Chapter 135, I'll sign it

"drive faster! " Guo Zi said hurriedly.

"Okay! " The brother driving saw that Xin Zimo's injuries were very serious, so he quickly sped up.

The car sped through the snow. Although this kind of road condition was more difficult than any other time, the car still drove steadily and quickly.

"He's really risking his life for Xin Zimo! " Guo Zi fiercely criticized Xin Zimo. He knew that he wouldn't be able to hear at this time.

Guo Zi still didn't dare to call uncle Chen and Du Anran. He was afraid that they wouldn't be calm after hearing the news that Xin Zimo was injured again. He could only sigh and ask his brothers to send him to the nearest hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Xin Zimo was sent to the emergency room. Guo Zi and his brothers could not help but sweat.

It was already four o'clock in the morning in London. Heavy snow was falling and the night was silent.

Du Anran was suddenly awakened by a dream. In the dream, she dreamed that Xin Zimo had left her forever. Her heart skipped a beat. Her right hand held her left hand tightly. She looked out of the window in a daze. Her lips were Pale.

The Butler was startled awake by her slight movement. She had just dozed off when he saw du Anran's Pale face.

"What's wrong, Miss Du? Did you have a nightmare? " The housekeeper held her hand. It turned out that Du Anran's hands were cold.

Du Anran's hands trembled. She shook her head vigorously. "No, no... "

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here! " The housekeeper hurriedly poured her a cup of hot water. "drink some water to warm your body. "

Du Anran took the water and drank it before her body felt slightly better. The snow outside the window was still falling, and there was a thick layer of snow in the yard.

"Butler, when will the snow stop? " Du Anran looked out of the window in a daze.

"heavy snow like this in London is very common. Maybe it will stop at dawn, or maybe it will fall for a long time. "

"where are you... " Du Anran's eyes were red. She did not know if he would be cold outside in such cold weather.

"Miss Du, it's late. Let me help you up to sleep. You've been sitting at this window for a day and a night. " The Butler said with heartache.

"I'm not going up. I'll wait for him. "

"Sigh... " the Butler sighed. He did not dare to force Du Anran anymore. He could only stand by her side and protect her.

Fortunately, the room was warm enough. Otherwise, the Butler was really afraid that if this continued, Du anran would get sick before Xin zimo returned.

"Butler, you can go to sleep. Don't worry about me. You're tired too. "

"I'm not tired. I'll accompany Miss Du. "

"thank you, Butler. " Du Anran held the Butler's hand. With the Butler around, she felt a trace of warmth.

The snow swirled with the wind, fluttering, fluttering, rolling, and cuddling... ...

"Who is the patient's family member? The patient has lost too much blood, he needs to sign for a blood transfusion! " The door of the resuscitation room suddenly opened. A doctor in a white coat took off his mask and hurriedly ran out. He shouted at the door with a stiff Chinese accent.

"I'M HIS FRIEND! " Guo Zi quickly stood up.

"He has to sign with his immediate family member. "

"What kind of immediate family member does he need in such a situation? I'm his best friend in London, as long as I say yes! " Guo Zi shouted at the doctor fiercely.

"Guo Zi, calm down! " Someone stopped Guo Zi.

"Calm down! Where can I find Zi Mo's immediate family at this time? ! "

"I'll sign it! "

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the elevator in the resuscitation room. It was old but powerful.

Old Mr. Xin walked step by step to Guo Zi and the doctor with his cane. Every step he took was vigorous and firm. His eyes were full of determination and persistence.

The old man was only wearing a black coat, and there was only a driver following behind him.

Guo Zi looked at him and asked doubtfully, "old man, why are you here? " Only he and a few of his brothers knew that Xin Zimo had returned, so why was old man Xin here... ...

"You should be very clear about my connections in London, " old man Xin said. "Don't try to hide any information from me. "

Guo Zi obediently shut his mouth. Yes, old man Xin was a famous figure in London back then. The actions of these juniors could not escape his eyes.

"May I ask who are you to the patient? " The doctor asked.

"Grandfather. " Old Mr. Xin was calm and collected.

"That's good. Please follow me. " The doctor nodded.

Old Mr. Xin then supported himself with his walking stick and followed the doctor to sign the papers. Guo Zi and a few of his brothers gave him a thumbs up and praised him, "old sir, you're still so bold. ".

Old Mr. Xin followed the doctor to sign the papers. He then held the doctor's hand and said, "please do your best to save my grandson. "

"We will do our best. " The doctor put on his mask again and returned to the ward.

Guo Zi then helped elder Xin to sit down. "please take a seat. Everything will be fine. "

"Why didn't you inform me at the first moment? " The old man questioned Guo Zi. "If my people didn't find any clues, would you have planned to hide it from me tonight? "

"No, how could I dare to hide it from you? It's in the middle of the night. I was afraid it would be inconvenient for you. " Guo Zi was not far from the old man's home He had basically been raised by the old man. To be honest, he respected the old man very much. Of course, the old man had criticized him a lot since he was young, so he was quite afraid of the old man.

"inconvenient? Is it inconvenient for me to come? "

"How could it be... " Guo Zi also felt a little guilty. He was very clear about the situation between Xin Zimo and the old man. It was precisely because he was very clear that he did not dare to let them meet easily.

"Don't explain, I understand. " The old man's voice was choked with sobs. It was not that he did not understand, but he pretended to not understand.

"The blood bank is in an emergency. May I ask who is blood type AB? "

Not long after, the doctor came out again.

"I am Type O. " "I am type A... " Guo Zi and his brothers looked at each other. None of them were blood type Ab.

"I'm type AB. " The old man stood up.

"No, you're too old. You can't get a blood transfusion. " Before the doctor could say anything, Guo Zi vetoed it.

"Yes, yes. " Everyone quickly tried to dissuade him.

"Then tell me, who else can lose here? " Old Mr. Xin said firmly.

Everyone lowered their heads and stopped talking.

"Take me there! " The old man said to the doctor.

"Are you sure you want to get a blood transfusion? According to the rules, your physical condition is not allowed... "

"My health is very good. " The old man knocked on the floor with his walking stick. He was obviously very angry.

The doctor had no choice. Now that the road was blocked by heavy snow and there were few people in the hospital, it was indeed not easy to find a suitable blood source. He could only acquiesce to the old man's request to donate blood. Fortunately, there was not much blood left.

The needle was inserted into the old man's arm. Guo Zi's heart stopped for a moment when he saw it, but the old man did not even frown.

After the procedure was completed, Guo Zi quickly helped the old man to sit on the chair to rest.

The old man was silent for a long time before he said to Guo Zi, "I'll leave in a while. You stay with him well. Don't tell him that I've been to the hospital. "

Guo Zi was puzzled. "Why? You're so concerned about Zimo. He'll definitely be touched when he finds out. "

"I don't need him to be touched. I owe him. " The old man shook his head. There was an unprecedented despair in his eyes.

"So many years have passed. What's there to talk about whether I owe him or not? "

"I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until the day he forgives me. "

"Old sir, don't think that way. After all, you're family. You're the closest people in the world. "

"actually, I'm really afraid that he'll be like Zijun and never come back... "

"Yeah, you've already lost a grandson. Do you still want to lose another grandson? If he wakes up, you guys can have a good talk. "

"There's no need. " The old sir waved his hand. "I know what I'm doing. "

The old Sir stood up and leaned on his cane, preparing to leave.

Seeing that he had made up his mind to leave, Guo Zi did not stay any longer. He knew that the matter that had not been resolved for so many years could not be resolved overnight.

In the corridor of the resuscitation room, only Guo Zi and a few of his brothers were left. They sat quietly on the chairs and waited for Xin Zimo to come out of the surgery quietly.

At 5:30 in the morning, the door of the operating theater finally opened.

"Doctor, how is it? " Guo Zi rushed up at the first moment.

"It's okay. It's good. I need to be hospitalized for a few days. "

"Thank you, thank you! " Guo Zi was very excited and held the doctor's hand repeatedly.

Guo Zi immediately checked Xin Zimo into the hospital and placed him in a quiet ward.

Xin zimo still looked very weak. There was no color on his face. His originally handsome and thin face looked even thinner at this moment.

Guo Zi finally heaved a sigh of relief. Thank God, everything was safe and sound.

Guo Zi let his brothers who had been busy all night go back to rest. He also asked them to inquire about the police station. He did not know who had done this to Xin Zimo, but once Guo Zi found out, he would not show mercy.

The snow in London continued to fall. Guo Zi wanted to find a suitable opportunity to call du Anran. He thought that at this time, the first person Xin Zimo met was not Guo Zi but du Anran.

Actually, he could tell from the previous morning's drinking that Xin Zimo was just putting on a show and quarreling with Du Anran. In fact, he must really care about Du Anran.

Ever since he was young, Guo Zi had never seen Xin Zimo care about a woman so much.

That care was expressed through his eyes. Without saying a word, it was clear.

Early the next morning, it was daybreak, but the snow was still falling. As far as the eye could see, everything was white. There were no green trees, no roofs, and no pedestrians.

In this kind of weather, everyone must be hiding by the fireplace, talking, telling stories, and eating barbecued meat. In this kind of weather, it was appropriate to do such things.

"get well quickly and go back to China. I really can't do this anymore. I still have to spend the New Year with my parents! A few more lives won't be enough to be tortured by you, " Guo Zi muttered to Xin Zimo who was lying on the hospital bed.

However, Xin Zimo did not react. He lay quietly on the hospital bed. His brows seemed to be deeply furrowed. His long eyelashes cast a faint shadow. His thin lips were tightly pursed and he was quiet.