Chapter 126, the night of injustice

After walking to a cabinet made of special glass, the staff of the Secret Security Office pressed a series of passwords. When the gears were slowly turned on, the staff handed Xin Zimo an electronic version. "President Xin, please sign your name. "

"Okay. " Xin Zimo signed his name in a graceful manner.

When the cabinet was opened, as expected, there was a stack of not-so-thick information inside. The staff of the Secret Security Office continued to say to Xin Zimo, "please enter your fingerprint here. "

Xin zimo followed the instructions one by one. After all the procedures were completed, the staff took out the information from director Huang's mouth and handed it to Xin Zimo.

"Director Huang is really reassuring when he does things, " Xin zimo could not help but praise.

After coming out of the Secret Service Center, Xin Zimo felt that the sunlight was a little dazzling. It was the time when the sun was setting. The Sun had not set yet, and the light dyed the clouds in a gorgeous color.

Outside the Secret Service Center was Green Mountains and rivers, and the environment was elegant.

Old Chen stood outside the car with two bodyguards waiting for Xin Zimo. When he saw the safe in Xin Zimo's hand, he nodded and knew that it was time to leave.

The golden rays of the setting sun shone on the Porsche. It was as if the car was covered in a layer of gold, shining brightly.

"Uncle Chen, have you prepared all the gifts I asked you to buy? " Xin Zimo got into the car, but he did not care about the documents in his hand.

"I've bought them all. They're in the trunk, " Uncle Chen said with a kind smile.

"thank you, Uncle Chen. I'm too busy today and don't have time to prepare these for her. When I'm done with this period of time, I'll give her a few more better gifts, " Xin Zimo said.

"Miss Du will definitely be very happy to see this. Today is Christmas Eve! "

"although it was prepared in a hurry, it's still a small token of my appreciation. " Xin zimo smiled slightly.

"You're really nice to Miss Du. " Uncle Chen said with envy, "but forgive me for asking, is this Miss Du... Du Yuanheng's daughter? "

"Yes. " Xin Zimo was also straightforward. "But in my eyes, she only has one identity. She's my woman. "

Uncle Chen saw that Xin Zimo was serious and didn't play around, so he nodded and said, "that's great, that's great. "

"Let's go to Harbor No. 1 first. I plan to get someone to bring these documents back to the country first. "

"You don't plan to bring them with you? You must know that these documents are very important. "

"Do I have to bring a time bomb with me? " Xin zimo smiled and said, "I've already spread the word that I'm going to send the documents back to the country by air. I'm afraid that someone is already waiting at the airport. "

"You're still thoughtful, but I'm afraid that shipping them by sea is too slow... "

"That doesn't matter. As long as they reach the country successfully, Sun Ping will help me control everything in the country. "

"Sun Ping isn't young anymore, is he? I haven't seen him for many years. " Uncle Chen couldn't help but ask with concern when he heard Xin Zimo mention Sun Ping.

"He's doing well! " Xin zimo smiled. "His luck has been changing recently. He's met with a lucky romance. He won't be single on Valentine's Day next year. "

"I thought this kid was stubborn. " Uncle Chen laughed. "I didn't expect him to act so quickly. "

"I'm afraid that uncle Chen's gift will not be lacking. "

"I've already prepared it for you. I'm afraid that when you're old, it won't be convenient for you to go back to the country. It's hard for you to do so even if you want to. " Uncle Chen sighed.

"If you want to return to China, you can do it anytime. I'll also prepare a special plane for you anytime and anywhere. "

"President Xin, you're too polite. It's my good fortune to meet you. "

"Uncle Chen, you're joking, " Xin Zimo said. "By the way, what time should we arrive at Port 1? "

"Around 9 PM. "

"Okay. " Xin Zimo fell into deep thought. After a while, he asked, "have I sent out another car to the airport? "

"I've sent it out. It's just a diversion. I understand. "

"Okay, I'm not worried about your work. "

"President Xin, why don't you give Miss Du a call? I'm afraid it'll be midnight when we get back to the villa... "

"okay. " Xin Zimo took out her phone.

Du Anran, who had already arrived at the airport coffee shop, was in a daze while stirring a cup of coffee. She sometimes looked at the crowd that was passing by outside the window, and sometimes she lowered her head to look at the little bubbles that formed on the coffee.

It was already sunset outside the window. The evening scenery in London was different from that in China. There was more of an empty beauty here. And today was Christmas Eve, so there was a festive atmosphere everywhere.

A red sunset slowly sank below the horizon, and Du Anran's heart finally calmed down.

However, just as she ordered a snack, her phone rang. It was Xin Zimo calling.

Her heart jumped, afraid that he would come back to the villa and see that she was not at home to question her.

"Hello... " she picked up the phone carefully.

"where are you? "

"I'm at the coffee shop on the street. "

"Not at the villa? " Xin Zimo's voice sank, as if he was a little angry.

"I just came out. The villa was too stuffy, so I came out for a walk. You're back? " Du Anran asked tentatively.

"No, " Xin Zimo said, "I'll probably be back later today. If you're tired, sleep first. Don't wait for me. "

Uncle Chen, who was driving, shook his head and smiled when he heard Xin Zimo say that. He clearly wanted Miss Du to wait for him, but he said that there was no need to wait. This child, after so many years, was still afraid of giving up his heart.

"Oh, be careful on your way. I'll be back in a while. "

"Yes, happy Christmas Eve. "

"Happy Christmas Eve. "

Both ends of the phone fell silent. No one spoke again, but no one hung up.

Du Anran had always been used to Xin Zimo hanging up first. In the past, he was always the first to hang up, but today, he did not.

"and... is there anything else? " After a few seconds, Du Anran spoke again ...

"No, I just suddenly wanted to see you. "

Du Anran laughed. "I don't have an extra mouth or an extra eye. "

Xin Zimo also laughed. "Take Care of yourself. HANG UP! "

This was the first time Du Anran hung up on Xin Zimo. She had never dared to do so in the past.

Perhaps she was about to leave London, but there was actually some sadness in her heart. As she looked at the dark sky outside the window, her eyes inexplicably became moist.

The last Ray of light of the setting sun was also swallowed by the darkness. The entire Earth was pulled open by a black curtain. The street lights in the surrounding streets were lit up one after another. Accompanied by a peace carol, this sweet and warm Christmas Eve had arrived.

"Mr. Xin, you should sleep for a while. I'll call you when we reach the harbor. " Uncle Chen saw that Xin Zimo's face was full of fatigue. He had left the house at four o'clock that day, so he was worried about his health.

"That's good too. " Xin zimo closed his eyes. He was indeed very tired, but this was still overseas. When he returned to China, what kind of mess was waiting for him to clean up.

Old Chen turned off the lights in the car, and the car fell into silence. Outside the car was a stretch of road, and by the side of the road were tree trunks that had shed all their leaves. There was a somewhat monotonous feeling in the bleak winter.

There were few cars on the road leading to the harbor, and it happened to be Christmas Eve tonight. The road that was already sparsely populated was now even sparser.

Behind Xin Zimo's Porsche was the bodyguard's car that was following him at all times. There were only two cars driving on this wide road.

The closer they got to the harbor, the quieter the road became. Uncle Chen's eyelids suddenly twitched for no reason. He sped up and drove towards the harbor.

Suddenly, everything fell into darkness, and the road became narrower. Only the headlights were still on.

When the car turned a corner and approached harbor No. 1, suddenly, two gunshots were heard in the empty space.

Xin Zimo was a light sleeper, so he was very alert. When he heard the gunshots, he immediately opened his eyes.

"What happened? " Xin zimo looked at his surroundings through the rearview mirror.

"I don't know. " Old Chen also quickly looked at his surroundings.

A few seconds later, the bodyguards behind him stopped the car, and the two bodyguards quickly jumped out of the car.

"Mr. Xin, their car behind us has a flat tire! " Old Chen had many years of experience, so he immediately noticed the situation.

Xin zimo looked through the rearview mirror. Indeed, the rear wheel of the car behind them had been pushed down. From the looks of it, the two bullets were aimed at them.

"speed up. How Far Away is the harbor? " Xin Zimo did not know how long the two bodyguards could resist. He knew that as long as the documents were sent to the ship, everything would be fine.

"half an hour, " old Chen said quickly.

"I'll call the people at the harbor right now and ask them to send someone to pick us up. Uncle Chen, hold on and avoid the bullets! " Xin zimo frowned as he observed the situation behind them.

Although the two bodyguards were specially trained, the strength of the people sent by the other party was not to be underestimated. Just behind the bodyguards'car, Xin zimo quickly discovered a fast SUV.

The SUV was driving crazily. On the road that could only accommodate one car, it actually wanted to drive past the grass beside it.

The two bodyguards quickly pulled out their pistols and fired a few shots at the SUV with lightning speed.

However, the people in the SUV were not to be trifled with. They came prepared and with a few quick turns, the car easily avoided the bullets.

"Guo Zi, are you at the harbor? Quickly follow the south road to pick me up. WE'RE IN TROUBLE! Remember to bring a few more people. The other party has guns! " Xin Zimo calmed down and called Guo Zi, who was picking him up at the harbor.

"Mr. Xin, they're coming! " Old Chen tried his best to step on the accelerator, but the other party also tried his best to drive forward. The speed of the two cars was about the same.

Xin Zimo's two bodyguards could not stop the other party, so they could only shoot at the back tires of the SUV.

Bang Bang Bang Bullets shot at the SUV one after another, but as the car sped up, the distance became farther and farther, so the bullets could not be fired at all.

The people in the SUV were not easy to deal with. They turned left and right, dodging the bullets of the two bodyguards. The tires were saved, but the rear window glass shattered with a bang.

The people in the SUV gave chase with full power. The others quickly loaded their bullets and aimed at the wheels of Xin Zimo's Porsche.

"Uncle Chen! TURN LEFT! " Xin Zimo calmly observed everything and took out a pistol from under the seat cushion.