Chapter 206. He was very angry

This matter had already spread throughout the upper-class circle. When Sun Ping handed the photos to him, he realized that his bottom line had been breached.

"You showed me this stack of photos. You already know what you're doing, right? " Du Anran's face regained its calmness. Since he had already made his choice, why did he still ask more questions.

"I want you to say it yourself. " Xin Zimo stared into her eyes. He would not allow her to lie.

"If I say that I have nothing to do with Xie Chenjin, would you believe me? "

Du Anran knew that she had let him down in some ways, but didn't he do the same thing to her When she had completely handed herself over to him, she had already thought of a way to accompany him in the future.

The acquaintance between her and Xie Chenjin was only a collaboration when the hatred had exploded to the extreme. But as the hatred was resolved, she and Xie Chenjin were only ordinary friends. They were even... ... Not even friends ...

Sure enough, Xin zimo sneered. His expression had already told her that he did not believe her.

"If you don't believe me, there's no point in me saying anything more. "

Du Anran kept the lunchbox and packed all the food. If he didn't appreciate her kindness, she could leave. Looking at the lunchbox that he knocked over on the ground, her heart was still slightly stinging, but she soon averted her gaze.

Just as she finished tying up the bag, Xin zimo stood up and grabbed her wrist.

Every time he grabbed her wrist, he used so much force that she almost cried from the pain.

"You still haven't remembered who your real man is, " he said in a deep voice.

"You don't have to use this to talk about it. So what if I treat you as my man? What you've given me is just a verbal promise. The rest... is nothing. "

In fact, she had wanted to say these words for a long time, but she still kept them in her heart. She told herself that he had been very busy recently and would take care of her when he was done.

Du Anran suddenly thought of Liu Wanwan. From the time she met Sun Ping until now, she had almost seen her parents get a marriage certificate, but Xin Zimo, er, he really hadn't given her anything.

It was not that she did not trust him, but she could not believe it with a clear conscience. She did not feel safe.

After a woman handed herself over, she did not even get a marriage certificate. How could she believe it.

"It seems that I did not give you anything. Xie Chenjin gave it all? " His eyes turned cold, and they became deeper.

"What kind of logic is this? Calm down and we can talk about it slowly! " Du Anran knew that although he did not drink today, he was more terrifying when he was sober and angry than when he was drunk.

"Tell me, what benefits did Xie Chenjin give you to make you stay by my side so painstakingly and let you harm the Xin family so much! "

Xin Zimo knew that if it was not for the leak of the secret from that meeting, he would not have nearly lost his life in the sea. And the only person who could leak the secret to Xie Chenjin was Du Anran, even though he had never believed it.

Because of that leak, the Xie family bank had made a desperate counterattack and revived from the dead. His acquisition of several major banks had completely failed and he had lost a large amount of funds. The Xin family was in a precarious situation.

And because of her, he had never given up on the Golden Plate Garden Project. He had invested a large amount of capital, which made the Xin Corporation even worse.

Yesterday, he had sold his stocks, which had been rising rapidly, but all he had received was this stack of photos.

His wrist hurt faintly. Du Anran bit her lip. "I'm sorry. I hated you when I met Xie Chenjin. By the time I regretted it, it was already too late. "

"regret? Do you really regret it? " Xin Zimo had already lost his rationality. If she apologized to him, it meant that everything was true. "regret that you would continue to interact with Xie Chenjin? Sing? DRINK? Celebrate your birthday? Play Golf? "

Du Anran looked at him in disbelief. "Are you following me again? ''

No wonder he looked so unhappy at the bar the last time and asked her to sing and dance with him. It turned out that he already knew about it. However, he followed her like this because he did not trust her at all... ...

In fact, she did not know that Xin Zimo followed her just to protect her. He had never thought of prying into her privacy. He found out that her interactions with Xie Chenjin were all because of Sun Ping's prying.

However, Xin Zimo probably did not want to explain anymore. After rushing back from s city, he was already mentally and physically exhausted.

"If you don't do anything guilty, why are you afraid of being followed? " He looked at her.

"I asked myself, I didn't want to hurt you. At that time, I just wanted to leave you, but later... I realized that my heart couldn't betray me. I love you. " Du Anran was telling the truth In fact, if that accident hadn't happened, she would have left him long ago. She wouldn't have realized that she still loved him.

"You really do love me. The surprises you give me are more and more unexpected! " Xin Zimo felt that he was already calm enough at night. If it were in the past, he probably wouldn't have been able to control himself.

"Xie Chenjin and I are just ordinary friends. He invited me for his birthday. I don't think it's a big deal. As for appearing on the golf course yesterday, it's a long story, " Du Anran said concisely. She still hoped that Xin Zimo would let go Her hand was almost broken.

"You don't have to explain to me. As you said, since I didn't keep any promises to you, then there's nothing between us! "

Xin zimo looked at her gradually pale face. He let go of her hand and threw her onto the SOFA.

Du Anran lost her balance and fell onto the SOFA. Her head just happened to touch the hard corner of the Armrest of the SOFA. Suddenly, she felt muddled and dizzy.

She gritted her teeth and her entire body trembled. "shouldn't you be glad that we didn't get a marriage certificate? That we didn't hold a banquet? "

"Yes. " When she squeezed out this word, Xin Zimo didn't know why his heart would hurt.

"okay... " Du Anran smiled bitterly. Waves of dull pain came from her head. "From tomorrow onwards, I won't go to work at the Xin Corporation anymore. I won't see you again. "

"Go to seek refuge with Xie Chenjin? " Xin Zimo looked down at her from above, like a king.

"Isn't it unrelated? I don't have to answer you! "

"How dare you! I've said it before, even if you're my lover, you can only stay by my side! " Xin Zimo bent down and suddenly pinched her chin.

He was very angry today. His last bit of rationality was that she was not allowed to leave him for the rest of her life.

He could still recover from his anger. If he let her go, he would never be able to get her back.

He had not mentioned the word 'lover' for a long time, but every time he mentioned it, it would deeply hurt her heart. It was precisely because they had never gotten a marriage certificate that they could not even be considered a legal couple, so... ... To a certain extent, this relationship was just a lover's relationship ...

Du Anran's heart still hurt. She looked at him. "I thought you would never mention these two words again. Do you know that I'm really afraid of you saying these two words... "

Xin Zimo's hand loosened in an instant. He looked at her pale face and felt a little annoyed, but more than that, he was still angry.

Du Anran grabbed the ring on her finger when he let go. She really wanted to tell him that if he really had no intention of marrying her, he should not give her the ring.

However, Xin Zimo was quick-witted. He grabbed her right hand as if he had seen through her thoughts. "If you dare to take off the ring, you will never have a good life! "

Du Anran did not have the strength to argue with him. It was her fault to begin with, so she admitted it... ... He did not want to listen to her explanation, so she admitted it ...

Her head hurt so much that she clenched her teeth. She could no longer speak. She only looked at him. He pursed his lips in anger, and the lines of his entire face appeared so stiff.

His hand was cold. When he held her hand, she could feel waves of coldness and the anger that came from the bottom of his heart.

His eyes were still cold, even colder than the winter wind.

Du Anran's consciousness was a little blurry. She suddenly felt something sticky gushing out of her head, as if it was blood... ...

"You're not talking anymore? Weren't you able to talk just now? " Seeing that she was no longer resisting, his anger subsided a little.

Previously, when Sun Ping showed him the photos, he had chosen to endure it. But this time, the matter was a little too big, which was why he was angry at her. He also admitted that his temper was a little too big.

"I don't want to see you... " Du Anran weakly closed her eyes.

She didn't want to see Xin Zimo like this, at least not now. He was completely unreasonable. He didn't even have the patience to listen to her.

Xin Zimo leaned over and kissed her lips as if he was punishing her. Her lips were cold, without any warmth. His kiss was also cold, without any emotion. It was just the most primitive way to vent.

He pressed her against the SOFA and held her face and kissed her deeply. She naturally resisted fiercely, but not only did her hands and feet feel weak, her head also hurt.

His whole body was hot. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. Du Anran knew what he wanted to do, but her instinctive reaction told her that she didn't accept it.

Her coat fell from her body to the ground with a muffled sound.

At that moment, Aqin came in to bring Xin Zimo tea. She had probably never seen Xin Zimo like this before. She was so scared that she was stunned. After a few seconds, she reacted and let out a sharp and short "AH" . She turned around and ran out quickly.

AQIN's appearance made Xin Zimo lose interest immediately. Only then did he let go of Du Anran.

Du Anran lowered her hand weakly. Her head buzzed as if there were countless bees buzzing. She closed her eyes in pain and curled her body into a ball.

Because of the struggle just now, there was a bloody scar on the SOFA. That red color was shocking.

Xin zimo panicked. He saw the painful expression on her face. He raised her head. It would have been fine if he didn't touch it. But when he touched it, his hand was covered in blood.

Her hair was mixed with blood and sweat. It stuck to his hand. His pupils suddenly shrank. He cursed in a low voice and carried her out of the villa.

Du Anran didn't have much consciousness. She could only feel the man hugging her. As for the expression on his face, she couldn't see it clearly.

"You only know how to cause trouble for me! " Xin Zimo said in a low voice and carried her into the car.