Chapter 168, beware of others

Xin zimo frowned and thought of the day before New Year's Eve. He was drunk, and Du Anran kept asking him what he was hiding.

Although he was not in the country, the Xin family's matter still made him very anxious. How should he tell her that someone was following him and there was a spy inside?

"Xin Zimo, you're really annoying! " Du Anran saw that he pursed his lips and did not intend to speak, so she was very angry.

If he said that he did not care about her, he would not lower himself and put aside the hatred of twenty years to go to Laidu Garden. If he cared about her, he was not even willing to say anything to her. Du Anran really could not figure out Xin ZIMO's heart.

This man's mind was like the Boundless Ocean, sometimes he could not even touch it.

"It's all about the Xin clan, don't bother about it. " Xin Zimo finally spoke.

"I'm really afraid that you almost lost your life for the Xin clan! " She did not care about the matters of the Xin clan, she was worried about him.

"Never, never again. " Xin Zimo said in a low voice.

Earlier, he thought that he had nothing except for the Xin clan. Later, he found out that Du Anran cared about him, he still had her besides the Xin clan.

In the future, he would never do such a stupid thing. Even if he had to give up the Xin Corporation, as long as she could stay by his side.

"It's good that you won't, " Du Anran mumbled and continued to pack her things.

At night, Du Anran was suddenly woken up by a phone call. She took the phone in the dark and opened her eyes in a daze. It was Xiao Qingqing.

Xiao Qingqing clearly knew that it was night in London, but she always called at this time. She did it on purpose.

However, it was different from the last time. Tonight, Xin Zimo was with Du Anran. She did not dare to pick up because she was afraid that Xin zimo would discover something, so she had to hang up.

She did not want to involve Xin Zimo in the matter between her and Xiao Qingqing.

However, Xin Zimo was still woken up by her actions. He opened his eyes slightly. "What's wrong? "

Du Anran had already hung up and quickly said, "nothing. "

Xin Zimo replied with an "Oh" and continued to hug her to sleep.

However, Du Anran could not fall asleep. She did not forget what Xiao Qingqing said the last time. This time, she was looking for her again. Was it a threat?

Sure enough, after a while, her phone vibrated slightly. As expected, it was a text message from Xiao Qingqing. There were only a few words on it. "Are you ready to receive the surprise? "

Just reading the words made du Anran's hair stand on end. Xiao Qingqing, what on Earth Did she want? !

She angrily replied, "Xiao Qingqing, if you dare to act recklessly, do you believe that I won't let you live a good life? "

She did not know if Xiao Qingqing was frightened by du Anran's imposing manner, but she did not harass du Anran that night.

Du Anran angrily turned off her phone. Although she was very angry, she was still cautious, afraid of Waking Xin Zimo.

That night, she did not sleep well. She wanted to turn over several times, but she was afraid of Xin Zimo, so she did not dare to move.

The next day, she arrived at the airport on time. Du Anran did not expect the old man, Guo Zi, the butler, and Uncle Chen to be here. Du Anran was very touched, especially when the old man woke up early to see them off.

When Xin Zimo and the old man's eyes met, du Anran did not see any hostility. She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man handed a photo album to Xin zimo. Du Anran took a look at it. It was the same album that the old man had shown her last time. The old man gave it to Xin Zimo. After all, this photo album was a treasure that the old man had treasured for many years.

Xin Zimo did not refuse. He took it and flipped through a few photos. He happened to see a photo of himself when he was young. It was the only photo of the whole family.

On it were not only his father, Xin Yonghang, but also his grandmother, Yin Luoluo, and the man in front of him who was called "GRANDPA. ".

"Zimo, take care. " Guo Zi walked forward.

Uncle Chen and the Butler said at the same time, "Mr. Xin, come back to London often when you're free. "

They all knew that this was the only time Xin Zimo had lived in London for so long in so many years. They were very reluctant to part with him, but there was nothing they could do.

Xin zimo smiled and looked at them. "maybe we'll meet soon. "

"When I get married, all of you have to come. " Xin Zimo put his arm around du Anran's waist and looked at everyone in front of him. "Guo Zi, uncle Chen, the butler, and... GRANDPA. "

Everyone was stunned when they heard Xin Zimo call the old man "grandfather, " especially the old man himself. He had been looking forward to calling him "grandfather" for so many years, and today, Xin Zimo was finally willing to call him "grandfather. ".

The old man's heart was filled with joy. He finally had no regrets in his old age... ...

Du Anran was also very happy. She initially thought that this man was cold-blooded to the extreme, but it was not the case. After all, she still did not fully understand him.

However, she had enough time to understand him in the future.

When they entered the VIP lounge, Guo Zi secretly handed Xin Zimo two tickets. Xin zimo nodded, and Guo Zi patted his shoulder before he left the lounge with ease.

Even du Anran did not notice their movements. It was not until Xin Zimo led her through a dedicated boarding passage that she realized that the plane had missed its departure time.

"Did you buy another ticket? "

Du Anran remembered that he said that the boarding time was at seven o'clock in the morning, but the time had already passed.

"You must be cautious. " Xin zimo placed the ticket in her hand.

Du Anran took it. The time on the new ticket was 8:30 a.m. , which was a whole hour and a half away from the original time.

Du Anran admitted that she was too stupid. She could not figure out the reason for Xin Zimo's action no matter how hard she racked her brain.

But when she suddenly heard that there was a hijacking on the plane from London to China at seven o'clock after she returned to China, she finally understood. She widened her eyes and looked at the man next to her. He was listening to the news and drinking a cup of coffee, but there was not much expression on his face.

"How did you know that someone hijacked the plane? " Du Anran was still in shock. If they had not changed their tickets, would they have become hostages now.

"How would I know? I'm not a God, " Xin Zimo said.

"How are you not a God? " Du Anran was full of admiration for Xin Zimo. "If you're not a god, why did you change your ticket? "

"Didn't I say that it's important to be wary of others? " Xin Zimo said, "it's easy to recognize a trick that you played once and play it again. "

"A second time? " Du Anran finally understood. "You're saying that when we went to London from the country, someone had already targeted us? So you also used a trick to change the situation? "

Xin zimo lowered his head and looked into her eyes with a smile. "Do you think your husband is very smart? "

"Who's my husband... " Du Anran rolled her eyes at him.

When they left the airport, a driver came to pick up Xin Zimo. Xin zimo looked a little tired, so he let the car go to the villa on Lake Heart Island.

The villa on Huxin island had a beautiful scenery. To be honest, Du anran liked the scenery there very much, but she still wanted to go home.

So she suggested, "can you send me back first? "

Xin zimo glanced at her and nodded.

On the way home, Du Anran even asked him who had bad intentions, but Xin Zimo did not say much. He only assured her that he would definitely punish these villains severely.

As soon as Du Anran got home, she saw her mother and Liu Wanwan far away. When Liu Wanwan learned that she was coming back, she came to her house very early to welcome her. Her mother, Bai Ruyun, even prepared a big table of dishes for her to welcome her home.

"Sister Anran, didn't you have a hard time overseas? Look at you, you look so white and fat, " Liu Wanwan said enviously. She was eager to have a holiday to go abroad.

Du Anran's face turned red. She had been in London for more than a month and was indeed very free. Other than a few times when she was so angry with Xin Zimo that she almost vomited blood, everything else was fine. It was no wonder that Liu Wanwan would say that she had become fat.

"Wanwan, you're still talking about me. I see that you're much fatter than before. Is it because the news agency is getting more and more free? Or is it because your mysterious boyfriend cooked a good dish and made you fatter? "

"It's true that the news agency is idle. Ever since our President Jin officially became the president of the news agency, he has treated us a hundred times better. "But as for my boyfriend, you'd better forget about him as soon as possible. He's so busy every day. Forget about cooking, I'll be thankful if I can see him once a week! " After saying that, xiao Qingqing shook her head.

"Then when will you let me meet your boyfriend? I'll see if he's worthy of our Wan Wan. "

"actually... actually, you two know each other... " Liu Wanwan lowered her head and said a little embarrassedly ...

"Ah? Really? " Du Anran was even more surprised. In City A, the number of men that she and Liu Wanwan knew together could be counted on one hand. Especially after she provoked Xin Zimo, it was difficult for her to meet other men.

"Let's go out for a meal some other day. " Liu Wanwan held du Anran's arm and smiled brightly.

"Okay, I just happen to see who the person who can make our Miss Liu's heart flutter is. " Du Anran was happy for Liu Wanwan.

"Don't be surprised. " Liu Wanwan said, "Oh right, sister Anran, President Jin took a leave of absence to go to London last time. Did you see him? ''

"He took a leave of absence? " Du Anran was stunned. Did he especially go to see her He flew from the country for more than ten hours... ...

"Yeah, I guess he misses you. "

"We saw him. " Du Anran nodded. "He's very good, but we're just best friends after all. "

"Sister Anran, what's wrong? President Jin is such a good person. Who knows how many people in the news agency are chasing after him, but you're not moved at all? "

Du Anran bit her lip. It was fake that she was not moved. Jin Shaonan was so outstanding and considerate. He gave her the most care, but unfortunately, she never had the urge to love him.

If she did, they would have been lovers in university.

"Sister Anran, you don't still like that Xin Zimo, do you? " Liu wanwan poked du Anran's forehead.

Du Anran nodded. "I... Did only like him once. "

Sometimes, one's heart was too small and could only fit one person in one lifetime. Be Stubborn or stubborn, there was only enough to love one person in one lifetime.