Chapter 169, love is already in the bone

"Actually, Xin Zimo treats you quite well. " For the first time, Du Anran did not hear Liu Wanwan scold her for being useless or spineless. Instead, she stood on Xin Zimo's side.

Du Anran could not help but look at her in puzzlement. "Xin Zimo bribed you? "

Liu Wanwan smiled. "those who are in the middle are confused, but those who are watching from the sidelines are clear. Xin Zimo has hidden himself well enough. If it wasn't for Sun Ping telling me a lot of things about Xin Zimo these days, I would really think that Xin Zimo is an ingrate. "

"Sun Ping? " Du Anran heard the main point. Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan were chatting together Didn't the two of them fight whenever they met?

Liu WANWAN's face turned red. She realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly shut her mouth.

However, when Du Anran saw her reaction, she understood everything. She laughed and said, "oh... Sun Ping... is your boyfriend? "

"Sister Anran, you're so annoying. Don't say it out loud. No one knows yet. "

Du Anran laughed so hard that she leaned back and forth. She had never thought that Liu Wanwan would be together with Sun Ping. However, on second thought, they were quite a good match. Liu Wanwan had a fiery personality and could not tolerate a grain of sand in her eyes, while Sun Ping had a patient personality. The prime minister had a belly that could support a boat.

In this way, they were really a match made in heaven.

"then you really have to treat me to this meal. Does this count as not meeting enemies... "

"I know, I know. I'll definitely treat you to a big meal. " Liu Wanwan pulled du Anran into the house.

After returning to the country, her days were carefree. In Du Anran's eyes, there were no changes. She was still working at the Xin Corporation and was in the same office as Xin Zimo. However, she had fewer and fewer opportunities to see Xin Zimo every day.

Sometimes, she did not see him come to the office for an entire day. Sometimes, she did not see him for a few days. She knew that he was very busy after returning to the country, but he was actually so busy.

When she had nothing to do in the office, she would stare blankly at his chair in front of her. When she was really bored, she would feed the fish.

The fish that cost 500,000 yuan were fattened up without her care. They looked quite comfortable.

"Little Fish, little fish, did you miss me... " Du Anran opened the electronic board of the fish tank and threw the fish food into it.

The little fish wagged their tails and spat out bubbles as if they understood what Du Anran said.

However, it was really boring when she was free. After not seeing Xin Zimo for three days in a row, she called him.

"Are you very busy these days? "

If he wasn't busy, he wouldn't have stopped coming to the office and calling her.

"Well, if you're bored, go out for a walk. "

"Oh... Let's have dinner together tonight? "

"No, I have something to do tonight. I'm in a meeting, I'll hang up first. "

Xin Zimo hung up her phone, and Du Anran returned to her seat in embarrassment. When she was in London, she felt that he was very relaxed, but when she arrived in China, he was busy as a top again.

She had wanted to wait for Xin Zimo to have dinner tonight, but now it was all gone.

When she got off work, she had just walked out of the XIN building when she saw a Bentley parked at the intersection not far away.

It was Xie Chenjin's car, and Du Anran recognized it at a glance. At that time, she had taken his car to the mall to buy shoes.

Seeing that she was coming over, Xie Chenjin opened the car window, took off his sunglasses, and waved at her.

Du Anran originally wanted to avoid her, but now she had no choice but to meet him. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over to greet him. "Young Master Xie looks radiant. "

"That's also because I saw you. " Xie Chenjin opened the car door and very gentlemanly let du Anran sit in the passenger seat.

Du Anran curled her lips. This man, after not seeing her for more than a month, was still so unreasonable. However, after not seeing him for more than a month, there was indeed a smile on his face, especially today, which looked like he had drunk honey.

Du Anran had no choice but to get into Xie Chenjin's car.

"Are you very free today? Why are you out shopping so early? " Du Anran asked.

Weren't they always very busy in the financial industry Especially since Xie Chenjin was the backbone of the Xie Bank.

"I specially came to the Xin Bank to wait for you. I heard that you have returned to China. However, you can't bear to call me even once. " Xie Chenjin's face was slightly angry, and there was a hint of anger in his tone.

It was not just these few days. She did not even give him a greeting during the new year.

"I learned it from you, Young Master Xie. There are no friends in the business world. Since we are not friends, why would I call you? There is nothing to cooperate with. "

"We haven't seen each other for more than a month, and you are getting more and more eloquent. Did Xin Zimo teach you that? "

"I learned it from you. "

Xie Chenjin brought Du Anran to a French restaurant. He was probably a regular customer there. As soon as he went there, the manager led him to the private room upstairs.

However, the manager glanced at Du Anran, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

The private room was very large. There was a dedicated person playing the piano, and there were rows of fine wine on the wine rack. The overall style of the private room was light yellow. It was very warm and not dazzling.

The Crystal lily-style Chandelier emitted a gentle light. After they sat down, Du Anran asked him, "why are you looking for me? "

Since the last bet, they had not spoken on the phone or met each other. This time, Xie Chenjin suddenly found her. She did not know why.

"I'm looking for you to drink. " Xie Chenjin elegantly opened the cork on the red wine bottle. The red liquid was slowly poured into the goblet, emitting a mellow and rich fragrance.

The transparent red was like a ruby. It was bright and shiny. It was also like a freshly ripened red grape, giving off an alluring luster.

"Mr. Xie has always been a smart person. Moreover, the banking industry is particular about seizing every second. You won't waste your time drinking with me. " Du Anran was straightforward.

Drinking? Would Xie Chenjin just come to have a drink with her?

Xie Chenjin frowned, but it only lasted for a few seconds before it relaxed again.

"Miss Du is really a strange person. What if I say that I just want to have a drink with you? "

"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , you don't have to look for me,"Du Anran told him the truth.

"Alright, let's have a casual chat! " Xie Chenjin raised his wine glass. "How are you doing in London? "

"I'm fine. How about you? How's the matter with the Xie Group? " Du Anran glanced at him and said lightly.

"The funds have been refunded and we've signed a few partnerships with foreign companies. The Xie Group has also welcomed a new batch of shareholders. "

"congratulations, Mr. Xie. You're a young and talented man. You live up to your reputation. " Du Anran was not interested in things in the business world.

"You have done me a huge favor. So, according to our contract, I can give you what you want. What do you think? " Xie Chenjin said "I can let you invest in the Xie family. I can also give you the funds to build a harmonious society. Of course, if you still insist on going abroad, I can also help you. "

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. The Xie family had made a comeback. The corresponding Xin family had suffered a heavy blow. Was she wrong about the collaboration with Xie Chenjin... ...

She felt a faint sense of embarrassment, but what was revealed in her eyes was confusion.

"The Xie family has been reborn. Will the Xin family suffer a heavy blow? " Du Anran suddenly asked.

She hated Xin Zimo back then, but after a month in London, when she learned that he had jumped into the sea and that they might never see each other again, or that they were separated by heaven and earth, how could she still hate him... ...

However, the Xin family was his life. She had made such a mistake. If he knew about it, would there be a way back for them?

"The Xin Corporation has invested a lot in the acquisition of the Xie Corporation. Now that the Xie Corporation is safe and sound, what do you think will happen to the Xin Corporation? "

"there is no need for us to continue talking. " At this moment, Du Anran stood up in a panic like a child who had done something wrong.

"You have helped me so much. I will welcome you at any time. I will keep the shares of the Xie Corporation for you. " Xie Chenjin caught the panic in her eyes. For some reason, his heart stopped.

"No need. " Du Anran turned around and left.

"Don't be in such a hurry to reject me. Maybe Xin Zimo doesn't love you that much. When the time comes, the Xie family will be your haven. The doors of our Xie Bank will always be open to you. "

Du Anran's body trembled. She did not stay any longer and did not listen to Xie Chenjin's words. She left the restaurant.

She did not help Xie Chenjin at all. Other than the minutes of the meeting, she had heard that the minutes were very important. However, at that time, she hated Xin Zimo, so she gave the records to Xie Chenjin.

However, she never thought that in just a short month, she would once again see her own heart clearly. She hated him to the extreme because she loved him to the bone. She loved him as much as she hated Xin Zimo. This was an indisputable fact.

After returning from the restaurant, Du Anran had been feeling uneasy. She did not have much interaction with Xie Chenjin. She suddenly remembered that when she was in London, he once said, "what if the XIN corporation goes bankrupt... ". ...

At that time, she thought that he was joking. The Xin Corporation was a huge corporation that was thriving. How could it go bankrupt.

But at this moment, she actually felt a sense of panic and helplessness. What about Shihe? Wasn't Shihe the most powerful corporation in city a back then When she met Xin Zimo, Shihe was like an egg that shattered with a crash.

Nothing in this world was impossible. Shihe back then was a good example.

She could not help but call Xin Zimo. The first time, she did not pick up.

She stood nervously at the window. The night outside was like water. She actually began to miss the days in London.

The second time she called, Xin zimo picked up. There was no teasing tone from the past. His voice sounded very tired.

"Are you done? " Du Anran asked.

"Not yet. Sun Ping and I are reconciling the accounts. "

Du Anran was stunned. Was He reconciling the accounts personally If it wasn't for some major financial matter, he wouldn't have needed to reconcile the accounts personally.

She recalled the statements that he had shown her before. At that time, the accounts were all wrong. However, this kind of thing was common. She didn't take it to heart. She didn't expect that once he returned, he would start the financial investigation again.

"You... rest early. Do you want me to visit you... " she did not know why, but she actually felt a little guilty ...

"No need, go to bed early. "

"Oh... "

Xin Zimo hung up the phone first. She knew that he had been busy ever since he came back. He was even busier than before.

If it was not for the time he jumped into the sea, they would still be like passers-by She would still hate him!

If the Xin Corporation had gone bankrupt at that time, she would have been happy to hear about it. But now, she was not willing. She was a little afraid... ...

At the French restaurant, after Du Anran left, Xie chenjin stared at the empty seat for a long time.

The sound of the piano was as soothing as flowing water. It emitted a peaceful and stable sound, but his heart was like a stone that had been thrown down, stirring up waves of ripples. The wine that he liked to drink on a daily basis actually did not taste good at all. He untied his tie in a fluster and left a tip for the piano player to leave.

After sitting alone for half an hour, he called Chi Xue.

Chi Xue was quite surprised, but she still went to the appointment.

Seeing that the meeting was no longer in a noisy bar, she showed a gentle expression.

"Miss Chi, you never take the initiative to ask me out. It seems that cooperating is my business. " Xie Chenjin's tone was a little unhappy, which made Chi Xue stunned.

In Chi Xue's eyes, Xie chenjin would always maintain a gentlemanly demeanor no matter what. Even if he was unhappy, he would always hide it. You could only see elegance and grace on his face.

"from the beginning to the end, the matter is in your hands. I don't have the right to take the initiative, " Chi Xue said unhurriedly.

"I don't have much patience. " Xie Chenjin leaned Lazily on the SOFA.

"To be honest, I don't have much patience either. "

Chi Xue was getting more and more disappointed with herself. She even suspected that Xin Zimo did not have a good impression of her at all. The last time in London, she had even used that kind of trick, yet he was unmoved. That man, Xin Zimo, always had a lot of self-control in front of women.

"Good, let's end this quickly, " Xie Chenjin said.

"How much more money do you need? " Chi Xue still did not know the current situation of the Xie Bank. She only asked tentatively.

"I don't need the money anymore. "

"Then what do you mean? The cooperation is terminated? " Chi Xue's face was slightly angry. He did not keep his word. She did not even have the title of the Young Madam of the Xin family. He planned to retreat unscathed.

"No, help me do one last thing. After the matter is done, we're done. I'll let you have your wish. "

Chi Xue blinked. "What is it? "

Xie Chenjin smiled and whispered a few words into her ear. Chi Xue's expression immediately changed. She gritted her teeth. "If ZIMO finds out in the future... "

"If you don't say it, if I don't say it, who knows... " Xie Chenjin smiled.

Chi Xue thought for a moment and asked doubtfully, "will it work? "

"trust my judgment. " Xie Chenjin seemed to have a plan in mind. "Du Anran loves Xin Zimo far more than you love Xin Zimo. "

Chi Xue felt a little unbalanced when she heard this. "She loves Zimo? She's here for Zimo's money, right? "

Xie Chenjin took a sip of wine. He was used to drinking wine, but he actually felt a little uncomfortable after taking a SIP.

"Right, why did you do this? It doesn't seem to be of any benefit to you. " Chi Xue was also very vigilant. What Xie Chenjin asked her to do was indeed beneficial to her, but it did not benefit him at all.