Chapter 184, uninvited guests

"I'm sorry, Miss. . We have to follow the procedure, " the receptionist said.

"Don't be nervous. I didn't ask you to go up and help me find director Xin, " the woman said with a smile.

"How about, Miss. . You leave a business card and I'll get someone to send it up. "

"Business Card? No. " She didn't work, so how could she get a business card.

"This... " the receptionist was really troubled. "How about I take you to rest? "

At this time, the man behind the woman also said, "Miss. . How about we go back first? "

"Is it easy for me to sneak out? You want me to go back just like that? I WON'T DO IT! "

"Miss, I'm not asking you to go home. I'm asking you to go back to your place of residence. " The man was also quite helpless.

Du Anran thought that she also wanted to see Xin Zimo, but unfortunately, she couldn't see him either. She didn't know how busy he was... ...

"Why didn't you pick up your phone? What the Hell Are you doing? You didn't leave me a fake number, did you? ! " The woman stomped her feet and looked a little angry "Fortunately, I was smart enough to follow the clues and find your company. It turns out that you're so rich in city A. It wasn't in vain for ME TO COME HERE! I had to rip you off! "

The woman muttered something, but the man behind her said, "miss, waiting like this isn't a good idea. "

"Shut up, shut up, let me be quiet! " The woman waved her hand.

Just as she was pacing back and forth, a group of people suddenly walked down from the VIP elevator.

All of them were in suits and had extraordinary bearing.

Du Anran looked up and saw that the person walking in front was Xin Zimo Why did he come downstairs?

This group of people instantly became the focus of the entire hall, and all eyes were on them. Especially Xin Zimo. His face was as sharp as a knife, and he was handsome. His perfect facial lines gave off a trace of coldness. Every step he took with his slender legs was vigorous and steady.

When everyone respectfully stood to the side and said "Nice to meet you, President Xin" , Du Anran also lowered her head.

Fortunately, he did not see her. She patted her chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

However, when the woman next to her saw Xin Zimo, her eyes immediately sparkled as if she had seen a diamond.

Without waiting for the receptionist to stop her, she took a big step forward, intending to stop Xin Zimo.

However, Xin Zimo's bodyguards at the back were not to be trifled with. They quickly blocked in front of Xin Zimo and separated the woman.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, Xin Zimo! " The woman dodged to the side and waved at Xin Zimo.

Xin zimo furrowed his brows, and his cold face sank. He waited until he saw who it was before he waved at the bodyguard.

"Why is it you? " Xin Zimo stopped in his tracks and looked at the uninvited guest in front of him.

"I thought you forgot about me! " The woman laughed.

Du Anran was afraid that Xin zimo would find out, so she had already taken a newspaper from the front desk to cover her face. She secretly watched everything that happened in front of her.

"How could I forget? " Xin Zimo's expressionless face finally revealed a trace of a smile.

"then... Let's have lunch together? " The woman ignored the two fierce gazes from Sun Ping Behind Xin Zimo ...

"WE'LL SEE! " Xin Zimo said in a deep voice, "I have to go out for a meeting. "

"Okay, I'll wait for you! " The woman was not unhappy. She seemed to be very happy to see Xin Zimo.

Du Anran was very puzzled. Logically speaking, Xin Zimo should be in a very bad mood when he encountered such a thing. According to his usual style, shouldn't he just walk away from the person who came Why would he talk so much with this woman?

Was she someone very important to him Du Anran thought about the person they knew together, but she still could not guess who this woman was.

As soon as Xin zimo finished speaking, he left the hall with his subordinates, and the group got into an extended Lincoln and left.

The woman in the hall immediately became the focus of everyone's attention, and the sound of discussion entered their ears. However, no one could guess her identity.

Du Anran covered her face with the newspaper and quietly moved back into the elevator.

After entering the elevator, she heaved a sigh of relief and pressed the button for the 36th floor.

It was no wonder that he rarely saw her after he returned to China. He was either busy with meetings or women, so he had no time to see her.

Du Anran leaned against the elevator in frustration, looking down at the changing numbers.

Sure enough, Du Anran did not see Xin Zimo again for the whole day. She sent him a message, but he did not reply. But when she got off work, she deliberately took another ordinary elevator. When she walked to the front desk, a few girls at the front desk were packing their things and preparing to leave work.

"Who is the lady who came this morning? " She asked in a gossipy tone.

To be honest, when she saw her man talking to another woman, if she did not have any reaction, she really did not love him.

"I heard that she is the eldest daughter of the Ouyang Group, " a girl at the front desk said quickly.

"which Ouyang Group? " Du Anran was confused.

"The Ouyang group in t city, the one who works in high-end hotels. "

Du Anran thought about it. She had stayed in the hotels under the Ouyang Group, but she did not expect that the young lady who came today was the eldest daughter of the Ouyang family. She heard that the Ouyang family only had one daughter, and she was very doting.

It was better to see it than to hear it all. This young lady was very beautiful and very delicate, but she was not domineering and conceited.

"Why did she come to look for CEO Xin? " Du Anran asked again.

"I don't know. After CEO Xin left, she also left, and she hasn't been here since, " the front desk said.

"I haven't heard of any business dealings between the Xin Group and the Ouyang Group! " Du Anran said.

This one was in city a, city T, one in the north, and one in the south. They were thousands of miles apart.

"Who knows? But I've always heard that this Miss Ouyang doesn't do her job. I guess she's not here to discuss business. " A girl at the front desk clicked her tongue.

"She treated President Xin to a meal the moment she arrived... " another girl said.

"By the way, I haven't seen President Xin many times, but when I saw him today, he really had an extraordinary bearing and a dignified bearing. " A girl said shyly with sparkling eyes.

"YOU'RE DREAMING AGAIN! " One of the girls poked her head.

"They seem to know each other, " Du Anran said again.

"We don't understand the upper-class society... " A girl looked up at the sky.

"That's right, do you want to eat spicy hot pot or fried rice tonight? I heard that there's a New Stone Pot Bibimbap restaurant on Zhongjiang road. It's said to be delicious and can be bought in a group. Do you want to eat it together? " A younger girl said to the others.

"Let's go, let's go! " The few of them packed their things and left the XIN building with their bags on their backs.

Du Anran looked at the noisy girls and sighed before leaving the XIN building as well.

Ouyang Pei, who had not seen Xin Zimo at noon, finally saw him at night. He was finally not busy anymore. Ouyang Pei went to the hotel where he had a meeting and waited for him. When she saw him coming out, she immediately ran up to him.

The group of people that Xin Zimo met today were experts who were planning specific countermeasures for the Golden Plate Garden Project. When they saw Ouyang Pei, they could not help but ask Xin Zimo in surprise, "your girlfriend? "

Xin zimo smiled. "No, an old friend. "

"Oh! " Everyone nodded. After shaking hands with Xin Zimo, they got into the car and left.

At night, Ouyang Pei changed into an ankle-length dress and wore a bohemian-style hat. She looked artistic and small and fresh. Xin Zimo could not help but laugh at her for being a changeling. He had seen her three times, and all three times, she had a different style.

She was free and easy, delicate, and quiet.

"Why didn't you lie to them and say that I'm your girlfriend? " Ouyang Pei walked to Xin Zimo's side.

Seeing this, Sun Ping stopped accompanying Xin Zimo and left the hotel with the people from the Xin Corporation.

"lying is not a good habit. " Xin zimo curved his lips.

"Then tell me, do you have a girlfriend? HMM? " Ouyang Pei asked relentlessly.

"Yes. " Xin Zimo did not hide it.

In fact, Ouyang Pei had already guessed that Xin Zimo had a girlfriend. She had guessed it right from the last time they met on the ship, but when he said it out loud, she could not help but feel a little disappointed.

"then if I come to find you, will your girlfriend be unhappy? " Ouyang Pei continued.

"Her? " Xin zimo recalled du Anran's quiet face. "She wouldn't be unhappy. "

"How would anyone know that their boyfriend isn't jealous of other women unless she doesn't like you? " Ouyang Pei hit the nail on the head.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. What do you want to eat tonight? " Xin zimo promised Ouyang Pei that as long as he could do it, he would do his best.

Not only did she save his life, but she also let him see a person's heart in his lifetime. She let him live to see du Anran who cared about him.

"treat me to whatever you have here. I'm not picky, " Ouyang Pei said with a smile.

"Get in the car. I'll bring you to eat the special dishes of City A. "

Xin Zimo started his car and let Ouyang Pei sit in the passenger seat. Ouyang Pei was obviously very pleased with Xin zimo's gentlemanly behavior. This was not like the Xin Zimo she saw on the boat.

Du Anran quietly asked Sun Ping about Xin Zimo's situation. Sun Ping did not say anything and only said that Xin Zimo was busy. Du Anran was frustrated. She knew that she could not get anything out of Sun Ping. It was a waste for her good sister to fall in love with him.

She could only turn to ask other people. After asking around, she still did not know what Xin Zimo was doing. She only got a useful clue. Before he left, he met the lady in the XIN building today.

This was enough. At this time, she slowly picked up the phone and called Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo was focused on driving. When he saw du Anran's phone, he happened to reach a traffic light.

"Zimo, where are you? Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together. "

When he heard Du Anran's voice, Xin zimo glanced at Ouyang Pei beside him. He could only say, "I have a social engagement tonight. You eat by yourself. Be Good. "

Du Anran was a little angry that Xin Zimo lied to her. However, Xin Zimo lied very naturally even though he was obviously lying. It was not like her, who would blush whenever she lied.

"You have social engagements every day, and I don't have anyone to eat with... "

"Go home early. I'll accompany you another day. "

"Then take care of your body, don't work too hard. "

Du Anran looked like a good wife and mother, but in fact, God knew that she was already furious. Liar, liar, he lied to her that she was having social engagements again. Today, she found out that it was Miss Ouyang who came, but she didn't find out, who was she with.