Chapter 134, danger again

"Look at me, I don't have any business, I don't have any so-called hard work, but I still live happily, don't I have a happy family and no worries about food and drink? " Guo Zi said "Your so-called Xin Corporation is just to cover up the retreat in your heart. "

"I'm not the same as what you pursue, " Xin Zimo said lightly.

"Not the same? Don't tell me you don't want yourself for the Xin Corporation? Don't you want your family? Don't tell me you can make everyone who loves you sad? " Guo Zi scolded Xin zimo fiercely.

Normally, Guo Zi did not dare to confront Xin Zimo. Now, it was a rare opportunity for him to be weak. He had to rebuke him and make him wake up as soon as possible.

His Act of jumping into the sea for the sake of the information was the worst of the worst.

"If I don't protect these information, they will be used by people with ulterior motives... " Xin Zimo closed his eyes and said weakly.

"Don't you know that these are the world's top financial information. "I jumped into the sea not by chance, but because of two considerations. "The worst case scenario is that I die and the information sinks. "However, this also means that the information will no longer fall into the hands of anyone, right? "

"You're really unreasonable. " To Guo Zi, a Chinese who grew up in London, this was simply an unbelievable action. "Then why didn't you just throw the information into the sea when you reached the cliff? "

"If you throw it into the sea, no one will really be able to get it. And if I jump into the sea together, the probability of keeping the information is 50% . For this 50% chance, I'll give it my all. "

"Then, have you ever thought about what will happen to your family if you really die? What will happen to Du Anran? " Guo Zi really did not want to listen to his so-called big truths. This was not in line with his philosophy of life.

"She... " Xin Zimo was silent. She must be very happy that she could finally get rid of his demonic claws.

Guo Zi sighed and drove to the villa.

Although it was white outside, Xin Zimo saw that the situation on both sides of the road was not right. Suddenly, he saw a car following closely on the rearview mirror of Guo Zi's car.

This was still the downtown area of London. Although it was night, the lights were still bright. Xin Zimo raised his vigilance. He knew that in this place, the cars behind would not dare to act recklessly.

"Guo Zi, quickly call someone to go to the port to receive him! " Xin zimo ordered.

He endured the pain of his wound and sat up. He looked at the situation around him. If he continued to drive, he would soon deviate from the downtown area. In this way, they would have no advantage.

"Stop the car by the side of the road! " Xin zimo shouted.

"What happened? " Guo Zi immediately slowed down.

"someone is following us. "

When Guo Zi heard this, he also looked carefully from the rearview mirror. Sure enough, there was a car behind them that was sneaky, but it was not easy to notice.

"What should we do? " Guo Zi also raised his vigilance.

"Get some people to pick us up at the port, and send another group of people to pick us up. "

"Okay. " Guo Zi immediately called his subordinates.

The car behind them seemed to have realized what they were doing. They deliberately stepped back and prepared to leave the downtown area.

"Guo Zi, have you caught the mastermind in the past three days? "

"No, all of their people are dead. The clues are gone, " Guo Zi said truthfully.

"Well, there's a great opportunity to catch the clues in front of us. "

"You mean this car? " Guo Zi found it unbelievable.

"Yes, it's our turn to follow it, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

"No, they clearly want to lure us to follow them. WE CAN'T BE FOOLED! " Guo Zi also analyzed seriously.

"What I mean is, I'll drive there and you take the information to the harbor! "

"No, I can't let you take the risk alone. You have such serious injuries! Besides, if I jump out of the car, they will definitely find me! "

"Don't talk so much nonsense! " Xin zimo quickly adjusted his posture and ordered Guo Zi, "drive the car to the big tree as a cover. I'll shout one, two, three, then you jump out with the safe. Do you understand? "

"You just saved your life at the gates of hell. If you want to take the risk, I'll go! " Guo Zi shouted without caring about his own safety.

"This is the Xin family's business. It has nothing to do with you, " Xin Zimo said calmly.

"Then, do you still treat me as a friend? "

"CUT THE CRAP! " Xin zimo shouted, "drive the car to the left a little bit. One... "

"Then, do you know that Du Anran is still waiting for you at home? " Guo Zi shouted.

Xin Zimo's hand trembled, and a glimmer of light flashed in his dark eyes. However, it was only for a moment. After a moment, his face regained its calmness.

"Two... three! " Xin Zimo opened the car door and pushed Guo Zi out with force ...

"Xin zimo! "

"Remember, bring the safe to the harbor safely. "

Xin zimo quickly closed the door, stepped on the accelerator, and chased after Guo Zi.

Guo Zi was paralyzed on the ground. The snow on the ground buried half of his body. The snow was still falling, but no sound could be heard.

That night, Guo Zi finally brought the safe safely to the harbor. The ship whistled and set sail smoothly, leaving London.

When Xin Zimo chased after him, the people in the car in front obviously did not realize that the driver had changed. They also did not realize that someone had jumped out of the car and brought important documents to the harbor.

They originally wanted to catch a turtle in a jar. After they lured Xin Zimo into the forest, they would send people to take him down. By then, they would have all the information and people.

Xin Zimo obviously knew their intentions. At this time in the busy city, they definitely would not shoot. But, he dared.

Xin Zimo took out a pistol from under the driver's seat. Because he had the advantage in the rear, he quickly fired two shots at the tires of the car in front.

The people in front obviously did not expect Xin Zimo to dare to shoot. This was the busy city. Once he fired, it meant that there was a possibility of being arrested.

And how could Xin Zimo not know? It was just that he had already weighed the pros and cons. Arresting him was better than not knowing the truth and not being able to catch him.

The car in front was completely wrecked, and the people in the car immediately armed themselves and pulled out their handguns, aiming at Xin Zimo's car.

Xin zimo quickly counterattacked, and with the advantage of being in the car, he dodged a few bullets and turned around to leave.

With a crash, the car window shattered. Xin Zimo knew that it was not good, so he fired a few shots behind him. He stepped on the accelerator, and just as he was about to leave, the car tire was shot, and the car immediately stopped.

He immediately jumped out of the car. The people behind him saw him get out of the car, and they immediately caught up to him. They aimed at Xin Zimo and pulled the ring.

Xin Zimo immediately lay down and rolled a few times on the snowy ground. He then shot at the other party's calf with lightning speed.

The other party was immediately hit. Xin Zimo had time to run to an international shopping mall.

"Don't move! " The people behind wanted to catch up, but the police had already been alerted and stopped everyone.

"put down your guns! " The other party spoke fluent English. Xin Zimo knew that he was out of danger, so he threw the guns on the snowy ground.

The enemy was four people. Two of them were seriously injured, and two were slightly injured. However, they put down their guns obediently.

"COME WITH US! " The London police immediately rushed up and took away five people.

However, Xin Zimo had already heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as everything went well with Guo Zi, then they would have already won.

Everyone stepped on the thick snow and walked towards the police station. Only then did Xin Zimo realize that after the fight just now, the wound on his chest had become deeper. At this moment, it was as painful as a knife being gouged out.

He covered the wound and walked forward with a frown.

The snow fell on everyone's faces and clothes. Xin Zimo's black suit had already been dyed half white. It was ice and snow. It was extremely cold. His wound was getting more and more painful.

Just as everyone followed him, suddenly, a muffled sound was heard. The four enemy people all fell to the ground.

Xin Zimo turned his head around and saw that the corners of their mouths were bleeding. Their eyes were wide open as if they had all stopped breathing.

"Take them to the hospital! " A police officer ordered.

The police immediately mobilized the only police car and carried all four of them into the car.

Xin Zimo wanted to go forward to check, but was stopped by a female police officer.

"You continue to follow us! " The female police officer said to him.

"All of you, let him go! " At this moment, Guo Zi suddenly appeared. He brought his three brothers and said fiercely to the few police officers.

The few police officers held their guns vigilantly. Guo Zi and his three brothers walked forward.

The atmosphere was a little tense. A few seconds later, Guo Zi smiled coldly and gave a look to a brother. The brother nodded and immediately took out a document from his pocket.

The policewoman looked at the man, then looked at the ID suspiciously and carefully. Then, she whispered a few words into the officer's ear in English.

The officer frowned and waved at his subordinate. "It's okay. Let him go. Mr. Xin is a victim. "

No one dared to say anything else. Guo Zi then walked forward to support Xin Zimo. "Zimo, how is it? Can you still hold on? "

Xin zimo waved his hand. "I'm fine. Where's the document? "

His face was already Pale, and his lips did not have any color, but he still forced himself to walk forward.

"The documents have been processed. If my calculations are correct, it has safely left London by now. "

"Yes, thank you. "

"There's no need to be so polite with me. " Guo Zi really could not do anything about Xin Zimo. "Let's go. Get into my brother's car. I'll take you to the hospital! "

"No, go home. " Xin zimo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was exhausted. He only wanted to go back to the villa and go back.

"You're injured so badly, why are you going home! " Guo Zi scolded loudly.

He did not care about Xin Zimo's objections anymore. He pulled him to a Cayenne at the side. Guo Zi's brother opened the car door and helped Xin Zimo into the car.

Xin Zimo no longer had the strength to fight with those people. He was at Guo Zi's mercy and lay on the seat, exhausted. The wound was torn open and blood was still flowing out. Guo Zi hurriedly treated his wound.

The snow outside the car hit the glass and the lights were blurred.

Xin Zimo could not see the road ahead clearly. His eyes went black and he fell into a deep sleep.