I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Xie Chenjin to Jin Shaonan or very assured, he nodded: "Shaonan, then trouble you to send Enron back. "

"Xie Chenjin, you quickly GO BACK TO WASH FACE SOBER! " Du Anran looked at Xie Chenjin.

Just in the room, Xie Chenjin was a little drunk, but out of the door cold wind blowing, immediately a lot of sober.

"I'm fine, " he said with a gentle smile.

He was quite happy in his heart. Today, du Anran neither embarrassed him nor gave him the cold shoulder, but spent an unforgettable birthday with him.

The crowd dispersed one after another. Just as Jin Shaonan was about to get the car, Xie Chenjin waved at him. "Shaonan, I. . . Have something to say to you... "

His face was slightly red. He stood in the cold wind in his sweater and could not help but slightly cross his arms.

Du Anran did not know what they could not say tomorrow. It was already past twelve o'clock.

However, it was clear that Xie Chenjin was still in high spirits. He deliberately avoided Du Anran and pulled Jin Shaonan to a quiet place.

"Shaonan... this birthday... I'm very happy... " Xie Chenjin said softly.

Jin Shaonan's lips curved slightly. "I'm also very happy to see that you can get along well with her. "

He didn't drink, and the cold wind blew on his face, making him even more sober.

"I'm not doing this because of your request, do you understand? " Xie Chenjin glanced at Du Anran, who was wearing a black and white checkered coat, and his gaze suddenly became deep.

"That's even better. " Jin Shaonan still maintained his faint smile.

"You didn't tell her anything? " Xie Chenjin asked.

"I hope she never knows. " Jin Shaonan glanced at the sky and sighed lightly.

Xie Chenjin nodded and didn't say anything else.

Jin Shaonan patted Xie Chenjin's shoulder and smiled indifferently. He picked up the car keys and walked towards Du Anran.

"Two grown men, you still have something to talk about? " Du Anran couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Can't men have something to talk about? " Jin Shaonan smiled at her and opened the car door.

"I'm really curious about the friendship between you and Xie Chenjin. The two of you can become good friends. " In Du Anran's eyes, Xie Chenjin was a scheming man and Jin Shaonan was a pure-hearted man. Could the two of them be together?

"Xie Chenjin only hides a knife in his smile occasionally. Don't misunderstand him. He treats the people around him very well, " Jin Shaonan said. "when he returned to the country to take over his father's mess, he suffered a lot more pressure than his peers. I think you can understand. "

Du Anran could indeed understand this point. When she graduated, she had also returned home to take over the company at the request of the world and the internal department. Unfortunately, she was not Xie Chenjin. She did not have the talent to be a businessman.

"You know, I returned to the country because of this reason, " Du Anran said.

"If you had stayed in Germany like me, maybe you wouldn't have experienced so much right and wrong, but no one can say for sure what your fate is, " Jin Shaonan said with a bitter smile.

"It's because I can't say for sure, so I just go with the flow, " Du Anran said with a smile, looking at the scenery outside the window.

It was already very dark, and there was a gloomy atmosphere everywhere. There was no one on the road. Occasionally, one or two cars passed by, but they were all moving at a fast speed.

The streetlights on both sides of the road were moving backward rapidly. The car was as warm as spring, and the CD was playing light and gentle music.

It was almost one o'clock at night when Jin Shaonan sent Du Anran home. When she got out of the car, she wrapped herself in a scarf and waved goodbye to Jin Shaonan. Jin Shaonan also waved to her.

Jin Shaonan's image in her mind was always of a smiling face, just like the early spring sunshine, which always melted the pool of ice water.

She felt that Jin Shaonan had also changed. He seemed to have stopped talking about bringing her back to Germany, and he also stopped talking about anything wrong with Xin Zimo.

She vaguely remembered that she got drunk on the balcony in London. She was in a trance and felt like she was in a dream.

Perhaps the best time was always like a dream.

However, when Du Anran returned home, she realized that there were five missed calls on her phone that had already run out of battery. One of them was from Liu Wanwan, and the other four were from Xin Zimo.

The time was more than nine o'clock. At that time, she was singing happily with a group of people.

She carefully replied to him with a text message: "My phone ran out of battery. I didn't receive your call. "

She did not dare to say the reason. If he knew that she was at Xie Chenjin's birthday party, what would he think.

However, she did not expect that he would actually reply to her with two words: "It's nothing. "

Du Anran looked at the clock on the wall. It was already past one o'clock at night. Was He still awake Or was he woken up by her text message?

She did not know.

Early the next morning, Du Anran went to the Xin Corporation with two dark circles under her eyes. On the way, she kept yawning. She was really too sleepy.

When she went to the 36th floor, Xin Zimo was not there as usual. She could not care about anything else and lay on the table to sleep. After about ten minutes of sleep, she heard the sound of the door.

She was shocked and raised her head. It was Sun Ping.

Sun Ping also saw that she had fallen asleep during office hours, but he did not have time to scold her. He hurriedly took a stack of documents from Xin zimo's desk.

"Sun Ping, where... Where is CEO Xin? " Du Anran only knew that Xin Zimo's whereabouts were uncertain recently. Most of the time, she had to rely on other channels to find out ...

"CEO Xin is in a meeting. " Sun Ping expressionlessly took the documents and closed the door.

Du Anran was no longer sleepy. She stood on the 36th floor of the corridor and looked down while feeling bored. The Hall of the Xin Corporation building was bustling with people.

Although du Anran did not have the potential to be a businessman, she was still eager to get into a job. Be It as an administrator or a secretary, it was not as good as it was now.

She looked at the crowd that kept moving around the building and suddenly felt envious. She wanted to go downstairs for a walk.

She did not take Xin Zimo's private elevator. When she reached the first floor, She just sat on the Sofa in the building and looked at the busy staff of the Xin Corporation.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with? " Seeing that she had sat for a long time, a young girl at the front desk walked over.

"No, no, I'm just sitting. "

"Okay, if you need anything, you can find me, " the front desk said with a smile.

Du anran quickly nodded. Fortunately, no one knew her.

After she sat for half an hour, the sensor door of the building suddenly opened, and a woman wearing a new chanel dress walked in. There was a man behind her, but the man was respectful, as if he was her attendant.

The woman had long, casual hair and an exquisite, small face. She looked fresh and refined, and her temperament was extraordinary.

Du Anran had sat downstairs for so long, but she had never seen such a beautiful woman. This woman was like a piece of precious porcelain that was pleasing to the eye, with a beauty that was not carved at all.

She was obviously not familiar with this place, but soon, the receptionist came forward.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with? " The receptionist's face always had that standard smile.

The woman looked around and her gaze lingered on Du Anran for a few seconds before she quickly turned away. She smiled calmly. "I'm looking for your CEO Xin. "

"Do you have an appointment? " The receptionist continued.

"I don't need an appointment when I'm looking for someone. " The woman blinked her eyes and looked at the receptionist. Her eyes were full of vivacity.

The receptionist looked troubled, but she had seen this kind of person before. The receptionist immediately maintained her standard smile. "Please Register. "

She took out a pen and paper and handed it to the woman. However, the woman probably found it troublesome and waved to the man behind her. "You do it! "

The man behind her was much more experienced and immediately negotiated with the receptionist. After all, their miss knew President Xin.

Du Anran also looked at the woman. She had never seen this woman before, but judging from her outfit, she was either rich or noble.

When the woman scanned the hall, she met Du Anran's gaze. She did not avoid it, and Du Anran did not avoid it either. Du Anran nodded slightly and smiled.

After a while, the man seemed to have reached an agreement with the front desk. The Front desk agreed to call Xin Zimo's secretary, but it was only Sun Ping's secretary.

"Why isn't he done yet... it's harder to see him than to ascend to the heavens. " The woman picked up her hair ...

"Miss, please wait a moment. "

Du Anran walked forward and smiled. "Is there something important you want to see him about? "

"No. " The woman glanced at Du Anran. Why was this woman not wearing work clothes or work tags? was she here to do something Or was she here to wait for someone?

"He's probably very busy. You can look for him another day! " Du Anran said.

"No, it's not easy for me to come here. How can I return empty-handed? It's too embarrassing, " the woman muttered.

Du Anran could not help but think of the matter between Sun Ping and Lu Jia some time ago. However, this woman was not Lu Jia. Just the clothes she was wearing were the real chanel.

However, she could not interfere in most of Xin ZIMO's matters. She barely knew him, and he would never tell her anything. Therefore, she had no way of knowing who this woman was.

However, from the looks of it, they should be very familiar with each other.

"then sit here and wait. I'm afraid he's in a meeting, " Du Anran said.

"How do you know he's in a meeting? Do you work here? " The woman could not help but ask.

Just as Du Anran was about to speak, the front desk came over. "Miss, I'm sorry. President Xin is in a meeting and is temporarily unable to see you. Please follow me to rest. "

The woman looked at the front desk. "I wanted to give him a surprise, but it turned out to be a meeting. Sigh, this man is just not interested. "

When she said this, the front desk was slightly stunned. She really did not know who this lady was. She was really afraid that she would offend someone.

"Miss, I will tell you when President Xin is free, " the front desk said carefully.

"where does he usually eat at noon? " The woman blinked and asked.

"This... I don't know either. " The front desk was in a difficult position. She had not even met Xin Zimo a few times, so how would she know where Xin Zimo Ate ...

"How come you don't know anything... " The woman looked disappointed and looked at Du Anran. "She also knows that President Xin is in a meeting, but you still have to call to ask. "