Chapter 154, illegal cohabitation

Du Anran hurriedly put on her clothes and walked out of the door. When she reached the door, she happened to see Chi Xue standing at the bottom of the stairs. The housekeeper pulled Chi Xue forcefully, afraid that she would do something.

"Why are you here? " Du Anran looked down at Chi Xue. The two of them did not have much history and had no interactions, but because of the incident in the garden last time, du Anran finally understood Chi Xue's intentions.

Fortunately, Xin Zimo and the housekeeper still believed her in the end, but du Anran was still worried that Chi Xue would think of something.

"Du Anran? " A trace of doubt flashed across Chi Xue's face, but when she saw du Anran walk out of the room with her hair disheveled, her face instantly changed into disdain and contempt.

Du Anran did not say anything. Chi Xue looked up at her and asked, "where's Xin Zimo? "

"Miss Chi, Mr. Xin hasn't returned yet. Guo Zi has already sent people to look for him. " The Butler was still trying his best to hide it from Chi Xue.

"He didn't come back? He didn't come back to find a woman to sleep with? " Chi Xue looked at Du Anran with disdain In her eyes, Du Anran was a poor woman who had been used up by Xin Zimo. Now that she could appear beside Xin Zimo, she must have used some special means.

Du Anran frowned. Did everyone around him speak so harshly?

She stood upstairs and looked at Chi Xue. Her face was cold. "If you still don't leave, I have to call the police! "

"Call the police? I haven't accused you and Xin Zimo of living together illegally! "

Chi Xue walked upstairs in her ten-inch high heels. The housekeeper quickly followed behind, but Chi Xue immediately shook her hand off.

Chi Xue stood in front of Du Anran. Du Anran only took a few steps back, but she held back her anger.

"He is indeed not here, " Du Anran said with a dark face.

"Is that so? I want to see if he is still asleep or not! " Chi Xue pushed du Anran and ran to Du Anran's room.

Du Anran grabbed her hand and pulled her back to her original place.

"What do you mean? In front of me, you better keep your temper. Xin ZIMO IS NOT HERE! " This was the first time Du Anran spoke to Chi Xue in this tone, but she felt that there was no need for her to put up with Chi Xue.

"Let go of me! " Chi Xue's wrist was in great pain from Du Anran's pull. How could she compare to Du Anran who had practiced taekwondo? She could only obediently stand on the spot in a short while.

Chi Xue's eyes were red. No one had ever dared to speak to her in such a tone. Seeing this, the Butler only stood on the stairs and did not speak. He also did not go up to help.

"I'll say it again. Xin ZIMO IS NOT HERE! " Du Anran was furious. She had to clean up the mess that he had caused.

"then take a look at what these are! " Chi Xue threw the things in her hands on the ground in a fit of anger.

The things in the bag were all scattered. It turned out to be photos.

Du Anran lowered her head to take a look. They were basically photos of her and Xin Zimo when they went out last night. It turned out that Chi Xue was very sensitive. She was afraid that she had long suspected that Xin Zimo had returned. It was just that she had no evidence. Now that she had the evidence, it was no wonder that she was so confident this early in the morning.

The Butler also saw the photos. Yesterday afternoon, Chi Xue was persuaded by Guo Zi to go back. He did not expect that she did not give up and sent someone to secretly take these photos.

Just looking at these photos made the Butler shudder. Think about it, who would want to have a pair of invisible eyes staring at them in their own life.

"You are really boring. If he is willing to see you, why would he hide it from you? " Du Anran was somewhat merciless.

Chi Xue admitted that she was hurt by Du Anran's words. In her heart, she did not want to believe the fact that Xin Zimo did not like her. She had always lived in her fantasy and tried her best to make her fantasy come true.

However, there was still no sadness on Chi Xue's face She just looked up at Du Anran. "How could he not want to see me? I advise you to take care of yourself. I'm afraid that you'll lose both your heart and your person! You don't even know who's laughing and crying! "

"Are you done? You can leave after you're done, " Du Anran said indifferently.

"Why should I leave? " Chi Xue's temper flared up again. "If you want to leave, you should leave! "

Du Anran frowned. "then you can stay here alone. "

Du Anran went around Chi Xue and walked down the stairs. She was not admitting defeat, but she was unwilling to deal with these disputes. Since Chi Xue was willing to wait for Xin Zimo in the villa, she would let her wait.

"Hey, where is Xin Zimo? " Chi Xue shouted at Du Anran's back.

Du Anran ignored her, and she could not do anything about it. She could only run around in her high heels and searched the entire villa, but she could not find Xin Zimo.

The Butler followed behind Chi Xue, afraid that she would mess up the room. Chi Xue stomped her feet and sat on the Sofa in the hall. She waited, but she did not believe that Xin Zimo would not come back.

However, he deliberately avoided her, which made her very sad.

Du Anran put on a scarf and was about to go out. The housekeeper quickly stopped her. "Miss Du, you can go out after breakfast! "

"I'm going out to eat. "

"then... where are you going? " The housekeeper asked carefully. She was afraid that Du anran would disappear again and Mr. Xin would be anxious when he came back ...

"I'm just taking a walk nearby, " Du Anran said.

"You should go back to your room to rest. I'm afraid that Mr. Xin will come back... " the housekeeper lowered her voice when she said the last sentence.

"He's in the hospital. He won't come back for a while. "

"How about... you go to the hospital to see Mr. Xin? " The Butler whispered to Du Anran, afraid that Chi Xue would hear him ...

Du Anran paused. Go to see him No... ...

"Butler, you don't have to worry about me. I won't get lost. " Du Anran smiled.

"When will you come back? " The Butler was really afraid of the pair of enemies, Du Anran and Xin Zimo. She was not sure whether the two of them were friends or not.

But one thing she was sure of was that Xin zimo loved Du Anran very much.

"I. . . I'll be back before dark. "

"then remember to come back for dinner. Don't be too late, " the housekeeper reminded her repeatedly.

Du Anran nodded, put on her scarf, and walked out. Chi Xue did not know what the housekeeper and Du Anran were whispering about, but once du Anran left, the villa became Chi Xue's world.

She first made herself a cup of coffee, then saw that the housekeeper's breakfast was very good, so she casually took a piece of French cake and tasted it.

"Auntie, your cooking is really good. " Chi Xue was sweet-tongued. When she was in the Xin family, she could make mother Xin and mother Xu very happy.

"thank you for your praise, Miss Chi. "

"You should come and eat some too. I know a way to eat this kind of cake. It's especially delicious. I'll make it for you to try, " Chi Xue said as she found strawberry jam and milk.

"Miss Chi, there's no need. I've already had breakfast at home. " The Butler waved his hand.

"come and try it. It's very delicious. It was taught to me by my best friend when I was studying in London. " Chi Xue was very enthusiastic. She forcefully pulled the Butler to sit beside her.

"Miss Chi, there's really no need. I'm already full. "

However, the housekeeper could not persuade Chi Xue. She still managed to taste the cake. She did not know what it would taste like after tasting it. Her mind was filled with thoughts of persuading Chi Xue to leave the villa as soon as possible.

"Aunty, when did brother Zimo come back? When I came yesterday, Guo Zi lied to me that he was not here. It seems that I really can't believe Guo Zi's words in the future. " Chi Xue's expression was indifferent. She was a completely different person from that morning.

"Mr. Xin came back later. Guo Zi doesn't know either. " The housekeeper had to lie again.

"Oh. " Chi Xue continued to make her cupcakes. She looked indifferent. "By the way, has du Anran always lived in the villa? "

"Miss Du is Mr. Xin's secretary. She followed Mr. Xin here, so she naturally lives here. "

"brother Zimo has many secretaries. So they always live here every time they come to London? "

"Mr. Xin doesn't come to London often. I don't remember either. " The housekeeper wanted to leave, but Chi Xue wouldn't let her.

"Auntie, try this again. " Chi Xue cut a piece of fruit cake into the plate in front of the housekeeper "Aunty, you have to remind brother Zimo more. He doesn't have a good heart and doesn't understand women's tricks. But you don't know that this Du Anran is a woman who knows how to play tricks. Last time in the garden, you saw the Butler. The boiling hot coffee... ... ..."

Chi Xue's eyes reddened after she finished speaking. If the Butler hadn't finally understood some things these days, she might have really believed Chi Xue.

But she was already middle-aged. If she still believed these rumors, she would really have lived in vain. However, she did not speak and only listened to Chi Xue.

"Aunty, brother Zimo and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young. When my father and his father joked, they even said that when we grew up, they would let us get married. "In fact, we have been in contact for so many years, and our relationship is very good. "However, a very vain woman like Du Anran likes brother Zimo's family business and gets close to him in every way. She's really afraid that brother Zimo will be entangled by her. "

Chi Xue sighed. The Butler secretly looked at her expression. When she first met Chi Xue, she had always thought that this girl was simple-minded, but now it seemed that she was not.

"Miss Chi, you're thinking too much. Mr. Xin is not the kind of person who doesn't know his limits. He was able to stand firm in city a by himself. How could he not understand his own heart? " The Butler said lightly and stood up again "Miss Chi, you eat more. I'll go clean the garden. "

"Butler! " Chi Xue called out, but the Butler did not turn back.

Chi Xue felt bored and could only cut the cake with her knife and fork. After cutting for a while, she felt even more bored. She did not even want to eat breakfast.

"How long can it be for a person who cares about sex? ! " Chi Xue muttered softly. She used a fork to scratch du Anran's name on the cake and then used a knife to make a big fork. "there will be a day when you cry! "

Du Anran only felt a little calmer after she left the villa and blew in the cold wind. She kicked the pebbles on the side of the road and walked forward aimlessly.

However, she did not walk far before she received a call from Guo Zi. Du Anran was quite surprised because Guo Zi would not look for her for no reason.

"Hello, what's the matter? " Du Anran asked straightforwardly.

"Xin zimo's wound was infected last night and he was sent to the intensive care unit. COME OVER QUICKLY! "