Chapter 124, his explanation

The Butler did not see Miss Chi come back, so he did not dare to ask. He just quietly watched Xin zimo walk upstairs.

When Xin zimo knocked on the door, du Anran was covering herself in the pillow. When she was unhappy, she would hold the pillow in a childish manner or wrap herself in the blanket. Today was no exception.

"Open the door. " Xin zimo knocked again.

When she heard Xin Zimo's deep voice, du Anran was a little apprehensive. She was not sure if he had come to settle the score with her. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Logically speaking, he should not hold a grudge... ...

But she would definitely not open the door.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, Xin Zimo took out the key, pressed the password, and directly opened the door.

The moment the door opened, du Anran looked at him in disbelief. "How did you get in? "

He waved the key in his hand and threw it on the coffee table. He said in a teasing tone, "this is my home. Of course I can enter whenever I want. "

Du Anran was very insecure because of Xin Zimo. She accidentally remembered what happened that night. That night, he was so drunk that he almost wanted to have sex with her.

She did not dare to provoke him at this moment. What if she provoked him and she could not leave tomorrow.

Xin Zimo walked to her and put the handbag on the bed. He looked at her and said, "who are you angry with? "

"I'm not angry. " Du Anran moved back.

"The housekeeper said that you didn't eat lunch today. "

"I'm not hungry. "

"really? Then don't eat tonight. " Xin Zimo looked into her eyes.

His gaze made her shiver. She knew that Xin zimo would do anything.

When Xin Zimo saw that she was afraid, he retracted his gaze and took out the things in his handbag. It was a red exquisite jewelry box. He handed it to her. "Open it and take a look. "

Du Anran looked at him suspiciously. She did not know what he was thinking. This morning, he had reprimanded her and asked her to apologize to Chi Xue. Now, he was buying something for her.

However, she might have thought too much. It might not be for her.

Xin Zimo was still holding the jewelry box. She took it in puzzlement.

When she opened the box, du Anran's eyes lit up. It was a beautiful and exquisite green jade bracelet. The bracelet was emitting a dark luster and was exquisite and crystal clear. Under the illumination of the light, the whole body was emitting a sparkling green light, making the crystal bracelet on Du Anran's hand lose its color.

"Try it on. " When Xin Zimo saw the love in her eyes, a trace of relief flashed through his heart.

However, although Du Anran could not put it down, she still knew that she would not be rewarded for doing nothing. She put the bracelet back into the box and said lightly, "I can't afford such an expensive bracelet. "

"I'll let you try it! ''XinnZimoo was unhappy.

Du Anran saw the look in his eyes and knew that what he did not say was definitely, "why are you talking so much nonsense? ".

Du Anran had no choice but to wear the bracelet on her hand. It was neither too big nor too small, and it was just right for her.

Just as she was about to take it off, he pressed her hand down. "Don't take it off, let me see. "

Her pair of fair and soft hands wore the clear green jade bracelet. It was so perfect. He was also very happy. The bracelet he bought just happened to fit her wrist girth.

"What's there to look at? I've tried it on, you can take it! " Du Anran wanted to take off the bracelet again.

"It's for you. " Xin Zimo held her hand.

Du Anran knew that he went out with Chi Xue in the afternoon, so she was not happy. She said bluntly, "did Miss Chi not want it, or did you buy too many to give it to me? "

"I bought it especially for you. " Xin Zimo knew that she was unhappy. If it was him who was wronged and misunderstood, he would not be happy either.

Today, when he didn't come back with Chi Xue for a long time, he went to a shop to buy this jade bracelet. Logically speaking, it was better to buy the jade bracelet in China, but the shop owner told him that this bracelet was unique in the world.

"Why did you buy it for me? " Du Anran clearly knew that he was feeling guilty, but she still asked.

He came forward, looked into her eyes, and smiled. "To apologize to you. In addition, I really want to give you a gift. "

Du Anran was stunned. She didn't expect this arrogant Xin Zimo to take the initiative to apologize to her.

"I didn't have a good attitude this morning, but I didn't do it on purpose. Do you understand? " Xin Zimo's eyes were filled with gentleness.

She looked into his eyes and shook her head, indicating that she did not understand.

"How could I have met such a stupid woman like you! " Xin Zimo did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Isn't it just the right time to show off your intelligence? " Du Anran mumbled.

How could she be stupid? Whether it was when she went to school or later when she worked at the newspaper company, she could always be ranked at the top. It was just that she was not good at doing business.

"That's right. You know yourself well. Your stupidity makes me smart. " Xin Zimo pinched her face and smiled.

Du Anran curled her lips. She was really conceited.

"I owe the Chi family a favor. Do you understand? " Xin Zimo frowned and asked her.

"I know... " Du Anran said calmly. She knew that he owed the Chi family a favor. He was someone who had calculated every debt clearly. Similarly, she also knew that the DU family owed him a debt and two lives.

Xin Zimo saw du Anran's expression immediately dimmed down, know that she also remembered some unpleasant things.

I promised my mother and her parents that I would take good care of her and not let her suffer. So... ... I know you're big-hearted and open-minded, so I'm GonNa let you make a sacrifice .. I know what happened this morning. Do you think I'm stupid I berated you and made you apologize to her so that she wouldn't look bad, and if I trust you, I will trust you for the rest of my life... ... ..

Deep in his heart, he couldn't help but hold du Anran's face and gently kiss her.

"WHO said I won't mind... " Du Anran heard his explanation and immediately felt relieved, but her words were still unforgiving.

"I know that you're beautiful, generous, smart, and cute, so I won't mind... " Xin Zimo kissed her lips and didn't let her speak.

He only let go of her after he kissed enough.

"You're still repaying the favor that the Chi family gave you, but what about the hatred that the DU family gave you? " Du Anran was afraid that she would sink into it, afraid that it would be like the past two years. After she fell into it, he would pull himself out and ruthlessly push her into hell.

"I am forgetting... " Xin Zimo had long decided to slowly forget the pain the DU family had inflicted on him. It was not that he had forgotten the rolled eyes and humiliation of those years, but the happiness that she had given him was enough to make him forget all of this.

He had long understood that hatred was not enough to contend with love.

Du Anran had never expected that he would say such a thing. Whether it was lying or coaxing, at this moment, she suddenly felt a long-lost peace of mind.

What about how she treated him Could she forget all the pain that he had given her half a year ago That kind of pain was heart-wrenching, and it was dripping with blood... ...

"Anran, I only treat Chi Xue as my younger sister. Don't think too much about it. " He reached out to help her pull back the broken hair on her forehead. The gentleness between his fingers made du Anran's heart tremble.

"You don't have to explain it to me. I won't think too much about it. " Du Anran avoided his hand.

"Then do you care? "

"I... " Du Anran couldn't answer him. She couldn't even answer herself. Did she care?

All the cares that she had once thought were shattered at a certain moment. Now, could she still have this kind of feeling?

"There's no need to rush to answer me. I'm prepared to wait for your answer for the rest of my life. " Xin zimo planted a deep kiss on her forehead.

"Let's go down for dinner. " Xin Zimo stood up and pulled her up from the bed.

"Didn't you tell me not to come down for dinner? " Du Anran pursed her lips.

"You're serious? Then if I let you sleep by my side tonight, would you agree? " Xin zimo smiled.

Du Anran pursed her lips. She didn't want to quibble with Xin Zimo. In fact, she was no match for him.

When the housekeeper saw that Xin Zimo had brought du Anran down, it seemed that everything was fine. She heaved a sigh of relief and quickly went to the kitchen to bring the dishes over.

"housekeeper, in the future, people who are not related are not allowed to enter the villa, " Xin zimo instructed the housekeeper.

The housekeeper counted all the people who had entered the villa in the past few days. Apart from Uncle Chen and Chi Xue, she immediately understood what Xin Zimo meant.

"Okay, Mr. Xin, I will take note. "

"Okay. "

Halfway through the meal, Xin Zimo suddenly asked Du Anran, "what are your plans for tomorrow? "

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. She thought that Xin Zimo had found out about the plane ticket booking again. However, she had hidden this matter well. He should not be so resourceful.

She lowered her head and ate. "I'll sleep in the morning. I'll go shopping or read books in the afternoon. "

"I'll be even more stupid if I sleep again. " Xin zimo smiled. "I'll wake up tomorrow morning and walk around the streets. "

"I'm too lazy to move. " Du Anran found an excuse.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and the day after tomorrow is Christmas. So you don't remember it either. "

Du Anran was stunned. She counted the days, and it was indeed... ... She did not have the habit of celebrating Christmas either. This was already popular during her school days, and she had not celebrated Christmas ever since she graduated ...

At this time, Xin Zimo's phone vibrated.

He saw that it was Sun Ping's call, and he frowned slightly. He reluctantly picked up the call.

"What's the matter? "

Sun Ping lowered his voice and said something to him. Xin Zimo's frown deepened, and he finally roared, "in the future, don't say such groundless words! "

Sun Ping seemed to be defending himself on the phone, but Xin Zimo hung up in anger.

Du Anran did not dare to ask about his business matters, so she did not ask. She continued to eat with her head lowered.

"I'm too tired today. You can go back to sleep later. If I'm free tomorrow, I'll accompany you for a walk. " Xin Zimo put his arm around her waist. "Don't be bored. I brought you to London to relax. "

"okay... " Du Anran promised him, but she knew that she had to find an opportunity to go to the airport early tomorrow morning. The flight was at 10 pm. Even if he looked for her at that time, he would not be able to do anything.

London was not city A. IT would not be easy for him to find her. Moreover, he was so busy that he might not even have time to pay attention to her tomorrow.

After eating, Xin Zimo went to his room as expected and did not disturb du Anran anymore. Du Anran also went back to her room to pack her things nervously. She definitely could not take her luggage because it would be too conspicuous. She put all the things that she had to take away into her carry-on bag.

As she packed her things, the jade bracelet in her hand kept knocking against her clothes. She sighed and took off the jade bracelet and put it back into the jewelry box.

She placed the jewelry box on the table by the bedside. Perhaps he would discover it tomorrow, but by then, she would have already left.

She had already planned everything after she returned to the country. She planned to leave with her mother. Since Xie Chenjin had promised her, then they would definitely be able to leave.