Chapter 142. Come back with me

In the courtyard outside the cafe, a big yellow dog was lounging under the fence, basking in the Sun. From time to time, a few sparrows jumped in front of him. The big yellow dog clapped its front paws and the sparrows flew up into the sky.

The afternoon in London was particularly lazy. The sound of the cello was still playing in the cafe. The people in the cafe came and went in a hurry.

However, a black Maybach was parked on the east side of the courtyard. The man in the driver's seat had a cigarette in his hand and was looking at everything in the cafe with a frown.

He was really surprised. If he had not driven out, he would not have seen this wonderful scene.

After du Anran and Jin Shaonan finished talking and drank their coffee, the Maybach was still parked on the east side of the courtyard.

The big yellow dog had basked in the sun enough. It stood up lazily and walked around the fence courtyard.

"Anran, where do you live? I'LL SEND YOU BACK! " The house was very warm, but the temperature outside immediately changed.

Jin Shaonan helped du Anran tie up her scarf and looked at her. "If you're unhappy, look for me. I live not far from this cafe. "

Du Anran nodded and smiled. "If you want to drink, I'll look for you. "

"Why do you suddenly want to drink? "

"It's not satisfying to drink coffee. You have to drink to get drunk, right? "

"I've seen you for a long time, and I've finally found some traces of Du Anran. " Jin Shaonan smiled with a doting expression.

"I'll slowly find myself back. I hope that when I find myself back, I won't be completely unrecognizable. I hope that I can still recognize myself. "

"You will. I also hope to see the Du Anran from many years ago, " Jin Shaonan said. "I'll send you back. I'll look for you to drink tomorrow. "

Xin zimo's Maybach was already outside the courtyard. He honked the Horn a few times, and the ear-piercing sound of the Horn gave Jin Shaonan and du Anran a fright.

Du Anran was also shocked when she saw Xin Zimo in the driver's seat. She thought that he would definitely not come out to look for her since he was so angry. But now that he was here, nothing good would come out of it.

Xin Zimo stared at her without saying a word. His thin lips were pursed, his brows were tightly knitted, and his eyes were cold and stern.

"Anran, where do you live? I'll send you away. " Jin Shaonan had been back in the country for a long time, and he finally understood Xin Zimo. They were both men, and they would understand each other's thoughts eventually.

"I... " Du Anran could not answer. Where did she live The seaside villa?

Seeing that Du Anran did not respond, Xin Zimo opened the car door and got out. He then closed the car door with a bang.

He stood in front of Du Anran and Jin Shaonan. His tone was disdainful and mocking. He said slowly, "how are you going to send her to my place? "

Jin Shaonan looked at Du Anran as if he did not want to pay attention to Xin Zimo. He said nonchalantly, "my place is not bad. There are still a few rooms that are unoccupied. Do you want to go over and take a look? "

"She's living with me. Do you think I'll let her stay with another man? Come back with me! " Xin zimo grabbed du Anran's wrist and gave Jin Shaonan a cold glance. He then grabbed du Anran and walked into the car.

"Let go of me! I don't want to go back with you! Let go of me! " Du Anran was determined not to go back with Xin Zimo. Her shouts attracted the attention of the people in the cafe.

Jin Shaonan grabbed Du Anran and pushed Xin Zimo hard. "Don't think of this place as city a! "

During the struggle, du Anran's bag fell from her hand, and the things inside were scattered all over the ground.

Xin Zimo saw the medicine box that was half buried under his wallet. He bent down in confusion. Just as he was about to pick it up, Du anran quickly squatted down and put everything into the bag.

However, Xin Zimo still saw the English on the medicine box. His face instantly darkened, and it was frighteningly dark.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Du Anran. There was an urge to kill in his eyes.

"Anran, let's go. I'll take you away from here. " Jin Shaonan saw that there were many onlookers around and pulled Du Anran away.

Du Anran staggered behind Jin Shaonan. To her surprise, Xin Zimo did not stop her. She had already seen the coldness in his eyes. She did not know if there would be an even bigger storm.

Jin Shaonan led Du Anran along a small road to the hostel. The hostel was covered in flowers and green grass. Although it was winter, there were a few pots of evergreen trees in the hostel.

The hostel was very big and had a unique flavor. It had three floors and the environment was really good.

"Do you live here? " Du Anran looked around and asked Jin Shaonan.

"Yes, I live on the third floor. There are only two rooms on each floor, so it's very quiet and the atmosphere is good. There's coffee and fruit juice downstairs, you can pick them up at any time. "

"then can I find a room to live in too... "

"Of course, I'll ask the boss how many more rooms there are. "

Du Anran smiled. She finally did not have to live in the channel villa. Although there was everything there, she had no freedom. She loved the freshness of the suburbs and the air that she could breathe freely.

Du Anran stood in the courtyard downstairs for a while. The hostel owner looked like a person who loved life very much. The courtyard was filled with flowers and plants. Although they had just gone through a blizzard, their vitality was still strong.

Not long after, Jin Shaonan returned.

"Anran, there's only one room left. It's also on the third floor. "

"That's good. It would be much more convenient if we drank together tonight. " Du Anran's eyes sparkled.

"You really want to drink? "

"Of course. I haven't drunk in a long time. " Du Anran had been under Xin Zimo's strict control for the past few months. He forbade her to touch alcohol, and she didn't dare to touch it either. At least, she didn't dare to drink in front of him.

Her tolerance for alcohol was very low, and she didn't usually like to drink. However, there were times when people felt uncomfortable. And at this time, she could only drink.

"okay, then I'll drink with you. There's a small open-air balcony on the top floor. If you're not afraid of the cold, we can drink in the wind. " It was rare for Jin Shaonan to sit with du Anran and drink together She remembered that the last time she got drunk was when she was in university.

"really? Okay, it's a deal. " Du Anran was very happy that she could finally drink to her heart's content.

These days, she thought that there was a silver lining, but it was just a dream. Thinking of those days, she stood foolishly at the window of the villa and waited on the rooftop, but all she got was his vicious words. She was really stupid and incurable.

The weather that day was surprisingly good. The stars in the sky were bright, and each one of them was shimmering with a faint light. Even the misty clouds and smoke could be seen clearly.

The rooftop was very narrow, but it was enough to accommodate Jin Shaonan and Du Anran. Jin Shaonan did not disappoint. He brought all kinds of wine for du Anran to choose from.

Du Anran unceremoniously picked a bottle of French dry red and poured a glass for herself and Jin Shaonan.

"Come, let's drink together. But it's so boring just to drink. Why don't we play a game? " Du Anran blinked. Her Bright Eyes were like the stars in the sky, dazzling.

"What game? Don't let it be the Little Bee. I was unlucky enough to go to Java in university. You guys drank a lot of wine in one night. "

"You just realized it? " Du Anran blinked her eyes and smiled cunningly.

Jin Shaonan looked at Du Anran's expression and seemed to understand something. He immediately said, "Oh... I understand. Could it be that you guys were ganging up on me back then? "

"President Jin, you're really too late. It's already been four years, and you've finally realized it. You're a child that can't be taught! " Du Anran said with a chuckle.

"Okay, I thought it was strange. Logically speaking, there should be a probability problem, but in the end, I kept losing and was drunk all the time. Later, I got so drunk that I was confused. I'm afraid that even if I won, you guys would say that I lost. "

"You finally came to your senses! " Du Anran was so happy that she leaned forward and backward. That time, they had indeed messed up Jin Shaonan and the other boys quite badly. However, the other boys only drank a few rounds before they understood Only Jin Shaonan, this idiot, kept drinking.

"Then what should we play tonight? I have to win back all the drinks that you drank me from four years ago. "

"Of course, we should play the classic little bees first... "

"That's fine. Since I lost here, I should at least win it back from here. "

"then... the two little bees flew into the flowers... "

"You lost! DRINK, drink, don't cheat! " Jin Shaonan won the first round. He poured the wine for DU anran first.

"Let's drink, who's afraid of WHO? " Du anran downed the wine in one gulp.

"continue... "

"You lost... "

"drink more, open this bottle... "

"Let's get drunk today, don't leave until you're drunk... "

Although du Anran only wore a long dress tonight, she didn't feel cold at all. Instead, she was very happy, very happy. It was as if the old days had returned, but there were fewer and fewer people around her... ...

She did not think about these sad things anymore. She was already half drunk. She and Jin Shaonan were playing hand-to-hand with each other, talking about tongue twisters and counting stars. They were having a lot of fun.

How long had it been since she had been so happy? She could not remember... ...

Outside the hostel, a black Maybach stopped by the side of the road without street lights.

Xin Zimo did not turn on the lights. He sat in the driver's seat and looked up at the hostel. He watched downstairs for as long as she drank up there.

She was smiling unscrupulously at someone else, not at him. She had never smiled unscrupulously at him before... ...

He suddenly felt a little sad, but more than that, he regretted it. Yesterday, her expression and distrust had deeply hurt his heart. He had said something that even he was upset about without any scruples. He knew that he did not do it on purpose. But it had been so long, why was she not willing to believe him... ...

When it was about nine o'clock, Xin Zimo saw that Du Anran was clearly drunk. She could not hold her liquor and her stomach was not good, yet she still dared to drink so desperately.

Xin Zimo's eyes narrowed and a hint of anger appeared on his face. He immediately opened the car door and walked towards the door of the hostel.

"I'm sorry, sir, there are no more rooms in our hostel. "

"I'm not staying in a room, I'm looking for someone! " Xin zimo slammed the table. His calm face gave the boss a fright.