Chapter 113. What a pleasant surprise

"I will do what I promised you, " Xie Chenjin said "I have already sent someone to take care of your mother. You can rest assured. As for Shaonan, he should have told you. He is my friend, so you don't have to worry. There is also Liu Wanwan. Recently, she and Xin Zimo's secretary, Sun Ping, are quite close. I think you don't have to worry."

"thank you. My attitude is so bad, and you still have patience with me. "

"It's not that I have patience with you, it's just that I am more concerned about the future of the Xie family. " Xie Chenjin shrugged and told the truth.

"Is there a need to tell the truth? Lying to me won't kill you. " Du Anran smiled.

"okay, okay, okay. I'm also quite patient with you, Miss Du. "

"I'll hang up first. I still snuck out. "

"Okay. " Xie Chenjin smiled. This woman was indeed easy to coax. It was no wonder that she was toyed around by an experienced businessman like Xin Zimo.

Du Anran went to look for Xin Zimo after she made the call. From Afar, she saw him standing alone with a glass of red wine in his hand. His black suit and slender legs made his back look even more perfect.

The broken sunlight shone on his hair. His casual movement made the surroundings lose their color.

Du Anran was a little absent-minded, and her footsteps could not help but stop.

He was almost perfect, and the more she stood with him, the more ashamed she felt.

Just as she was walking towards him, suddenly, a clear and sweet voice sounded from the other end of the garden, like a lark singing.

"I'm not late, am I? "

Everyone in the conversation could not help but stop and look forward together. Anran was stunned. At the same time, she was also stunned when she saw Xin Zimo's hand holding the wine glass.

It was Chi Xue!

Her Crimson Gown was dazzling. The white pearls around her neck and the emeralds around her ears made her look as charming as a fairy.

She gently moved a pair of ten-inch-long white high heels towards the crowd. The afternoon breeze gently blew her shoulder-length hair. The Sun shone on her face, and her eyes were as bright as stars. When she swept her gaze towards the crowd, it was indescribably charming.

"It's not too late, it's not too late. It's better to come at the right time than to come early. " A young and handsome man walked up and handed a name card to her.

"senior, thank you. "

"You are reallybrilliant. " A few English girls ran up.

"thank you, thank you. " Chi Xue looked at this group of unfamiliar Socialites, but she smiled gracefully.

Du Anran knew that Chi Xue did not see her, and she was also hesitating whether to walk forward. She knew clearly that Chi Xue did not know that she worked at the Xin Corporation, and neither did mother Xin. If she were to walk out now, it would mean that everything she had done in the country would be exposed.

Mother Xin had warned her to stay away from Xin Zimo. If she were to appear by Xin Zimo's side now, how would mother Xin take revenge on the DU family... ...

She did not dare to think about it and took a few steps back hesitantly.

Chi Xue was undoubtedly a shining pearl. The moment she appeared, many young ladies immediately surrounded her. She had lived in England for many years. It could be seen that many of her acquaintances were at this reception.

Xin Zimo, on the other hand, recovered his composure after a moment of surprise. He remained calm and took the opportunity to leave the small garden while he was refilling his wine.

Soon, Du Anran's cell phone rang.

"Anran, where did you go? "

"I... "

"Walk to the right of the Villa's fountain. I'll wait for you there. "

"okay... "

Du Anran, who was at a loss, finally heaved a sigh of relief. She found the Fountain in the villa and moved to the right. Sure enough, Xin Zimo was leaning against the carved pillar and waiting for her.

"My mother gave me a big surprise. " Xin Zimo crossed his arms and looked at the sky.

"Oh... " Du Anran did not know why he was so sure that it was Xin Zimo's mother who asked Chi Xue to come over.

"What did you 'oh' about? Did you see her? "

"I'm not blind, " Du Anran said unhappily. Now that they were like this, it was like an adulterer had done something shameful.

Xin zimo smiled. "Do you regret coming to London with me now? "

"What's the use of regretting? Even if I don't want to come, will you agree? " Du Anran retorted.

"The little white rabbit is going to bite me? " Xin zimo smiled and walked to her. He lifted her chin and played with her expression.

"I'll ask old Chen to send me back to the villa. " Du Anran pushed his hand away and said in a bad mood.

"If I go back now, does it count as running away? "

"I can't see Chi Xue. "

"logically speaking, I shouldn't let you see her. " He had protected her within the scope of his vision for so long. He knew that if Chi Xue and his mother knew that Du Anran worked at the Xin Corporation.. Then everything would be out of his control.

"Then let me go back. "

When Xin Zimo saw that Du Anran was unhappy, he cupped her face and smiled. "Smile, I'll help you solve it. "

"What do you mean by help me solve it? What does it have to do with me? I'm not feeling well, I want to go back and rest. " Du Anran shook his hand away.

"Alright, alright, it's my business. I'll help myself solve it. Can you stay and accompany me? " Xin Zimo was really afraid of her. Ever since his temper became better, he realized that Du Anran's temper was getting worse.

When two people were together, one of them had to lower his head first.

"If I don't stay with you, if your mother finds out that I'm in the Xin Corporation, she'll skin me alive. " Du Anran wanted to escape.

"Then aren't you afraid that I'll skin you alive first? " Xin zimo lowered his voice.

Du Anran had a headache. She didn't know whether to stay or leave. Ever since Xin Zimo let her enter the Xin Corporation, she had been living in a state of fear and trepidation every day.

She didn't know how long she could hide such a thing. Xiao Qingqing already knew. Her mother already knew. Jin Shaonan and Xie Chenjin also knew. The only people she was hiding from now were Chi Xue and Xin.

"FOLLOW ME OUT! " Xin Zimo grabbed her hand.

Since he knew that there would come a day when he would have to face it, then today would be the day.

"I'M NOT LEAVING! " Du Anran tried to break free from his hand, but it was futile every time.

"It's so lively. " When Xin Zimo brought her to stand in front of everyone, she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

"CEO Xin, this is Miss Chi. She just arrived. " Someone immediately introduced Chi Xue to Xin Zimo.

Chi Xue finally met Xin Zimo. However, when she saw Xin Zimo, she also saw du Anran. She had mixed feelings in her heart. She could not describe what she felt.

Xie Chenjin did not lie to her. As expected, Xin zimo brought Du Anran. It was a pity that Auntie did not know.

"There's no need for you to introduce her. President Xin and Miss Chi are old acquaintances! " The man Chi Xue called senior laughed.

Most of the people at the party lived in London for a long time. Very few people knew about the gossip in the country. Moreover, there were no reporters at the party, so the atmosphere was quite good.

"Yes, we've known each other since we were young. " Chi Xue walked forward and stood next to Xin Zimo.

Although she was wearing ten-inch high heels, she was still a bit shorter than Xin Zimo.

"They're called childhood sweethearts. They're a perfect match, " the senior couldn't help but praise when he saw the two of them standing together.

"thank you for your praise, senior, " Chi Xue said with a smile.

When handsome men and beautiful women stood together, they always attracted countless gazes. Everyone surrounded Xin Zimo, Chi Xue, and Du Anran and talked for a long time. Chi Xue had never had the chance to be alone with Xin Zimo, and Du Anran seemed to have a sharp edge on her back. She was also absent-minded when answering questions. If it weren't for Xin Zimo holding her arm all the time, she would have opened the door a long time ago.

Finally, when the Party was halfway through, Chi Xue seized the opportunity.

Du Anran was invited by an English lady to look at the paintings. Xin Zimo stood by the side and chatted casually with a few French people.

"Are you used to being in London? " Chi Xue stood beside Xin Zimo and asked faintly.

"What's there to be unaccustomed to? "

When everyone saw Chi Xue coming over to look for Xin Zimo, they gradually dispersed.

"That's true. Having a beautiful woman as a companion and wine as a companion is much freer than being in China. "

"Why did you come to the reception? " Xin zimo frowned.

"I'm not allowed to come? Am I disturbing you? " Chi Xue laughed. "Senior gave me a name card and said that he hasn't seen me for a long time. He asked me to come over to play. Are You satisfied with this answer? "

Xin zimo sneered coldly.

"It seems that you don't believe me. If you don't believe me, then forget it. If I say that I miss you, then you won't believe me, right? ''

"then I appreciate your kindness. " Xin Zimo was neither warm nor cold.

"If you don't like me, I'll leave tomorrow. " Chi Xue's eyes immediately reddened.

"since you're here, you can stay for a few more days. " Xin zimo hated it when women cried the most.

"I want to go to the cemetery tomorrow to take a look... " Chi Xue lowered her head She used a tissue to wipe away the tears at the corner of her eyes. "Can you go with me... my parents were still thinking about you when they were alive and always said that they wanted to return to the country to see you. They were quite gratified when they heard that you were doing quite well in the country... "

Xin Zimo was speechless. Even if he really did not like Chi Xue, what about her parents... ...

The Chi Family was the benefactor of the Xin family. He did not dare to forget it.

After the incident with Chi Xue's parents in the UK, he did not even come to pay his respects. Was He really that heartless... ...

"when are you going tomorrow? " Xin zimo sighed.

"In the afternoon. Let's go and take a look. " Chi Xue lowered her head. When she mentioned this, her tears could not be stopped.

"Then you can call me when the time comes. "

"thank you, brother Zimo. " Chi Xue was deeply in love. She could not help but lean on Xin zimo's shoulder. A few drops of tears had already wetted Xin zimo's clothes.

"IESPECIALLYLIKETHEPORTRAIT. " At the corner, a very tasteful English lady walked out while chatting with Du Anran.

"ILIKETHEPAINTINGSOFPICASSO. " Du Anran communicated with her. "Theyarethesymbolic. "

At the end of the corridor, Du Anran stopped in her tracks. The English lady was puzzled and also stopped in her tracks.

From her angle, she just happened to see Chi Xue resting on Xin zimo's shoulder. Xin Zimo's face was also filled with gentleness.

Du Anran's mind suddenly went blank.