Chapter 133, never let her down

The housekeeper lowered her head. She didn't know how to answer Du Anran. It had been three days and three nights, but there was no news from anyone.

The snow outside the window was falling heavily, and the wind whistled past. Du Anran leaned against the window weakly.

"housekeeper, you haven't been home for a few days, right? It's fine here. You should go back first! " It had just been Christmas, and Du Anran couldn't bear to let the housekeeper stay with her.

"Miss Du, I'm fine. I'll stay with you. It's easier to talk with someone here, " the housekeeper said.

"I'm fine too. I'll be waiting... I believe he'll come back. Besides, I owe him so much money. How could he bear to leave... " before she could finish her words, tears welled up in her eyes again. Du Anran leaned on the windowsill and buried herself in her arms ...

The Butler's nose also felt sore. He could not help but turn his head to secretly wipe his tears.

"Miss Du, can you eat something? Since we'll be waiting forever, we'll have to wait with our physical strength, right... if Mr. Xin comes back and sees that you're not eating or drinking, his heart will ache... " the Butler's voice was a little choked up ...

The housekeeper walked to the table and brought a bowl of light red date and Lotus seed Porridge. She knew that Du Anran's appetite had not been good these two days. She brought the porridge to Du Anran. "Eat some. "

Du Anran smelled the fragrance of the porridge, but her stomach was still churning, and her heart was in intense pain. She really could not eat... ...

The housekeeper saw the tears on her face and felt very uncomfortable. She had always thought that Du Anran did not love Xin Zimo, but she seemed to be wrong.

"eat quickly, I will wait with you, " the housekeeper said.

Du Anran reluctantly picked up the spoon. After a few mouthfuls, her heart suddenly hurt, so she had to put it down again. After repeating it a few times, the porridge was cold before she finished it.

The housekeeper guessed that she really could not eat anything, so he did not force her anymore. He let out a long sigh in his heart.

Du Anran looked at the snow outside the window. "housekeeper, it's snowing so heavily outside. What if he can't see the road when he comes back... "

"Miss Du, I've turned on all the lights in the villa. I've also put the lights outside the villa. Once Mr. Xin comes back, we'll go out to pick him up. "

"You must come back... " Du Anran held the jade bracelet in her hand. It was originally cold jade, but after being held by her for a long time, it was already warm.

"I will, I definitely will. " The Butler nodded vigorously.

"Butler, do you like Xin Zimo? " Du Anran suddenly asked inexplicably.

The Butler was stunned at first Then he smiled and said, "I do. Whether it's me or old Chen, we all like Mr. Xin very much. Mr. Xin is polite and polite. We've watched him grow up since he was young. "Old Chen and I are very happy to see that he is so successful and mature now. "

"But in my eyes, he is very bad, very bad... " Du Anran leaned against the window and did not move.

"Mr. Xin's temper is not very good sometimes, but we elders all know that he is stubborn. He has something to suppress in his heart, and he never explains any misunderstandings. He feels that those who believe in him will always believe in him. "Just like old Chen and I, we will always treat Mr. Xin as our own child. We will always believe in him. "

"Butler, do you know that there was a period of time when I hated him to death? I wished that he would die and I wished that I would never see him again. But now, he has really left me, or even left me forever. I am not happy at all... on the contrary, my heart hurts... "

"Miss Du, actually, no matter how the world changes, no matter how earth-shattering it is, there are some things that will never change. "

The Butler put on a coat for du Anran. In this weather of minus four to five degrees Celsius, she was really afraid that Du anran would catch a cold again.

"Too many things have happened in the past six months. I don't know if I'm walking too slowly and can't keep up... " there was a calmness in Du Anran's eyes. She looked out of the window. The snowflakes danced and the cold wind was biting.

"Miss Du, you have to remember that the people who love you will always love you, just like your parents. No matter how far you fall, they will always wait for you at the same place. "

"My parents... " tears welled up in Du Anran's eyes. "Yes, they love me, they treat me very well, and I love them too... "

"So, Miss Du, don't be sad. I also believe that God is fair. Mr. Xin is such a good person... "

The Butler stood beside du Anran and accompanied her. The night was getting darker, but the lights in the villa were still on.

It was two o'clock at night when Xin Zimo flew to the London airport. It was the quietest and loneliest time of the day. Even the pedestrians quickened their footsteps and left the airport one after another.

Xin zimo's wound was still bleeding. He had initially treated it briefly at the airport, but it was useless. It was still a tearing pain.

He forced himself to sit on a chair in the airport. A flight attendant came over and nervously asked him if he was okay.

He waved his hand. At this moment, he could not stay long. He had to get rid of the safe in his hand and then go home to see her... ...

She must not know what had been supporting him until now. When he jumped into the sea, the last person he wanted to see was her. The first person he wanted to see when he woke up was also her.

He loved her.

After sitting for a short while, he clutched his wound and left the airport. It was snowing heavily in London at night. The snow was already seven to eight inches thick, and it was fluttering in the air like Catkins.

Xin Zimo stepped on the snow, leaving two rows of footprints in the snow. He had a hard time walking every step, but he gritted his teeth and survived.

The wind blew on his face, and it was as cold as a knife.

He could not see anyone on the road in London at night. It was difficult for him to find a taxi. He had no choice but to find a phone booth and call Guo Zi.

Although it was two o'clock at night, Guo Zi did not fall asleep because he was worried about Xin Zimo. He had been waiting by the phone for news.

When Xin Zimo called, Guo Zi was napping on the SOFA. When he heard the phone ring, he quickly sat up.

"Is there any news? " He shouted excitedly.

In the past few days, the news was getting less and less. He was almost in despair.

"Guo Zi... It's me... " Xin Zimo's body was very weak. He was almost leaning against the phone booth ...

"ZIMO? " Guo Zi could still hear it at once. He immediately shouted excitedly, but he immediately heard that something was wrong. Xin zimo's voice was very tired, and there was the sound of the wind on the phone.

"where are you? " Guo Zi asked worriedly.

"London airport... phone booth... " Xin Zimo's face was already pale. The joints of his hands holding the phone were distinct, and they trembled slightly ...

The blood on his chest was still seeping out. When he lowered his head, he saw that half of his white shirt was dyed red.

"Wait for me, I'LL BE RIGHT THERE! " Guo Zi quickly put down the phone, picked up his coat, and went to the garage to get his car.

Finally, there was news of Xin Zimo. He was still alive!

Guo Zi's entire body was trembling. He was very happy, very happy. His friend was still alive They had searched for three days and three nights, and finally found him. He was still alive!

Guo Zi had been accelerating all the way. There was a thick layer of snow on the road, which greatly affected the speed of the car. However, he still drove towards the airport at the fastest speed.

Xin Zimo held onto the phone booth and forced himself not to fall down.

After hanging up on Guo Zi, he pressed the familiar number a few times, but he still gave up in the end.

He did not know whether he should call her or not. would she be worried if something happened to him?

In this year, he had lied to her countless times. He had lied to her about getting engaged, lied to her about losing the entire world peace, lied to her mother and daughter until they had nowhere else to go, lied to her uncle to commit suicide... ...

He had threatened her, beaten her, and scolded her. He had also never given her any face. When she was on the verge of collapse, he had given her a subpoena, used the Golden Plate Garden Project to make her beg him, and even forced her to give Chi Xue a blood transfusion... ...

In her eyes, he was a b * Stard, a despicable and shameless villain... ...

But there was only one sentence that he did not lie to her. He loved her.

Xin zimo clutched the phone booth tightly. His wound was in intense pain, and so was his heart. Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He raised his head to prevent them from flowing out.

This time, if he could not go back, she would be free... ...

"Enron, Enron... " Xin Zimo called her name over and over again.

The wind blew in the night, whistling past and taking away Xin Zimo's voice.

Guo Zi sped all the way here. Forty minutes later, it was the middle of the night in London. He finally arrived at the airport. Outside the phone booth, he could clearly see Xin Zimo's figure.

This was no longer the cold and indifferent Xin Zimo he knew. This was also the first time he saw Xin Zimo like this. Calling a woman's name in a strange place, he was sad and in pain.

Guo Zi sighed, jumped out of the car and walked to the phone booth.

Xin Zimo saw him. He did not have any strength left. He pointed at the safe on the ground, but he ordered in a tone that could not be refused, "go to Port 1. "

Guo Zi saw that his face was Pale, and he also saw the large pool of blood on his clothes. He was shocked and quickly pulled him to his car.

"I'll send you back to the villa first! " Guo Zi found a blanket from the car and put it on him.

"Go to the port before they have any news of my return! " Xin Zimo did not allow Guo Zi to refuse.

"No! " Guo Zi was also frightened. "I have to send you back to the villa and find a doctor to treat you! "

"Go to the port, did you hear me? ! " Xin zimo roared.

The wound cracked a few more times and Xin Zimo immediately covered it. His hands were already dyed red with blood.

"If this continues, your life will be in danger! " Guo Zi did not listen at all and drove the car towards Xin Zimo's villa.

"If this drags on, I can't guarantee that they won't find us! " Xin zimo endured the pain and frowned.

"So what if these documents are lost? At worst, it's just the Xin clan! How can it be more valuable than your life? " Guo Zi could not help but scold him. In fact, Guo Zi had long wanted to blame him for jumping into the sea.

"The Xin clan is my blood and sweat, do you understand? " Xin Zimo was powerless to defend himself, but he still had to say these words.

If he did not have the Xin clan, what was the point of all his years of hard work.