Chapter 194, meeting Xiao Lanzhen

"Zimo, let her go. Otherwise, how am I going to explain this to Yuan Tong in a hundred years... " Bai Ruyun could not make up her mind. She knew that once Xiao Qingqing was captured, Xiao Qingqing would be sentenced to death.

Bai Ruyun did not want to see her father commit suicide and then watch his daughter die.

Du Anran knew that her mother was afraid of letting her uncle down. She could completely understand her mother's conflicted feelings.

"President Xin... " Sun Ping looked at Xin Zimo carefully again, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Zimo, don't chase her anymore. Let her die on her own... " Bai Ruyun was still pleading for Xiao Qingqing.

Du Anran didn't say a word. She was also feeling conflicted.

Xin zimo frowned and finally waved at Sun Ping.

"If I find out that she did something wrong again, don't blame me for being merciless! " Xin Zimo said coldly.

"after this incident, she will repent. " Bai ruyun sighed.

However, fate was unpredictable. Bai Ruyun didn't think that her sympathy would set the stage for the disaster in the future.

Xin Zimo did not speak again. He started the car, turned a corner, and drove toward the city area of City A.

"Zimo, I never knew that Xiao Qingqing was my uncle's daughter... " Du Anran told Xin Zimo everything that her mother had told her. Her heart had not recovered from everything that had happened in the afternoon. She was too shocked. Everything that had happened had exceeded the limits of her imagination.

Xin Zimo listened quietly. He glanced at Du Anran, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and smiled slightly. "Xiao Qingqing has been by your side for two years, but you know nothing. You are really stupid. "

"Hasn't he Yuguang been by your side for many years... " Du Anran was unconvinced and countered him.

Xin Zimo was at a loss for words and was unable to refute. That's right, the so-called brothers would betray him for the sake of women. He really admired he Yuguang's courage... ...

"Anran, the He Yuguang case will definitely be in court in a few days. Do you still remember the video from the Xin Corporation building? " Xin Zimo asked her.

"Of course I remember. That video was broadcasted on the Xin Corporation building. Don't you think it's shocking? " Du Anran blamed Xin Zimo because of this matter. In the end, she didn't believe Xin Zimo at that time.

"The video was done by Xiao Qingqing. However, to be able to be broadcasted on the Xin Corporation, he Yuguang's cooperation was indispensable. I even asked he Yuguang to handle this matter. Now that I think about it, it's really laughable. "

"Xiao Qingqing loves you so much, yet she still framed you like this. " Du Anran could not help but feel that Xiao Qingqing's Love was very scary.

"She would rather destroy what she can't get, " Xin Zimo said. "including the large amount of fake accounts of the Xin Corporation, it was all done by he Yuguang. Xiao Qingqing is trying to join hands with he Yuguang to destroy the Xin Corporation. "

"How could she play with a Fox like you? " Du Anran glanced at him.

"She probably saw that there was no progress, so she did something stupid like hijacking a plane. " Xin zimo curled his lips.

"How is she stupid? If it wasn't for a Fox like you who always keeps a secret, we would have long been annihilated! " Du Anran felt that Xiao Qingqing was meticulous, but she had met her match and insisted on fighting with Xin Zimo.

"learn from me in the future. " Xin zimo glanced at her.

"with an old fox like you protecting us, what else do we need to learn! " Du Anran smiled.

Xin Zimo did not speak again. He just stared at the road ahead.

"Oh right, I remember something. There was once when I went to the wedding photography shop to look for you. You were accompanying Xiao Qingqing to pick a wedding dress. Why did she choose a wedding dress? " Du Anran still did not understand. She had thought that Xin Zimo was going to marry Xiao Qingqing.

"She only told me that she liked wedding dresses and wanted the person she liked to accompany her to pick one, " Xin zimo said calmly.

"Oh... " Du Anran responded and asked Gossipily, "then did you ever like her? "

"He has long fallen in love with a fool named Du Anran... " Xin Zimo said calmly.

Du Anran's heart felt like it had been smeared with honey. She sat in the front passenger seat and secretly laughed. Xin Zimo occasionally turned his head to look at her and could not help but laugh.

Bai Ruyun looked at the young couple and finally felt relieved. She could rest assured for the rest of her life. With Xin Zimo taking care of Anran, she did not have to worry about Du Anran's innocence anymore.

When the car drove to the center of city a, Du Anran had never felt that city a was so beautiful. The Sun set in the West, and the red clouds covered the entire sky.

The light shone on the tall buildings in city a that reached into the clouds. The glass curtain wall reflected the rays of the setting sun, and the entire city was shrouded in a layer of light and shadows.

The clouds changed into all kinds of shapes, and they looked bizarre. The setting sun was like a delicious salted duck egg. It was as if a bite of it could spill out fresh and delicious butter.

As the sun gradually sank, the surrounding streetlights began to slowly light up.

It was the time to get off work, and the number of cars on the road suddenly increased. There was a long line on the busy city a road.

"Mom, why are you so sure that Xiao Qingqing is uncle's daughter? " While the car was waiting for the red light, Du Anran turned to ask her mother.

"You told me that Xiao Qingqing is only a few months younger than you. I deduced that it happened at the time of the incident. Moreover, Xiao Qingqing is quite similar to your uncle. Can't you tell? " Bai Ruyun said.

Du Anran thought about it carefully. Indeed, Xiao Qingqing and uncle were similar in some areas, such as the chin and eyebrows.

"Mom, Xiao Qingqing escaped. What about Xiao Lanzhen? Where is Xiao Lanzhen? " Du Anran thought of Xiao Qingqing's mother, the woman with intermittent mental illness.

Bai Ruyun shook her head. "The last time I saw her was 20 years ago. I thought she was dead. "

Xin Zimo said slowly, "I know where Xiao Lanzhen is. "

Du Anran and Bai Ruyun were shocked. They said in unison, "you know? "

Xin Zimo thought that if he was not wrong, that small house was where Xiao Lanzhen lived. He did not expect that a secret that he had accidentally discovered would hide a past.

Xin zimo nodded. "Okay, if you want to see her, I can take you there now. "

Du Anran glanced at her mother. She did not know what her mother was feeling.

Bai Ruyun's face revealed a rare look of shock and confusion. After all, they had not seen each other for twenty years. In these twenty years, the people around her had left her one after another. Suddenly, fate told her that the woman named Xiao Lanzhen was still alive.

This made her recall every detail of the past, everything between her and Du Yuanheng. The past was like a thread that bound her during this day, making her gasp for breath while she reminisced.

After a long time, Bai ruyun nodded. "bring me over to meet her. "

In her impression, Xiao Lanzhen was also very beautiful. Her beauty was more like a yellow rose with thorns, just like the current Xiao Qingqing. They were unwilling to surrender to reality. They struggled in the adversity of reality and spent their lives in the lies that they made up for themselves.

Xin Zimo immediately turned the car around and drove along a quiet road. The last bit of the day was left, and the night was about to engulf the entire sky.

Bai Ruyun held her hands and went to see her old friend whom she had not seen for twenty years. She was nervous and nervous.

"Mom, it's okay, " Du Anran comforted Bai Ruyun.

"Anran, there are some things that I haven't told you... " Bai Ruyun suddenly said, "before we went to London, you asked me a question. You asked me if I had wronged anyone... "

Du Anran's face turned red. When Wan Wan was taken away, she mistook it for Xin Zimo and threw a Tantrum at Xin Zimo. In the end, she found out that it was Xin Zimo's mother who did it, and Xin Zimo did not know about it.

"I told you that if that's the case, just apologize. Don't wait until you really want to apologize, but it's too late. " Bai Ruyun looked at Du Anran with regret in her eyes.

How could Du Anran not remember? She did apologize to Xin Zimo after that.

When Xin Zimo, who was driving, heard them say this, he remembered the time when Du Anran apologized to him, and the corners of his lips could not help but curl up slightly.

"actually, your father became seriously ill after that, partly because of me. " Bai Ruyun thought of Du Yuanheng, and when she thought of this, her eyes gradually turned red.

Du Anran did not know what was going on behind the scenes, so she could not help but blink. "Mom, what happened? "

"after Xiao Lanzhen found your father for the last time, I happened to have a bad temper and liked to get angry. I thought that Xiao Lanzhen came to seduce your father again, so I vented my anger on your father. "I wronged him, and I even said that he had a mistress in his golden house and that he had nothing to do with Xiao Lanzhen. I said something that I regret for the rest of my life. " The frustration on Bai Ruyun's face became deeper and deeper.

"Your father didn't explain anything. I didn't know that he was already mentally and physically exhausted at that time because of the world and peace. I only found out later that after I lost my temper with him, he stayed in the hospital for a long time. He didn't even tell me... ... ..."the corners of Bai Ruyun's eyes teared up.

"Men are all like this, " Xin Zimo said faintly.

Du Anran didn't know about such a past. She had never seen her mother lose her temper before. She was probably really too angry.

"Anran, that's why I've always hated mistresses and lovers. When I found out that you were working at the Xin Corporation, you should be able to understand my feelings, " Bai Ruyun said.

How could Du Anran not understand? That night.. Her mother said something very serious to her, "I know our situation better than anyone else. Only we, mother and daughter, know what it's like. However, we haven't fallen to the point where we have to be someone's mistress! "

"Aunty, I only treat Anran as my wife. " Xin Zimo quietly drove the car. His gaze was fixed on the road ahead, and his tone was firm and determined.

"with your words, I'm relieved. " Bai ruyun nodded.

"Mom, the past is in the past. Don't take it to heart anymore. The person I love the most in my life is you. " Du Anran comforted her mother.

"Anran, you and your father are the people I love the most in my life. " Bai ruyun smiled slightly.

The curtain of the night gradually pulled open. The car shuttled through the dark road. The surrounding trees were retreating at a rapid speed.