Chapter 195, greedy woman

Du Anran saw that Xin Zimo didn't say much, so she smiled and asked him, "Zimo, when did you see the note I left? "

"Du Anran, you didn't even discuss such a big matter with me. You went alone! " There was still anger on Xin Zimo's face, but he was more worried.

What if he didn't see the note? What if he was a step late... ... He didn't even dare to think about it ...

"I... How would I dare to discuss it with you... what if Xiao Qingqing finds out and she directly kills the hostage... " Du Anran said aggrievedly.

"Then, you came up with that kind of stupid idea? To think that you would think of using it as a ring... " Xin Zimo looked at her with disdain.

"I don't have ten million. What else can I do if I don't use it as a ring... " Du Anran continued to say aggrievedly, "I think it's a good idea. "

Xin Zimo took out the jewelry box from his pocket and put it in her hand. "Put the ring on yourself! "

"You took back all the rings? " Du Anran didn't expect this man to be so efficient. She couldn't help but show an excited smile.

"You'd better not go to Cui for a while. He hasn't made any profit in this business, and he was fooled by your lies! "

Du Anran smiled and said, "don't worry, I won't go to his place for the rest of my life. " Who would be willing to go to a pawnshop for no reason.

Du Anran opened the box and took out the ring. Fortunately, the ring was only one day away from her finger. She carefully put the ring on her finger and gazed at it under the light outside the car.

The ring was really beautiful, so beautiful that the surrounding scenery lost its color.

When the car turned into an alley, Xin zimo said in a low voice, "we're almost there. "

Bai Ruyun held her hands and looked out of the window. It was pitch black outside the window, and she could only see a few dilapidated houses and Tall Banyan trees.

This place was also very far from the city center of City A. Xin Zimo drove for nearly two hours.

Compared to the bustling city center, this place entered the night earlier. There was not much light around, and there were almost no people. Occasionally, one or two dog barks could be heard from the fields, which were particularly loud in this empty night.

Bai Ruyun could not imagine that Xiao Lanzhen and Xiao Qingqing had been living in this place for so many years. This place was so desolate, and Xiao Lanzhen was such a lively and prosperous woman.

Xin zimo still remembered the road that he followed Xiao Qingqing on. He parked the car in the open space and opened the car door for Du Anran and Bai Ruyun.

"Come with me. " Although Xin Zimo was not sure if Xiao Lanzhen still lived here, since she was here, he went in to take a look.

Du Anran held her mother. The knife wound on her arm was still faintly aching, but Xin Zimo had given her medicine and she was much better.

Xin Zimo stopped after a few steps. There was a low house in front of them. The steps in front of the house were covered with weeds and Moss. It seemed that no one had walked for a long time. There were a few peach tree branches sticking out of the eaves of the house. They were as bare as a dying old man.

With the help of Xin Zimo's headlights, Du Anran and Bai Ruyun could see everything around them. Neither of them went forward. Xin zimo knocked on the door symbolically.

The knock on the door sounded unusually abrupt in the empty night. Of course, the copper lock on the door did not move at all.

Probably because he knew that no one would come to open the door, Xin zimo knocked twice and stopped knocking. Instead, he walked to the trunk of the car and took out his tools.

The copper lock had long been a decoration. Without much effort, Xin Zimo opened the door.

Du Anran held Xin Zimo's hand. She was a little afraid.

Xin Zimo held her hand. "Don't be afraid. "

As usual, dust fell on their faces, and the courtyard was dead silent. The peach tree that had long lost all its leaves came into view. The birds on the tree were alarmed when they saw someone coming, and they immediately flew into the sky with a whoosh.

The deeper they went, the more du Anran's heart was in her throat. This kind of fear in the dark was even more frightening than going to see Xiao Qingqing.

Bai Ruyun, on the other hand, appeared relatively calm. She used the light to look at everything around her. This place was really too dilapidated.

"Xiao Lanzhen... " Bai Ruyun called out softly. This name had not been mentioned for so many years. When she called it out again, she actually had a different kind of feeling.

She did not know if it was because her voice was too soft, but there was no response.

Xin Zimo saw a switch. He pressed it, and the lights in the corridor of the house lit up.

As the lights lit up, a vigilant voice came from the room. "WHO's here? Qingqing? Is that you? "

Bai Ruyun's heart was filled with mixed feelings. The voice she had not heard in twenty years was so familiar... ...

But as time passed, the voice was no longer as pleasant as it used to be, but more experienced.

Seeing that no one responded, the people in the room tried to stand up, but she could not. There was a metal chain on her feet. The moment she moved, the chain made a "Hua Hua" sound, which was particularly frightening.

Du Anran's hands were cold. She had never seen Xiao Lanzhen before, so she was a little scared. Fortunately, Xin Zimo had been holding her hand all this time, which made her calm down.

Bai Ruyun pushed open the door that made the sound, and the sound made Xiao Lanzhen scream.

"Who are you? " She saw three people, but she didn't recognize Bai Ruyun anymore.

"Xiao Lanzhen, it's me, " Bai Ruyun stood at the door and didn't go forward. She only said quietly.

The whole room was emitting a musty smell, and the debris on the ground was scattered everywhere. There were food bags, biscuit boxes, clothes, and shoes... ...

Of course, most of them were medicine boxes and syringes. They were scattered all over the floor.

Xiao Lanzhen was already skinny. It was already winter, and she was only wearing a black sweater. Her hair was messy, and her eyes were lifeless and empty. She looked at them with her eyes wide open. She was at a loss.

When she heard Bai Ruyun's voice, she was stunned at first, then she seemed to remember something. Yes, before she lost her mind, she hated to hear Bai Ruyun's voice the most.

"Bai... Bai Ruyun? " Xiao Lanzhen stammered and looked at them in horror ...

Seeing that she was still conscious when she was in a normal state, Bai ruyun nodded. "It's me. "

Sure enough, the next second, Xiao Lanzhen pounced on Bai Ruyun, but because of the chain on her feet, she was dragged back before she could walk far.

Du Anran protected her mother. Fortunately, Xiao Lanzhen could not come over.

"How did you know I was here? " Xiao Lanzhen looked at her with a pair of unfriendly eyes.

"You hid for twenty years, but I still found you. " Bai ruyun sighed.

"where's Qing Qing? What did you do to Qing Qing? "

"your daughter is suspected of a crime and escaped, " Bai Ruyun said truthfully.

"IMPOSSIBLE! Qing Qing is so obedient. It was you who did it again, wasn't it? " Xiao Lanzhen shouted.

"Twenty years have passed. Xiao Lanzhen, why are you still so stubborn and immersed in your own fantasy? You even lied to your daughter for more than twenty years, using her as a tool to fulfill your ambitions, as a pawn to take revenge on the DU family! " Bai ruyun looked at Xiao Lanzhen Finally, she said these words.

"What nonsense are you spouting! " Xiao Lanzhen pointed at Bai Ruyun. "I am the CEO's wife. I am truly in love with the CEO. You are the third party, and you are the mistress! "

"Xiao Lanzhen, ask yourself, do you love Yuan Heng or Yuan Heng's status? "

Xiao Lanzhen was like a balloon that had been poked and suddenly collapsed on the ground.

"Bai Ruyun, you are spouting nonsense! You are spouting nonsense! I love Yuan Heng, of course I love Yuan Heng! " A few seconds later, she roared explosively.

"Then where do you put your daughter? Why don't you dare to tell her the truth? Why did you lie to her and say that she's Yuan Heng's daughter? " Bai Ruyun hit the nail on the head. "Aren't you the one who didn't get what you wanted? Do you want your daughter to take it from you? "

"Yes... you're right. Qing Qing is du Yuantong's daughter. I don't dare to tell her the truth. This daughter is my shame. Since I gave birth to her, why can't I use her? " Xiao Lanzhen suddenly laughed ...

Du Anran's hair stood on end when she heard that. Shouldn't all mothers in this world love their children Why was Xiao Lanzhen's heart so cruel.

"Do you know that Xiao Qingqing has been deceived by you for more than twenty years? She should have had a complete family. She was also a lively and innocent child. You've ruined her life... " Bai Ruyun was a little heartbroken.

Looking at Xiao Qingqing's current appearance, it was hard for her to imagine what kind of thoughts Xiao Lanzhen had instilled in her all these years.

"The first time I saw her, I thought of that night. I could only weave a lie for her. You don't know how happy I was when she told me that you and your daughter had nowhere else to go. Haha! " Xiao Lanzhen laughed loudly.

"after so many years, you've become even worse. In the past, you used all your tricks, but now, you're a snake with a Scorpion's heart. " Bai Ruyun shook her head.

"I'm not like you. I was born into a scholarly family when I was young, and I have everything! " Xiao Lanzhen scolded angrily. "Why can't I marry Yuan Heng? Why can't I be the CEO's wife? "

"You have your own talents. If you are down-to-earth, you will get the position and wealth that you want. But you chose to go down the wrong path. "after that night, if you don't disappear, maybe Yuan Tong will marry you. He is not an irresponsible person. After that, he looked for you everywhere, but you still chose to disappear. "

"I don't want to marry Du Yuantong! What does he have? He is just a vice president. He has been under Du Yuantong all his life. He will never be able to turn things around! " Xiao Lanzhen said emotionally.

"You said that you love Yuantong. Is this your love? " Bai Ruyun looked at her.

Du Anran listened to the past that had nothing to do with her. Her palms turned cold, and her back broke out in cold sweat. She held Xin Zimo's hand tightly and rested her head on his shoulder.

Xin Zimo hugged her and didn't say a word. The business world was actually so cruel. Not only men had desires, but women also had them.

Xiao Lanzhen sat on the ground. She no longer had the imposing manner from before. Yes... ... She had always loved Du Yuantong's position, the position above tens of thousands of people . . All she wanted was the title of the President's wife . .

She wanted to shine, she wanted to be surrounded by stars, she wanted everything about Du Yuanheng... . .