Chapter 141, a chance encounter on the street

At noon, the housekeeper had already prepared a table of dishes. She placed all the dishes on the table and looked at Xin Zimo, who had been sitting at the table in silence. "Mr. Xin... Miss Du is not back yet... should we go out and look for her... "

The housekeeper's voice was very low. She had never seen such a Xin zimo before. His dark face was uglier than ever.

After a long time, the housekeeper saw that Xin Zimo ignored her, so she did not dare to make a sound.

"Go to the bank and find someone to freeze all of Du Anran's bank cards abroad. "

"Ah? " The Butler didn't react for a moment, but when he did, Xin Zimo's face darkened.

"Mr. Xin... you're... blocking Miss Du's path... "

"You just need to do it! "

"Yes... I'll do it right away... "

After the Butler left, Xin Zimo was the only one left in the empty villa. The sunlight shone on the floor through the floor-to-ceiling window, and his figure was filled with loneliness.

By the time the Butler returned after taking care of everything, Xin Zimo was already standing on the rooftop, continuing to smoke. His shadow fell on the floor, tall and thin.

"Mr. Xin, everything is done. "

"okay. "

The Butler did not know whether to leave or not, and she could already vaguely guess some things. Thus, she mustered up her courage and said, "Mr. Xin, there are some things that I don't know if I should say. "

Xin Zimo did not speak The Butler continued, "during the four days and four nights when you were in trouble, Miss Du had been watching over you every night. I saw that she had lost a lot of weight, but she refused to leave the window. She was afraid that you wouldn't be able to see the way back, so she asked me to turn on the lights. She... "...". "..."


Xin zimo shouted, and the Butler did not dare to continue. She only hoped that Xin zimo would understand.

Du Anran watched the most lively crowd on the busiest street in London. She walked aimlessly, step by step.

There were many beautiful snowmen on the side of the street. Their postures were different, and their expressions were different. Such heavy snow was suitable for snowmen and skiing, but she would never have these.

"Big Brother, do you think this big sister is pretty? " Suddenly, a group of children pointed at her and spoke in Chinese, but they were Chinese.

Du Anran looked up. A boy who was drawing was surrounded by four or five children. They were wearing thick cotton-padded jackets and jumping around, looking very happy.

"Pretty. " The boy touched the head of the boy who shouted the loudest, smiling.

"Shaonan... " Du Anran was shocked and whispered.

Jin Shaonan walked over from the painting folder. He was wearing a gray sweater and a striped scarf around his neck. He was not like Jin Shaonan in the newspaper office today. He was serious, and Du Anran could not connect this warm and sunny boy with the mayor's son.

The Sun Shone on Jin Shaonan, and a group of children surrounded him and looked at his paintings.

Du Anran did not expect Jin Shaonan to come to London, and her face was full of astonishment.

Jin Shaonan walked over and stood in front of her. He smiled and said, "are you that surprised? The traffic is so developed these days. It only took me more than ten hours to fly here from city A. "

"when... did you come here? " After the astonishment, he was pleasantly surprised ...

"I just arrived at the square in the morning. Seeing that the weather is so good, I borrowed someone else's portfolio to draw. These little guys have been surrounding me and won't let me go, " Jin Shaonan said and pointed at the group of children behind him.

"Draw? I haven't seen you draw for many years... "

"Yeah, I brought you to the square to draw when I was an exchange student with you in England. "

"Let me see what you drew? ''DuuAnrann said as she walked forward.

The group of children were still surrounding the portfolio. They looked at the drawing and then at Du Anran. They clapped and laughed. "It looks like it! "

Du Anran was surprised. When she walked over, she saw that it was her on the sketch paper. She was wearing a scarf and her hair was flowing. However, the difference was that she was in pain and the woman in the drawing was bright and youthful.

She was in a trance. The woman in the painting looked like her when she was in college... ...

"Big sister, do you think the painting looks like her? " A little girl with big eyes tugged at the corner of her clothes.

Du Anran looked at the woman in the painting quietly. This woman was so far away from her... ... Does she look like her ? This is obviously not her ...

"Anran, I'm not done yet. Wait a moment, I'll be done soon. " Jin Shaonan smiled, picked up the brush, looked at her, and started painting again.

Du Anran's lips curved into a faint smile. In fact, she understood that the woman in the painting was Du Anran, the perfect Du Anran in Jin Shaonan's heart, and not her.

"Big sister, build a snowman with us. " A few children surrounded Du Anran.

"You guys play by yourselves. Big sister still has things to do. " Du Anran squatted down and smiled as she stroked their heads.

"Anran, I'm almost done. " Jin Shaonan smiled as he looked at her.

"Shaonan, why did you come to London? Doesn't the newspaper need you? "

"I left a lot of things to my assistant. I took a leave of absence, so I came to London to relax. "

"Are you feeling better? " Du Anran heard from Liu Wanwan last time that he was hospitalized again.

"I'm fine, it's just a small problem. " Jin Shaonan glanced at her from time to time, his brush strokes glowing.

"You have to take care of yourself. "

"Don't worry! " Jin Shaonan smiled. "But you, I can't rest assured about you. "

He did not continue, and Du Anran understood what he meant. She did not know if he really came to London to relax, or if he had other motives. She lowered her head slightly. "I'm fine. "

Jin Shaonan looked at Du Anran as he drew. As he drew, he felt that the Du Anran that he had drawn earlier was not very similar to the current Du Anran. He wanted to modify it, but he did not know where to place the brush.

The brush stopped in mid-air. In the end, he put it down.

"It's done. I'll give it to you. " Jin Shaonan handed the painting to her.

"The woman in the painting is very youthful and sunny, and her smile is very sweet. " Du Anran touched the painting and suddenly felt that her eyes were filled with vicissitudes.

"She is the most beautiful anran. "

"She is not me. " The corners of Du Anran's eyes moved. She raised her head to suppress her emotions, but she still smiled and returned the painting to Jin Shaonan. "I'll give it to you. I don't think I need it anymore. "

When Jin Shaonan touched her hand, he felt a chill.

Du Anran turned around. She wanted to be alone. She was afraid of seeing Jin Shaonan's eyes, and she was afraid of seeing his disappointment.

"ANRAN! " Jin Shaonan chased after her. "Let's have a meal together. Let's talk. "

Du Anran had no reason to refuse again. She nodded.

In an exquisite coffee house, the snow had been swept clean. Only the withered flowers and trees still had traces of heavy snow. The heater was on in the small coffee house, and there were orange wall lamps.

This cafe was located in a remote area. Not many people came. It was very quiet and warm.

"Do you remember this place? " Jin Shaonan chose the seat closest to the window and sat down.

"I remember. " Du Anran sat opposite him. "It was our friends from England who brought us here. "

"Yes, a few years have passed. Some of them are still in London. Have you gone to see them? "

"A few years have passed. I don't think you can remember them even if you see them. " Du Anran shook her head.

Xin Zimo had sent people to follow her. She did not have any freedom at all. She did not know if there would be anyone following her today. He was such a person.

"How can that be? I just talked to Rowling on the phone a few days ago. She said that she misses you very much. She also said that you dance very well. "

"Is that so? I don't know how to dance anymore. " Du Anran's eyes were filled with bitterness.

"You're so talented. It's just that you're rusty. If you dance a few more times, you'll definitely regain your senses. "

"stop praising me. You're always praising me like I'm omnipotent. " Du Anran smiled.

The waiter served the coffee and snacks. Jin Shaonan pointed at one of the cakes and said, "your favorite cherry cake. Try it and see if it still tastes the same as before. I remember you always saying that the cakes here are delicious. "

Du Anran cut a small piece of cake. It turned out that several years had passed, but the desserts in this shop were still as exquisite as before. She tried the taste, but it didn't change at all. Her Cherry cake was still her cherry cake.

The sweet taste reminded her of the most carefree time when a group of friends sang, danced, and drank together without any scruples... ...

Although the time in England was very short, it left a very beautiful memory.

"Anran, do you like London? Can we stay in London? " Jin Shaonan suddenly asked.

Du Anran's hand paused. After a long silence, she said faintly, "the winter here is too cold. "

"What about Germany? Do you miss it? "

"Why are you talking about this... " Du Anran looked down at the small cherry on the cake.

"Xie Chenjin told me some things. I want to find a place for you to settle down and bring your mother over. After I settle the immigration for you, you can leave city a forever. "

"Shaonan, you don't have to worry about me. Thank you. " Du Anran lowered her head and picked a small piece of cake.

"Then what are your plans? " Jin Shaonan had already guessed that Du Anran would have such an attitude.

"I have a plan. " If her plan four days ago was to fly to the country with a plane ticket and leave city a with her mother without anyone noticing, then her plan four days later was to start all over again.

She would get up from wherever she fell.

"Do you need my help? " Jin Shaonan knew that he could never change her mind.

"If you can, tell Xie Chenjin to keep his word. " Du Anran looked out of the window. The Sun was glaring.

"I understand. " Jin Shaonan nodded and stirred the coffee in the cup.

He looked at the side of her face. She was thinner than before she came to London, but there was a determined look in her eyes. This was something that he had never seen before.

He always felt that she had changed. He did not know what had happened, and he had no way to guess. However, he knew that Du Anran might not be the DU anran he knew a long time ago.

However, no matter how much she changed, she was still the Du Anran in his heart.