Chapter 148, getting a marriage certificate

However, Du Anran really did make a move. She tried hard to jump out of his arms, but he did not allow it, so she pounded his chest.

Xin Zimo almost let go of her, but he gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Do you think I'm made of copper? " Finally, he walked to the car, and Xin Zimo threw her into the car.

"Why do you have to coax me? You don't have to coax me. If I don't obey you, you can scold me and coax me into thinking more, " Du Anran mocked.

"I'm full. Are You satisfied with this answer? " Xin zimo helped her fasten her seatbelt and sat in the driver's seat to start the car.

After the car drove out of the courtyard, it headed south.

The snow on the road had long melted, and the surrounding grass was still slightly damp. The Sky gradually darkened, and there were no cars or pedestrians on the wide road.

"Anran, I'm sorry. I apologize for what I've said and done in the past two days. " When the car was halfway, Du Anran clearly did not want to pay attention to Xin Zimo and did not want to say a word to him. He finally apologized after thinking for a long time.

He had done something wrong first, so he apologized first. However, if it was in the past, no matter what he did wrong, he would not apologize. But towards Du Anran, he had already changed.

So there was a day when he would also change for a person. It was just that he did not know when his bad temper would change and if he could still change it.

Du Anran bit her lip. It was obvious that she did not believe his apology. He had apologized to her before, but when had he completely changed it Moreover, this time, what he said and did hurt her heart more than any other time. How could she forgive him... ...

"Anran, can you listen to my explanation for a lot of things in the future? " Xin Zimo was also quite helpless. If she had not seen the photo album the night before yesterday and did not want to listen to his explanation, how could this series of things have happened.

Du Anran still did not speak. From the beginning to the end, she did not listen to his explanation and threw a Tantrum. However, he could not say such harsh words.

She did not know which Xin Zimo she should believe. She also did not know whether the current him was the real him or the angry him was the real him.

"Anran, at least say something or smile... " Xin Zimo coaxed her patiently. He had completely realized his mistake.

"Isn't it good for you to talk to yourself? " Du Anran saw that he did not look like the CEO of the Xin Corporation anymore. He did not look like the powerful Xin Zimo who planned everything in the business world.

"people will think you're crazy if you talk to yourself. What do you want to eat tonight? "

"As long as you're not by my side, anything is fine. "

"Sure, you can eat later. I'll wait for you in the car. "

"then you should drive faster. You're not going to kill me in the Wilderness, are you? " Du Anran looked out of the window and saw that it was dark and only trees were left. She could not help but panic and had goosebumps all over her body.

"Kill me? I can't believe you think of that. " Xin zimo laughed out loud.

"It's hard to say... " Du Anran looked at him and the more she looked at him, the more he looked like a thief. She had never been on this road before, and she was not familiar with it. She did not know where it led to.

"Then tell me how you want to die. I'll eat you up until there are no bones left. What do you think? "

"What do you want to do? " Du Anran looked at him vigilantly.

"Do you think I can do anything in my current state? " Xin Zimo patted her face with a playful smile.

Du Anran subconsciously stayed away from him. It was better to stay as far away from such a beast as possible.

"Come back, sit properly! " Xin zimo pulled her back to her original position "Don't move around, and don't try to distract me. Although this car's performance is good, and I'm more confident in my driving skills, I can't guarantee that I won't be affected by you. If anything happens, don't look for me to settle the score. "

"Jinx! If anything happens, it'll be you. I can't be with you! "

"What do you mean if something happens to me? Are you hoping that something will happen to me again? " However, that's good too. When someone misses me, it's better for them to watch over me every night than to ignore me. With that in mind, I might as well have another accident."Xin zimo joked.

"There's a sea ahead. JUMP AGAIN! " Du Anran felt a little awkward when she heard him say these words.

"If something happens to me one day, will you remember me forever? " Xin zimo stopped smiling. He looked at her still angry face and suddenly asked.

Du Anran's heart stopped. She did not expect Xin Zimo to suddenly ask her this question. The scene from the night of his accident flashed in her mind. At that time, she fell into the water. Her first thought was that she would die with him.

Now, how could she answer him to his face?

Xin zimo looked at her face from the streetlight outside the car. He suddenly did not dare to listen to the answer. He smiled, touched her head, and messed up her hair. "I'M JOKING! "

"Xin Zimo, do you think you can perform magic? Why can I see two completely different versions of you in one day? " Du Anran turned her head. She did not know if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she actually saw a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

She thought of the humiliation he had given her in the afternoon. She would never forget it for the rest of her life. But now, what she saw was a child-like Xin Zimo. There was a sincere smile on his face and an innocent look in his eyes. He was no longer the devil-like Xin Zimo that she had seen in the day.

She liked him like this. She knew that this was the person she loved, the Xin Zimo that she loved.

"I will try my best to only appear as Xin Zimo in front of you in the future. " He smiled.

The melted moonlight shone on his face, making him look so perfect. Du Anran couldn't help but take a few more glances. She was really afraid that the XIN Zimo she loved would disappear again and be replaced by a demon. It was hell.

"By the way, where are you taking me? " Du Anran saw that the car had driven a long way and had yet to reach the end of the road.

"You'll know when you get there, " Xin Zimo said mysteriously.

"Oh, I don't know if you really kidnapped me. "

"Why would I kidnap you? For someone like you who has no body, no head, no breasts, and a bad temper, it's a problem whether you lose money or not. "

"Are you blind? " Du Anran was very angry. It was the first time someone had said that to her face.

Because she often danced, she was the envy of many girls. She also had a head. After all, she was a top student from Germany. As for having no breasts and a bad temper, she was even more blind!

"I'm probably blind. Otherwise, why would I fall in love with you? " Xin zimo smiled.

"You've probably seen too many women like Laura and want to change your taste. After a while, you'll realize that you can change your taste occasionally, but you can't change it for the long term. " Du Anran knew that Laura was going to film a promotional film for the Xin family It was normal for a rich beast like Xin Zimo to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of her.

"Why do you seem to know me so well? "

"I've seen too many people like you. There were plenty of them in my previous life. With a few dollars, who wouldn't like to find a few well-built and obedient little girls? "

"Then let me think about it. What else do you have that I'm not satisfied with... " Xin zimo pretended to be deep in thought. "Your breasts are too small, your brain is too stupid, and your temper is too bad... "

"I accept all of them, so hurry up and change to another woman! "

"Why do you want to change? If your breasts are small, I can help you. If your brain is stupid, I can cover for you. As for your temper, at most, I'll suffer a little and endure it. Thinking about it, it's still okay. Why don't we go and get a certificate? " Xin zimo laughed.

Du Anran was shocked by his last sentence. Get a certificate She did not know how many times he had made such a joke with a woman, but she felt that it was not funny at all.

When Xin Zimo saw that Du Anran did not believe him, he knew that she did not trust him again.

"Do you want to get a teacher's certificate, an accounting certificate, a tourist guide's certificate, a driver's certificate, a secretary's certificate, or an editor's publishing certificate? " Du Anran said a bunch of certificates in one breath. If he was joking, then she would joke too.

"MARRIAGE! Certificate! " Xin Zimo looked at her and said word by word with a serious expression on his face.

Du Anran was stunned again. Marriage certificate... ... She thought that she would have nothing to do with these three words for the rest of her life, and the corners of her eyes suddenly fell ...

However, she did not dare to believe the promise that Xin Zimo had given her. She was afraid, afraid that he would propose to her like at the beginning of the year, promising to take care of her for the rest of her life, and then push her into hell with his own hands.

She moved her lips, but in the end, she did not say anything.

"We're almost there. " Xin Zimo saw her expression and was a little disappointed. He did not see the anticipated excitement and joy in her eyes.

Du Anran looked ahead. The road that was deserted just a moment ago suddenly turned into a brightly lit avenue, and the number of pedestrians on the road increased.

Suddenly, she had a feeling of returning to China. This feeling was only felt in China.

"Chinese streets are especially lively at night, " Xin Zimo explained to her.

"It's like we're back in China. There are all kinds of stalls. " The further the car drove, the more surprised du Anran was.

"okay, you go eat. I'll watch from the CAR. " Xin Zimo did not forget what he had just said.

"I'm eating alone? It's so boring... " Du Anran looked at the scene in front of her and remembered that when she was still in high school, she secretly skipped self-study with her friends at night and went to a small stall outside the school to eat barbecue and drink beer.

Now that Xin zimo really wanted her to eat alone, it was naturally boring.

"Didn't someone just say that if I'm not around, I can eat anything. " Xin Zimo stopped the car and looked up at the sky.

"then you don't have to go! " Du Anran opened the car door, picked up her bag, and jumped out of the car.

Du Anran really walked forward. She did not believe that Xin Zimo would not follow her to such a fun place. However, it was hard to say who Xin Zimo was. He probably did not want to come to such a place!

"Du Anran, if I don't follow you, do you have money to eat? " Xin zimo leaned against the steering wheel and looked at her back with a smile.

As expected, du Anran stopped in her tracks. All her money had been frozen by him. Because of this, the two of them had a heated argument in the afternoon.

Xin Zimo was probably afraid that she would bring up the bad memories in the afternoon, so he quickly jumped out of the car and put his arm around her waist. "It's okay, your boyfriend has plenty of money. "

"then you'll buy this street? " Du Anran asked.

"There's no need for that, right? Look, that side sells fake jades, and you don't like fake ones. Look over there, it sells children's toys, and you're not a child anymore... so, there's no need to buy a street. "

"WHO said I don't like fake jades? " Du Anran ran ran to the side selling fake jades in a fit of anger. "Boss, how much is your fake jades? "