Chapter 125, uneasy heart

The next day, du Anran got up early. She did not know where the housekeeper found the Christmas tree. It was decorated with lights and placed at the entrance of the hall. It looked very beautiful.

She looked around with a heavy heart, but she did not see Xin Zimo.

Just then, the housekeeper walked over. "Good Morning, Miss Du. Do you want to have breakfast in the hall or go to the rooftop? "

"Good Morning, housekeeper. Just stay here. I'll just eat something. Oh Right, where's Mr. Xin? " Du Anran looked around.

"I heard from old Chen that Mr. Xin went out at four or five o'clock. He seemed to have something important to talk about, " the Butler said. "Mr. Xin is really busy. He doesn't have time to rest on Christmas Eve. "

"Four or five o'clock? So early... " Du Anran was a little surprised. She could not guess what Xin Zimo had been busy with recently. Logically, the meeting should have ended long ago.

"I'll go get breakfast for Miss Du, " the Butler said and went to the kitchen.

Du Anran stood alone in the brightly lit hall. Her heart was empty. Logically speaking, if he was not here, she would have a better chance to go to the airport and return home. She should be very happy... ...

When the housekeeper brought breakfast, Du Anran sat alone at the table. The housekeeper did not know what Du Anran was thinking, but she looked down as if she was very depressed.

"Miss Du, Mr. Xin asked me to pick a Christmas tree today. He also said that he would definitely come back tonight to spend Christmas Eve with Miss Du. "

"really? " Du Anran was a little surprised. She did not expect Xin Zimo to have such thoughts. In her eyes, he was not a romantic person.

"hurry up and eat your breakfast! " The housekeeper placed the milk, sandwiches, and cakes in front of Du Anran.

However, Du Anran still chose to leave. Without her on Christmas Eve, and Chi Xue... ... He might not be lonely in London ...

When it was past nine o'clock, Du Anran left the villa with her backpack that she had prepared beforehand. Before she left, she only told the housekeeper that she was going out, and the housekeeper did not suspect anything.

She knew that Xin Zimo had sent someone to follow her, so she first went to a large shopping mall. The square was very lively, with beautiful decorations and bright lights everywhere.

Christmas trees stood tall in the square, and Du Anran lowered her head and hurried through the crowd.

When she reached the clothing counter on the first floor, Du Anran pretended to try on clothes and entered the changing room. However, she sneaked from one store to another when no one was paying attention, and finally left the square successfully.

She was sure that she had shaken off all the people who were following her, but her heart was still uneasy, and she did not know where this unease came from.

She conveniently hailed a taxi and got in. The car was constantly rushing towards the airport.

Du Anran knew that it was still early. There were still eight hours before the plane took off.

She gave Xie Chenjin a call. "where are you? "

"where can I be? Of course, I'm at the Xie Corporation. "

"Did you listen to the thing I gave you last time? "

"Yes, I did. It's very good. Thank you. "

Du Anran knew that Xie Chenjin and Xin Zimo were the same. They rarely praised others and their mouths were very sarcastic. However, he did not hesitate to praise her this time. It seemed that the thing really helped him.

"What do you think will happen to me if he finds out one day? " Du Anran looked out of the window and suddenly felt sad.

"there won't be such a day. " Xie Chenjin seemed to have a plan in mind as he solemnly said to Du Anran.

"There's a good saying. If you can believe the words of men, even a sow can climb a tree. "

"You can not believe in Xin Zimo, but you should not not believe in me, Xie Chenjin. We have been working together for a period of time. Have I ever lied to you? "

"speaking of which, I remember now. Why did you find an excuse to let me go to Xin Zimo's grandfather last time? " Du Anran frowned.

"What intentions? You make it sound like my motives are impure. " Xie Chenjin smiled leisurely. "I just want you to understand that Xin Zimo will never be able to confide in you. Even if he has a biological grandfather, he won't tell you such a big thing. "

"Are you trying to make me sad? To be honest, I'm already used to it. I'm not a person to him, so there's no need for him to confide in me. "

"If you really think that way, I'll be relieved instead. I'm just afraid that if some man says something nice to you and gives you a gift, you'll be so happy that you'll forget everything. "

"If I really forget everything, I won't call you on Christmas Eve today. "

"It's Christmas Eve today? ''XieeChenjinn had obviously forgotten too. "then... happyChristmassEvee, safe and sound. "

"same to you. " Du Anran leaned on the seat cushion of the taxi, feeling a little tired. It was hard to tell whether she was tired physically or mentally.

"Why did you call me? Did you miss me? " Xie Chenjin joked.

"What's there to think about? I know that you have as many women around you as Xin Zimo. " Du Anran didn't have the energy to joke. She was very tired.

"When did you see a woman around me? The last time I brought you back, you saw it too. The place where I live doesn't even have a woman's hair. " Xie Chenjin was quite angry and complained.

Du Anran had long forgotten about staying at Xie Chenjin's place. After he mentioned it, she curled her lips. "I'm not going to debate with you. I'm going back to the country today. "

"Back to the country? Alone? " Xie Chenjin heard the clues and also noticed the tiredness in her voice.

"Yes, alone. The plane ticket at 10 pm. "

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. " Xie Chenjin calculated the time.

"No need, I'll go back myself. I just want to ask you out for a chat as soon as possible. "

Xie Chenjin frowned. "Are you in trouble? "

"Let's talk about it after returning to the country! I just want to ask when you're free. "

"I'll call you, " Xie Chenjin said with a disappointed tone.

"okay... I'll wait for your call. "

"Wait. " Just when Du Anran was about to hang up the phone, Xie Chenjin suddenly said, "Do you regret working with me? "

Du Anran was stunned for a few seconds after hearing that. After a while, she smiled and said, "after Shihe went bankrupt, I learned one thing. I don't regret anything I do. Because whether they are right or wrong, they are my own choices. "

On the other end of the phone, Xie Chenjin was also silent for a moment. After a long while, he smiled and said, "I didn't misjudge you. "

"Then I'll hang up first. Goodbye. Happy Christmas Eve. "

Xie Chenjin sat in the office until Du Anran's phone had been hung up for a long time before he reacted. His slender fingers tapped lightly on the clean surface of the desk, as if he was thinking about something.

He thought about it for a long time, but nothing seemed to come out. He actually laughed, foolishly laughing alone in the office. Until his phone rang again.

When du Anran rushed to the airport, she felt uneasy. She had a feeling that something was going to happen. Would Xin zimo discover it She hid it well. He wasn't that smart... ...

But what could it be Her heart was like a small ant that was biting and climbing, a piercing pain.

It had been a long time since she had felt this kind of feeling, and the pain was tinged with worry.

When the taxi stopped outside the airport, the driver made an "OK" gesture to her, and Du Anran came back to her senses.

The airport was crowded. Although it was Christmas Eve, the number of people at the airport was no less than usual. Christmas trees were placed around the airport, and the atmosphere was cheerful.

At the other end of London, on the 86th floor of a skyscraper, the floor-to-ceiling glass reflected the dazzling winter sunlight.

The floor of the spotless hall could reflect the image of people. A group of elite executives in custom-made suits were communicating in English. There was no noise in the surroundings.

Xin Zimo was among them. He spoke fluent English, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning and deep in thought.

Everyone nodded. After more than two hours, some things were finally settled. Xin zimo finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the 86th floor with the executives with a smile.

"President Xin, I will send someone to go with you to retrieve the information. These are the actuarial calculations made by the world's top banking elites. Since we are already partners, I will not hold anything back. "

In the Lincoln Limousine, a kind-looking Chinese man said to Xin Zimo. He looked to be in his forties or fifties. When he talked about these projects, he repeatedly praised Xin Zimo for his shrewdness.

"President Huang, are these information unique? " Xin Zimo asked with a calm expression.

"Of course. " Director Huang was confident. "The information also includes the elite's estimates of the Chinese banking market and a detailed plan. With this information, you can at least gain a foothold in the financial market of City A. "

"opening up the financial market of city a is an important step I will take next year. Director Huang, I hope you will take care of me in many aspects in the future. "

"You are too kind. "

The car drove forward. Director Huang Sent Xin Zimo to a secret place and left. There were special people to pick up Xin Zimo, and old Chen also brought his bodyguards.

The secret room was a little dark and quiet. The smell of yellowish paper could be smelled everywhere. In the empty and winding corridor, only the sound of a few people walking in leather shoes could be heard.

High-tech Password doors were everywhere. When they reached a door, a few people from the secret room stopped in their tracks.

"Director Xin, the Information Director Huang gave you is inside. We need you to input your fingerprint. "

"Okay. "

Xin Zimo pressed his finger on the fingerprint input device at the door, and the people in the secret room nodded.

Then there was a series of clicking sounds on the keyboard, which was particularly ear-piercing in this empty space. After one of them connected the small notebook to the input device at the door, the door slowly opened after a long time.

"President Xin, sorry to have kept you waiting. These are all top-notch information in the world, so I hope you can forgive me. " The people in the secret office led Xin Zimo into the door.

They didn't expect that this was only the first level. After opening the door, there was nothing special in the room.

The people in the secret office then led Xin Zimo around a corner and entered the second level of the secret room.

There was no light in the secret room and it was dark.

"Director Xin, in order to prevent the light from causing damage to the information, we can only use this type of small flashlight. " The person from the secret office turned on a flashlight made of a special material.

Only then did Xin Zimo feel somewhat used to it. He sized up the secret room carefully. He had to admit that the secret work here was done very well.