Chapter 115: I Love You

"I won't leave you. Get up first... " Du Anran wanted to free her hands, but Xin Zimo had been holding them down and she couldn't move them.

"I don't want to... " Xin Zimo answered her. In the dark, his body felt like it was on fire.

"Xin Zimo! Look at WHO I am! I'm the daughter of the DU family, Du Anran. You used to hate the DU family the most! " Du Anran wanted to turn on the lights, but Xin Zimo wouldn't let her. She wanted to leave, but she couldn't move. She could only yell at him.

"I know... I don't hate you... I don't hate the DU family either... I love you... " Xin Zimo was very drunk, and his voice was very soft, but du Anran heard every word clearly ...

As soon as he finished speaking, du Anran's face turned cold, and it was actually a tear.

He was crying... ...

Du Anran could not believe it. She wanted to open her eyes to look at him, but unfortunately, she could not see anything in the darkness.

"Anran... give it to me... " he kissed her and unbuttoned her shirt with one hand He was probably so drunk that he was so clumsy that he could not unbutton a button no matter how hard he tried ...

Du Anran also tried to stop him as if she had gone mad. Although they had been in the same room many times, he had never lost his composure like this.

Xin Zimo did not have the patience to unbutton her shirt anymore. He exerted force with his right hand and a "Hiss" was heard. Du Anran's body turned cold.

"Xin Zimo, let go of me! YOU BASTARD! " Du Anran also cried out loud. She did not want to be taken by Xin Zimo just like that. They did not belong to each other, and they could not have a future together.

She was not a mistress, nor was she a lover. She only wanted to be a simple du Anran... ... She was not one of his women, she was not ...

Xin Zimo could not hear her crying, and he did not intend to let her go. He had endured for too long, and he had been waiting for her to truly accept him. But they were walking further and further away... ...

He was afraid that she would really leave him, far away.

He randomly unbuttoned his suit, and Du Anran's left hand was let go by him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she recklessly touched the phone by the pillow and smashed it on his head.

"Xin Zimo, YOU'RE CRAZY! If you want a woman, you can settle it outside before coming back! Look carefully, I'm Du Anran, I have nothing to do with you! Even if there is, it's still hatred, do you understand? "

Xin zimo sobered up a little. Taking advantage of the fact that he did not move again, she pushed him away and ran into the bathroom.

His clothes had been torn to pieces. Du Anran turned on the light and saw herself in the mirror. Her hair was messy and her body was covered in hickeys.

She turned on the tap in the bathroom and buried herself in the water. The water was flowing, and her tears were also dripping down like water.

She probably felt extremely uncomfortable, so she put in a vat of hot water and soaked herself in it. She wanted to wash away the smell related to Xin Zimo, so she added a lot of lavender essential oil into the bathtub. She only threw away the bottle of essential oil helplessly when she could not stand it anymore.

The only sound in the entire large room was the sound of the water in the bathroom. Xin Zimo lay on du Anran's bed with his eyes closed. It was unknown whether he was drunk or awake.

Du anran soaked for an entire night before she came out. When she came out, the clock was pointing at five o'clock, and thick white fog was still drifting outside the window.

Xin Zimo did not leave. He was very peaceful when he was sleeping, but his brows were tightly knitted.

Du Anran did not want to see him again. She walked over and quickly took out a bug from his pocket, and left the villa without looking back.

She did not want to know what exactly happened at the party last night, but she had to find out.

She found a secluded place and turned on the bug. Xie Chenjin's items were all high-tech and very useful. After a few sizzling sounds, there was the sound of noisy people and wine glasses clinking.

The party seemed to be going smoothly. During this time, Xin Zimo signed a cooperation agreement with a few banks in London. As expected, the partners also proposed their own plans for the acquisition of a few important banks in City A.

Among them, there was the Xie Bank that mentioned Xie Chenjin. In the eyes of everyone, the Xie Bank was the most difficult to acquire. However, Xin Zimo was determined to get it. This time, when he returned to China, he would definitely take down the Xie Bank.

Xin zimo mentioned the matter of letting the Xie group sell the few projects they were working on. He also used various methods to buy the shares of the Xie Group step by step. When the Xin group completely controlled half of the shares of the Xie Group, he would go all out and take down the Xie group in one fell swoop.

Everyone praised Xin Zimo's actions and unanimously agreed that it was the fastest and most effective way.

The function of the eavesdropping device was very powerful. It could hear almost everyone's words clearly.

Du Anran listened bit by bit. When she heard that the entire meeting had ended, her hand trembled. She did not know if she should give the eavesdropping device to Xie Chenjin.

If Xie Chenjin could obtain all the records of this secret meeting, then he would definitely be able to save the Xie family from danger. And she also understood that the Xin family would suffer a great loss.

This loss would be enough for Xin Zimo to be busy for a long time. And she would also have enough opportunities for Xie Chenjin to take her abroad and distance herself from Xin Zimo.

Just as she was in a dilemma, the meeting ended and was replaced by a ridiculous and chaotic cocktail party. Her ears were filled with the noisy voices of people. There were men's laughter, women's wild shouts, and the louder voices of people trying to persuade her to drink.

Du Anran sneered. These men had always been prim and proper in front of others, but they always looked the same behind the scenes.

In China, Xin Zimo rarely attended such occasions. Perhaps this was a foreign country, so there was no need for him to disguise himself.

There were women pouring wine for him and persuading him to drink, but he did not hesitate to drink. Du Anran also understood why he drank so much last night.

It was just that there were countless beautiful women in such occasions, and he did not find one to spend the night with. It was such a waste. What a pity.

Du Anran could not listen any longer. Just as she was about to turn it off, she heard Xin Zimo pick up a phone call.

She tried her best to listen to what was said on the phone, but the noise in the party was too loud, and Xin Zimo's voice was lowered, so she did not hear anything.

After talking on the phone for a long time, Xin zimo's mood was obviously much lower after he finished talking. Later on, he almost did not say anything more. Du Anran estimated that he had been drinking.

She knew that when he was in a low mood, he would drink, and he would become silent. However, she also knew that he would always control himself. He had never been as drunk and rambling as he was yesterday.

After the cocktail party ended, she was surprised to hear Chi Xue's voice. She calculated that it should be past twelve in the morning.

Chi Xue wanted to send Xin Zimo to her place, but Xin Zimo was not willing. He insisted on getting someone to send him back to the Channel Villa.

When they arrived at the villa, it was quiet. Even the Butler did not notice that Xin Zimo had returned. Xin zimo stumbled into Du Anran's room. Du Anran understood everything that happened after that.

When she heard herself say, "Xin Zimo, you're crazy! If you want a woman, you can settle it outside before coming back! Look carefully, I'm Du Anran, I have nothing to do with you! Even if there is, it's hatred, do you understand? " For some reason, a certain part of her heart still throbbed violently.

Then, there was the sound of water flowing, and Xin Zimo's murmurs from time to time.

What he said the most were those few words, "don't leave me" ... ...

Du Anran pressed the Stop Button and stared blankly at the withered tree in front of her, unable to come back to her senses for a long time.

In the villa, when Xin Zimo woke up, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. The dazzling sunlight shone on his face, and his head hurt. His mind went blank for a moment, and he almost couldn't remember what had happened yesterday.

But when he saw the bed in a mess, he remembered. Last night, after he came back from the cocktail party, he came to Du Anran's room by accident.

"Mr. Xin, Mr. Xin! " The Butler shouted downstairs.

Xin Zimo had a headache. He lay on the bed and did not want to move. He had already remembered how he lost control last night and what Du Anran yelled at him at the end.

She hated him. It had been so long, but she still hated him... ...

Something wet slipped past the corner of his eyes. The Butler was still calling from downstairs.

"Mr. Xin, Miss Du is missing! "

He pressed the indoor phone and the Butler answered in a short while.

"Mr. Xin, someone saw Miss Du taking a taxi out of the villa early in the morning. She didn't pick up when I called her. "

"Oh. " Xin Zimo was very tired. His whole body was very tired. Even his heart was very tired.

"Mr. Xin, do you want old Chen to go out and look for her? I'm worried about a girl like her. "

"It's not night. " Xin zimo frowned and wanted to hang up the phone.

"Butler, Butler, is brother Zimo here? " Chi Xue's voice came from the other end of the phone. Her voice was not loud, so it sounded like she did not come in.

"Mr. Xin, Miss Chi is here, " the Butler said on the other end of the phone.

"Let her sit in the living room for a while. I'll be right down. " Xin Zimo put down the phone.

Xin zimo held his forehead tiredly. His head was still in pain, so he forced himself to take a hot shower. There was still a strong smell of essential oil in the bathroom, as well as the clothes that Du Anran had changed out of.

He quickly took a shower and changed into a clean shirt. When he went downstairs, Chi Xue happened to be talking to the Butler downstairs.

Chi Xue didn't know what the Butler said, but she smiled.

She wore a very simple and elegant white dress today. There was no makeup on, and her face looked pure and fresh.

"Good morning, brother Zimo. " Chi Xue greeted him with a smile when she saw that Xin Zimo had come down.

"Good Morning. Didn't you say you were going in the afternoon? " Xin Zimo knew that he was going to accompany her to the cemetery today when he saw how she was dressed.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly missed my parents this morning... I didn't fall asleep after that, so I want you to go with me... " Chi Xue lowered her head as her eyes turned red ...

"En, I'll go with you now. " Xin Zimo knew that this was normal. Moreover, he hadn't visited the Chi family ever since the two elders passed away, so he felt very apologetic.

"Mr. Xin, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, " the Butler said from the side.

"brother Zimo, you should eat breakfast first. It's not too late to go after you finish eating. "

"It's okay. I drank too much yesterday. I can't eat now. " Xin Zimo put on his coat and walked out.

Xin Zimo did not know who told Chi Xue that he lived in the seaside villa. Moreover, the person who had been following Chi Xue recently disappeared after Chi Xue came. He did not know if it was Chi Xue who did it.

Xin Zimo personally drove Chi Xue to the cemetery. Along the way, Chi Xue's eyes were red and she did not speak much.

Xin Zimo could only comfort her, "don't be sad anymore, it's all in the past... "

Chi Xue wiped her tears and sobbed, "I haven't had the time to show my filial piety to them... they even said that they would take me to Africa for a tour this year. They said that it would be a family trip... they even said that they would go back to the country to visit brother Zimo and Auntie... but... "

Chi Xue could not stop her tears from flowing down.