Chapter 153, I don't appreciate your kindness

However, she recognized the path, but she could not open the door. The key was still with Xin Zimo.

She could only lower her head dejectedly. The heavens were not fair to her at all. Every time she tried to act tough, they would pour a bucket of cold water on her. She kicked the pebbles on the road and bit her lips in anger.

When Xin Zimo walked up, Guo Zi also walked up. He really could not stand how Xin Zimo spoiled Du Anran He casually poured a bucket of cold water on Du Anran. "Miss Du, don't you like Zimo very much? I'm going to send him to the hospital later. Do you want to go? "

Du Anran looked up. That night when he jumped into the sea, she lost control for a moment. Guo Zi, old Chen, and old Mr. Xin probably knew that she actually cared about Xin Zimo.

But so what if she cared? Did he appreciate her kindness?

"I'm afraid of the hospital, " Du Anran found a way to decline.

"Are you afraid of the hospital or are you at odds with Zimo again? " Guo Zi mercilessly exposed her.

Xin zimo quickly glared at Guo Zi. He did not want Guo Zi to say these words in front of Du Anran.

He had hurt Du Anran first today. He could understand her cold words to him. He admitted that some of his actions today were too extreme. However, Du Anran's words had hurt him to the bone.

"Why are all of you blaming me... " Du Anran bit her lip and held onto the iron door tightly with both hands.

"Guo Zi, go back to the car first! " Xin Zimo was afraid that Du anran would be sad. He spent a whole night to finally get du Anran to change her mind. He did not want all his efforts to go to waste.

"Go back to the car? ! " Guo Zi did not listen to Xin Zimo at all "It's not like I didn't see it when I was in the car just now. Your wound was in so much pain, and you even accompanied her for an entire night. But how did she appreciate it? The night before last, when you came back from the hospital to see her after the surgery, I felt that it was not worth it! "

"Guo Zi, that's enough! GO BACK TO THE CAR! " Xin zimo frowned, and his eyes were bloodthirsty red.

Guo Zi knew that what he said was not pleasant to hear, but he was telling the truth. He admitted that Du Anran had done a lot for Xin Zimo, but it was not enough to be awkward. Xin Zimo had already treated her like this, so why would she still feel wronged.

In fact, he also had some resentment in his heart. It was because women's thoughts were too difficult to guess. Not to mention that he could not understand Du Anran, he could not even understand Xiaoxian.

One second, the sun was shining brightly, but the next second, it turned sunny and cloudy. A woman's heart was like a needle in the ocean.

Guo Zi did not want to care about the matter between Xin Zimo and Du Anran anymore. He waved his hand and walked into the car.

According to his personality, he could just leave and go home to play games. However, friends were friends after all. He could not just watch XIN ZIMO DIE!

Xin Zimo "chased" Guo Zi away. He quickly opened the door of the villa. "I'll send you upstairs. You rest well at home. From tomorrow onwards, I'll ask the Butler to come over to accompany you at night. I'll hire a few more servants. "

"There's no need. " Du Anran controlled her emotions. "You can totally let me return to the country. "

How could Xin Zimo let her return to the country? He was not in the country, and he had not taken care of many things in the country. Letting her go back alone was no different from pushing her into the fire pit.

"Wait for me to go back together. " After standing in the cold wind for a long time, Xin Zimo's wound was getting more and more painful. He covered his chest, but he still had a gentle smile on his face.

Even though he was standing behind Du Anran and his movements were very gentle, du Anran still noticed it.

"You don't have to go shopping with me today. Just as Guo Zi said, I won't appreciate your kindness. "

Xin Zimo was silent for a few seconds and said slightly, "it's my fault first. You don't have to appreciate my kindness. "

"then you'd better go to the hospital quickly. Otherwise, if your injury is serious, there will be many people who will blame me tomorrow! " Du Anran's face was a little cold. She pushed the door open and walked into the villa without looking back.

She was still laughing at herself in her heart. She had obviously fallen out with Xin Zimo, but she had no choice but to stay at his place and use his money.

What was her relationship with him now like... ...

The corners of her lips curved into a cold sneer, like the half-curved Moon in the sky, cold and shallow.

She closed the villa door and went to the second floor. Xin Zimo did not follow. He just stood in the cold wind and watched her back until she disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Xin Zimo, do you still want to go to the hospital? What time is it? " Guo Zi shouted in the car.

Probably only Guo Zi would dare to talk to him like that. He lowered his head and shook his head helplessly. He locked the door and went back into the car.

"Let's go! " Xin zimo looked at the dark road in front of him. He was at a loss. He did not know what the scenery would be like after daybreak... ...

Actually, Du Anran knew how serious Xin Zimo's injury was. Moreover, she had deliberately punched his chest several times tonight. When she saw that he was frowning with a smile on his face, she knew that he might have truly regretted it.

But the things he had said and done in the past two days were no different from cutting a wound in her heart. How could she forgive him?

"Xin Zimo, this time, I'll send you to the hospital. Don't run out on your own again. I'm tired of looking for you all over the streets, " Guo Zi said helplessly as he drove.

"Just tell me what you want later. "

"Look, you're being so polite again. But... Ahem, I'm planning to open a bar in London recently... Ahem... "

"How much money do you need? "

"Not much, 10 million. "

"If you're not in a hurry, I'll ask Sun Ping to transfer it to your account when I return to China. "

"Ok, I knew you'd be good enough. Remember to come over for a drink when you come to London in the future. "

"when you open the bar, Be careful that I don't drink all the treasures in your store. "

"There's no need to wait for my bar to open. If I can handle Xiaoxian, I'll treat you to a taste of the red wine that I've been hiding for many years on the day of our wedding. " Guo Zi smiled.

"Then I'll look forward to it. " Xin Zimo also smiled.

That night, Guo Zi finally sent Xin Zimo back to the hospital. He only heaved a sigh of relief after Guo Zi watched Xin Zimo take the medicine and hang the IV drip. Why was this Xin Zimo not at ease at all... ...

"Go back and sleep. It's late! " Xin zimo looked at the exhausted Guo Zi and knew that it had been hard on him these days.

"Then I won't stay in the hospital. The smell here is really unbearable. " Guo Zi yawned and his eyelids were almost closed.

"Yes, I'm fine. There are people watching over here. "

Guo Zi closed the door of the ward gently. He was really too tired. He yawned as he walked downstairs.

The hospital was very quiet in the middle of the night. There was not a single sound in the corridor. The smell of medicine came from the tip of his nose from time to time. Guo Zi frowned and left the hospital.

Xin Zimo was lying alone in the VIP ward. There was only a small wall lamp in the room. The yellow light shone on the floral curtains, making this small room seem very warm. If this was not a hospital, Xin zimo would still like this feeling.

However, this room was more or less deserted.

There were still needles in his hands. Xin Zimo could not fall asleep no matter how hard he lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

In his heart, he really hoped that Du Anran could come and accompany him. Many times, when he was in the hospital alone, he always hoped that he would have his family by his side to accompany him.

But now, in this silent hospital, there was nothing. His eyelashes fluttered slightly. The dark yellow light shone on his face, and there was an indescribable loneliness.

He thought that he could control himself in front of tens of thousands of people and not show his emotions, but when he saw Du Anran, why did he have so many unimaginable actions. He could not control his anger. He was afraid that she would ignore him, but the more afraid he was, the more conflicted he was, and the more things went against his wishes.

He sighed in his heart, how much he cared about her.

At night, the bright moon was hidden in the clouds, dim and dim. The North Wind blew across the balcony, making a slight sound.

Du Anran pulled the curtains of the room, and she hugged her big bear as she lay lazily on the bed.

The villa was exceptionally quiet today because she was the only one left in the huge villa. She looked at her phone a few times, but she did not know who to call. Liu Wanwan, Jin Shaonan, or her mother... ...

It was already very late. She did not know if Jin Shaonan was asleep or not. He was clearly in London, but she increasingly did not dare to see him.

As for the country, it should be dark by now. She did not know if her mother was living well at home alone... ...

As she thought about it, when she could not fall asleep, she actually thought of Xin Zimo. He must have suffered a lot in the hospital. She did not know if he was hanging water, taking medicine, or falling asleep.

When du Anran thought about how he had to face the cold equipment and even a scalpel in the hospital, she felt a little relieved. However, when she thought about his bad behavior in the afternoon, she gnashed her teeth and felt very uncomfortable.

In this way, she forced herself not to think about anything related to Xin Zimo. She mistook the cuddly bear for Xin Zimo and smashed it with her fists for dozens of times. Only then did she feel better.

She finally fell asleep when she was tired.

The next day, Du Anran was woken up by a loud noise. She opened her eyes in a daze and saw that the clock on the wall was pointing at seven o'clock sharp.

She stood at the window and looked outside. It turned out that Chi Xue and the housekeeper were arguing about something.

Du Anran did not have any special feelings for Chi Xue. She only felt that Chi Xue was the daughter of Xin Zimo's benefactor. Perhaps it could be said that Chi Xue was one of Xin Zimo's many women.

Du Anran could not hear what they were saying. She only knew that the housekeeper was very loud. She rarely saw the housekeeper speak so loudly to others. In her eyes, the housekeeper was a very amiable middle-aged woman, just like a mother.

However, Chi Xue was clearly very imposing. She was holding something in her hand, and Du Anran could not see it clearly.

Just as Du Anran was about to close the curtains and go back to sleep, Chi Xue pushed the housekeeper away and rushed straight into the villa.

"Xin Zimo, come out! " Du Anran heard Chi Xue's voice. It was very loud, and there was an echo in the huge villa.

Du Anran rarely heard Chi Xue mention Xin zimo's name. She seemed to be very angry.