt was willing to treat her as his daughter-in-law, but he only treated her as his younger sister.

"Dad, mom, Zimo came to see you. Are you happy? You haven't seen him for a long time. You must miss him a lot, " Chi Xue stood in front of the grave and sobbed "everyone in the Xin family is very good to me. Brother Zimo is also very good to me. Don't worry. "

Xin Zimo stood in front of the grave with Chi Xue, but he did not realize that a figure flashed by not far away.

After du Anran left the cemetery, her heart was still blocked. She sat on the bus without saying a word and let the bus drive in a direction that she was not familiar with.

Her phone kept vibrating in her hand. She did not want to answer it.

However, Xie Chenjin on the other end of the phone seemed to be very patient. He called her again and again.

She had no choice but to answer the call.

"What did you see? Why didn't you answer my call? " It was clearly a question, but Xie Chenjin said it with a sense of pride.

"Xie Chenjin, tell me honestly. You deliberately let me come to the cemetery, right? How did you know that Xin Zimo would come here today? The person who followed him a few days ago was you, right? " Du Anran yelled at the other end of the phone Her voice was a little loud, scaring the child sitting next to her.

"Yes, I did it on purpose. I just wanted to let you see clearly what kind of man he is. "

"What does it have to do with me? " Du Anran was still yelling hysterically. She could not control herself.

"It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter. How are you feeling now? And why are you talking to me in such a tone? " Xie Chenjin smiled coldly.

"You don't need to care about my affairs! "

"I don't care about you. I'm just more concerned about our cooperation. "

"I'll send you the things you want as soon as possible. Let me be alone for the next two days and don't disturb me anymore. " Du Anran tried to control herself.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can look for me. I have a friend in London who might be able to help you. Also, since you've chosen to continue working with me, don't forget what your purpose is. "

Xie Chenjin hung up the phone first, and Du Anran held the phone in her hand, not knowing what to do... ...

The scenery of the British countryside was very good. It was open. Although it was winter, it was desolate and uninhabited, but it had a different kind of open space. There were cows and sheep eating the grass in the open space without any worries. The Sky was exceptionally blue, and there were very few people.

Du Anran leaned against the window. She wanted to close her eyes, but as soon as she closed them, her mind was filled with Xin Zimo. Last night's rudeness, and today's gentleness when he hugged Chi Xue... ...

She did not dare to close her eyes again. She could only open her eyes and look at the world outside the window.

The car continued to drive forward, and she just sat there. Until the sun gradually moved from the east to the middle, and then slowly moved from the middle to the West.

Seeing that the sky was about to turn dark and that the people in the car were gradually getting off, Du Anran ran ran to ask the driver where the destination was.

The driver told her that the train was going to a small village, and that there was only one round trip every day.

Although du Anran had been to London before, she was basically unfamiliar with London. When she heard that it was going to a village, she quickly asked if there was a place to stay.

The driver said that there was, but it was far from the destination, and it would take more than an hour to walk.

Du Anran was a little desperate. She did not know if she was going to spend the night in the wilderness.

She looked at her phone. Since she came out in the morning, the battery had basically died. Moreover, she did not know who to call in London.

She gritted her teeth and comforted herself that she was fine.

Xin Zimo, on the other hand, accompanied Chi Xue back from the cemetery and had dinner with her. Chi Xue's mood had not yet recovered. She looked depressed and could not lift her spirits.

"I heard that you used to like to eat at this restaurant in London. Come again today and be happy. " Xin Zimo understood her current mood and had been comforting her.

Chi Xue nodded. "thank you, brother Zimo. I used to like to come here. My biggest wish was that you could come and eat with me. Now that my wish has come true, I really have to thank you. Besides, after listening to me Nag for the whole day... "

"You're welcome. It's what I should do, " Xin Zimo replied.

Halfway through the meal, Xin Zimo drank quite a lot with Chi Xue. Chi Xue's alcohol tolerance was not very good. When she was slightly drunk, she suddenly threw herself into Xin zimo's arms She cried and complained, "brother Zimo, there are some things I don't know if I should tell you, but if I don't, I'm really scared... "

Xin Zimo let her hug him. "What is it? "

Chi Xue raised her head. "brother Zimo, promise me that you won't interact with Du Anran anymore... although I don't know what happened between you and her, I know that she's not a good person... "

Xin zimo frowned and didn't say anything.

Chi Xue knew that he didn't believe her. She hurriedly took out her phone from her bag and took out a few messages for Xin Zimo. "brother Zimo, take a look for yourself... "

Xin Zimo took the phone suspiciously. It was actually a few anonymous messages. There was someone threatening Chi Xue in the messages, saying that if she dared to get close to Xin Zimo again, she would die a horrible death.

Xin Zimo smiled and dismissed it. "It can't be her. She doesn't have the guts. "

"brother Zimo, I know that you still believe in her. I don't believe it's her either. But later on, she asked me to meet her. When we were face to face, she said the same thing to me. She even said that she was the young Madam of the Xin family and that she would make the entire Xin Corporation hers. "

Xin zimo still smiled indifferently and did not respond.

"It's fine if you don't believe me... I knew you didn't believe me... " Chi Xue's eyes reddened again. "brother Zimo, pretend I didn't say anything. "

Chi Xue's face was filled with discomfort, and Xin zimo suddenly recalled Sun Ping's phone call last night. His face darkened, and he did not speak again.

For the entire night, Chi Xue had been pulling Xin Zimo to drink. Although Xin Zimo did not want to drink, he knew that Chi Xue's heart was very uncomfortable today, so he did not refuse. He drank with her until very late before returning home.

Chi Xue stayed at a friend's house alone. On the way, she had hinted several times that she wanted to go to Xin Zimo's villa, but Xin Zimo had used other topics to avoid it.

Tonight, Xin Zimo was not drunk, and he was still very sober. Although he did not want to see du Anran since last night, he was still unwilling to let another woman stay at the seaside villa.

He first sent Chi Xue to her friend's house, and when he came back, he found that the Butler had made several calls to his phone.

"Mr. Xin, you're finally back! "

As soon as Xin zimo entered the door, the housekeeper came up to him. Her face was full of anxiety.

"What happened? " Xin Zimo took off his suit and looked at his watch. It was almost twelve o'clock.

"I haven't seen Miss Du all day. I called you but you didn't pick up. I thought Miss Du was with you. "

"She's angry with me, " Xin Zimo said indifferently.

He felt very uncomfortable. He admitted that what she said last night had completely hurt his heart. The wound that was about to heal was torn open by her again. Coupled with the call from Sun Ping, he began to doubt whether he was really wrong.

"really? " The Butler was skeptical. "Are you really okay? Why don't I ask Old Chen to go out and look... Miss Du hasn't answered my calls all day... "

"Don't worry about her. " Xin zimo walked upstairs with a cold and emotionless face.

The Butler stood on the spot, not knowing what to do. He couldn't figure out Xin zimo's attitude. She was still fine when she went out yesterday. Why was she so cold like a stranger after one night.

Although Xin Zimo had instructed him, the Butler was still worried. She secretly called Old Chen and asked him to go out and look for her. After all, old Chen had driven for many years and was familiar with the London area.

Old Chen did indeed drive out after he received the call. He was also worried when he heard that Xin Zimo and Du Anran had quarreled. From the bottom of his heart, he still liked Du Anran as a child. He did not want her and Xin Zimo to have a falling out.

Moreover, he could see that Xin zimo liked Du Anran very much.

The winter wind blew on her body, and it was bone-piercing cold. In the Wilderness, Du Anran pulled up her collar, but it was still of no use.

The Moon had already come out, and it was curved. It shone on the wilderness, and it was particularly terrifying. Du Anran followed the bus to the final stop at around ten o'clock. Now, she had already walked for almost two hours in a daze.

She still could not see a house.

She did not know if she had taken the wrong path, but she was really scared.