Chapter 149, he was an expert

"where did you come from, little girl? You're trying to cause trouble, aren't you? What fake jade, this is the real Hetian Jade! Do you understand Hetian Jade? My jade is bright, delicate, and mellow, it's the real Hetian Jade! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! "

The boss was so angry that he wanted to chase du Anran away, but the people around heard Du Anran say that it was fake jade, so they immediately gathered around to watch the show.

"Then how much is your jade? " Du Anran didn't want to listen to lies. It was just a glass product that was sold on the street for dozens of dollars, it was more like a scam to cheat a foreigner who didn't know the value of the product.

"18,000 yuan, not a penny more, not a penny less! " The boss said loudly.

"You're crazy about money. This kind of group purchase can buy thousands of jade chains, 18,000... " Du Anran thought it was really funny. This price was far beyond her expectations.

"I just feel that you don't really want to buy things. You're a troublemaker, aren't you? " The boss changed his expression and showed a fierce look.

"You swindled people to come to the foreign country. It's really embarrassing! " Du Anran put down the fake jade and threw it to the boss, then turned around and left.

She did not expect that the man was not to be trifled with. Many people around were talking about his things. He had been living in this place for many years by relying on his underworld power and connections. If he met such a woman, he would have to teach her a lesson.

He grabbed du Anran's arm from behind and took out a broken jade pendant from under the table. He said fiercely, "you want to leave just because you broke my jade? "

Du Anran was shocked at first, but she immediately reacted. Her arm was in a lot of pain from his grip. She quickly kicked forward, catching the man off guard.

The man obviously did not expect du Anran to be so skilled. He clapped his hands hard, and soon, a few tattooed men came around.

The surrounding onlookers immediately dispersed, and even the nearby stalls quickly closed up.

"What do you want to do? " Du Anran looked at the few men who surrounded her.

These men all looked at her with the same gaze, but their movements were different. Some were smoking, some were flicking their nails, and some were shaking their legs.

"Bro, it's been a long time since we fought... " one of them said.

"It's not fun to bully a little girl. " Someone shook his head.

The boss walked forward and still looked at DU anran fiercely. "Give me 58,000 to compensate my jade, and I'll let you go today! "

"58,000? " Du Anran felt that these people were really crazy. She didn't know how many times they had used these tricks.

"If you say one more word, I'll add 10,000! " Someone warned.

"Take it that I'm doing justice for the heavens today. " Du Anran felt that she was suddenly very righteous, and her body was full of small Halos. She had learned taekwondo for so many years, and although her skills were not very good, she had basically muddled her way through life. At least she still had some talent. She had randomly changed many moves taught by her teacher, and it had become her own set of fancy moves.

Of course, the most important thing was, wasn't there a Sanda master standing next to her? No matter what, Xin Zimo would not let her suffer a loss, right.

"Brothers, stop talking nonsense. Teach her a lesson and let her learn a lesson. " The boss held a cigarette in his mouth and leaned against the table to watch.

Du Anran quickly winked at Xin Zimo, signaling for him to help. However, a certain someone shrugged and put on a frightened expression.

Du anran rolled her eyes in despair. She could only rely on herself. However, she felt that with just a few hits from her, she would be able to walk away unscathed tonight.

Therefore, when everyone was rubbing their fists and walking toward her, Du Anran pointed at Xin Zimo and said loudly, "all my money is with him. You guys look for him! "

Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines. The word "speechless" was written on his face.

This move worked as expected. Everyone temporarily let go of Du Anran, and then looked at Xin Zimo, who seemed to be a rich man. Everyone exchanged glances, meaning that they had caught a fat sheep tonight.

"How much money did you say? " Xin Zimo glanced at them, and slowly took out a few bank cards from his wallet.

It was DU anran's turn to be speechless. This was all Xin zimo could do... ...

"eighty-eight thousand, not a penny more, not a penny less. After you pay, YOU'LL LEAVE! " The boss blew out a puff of smoke and said leisurely.

"Xin Zimo, you're an idiot if you give them money! " Du Anran felt that these people were obviously extorting her.

"I don't have any cards below 100,000 here... " Xin zimo lowered his head and counted the cards one by one, which made the eyes of the Group of people widen.

Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo's current appearance was quite annoying. If she were that group of people, she would definitely rob him of his money first. There might be a few cards worth millions or tens of millions in these cards.

Sure enough, the group of people's thoughts were very similar to Du Anran's. The Group of people moved forward with malicious intentions. Du Anran counted the number of people. There were six of them in total, and there were only two of them.

"Kid, that's a lot of money! " A bald man was the closest, and he almost buried his head in Xin zimo's wallet.

"Not much, not much, just a hundred million! " Xin Zimo was thinking about which card to give. He really could not think of a card with less than a hundred thousand yuan in it.

Du Anran's eyeballs almost fell out. A hundred million... ... Is he crazy ? Bringing so much money with him ? ?

The Group of people were also stunned. At first, they thought that this kid ran out of some mental hospital, but he looked quite normal.

"Cut the crap. Since you're so rich, give us half, and we'll let you go! " A few people immediately surrounded Xin Zimo in the middle.

"Xin Zimo, are you so rich that you have nowhere to spend it? " Du Anran rushed forward, wanting to pull him out of the crowd.

How could those people watch the cooked duck fly away? The bald man who was closest to Xin Zimo took the initiative and grabbed the wallet in Xin Zimo's hand.

Who knew that Xin Zimo was already prepared. He turned his hand and hit back at the bald man.

When the others saw that they had started fighting, they surrounded Xin Zimo and started fighting.

Du Anran also wanted to help, but she remembered that Xin Zimo was usually so arrogant and always bullied her. Therefore, she even stopped thinking of helping. She did not call the police and let him deal with six people alone.

She leaned against the wall calmly. This was the first time she had seen this man fighting so clearly. Fortunately, he did not wear a suit today. Otherwise, she really could not imagine what kind of effect it would have on him if he wore a suit and fought with others.

Thinking of this, she could not help but laugh out loud.

When she laughed out loud, Xin Zimo was sweeping with a horizontal sweep, knocking the bald man to the ground. He looked at her heartless smile and could not help but frown. Could it be that she did not even know how to call the police Also, could it be that she did not know that he was still a patient?

Not long after, Xin zimo quickly fell again, throwing the man closest to him to the ground.

Du Anran had long known that Xin Zimo was an expert, but this was the first time she had seen him at such a close distance. Every move was perfect and beautiful.

Seeing that they could not gain any advantage, they secretly exchanged glances with each other. Then, someone took out a knife from his waist.

The night was hazy, and the onlookers could see clearly. Although du Anran did not help Xin Zimo, she saw it clearly. She saw the bright knife flash in front of her eyes, and she quickly shouted, "be careful! "

However, the group of people moved quickly. Before Xin Zimo could react, they stabbed the knife into his chest.

"treacherous little man, you're playing tricks behind my back! " Du Anran quickly threw away the bag in her hand and kicked forward. She aimed at the man's wrist, and the knife fell to the ground with a "Ding" .

The man quickly covered his wrist and cried out in pain. None of them gained any benefits. The boss saw that something was wrong and quickly pulled his brothers and said, "let's go! "

A group of aggressive evil forces fled in such a panic that they even forgot to pick up the knife on the ground.

"Idiot, you don't even know how to call the police! " Xin Zimo put away his wallet and glared at her.

"Isn't it enough with you? " Du Anran had not recovered from the exciting scene just now. It was indeed exciting. If he was not Xin Zimo, she would have clapped her hands and cheered.

"With my body, how can I withstand the torment? " Xin zimo clutched his chest. Although the fight just now did not cause the wound to open, at this moment, there was a faint pain. The pain affected his heart and it was unbearable.

"Are you alright? " Du Anran asked perfunctorily.

"In the future, you can solve your own problems! " Xin Zimo said unhappily.

"However, do you really have hundreds of millions in your bank cards? " Du Anran's main point was this. Why was it that her bank cards were all frozen and she did not have a single cent, while Xin Zimo could swagger around with hundreds of millions? It was not fair.

"It's true to say that you're an idiot. Have you ever seen someone bring hundreds of millions out to the night market? " Xin Zimo flicked du Anran's head, shook his head, and sighed. He looked like he could not be taught.

Du Anran blocked his way and stretched out her hand. "Give me a few cards! "

"No. "

"How can I eat? How can I go shopping? "

"You walk in front, and I'll pay at the back. " Xin zimo looked confident.

"You win! " Du Anran gritted her teeth.

At this moment, the vendors in the area had already closed their stalls because of the dispute. Du Anran looked around but couldn't find any interesting places. She could only walk forward and look around as she walked.

When she walked past this street, her eyes suddenly lit up. She saw a street that was much more lively than before. It was probably the case of a bright future.

How many years had it been since she last visited such a night market Ever since she became the successor of world peace and took over, she had never come into contact with such an ordinary street.

The most recent memory was six years ago, during a chemistry class that made people doze off. Many people were drowsy, and she was no exception. After the second class, she simply skipped class. However, she overdid it and only remembered to go back at eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

When she thought of the class teacher's cold face, she did not dare to go back again.

It was fun to eat. Who cared if she was dead or alive tomorrow. Just like that, that night, she and her friends went to the night market. They ate barbecue, ate spicy hot soup, drank wine, chatted, and bought trinkets. They did not live the life of a high school student at all.

At that time, she was an obedient girl and a good student in the eyes of the teachers. It was rare for her to do a bad thing, but it turned out that she would never forget it.

She could not help but laugh out loud. Xin zimo looked at her unhappily. "You were laughing when you were fighting just now, and now you're still laughing. I really don't know what's going on in your mind. "


"I'm not a worm in your stomach, how would I understand? " Xin Zimo's tone was sour. He did not know if she was thinking about a lover.

"I won't tell you, I'm going to eat. " Du Anran was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and argue with him. People like him would never understand the mood of life.