Chapter 150, not understanding the mood

Du Anran searched and searched until her eyes blurred. This street really had everything, and it was not inferior to the domestic market at all. If she was not in London at this time, she would really have mistaken this place as the domestic market.

She decided to fill her stomach first before going shopping. Pancake fruits, steamed dumplings, duck blood Vermicelli, large boiled dried shreds... She looked over row by row. This street had all kinds of shops, and it gathered the unique features of the domestic market ...

She did not know where Xin Zimo found such a good place, but she still did not know.

"Miss, would you like a Kebab? It's freshly roasted, it's fresh! "

When they passed by the Barbecue Stall, a man wearing an apron called out to Du Anran. His hand was still flipping through a few kebab skewers. The fragrance of cumin and Kebab mixed together to make the most tempting taste.

"Sure, bring me five Kebab skewers of this, and two kebab skewers of this. Oh right, also four Kebab skewers of that! " Du Anran saw that there were many things on the stall, so she pointed to a few things that she liked to eat and said happily.

She was tired of drinking coffee, eating sandwiches, and eating delicacies in Xin Zimo's villa every day.

"boss, give US ten skewers! We want them freshly roasted with cumin and no Chili. " A couple surrounded them.

"okay, okay, wait a minute! " The boss was very busy.

Du Anran stood with them and waited. Xin Zimo crossed his arms and watched from afar. He did not know why she liked these things. She was the daughter of a prestigious family, so he did not expect her to like these things.

Anyway, he did not like them, and he had never tried to come to this kind of night market. Bringing her here was purely his guess, and it was also purely because this was the place that was closest to the characteristics of the country. He did not expect that she liked it very much.

"My hands are so cold... " the girl in the couple next to her said coquettishly to the boy who was standing at the side.

"I'll cover them for you. " The boy immediately covered her hands with both of his hands very considerately. "Are you still cold like this? "

"I'm not cold anymore. With you by my side, I won't be cold even if it's windy or snowy! " The girl giggled and stood on Tiptoe, caught off guard, and kissed the boy.

Du Anran, who was standing at the side, felt like a third wheel. However, she had never acted coquettishly with a boy before. She had spent her time studying in university, and it seemed like she did not even have a complete first love.

If she was talking about her first love, Xin Zimo was probably the first man she had ever loved It was just that he did not understand romance, nor did he understand ordinary happiness. However, there was no need for him to understand those two years. When she treated him as her lover, he only treated her as a chess piece.

When she thought of this, Du Anran's heart felt a little sour.

"My shoelace dropped! " The girl suddenly lowered her head and looked at the boy helplessly.

"Let me help you tie it. " The boy immediately squatted down and carefully tied the shoelace for the girl.

The girl lowered her head and looked at him with a face full of happiness. Even her smile was like the most brilliant sunflower in summer, bright and beautiful sunshine.

"Okay, miss, your skewer! " The boss handed Du Anran's skewer to her. "Be careful, it's hot. "

"Thank you, boss! " Du Anran smiled and took it, then turned her head to look at Xin Zimo in the distance.

Xin Zimo knew that it was time for him to pay. He shook his head helplessly and walked over from afar to pass the money to the barbeque stall owner.

"You're so far away. Are you afraid of the smell or do you think I'm embarrassed? " Du Anran took a bite of the Kebab. It had been a long time since she had eaten such an authentic kebab. She could not help but temporarily forget all her unhappiness.

For a Foodie, the most direct and effective way to forget the pain was to eat a big meal. It was more enjoyable than shopping.

"What do you think? " Xin Zimo asked back.

He couldn't help but frown when he saw that she was eating with relish. Was this thing that delicious To be honest, he had never eaten it before.

"I think... " Du Anran dragged out her voice. "I think if you feel that the taste isn't good, I'll buy some more. If you feel that I'm embarrassed, I can be even more embarrassed. "

She had indeed embarrassed him tonight. She had only been out for a short while, and she had already caused trouble. After that, he would have to clean up the mess. Fortunately, those scammers from the underworld looked like paper tigers. Otherwise, there would be a lot of trouble.

However, her mood gradually improved. The more unhappy he was, the happier she was.

"You did it on purpose. You can walk on your own when you go back later! "

"WHO said I would go back? " Du Anran mumbled softly. It would be a shame if she did not stay up all night in such a good place. She had lived like a cage for so many years.

She took a bite of the Kebab. Xin Zimo was shocked by what he saw.

"Don't eat something bad. I'll be unlucky again. "

"I say, big CEO Xin, how unlucky have I made you? You can totally go back now! " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him.

"What if I don't go back? " Xin Zimo turned to look at her. When she was unprepared, he suddenly grabbed her hand and took a bite of the Kebab in her hand.

In fact, he admitted that these things were quite fragrant.

Didn't she know that he hadn't eaten dinner either.

"What are you doing! Aren't you afraid that you'll eat something bad? " Du Anran really couldn't react in time.

"You've tried it. It seems to be fine. " Xin Zimo looked calm and took another Kebab from her hand.

"You're not allowed to snatch my skewers. If you want to eat, you can buy them yourself! I haven't had enough yet! " Du Anran quickly protected her own skewers. If he ate all of them, she would have to go back and line up to buy them.

"What snatch your skewers? What's yours is mine. " Xin Zimo glared at her.

"unreasonable! " Du Anran knew that if such a person was reasonable, there would be no reason in the world.

However, she only ate half of her pitiful skewers. The rest was snatched away by Xin Zimo.

She was so angry that smoke was coming out of her seven orifices. "Xin Zimo, don't you know how to buy what you want to eat? "

"I don't want to buy it. It's embarrassing. " He looked at her indifferently.

"YOU IDIOT! " Du Anran scolded her angrily. Isn't it embarrassing if I buy it Besides, he was quite happy eating it.

Du Anran left him in anger. It's embarrassing, right? Fine, then she went into the shop to eat. Let's see if he would follow her.

She found a small shop that sold saut��ed pork. She sat on an empty seat and said to the waiter with a smile, "waiter, give me a basket of saut��ed pork. "

"please wait a moment. " The waiter placed the order. "A total of 20 RMB. "

Du Anran looked at the door, but Xin Zimo was not there. Could it be that he was really left behind by her Or did he go back in a fit of anger?

However, if he went back, how could she shop around She was completely penniless now.

"Miss, a total of 20 RMB, " the waiter repeated.

20 RMB, 20 RMB, she could not even bring out 20 RMB... ...

Du Anran was so angry that she could only stand up and walk out. As she walked, she looked for Xin zimo's figure.

She finally saw Xin Zimo when she walked to a small stall selling clay figurines. He was holding his arms and chatting happily with the old man who was kneading clay figurines. It seemed that the old man liked him and was chatting happily with him.

The lights on the street shone on Xin Zimo's body. His simple and casual clothes matched the night scene well. Suddenly, Du Anran felt that he was not so ignorant.

As long as he put away his shrewd and shrewd business style and changed out of his suit and tie, he would look like a real person.

She stood under the street lamp and looked at him for a while. She almost forgot the original purpose of coming back.

She trotted over and reached out her hand to Xin Zimo. "Give me the money. "

"Don't interrupt me. Wait for me to finish. " Xin Zimo waved his hand as if he was discussing something with the old man "actually, Chongzhen is not a sinner of history. It's just that he was born at the wrong time and his poor life as a king. His ambition and full of ambition could not be brought into play in that era when he was at the end of his rope. "

Du Anran was stunned. Discussing History?

"But I have to say, his personality is a fatal weakness, " the old man added.

Xin Zimo also agreed, but before he could speak, the old man looked at Du Anran and said, "your girlfriend is here? "

"No! " Du Anran said First, "I'm here to ask him to return the money. He owes me money and won't return it. "

The old man looked at Xin Zimo in confusion, and Xin Zimo held his forehead.

"You owe this girl money? " The old man obviously did not believe it. This young man did not look like someone who would owe money from his appearance or his conversation.

"Old man, she's my girlfriend. " Xin zimo pretended to smile and hugged du Anran's waist. "I'm leaving first. I'll come over to chat with you when I'm free. "

"Let go of me! I'm not your girlfriend! " Du Anran was not used to being hugged by Xin Zimo in public.

"If you dare to say that I owe you money again, I'll try! " Xin Zimo stopped smiling and warned her after they had walked far away.

"How about this, you give me five hundred yuan, and then you can discuss history if you want to. You can hook up with little girls if you want to. You can do whatever you want. We won't interfere with each other. "

"In your dreams! I won't give you a single cent. Let's go! " Xin Zimo put his arm around her waist and walked towards the fried food shop.

Although he was chatting happily with the old man who set up the stall, he still kept his eyes on her at all times. He knew that she came out after entering the shop. It was probably because she had no money.

After arriving at the shop, Xin zimo ordered two baskets of Fried Food and sat at the same table with du Anran to eat.

"A man driving a Maybach goes to the night market. There are no Paparazzi in London. If there were, this would definitely be the headlines. " Du Anran suddenly felt lucky that this was London and not city A. Otherwise, with Xin Zimo following her, she would not be able to go shopping and her meals would not be safe.

"those who can come to London to open a night market are not necessarily without family background. Don't you believe that there are no crouching tigers and hidden dragons among them? " Xin zimo smiled slightly.

"That's true. " Du Anran lowered her head and focused on eating the fried pork. What she saw was entertainment gossip, but what he saw was deep water. The level of thinking between the two of them was not on the same level.

"Are you still shopping after you're full? " Xin Zimo looked at her, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Of course, it's only a few hours. " Du Anran looked at him. "You can't walk anymore, right? Why don't you give me the money, and you can go back and rest! "

"In your dreams! " Xin zimo still rejected her mercilessly. However, he was indeed a little tired at the moment. The wound on his chest was still hurting, and it was much more painful than before he drove here.

It seemed that Du Anran would not be able to cheat him of his money. She was so frustrated that she could only lower her head and eat the pan-fried pork.

Halfway through the meal, Guo Zi called Xin Zimo, and Xin zimo picked up He heard Guo Zi cursing at the other end. "Xin Zimo, you don't want to live anymore, do you? " The doctors kept urging me to send you to the hospital. They said that there were still some late-stage conditions that needed to be hospitalized for observation. "You, on the other hand, hid out alone. You can't even find a person! "

Xin Zimo quickly moved his phone away from his ear. After listening to Guo Zi's scolding, he said leisurely, "don't I have something to do? "

"If you have something to do, you can tell me! " Guo Zi did not believe his lie. With this posture, it was obvious that he had brought a woman out.