Chapter 147. There was no other choice

Jin Shaonan had long woken up from his drunken stupor. When he woke up, the hostel was in a mess. Later, he found out that Du Anran had been taken away by Xin Zimo.

He asked around for a long time before he found out that Xin Zimo lived here. He found her and stood in the courtyard of the villa, waiting for Xin Zimo to come down.

"Aren't you too late? " Xin Zimo walked from the villa to the courtyard. The Sun was shining on Jin Shaonan's body and his gray sweater. There was a downcast look on his face.

Xin zimo admitted that Jin Shaonan was a talented man. It seemed like he had to look after Du Anran.

"Xin Zimo, I'm here to take anran away. " Jin Shaonan ignored the sarcasm in Xin zimo's tone. His expression and behavior were as refined as a gentleman's.

"You can't even control a woman. What right do you have to take her away? " Xin Zimo stood in front of Jin Shaonan and said coldly.

"Not everyone is as despicable as you. " Jin Shaonan looked at him.

"despicable? If being despicable can be exchanged for being together, I'm willing to be despicable. "

"then have you asked her if she's willing? You're always so self-righteous. will she be happy if she follows you safely? "

"Then tell me, what is happiness and what isn't happiness? will she be happy if she's with you? You have to know that she doesn't love you. " Xin zimo looked at Jin Shaonan coldly.

Jin Shaonan also sneered. "Love and marriage are two different things. You can change women as if you're changing clothes. You can't even give her the most basic sense of security, so how can you talk about happiness? "

"Do you know that I can sue you for slander? which eye of yours saw me changing women as if I was changing clothes? " Xin zimo said humorously, "as for whether I can give her happiness or not, you don't have to judge. "

"where did you hide Anran? "

"She's in my room. She's fine. "

"Tell Anran to come out. I have something to say to her. " Jin Shaonan clenched his fists.

"impossible, " Xin zimo said firmly, "Butler, send the guest out! "

The Butler ran over from the garden hurriedly. "Mr. Jin, you can go back. Mr. Xin will take care of Miss Anran. You can rest assured. "

"How can I rest assured? Xin zimo is a beast dressed in clothes! " Jin Shaonan frowned and said angrily.

"Mr. Jin, don't talk nonsense. Mr. Xin Treats Miss Du very well. " The Butler wanted to pull Jin Shaonan away.

"Good? If it's really good, anran wouldn't have drunk with me all night and cried like that yesterday! "

"Jin Shaonan, you should mind your own business. You'd better not look for du Anran in the future. Otherwise, don't blame ME FOR BEING MERCILESS! " Xin Zimo stood on the steps and warned Jin Shaonan.

"Mr. Jin, you'd better leave quickly, or I'll call the police. " The Butler knew that Xin Zimo was about to lose his temper, so he quickly urged Jin Shaonan to leave.

"Alright, I'll leave. But let me tell you, if you dare to treat anran badly again, I'll never forgive you! "

Xin Zimo stood on the steps and watched as Jin Shaonan left. His heart had been blocked. He swore in his heart, Du Anran, in this life, you can only choose me.

The Sun Shone on Xin Zimo's body, and his shadow was lonely and lonely.

The Butler shook his head and did not dare to make a sound. He could only walk back to the garden to tend to her plants.

After another half an hour, du Anran walked out of the bathroom. She felt weak all over, and she really wanted to sleep. When she woke up, all her worries were gone.

She dragged her tired body and walked in the room. Her body was still in pain, and this pain was etched in her heart.

"Anran, put on your clothes. I'll take you out for a walk. " When Xin Zimo saw that she was finally willing to come out, he immediately ran to the second floor and hugged her.

"Let go of me... I want to go home... " Du Anran broke free from Xin Zimo's arm ...

Xin Zimo had no choice but to let go of her, but he also expressed his stance, "I won't let you go home alone. "

Du Anran ignored him and walked straight ahead. When she reached her room, she slammed the door shut with a bang. She rummaged through the closet for clothes and randomly found one to put on.

Xin zimo felt bad being locked outside the door by her, but he didn't say anything. He just called Sun Ping.

Sun Ping was surprised when he received Xin Zimo's call. After hearing Xin Zimo's instructions, he immediately said, "I will do as you say. ".

Then, Sun Ping lowered his voice and asked Xin Zimo, "I heard that something happened to you in London? "

The News of Xin Zimo's accident had been kept a secret in the country, but nothing could be hidden from Sun Ping. Xin Zimo replied with an "en" and said, "everything is fine now. There are people in London who will help me take care of everything. Is the Xin Corporation okay? "

"You are so happy that you don't want to go home, but I am in a terrible situation, " Sun Ping said "The things you asked me to investigate have made progress to different degrees. I've already locked on to a few suspects and am waiting for the final confirmation. "However, because of the series of attacks last time, the shareholders of the Xin group sold their shares one after another. Our market is not optimistic, so we're counting on you to come back from London and buy a few banks in City A. "

"Have you received all the information? "

"I've received it. I've already found the top analysts in the country and strive to put these information to use as soon as possible. "

"I plan to return to London after the New Year. By the way, do you know that Chi Xue has come to London? "

"I. . . Heard about it... " Sun Ping said truthfully ...

"think of a way to get her back. "

"I'll try my best. ''SunnPingg was in a difficult position.Itt was effortless for him to helpXinnZimoo deal with theXinnCorporationn's matters, but he was afraid that he couldn't do anything about personal matters.

After hanging up on Sun Ping, Xin zimo knocked on the door of Du Anran's room again.

Du Anran wanted to go to sleep after she touched the bed. The eyelids of the bear that she was hugging her were fighting. The knocking on the door became softer and softer until it gradually became inaudible.

Xin zimo pressed the Password and pushed the door open. When he saw that Du Anran was sleeping on the bed, he quietly walked forward and covered her with the blanket. Perhaps everything would be better after she slept... ...

No one came to disturb du Anran in the villa. Xin zimo closed the door and quietly went downstairs.

The Butler had been busy. When she saw Xin zimo coming downstairs, she quickly asked, "Mr. Xin, is there anything I can help you with? "

"Help me prepare a set of casual clothes. "

"okay, I'll go right away. " The housekeeper turned around and left.

"Wait, you can go home after you're done. There's no need to cook dinner tonight. I'll bring anran out to eat, " Xin zimo instructed.

"understood, understood. " The housekeeper nodded.

When it was almost six o'clock, du Anran woke up. She looked at the clock on the wall in a daze and slept for a few more hours. Her time was wasted just like that.

"You're awake? " Xin Zimo always appeared in front of her without anyone noticing. Du Anran was shocked when she opened her eyes.

What surprised Du Anran even more was that he was not wearing a suit. A beast like him always liked to dress himself up in a suit and tie, but today, he did not. This made her very surprised.

"No, I still want to sleep. " Du Anran felt that sleeping was the only way to avoid him.

However, at this moment, she could not suppress the hunger in her stomach. Other than drinking a lot last night, she had not eaten for two days.

She was really hungry.

Xin Zimo seemed to see through her thoughts and pulled her up. "What are you still sleeping for? I'll bring you to eat. "

"I'M NOT GOING! " Du Anran did not want to see him, let alone go out with him.

However, as she said that she was not hungry, her stomach began to growl. Du Anran hugged the bear in defeat and did not say a word.

"Let's go! " Xin Zimo snatched the bear from her hand and threw it on the ground. He then carried her horizontally and carried her downstairs.

"I can walk on my own. What are you doing? Let me down! " Du Anran resisted desperately. She did not care that Xin Zimo's chest was injured and punched his wound directly.

Xin zimo frowned in pain, but he did not let go. He carried her all the way downstairs.

"who would dare to have an evil woman like you other than me? " Xin zimo coughed twice. His chest was really badly beaten by her.

"Then let me go! " Du Anran looked at him and did not show any signs of weakness.

"since I want you, I should be responsible for you until the end. There is no such thing as abandoning you randomly. "

"I don't want you to be responsible! "

"But I happen to be a man with a sense of responsibility. " Xin zimo looked at DU anran shamelessly.

"You'd better use your sense of responsibility sparingly so that it won't be uneven in the future. " Du anran rolled her eyes.

"Look at the photo album in my hand. It's the one you saw that night. " Xin zimo held the photo album in his hand.

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. This photo album had attracted the endless conflict between him and her for the past two days.

Xin Zimo opened the photo album and patiently tore each page apart.

"everything you saw was real. Chi Xue asked someone to take these photos. We were in London that day, and we went to visit her parents that day. "

Xin Zimo explained as he tore the photos. The photos fell from Xin Zimo's hands like snowflakes and landed on the carpet.

"You know, the Chi family has been kind to me and the Xin family. I promised her that I would be good to her parents, but I only treated her like my own sister. "

"later, she asked me to walk around with her, and that was when I got these photos. "after Chi Xue developed the photos, she gave me a copy. The Butler brought it to my room, and I casually put it in the cabinet. I didn't think that you would care so much

"What you saw was true, but you weren't willing to listen to my explanation. "

"I don't care. " Du Anran watched him tear up the photos and said plainly, "this is your freedom. "

"You really don't care? " Xin zimo finished tearing up the last photo and hugged du Anran's waist from behind. "Then if you really don't care, why are you angry? "

"I'm not angry... " Du Anran used her elbow to block Xin Zimo who was behind her.

"You're not angry? Then do you want me to show you the surveillance footage from that night? I'll let you see how you ran barefoot from the room to the hall, then from the hall to the courtyard, standing in front of the iron gate and desperately trying to leave... "

Du Anran pushed him away. "So what if I care? So what if I'm angry? I don't want to see you at all! "

Xin zimo looked at her calmly. "If you care and are angry, it means that I still have a chance to make up for it. Tonight, just treat it as giving me a chance to make it up to you. "

"I said that I don't want to see you at all! "

"If you don't want to see me, I'll hide far away. Just let you see the delicious food! " Xin zimo picked her up and carried her to the Maybach outside the villa.

He had already prepared everything. Since she wanted to go back, he would try his best to find a reason for her to stay.

She could have coffee and chat with Jin Shaonan in a coffee house. He believed that he could also leave a unique memory of him and her in London.