Chapter 114, it was time to wake up

That afternoon, Du Anran did not know how she spent it. She kept feeling that even the sky was not as blue as before.

Just as Xie Chenjin said, Xin Zimo's few good words could make her happy. Similarly, Xin Zimo's few good words could also make Chi Xue happy.

Should she admire him or laugh at herself.

That afternoon, if she had not forgotten the task Xie Chenjin had given her, she would have left early again because she was not feeling well. She was always running away. In fact, she could totally face it.

The cocktail party went on peacefully. When it ended, just as Xie Chenjin had said, Xin Zimo did not go back to the villa with her. Instead, he let her leave first.

Du Anran put the bug that she had prepared in his pocket. She still could not forget the pain that Xin Zimo had given her. The pain was heart-wrenching.

She should have woken up a long time ago.

"Did you drink a lot today? " Xin Zimo deliberately put on a stern face when he sent her to the car.

"No... just a few drinks... " Du Anran felt a little guilty and lowered her head. Fortunately, Xin Zimo did not notice ...

"I'll forgive you today. Is Your stomach uncomfortable? "

"It's okay. A few drinks won't be a problem. "

"You and uncle Chen go back obediently. Don't wait for me. It's cold in the winter. Remember to cover yourself with the blanket when you sleep at night. I'll go back to check. "

"I know, I know. " Du Anran pushed him. "I'm not a child. "

"It's good that you know. " Xin Zimo lowered his head and secretly kissed her cheek when she was not paying attention.

Du Anran was caught off guard and did not have the time to dodge. Xin zimo smiled as if he had gotten his way. He helped her fasten her seatbelt and closed the car door. Only then did he feel relieved and let Uncle Chen drive her to the seaside villa.

"Miss Du, I can see that Mr. Xin likes you very much. " Uncle Chen looked at this pair of young children as if they were his own children and smiled with relief.

"No... " Du Anran did not know how to explain to uncle Chen. Uncle Chen had not returned to the country for many years, so of course he did not know what was happening in the country.

"I don't misjudge people. " Uncle Chen laughed and said, "I have seen many women around Mr. Xin, but liking a person is completely different from being perfunctory. "

"You don't understand... " Du Anran shook her head, "he doesn't like me, it's impossible for him to like me. "

"It won't, it won't, don't think too much about it. Liking is liking, there's no need for additional conditions. Sometimes it's just a look, " uncle Chen said as he drove.

Perhaps it was because she was in the middle of it, but du Anran did not know what was the difference between the way Xin Zimo looked at her and the way he looked at others.

"Besides, this is the first time I've seen Mr. Xin let a woman spend the night in the channel villa. "

"He hasn't been to London many times, so it's normal. "

"He said that you're his wife, and this is the first time I've heard him use the word 'wife' . "

Du Anran did not know how to refute him. If uncle Chen knew that he had also called her 'wife' In the past two years, would he not have said such things.

In the business world, shouldn't one learn how to use sweet words?

"Miss Du, I see that you seem to have some unspeakable secret or some kind of grudge in your heart. In fact, with this layer of grudge, you won't be able to see the problem objectively. But if you let it go, it might be another bright future. "

"I don't know. My heart is very chaotic. "

During this period of time, her heart had been very chaotic. In the past, it was only heartache and heartache. But now, there was more confusion in her heart.

She did not know where the confusion came from, nor did she know how to cut off this myriad of emotions.

"I also hope that he can be happy. These years, he has really suffered too much. " Uncle Chen shook his head and said bitterly, "He is with you. I can see that he is very happy. "

The calm water in Du Anran's heart was completely disrupted by uncle Chen. Happy... ... Then, what about her ...

"Miss Du, learn to be more open-minded. I think Mr. Xin has always been too closed-minded in the past and has always been depressed. Seeing him this time and seeing the smile on his face, I'm really gratified. "

"Uncle Chen, do you know Chi Xue? " Du Anran recalled the incident during the day and afternoon.

"Yes, I do. She's the youngest daughter of the Chi family. She's very sensible. " Uncle Chen said, "in the past, her family saw me a few times in England. "

"actually... she and Xin Zimo are more suitable. She likes Xin Zimo, and Xin Zimo also likes her. "

"Is that so? " Uncle Chen was noncommittal and did not continue the discussion.

The car immediately quieted down. Du Anran did not want to talk about the people and matters related to Xin zimo anymore. Uncle Chen, on the other hand, was silent for a long time. He sighed and said, "Mr. Xin is in London. Mr. Xin has been here for a few days, but he hasn't gone to see him. After so many years, Mr. Xin's character hasn't changed at all. He's not willing to bow his head easily. "

"Mr. Xin? " Du Anran was puzzled. She had never heard Xin Zimo mention him before. Of course, during the two years he had been with Xin Zimo, he had hidden himself very well. She knew very little about him.

"Mr. Xin hasn't mentioned it to you? Oh, nothing. " Uncle Chen probably realized that he had said too much, so he just gave a cursory answer.

Du Anran didn't continue to ask. She didn't need to know too much about him. The interaction between them wouldn't be too far away. One day soon, perhaps, they would never see each other again.

When uncle Chen sent her to the villa, Liu Wanwan called Du Anran. Du Anran answered her call as she walked upstairs.

"Wanwan, calling international long distance is very expensive, " du Anran said with a smile.

"Didn't she miss you? "

"I miss you too. I really don't know when I'll be able to return to China. "

"Your boss is really bad. He let a girl go abroad on a business trip. It's almost new year's. "

"It's just work. We have to follow the arrangements. " Du Anran did not dare to tell Liu Wanwan about her work at Xin Group and Xin Zimo's side. Otherwise, with Liu Wanwan's personality, she really did not know what she would do.

"Oh right, sister Anran, Shaonan has not been well recently and is in the hospital again... " Liu Wanwan was a little disappointed.

"Is the situation serious? He has no one to take care of him after he returns to China. Help me take care of him more so that he doesn't work too hard on himself, " Du Anran said worriedly.

"It's not serious, it's an old problem. But you're right. Ever since you left him, he devoted himself to his work and worked hard day and night. No matter what, he's still the president. "

"He doesn't care about himself... " Du Anran felt very guilty. She still owed Jin Shaonan a favor.

"Sister Anran... " Liu Wanwan wanted to say something but hesitated. "You... after you return to the country, find an opportunity to start over with Shaonan. I can see that he really likes you. "

"Wanwan... " Du Anran stood on the stairs and looked down at the hall of the villa.

She worked at the Xin Corporation and in Xin zimo's office. Now, she was living in his villa... ... What right did she have to return to Jin Shaonan's side? She was not worthy of anyone ...

The Crystal Lights in the hall shone brightly. As she looked at them, her gaze became blurred... ...

"Wanwan, help me take care of Shaonan. As for the rest... we'll talk about it later. "

"Sister Anran... " Liu Wanwan did not force Du Anran, although she did not know what unspeakable difficulties du Anran had and what exactly happened between her and Jin Shaonan.

"Wanwan, I'm going to take a shower first. We can talk when we have time. Maybe I can go back in a few days! "

"Okay, sister Anran, you have to take care of yourself while you're abroad. Bye. "

Du Anran leaned on the railing of the stairs tiredly, her whole body slowly leaning on the handrail.

That night, Du Anran was a little confused and her mind was in a mess. In a daze, she took a shower and then lay on her bed in a daze.

Looking at the bedroom that Xin Zimo had prepared for her, it was full of her favorite style and things. She was in a daze and thought of the villa on Huxin Island, the residence that he had given to her.

She smiled bitterly and closed her eyes in a daze.

In her dream, she dreamed of many things, many people. She thought of the day when Shi he went bankrupt and Xin Zimo brought people to buy Shi he.

She wanted to cry, but there were no tears. She struggled to make up for everything, but there was nothing she could do.

In her dream, she grabbed the blanket and tears slid down her cheeks silently.

It was midnight. It seemed to be very late. When there was complete silence, she was suddenly woken up by the strong smell of alcohol.

"Anran, don't leave me... "

"Are you drunk? " Du Anran woke up and wanted to turn on the lights, but Xin Zimo pressed down on her arm.

He pressed down on her body and hugged her so that she could not move.

He was so drunk that Du Anran smelled the strong smell of alcohol and the light perfume on his body.

She knew that he could hold his liquor very well. She did not know if he had met a master or drunk himself.

"Get up first, I'll change your clothes. " Du Anran tried to push him away.

However, the more she tried to push him away, the tighter he hugged her.

"Don't go... don't leave me... " he closed his eyes and repeated in her ear like he was talking in his sleep ...

"I'm not going, I'm not going... " Du Anran coaxed him. She did not know what had happened that night.

He pressed her hands down and kissed her earlobes and neck.

"No, get up! " Du Anran avoided his kiss. In the darkness, she could not see him clearly, and he could not see her clearly. She did not want to be entangled with him like this... ...

However, the more she avoided his kiss, the more his kiss came like a dense rain. His kiss was hot and rough, and lacked the gentleness it should have.

Du Anran touched his hand, and it was as hot as his kiss. She did not dare to move, but she had no choice but to reject him. She thought of Jin Shaonan, Liu Wanwan, and her mother... ... She had told her mother that she was not that kind of woman. She only needed a certain amount of time to leave Xin Zimo ...

"ENRAN... you won't leave me, right... " Xin Zimo kissed her like he had gone mad, making it hard for her to breathe His hands hugged her tightly, as if he would lose her the moment he let go ...