Chapter 207, ignore him

He did not even have time to put on his coat. He picked up the car keys on the table and ran out.

When he was hugging Du Anran, he could sense her trembling body. When he lowered his head, he saw her pale face and a pair of vacant eyes.

"Mr. Xin! " Alu, who was at the door, was shocked when she saw Xin Zimo rush out. She froze on the spot, not knowing what had happened.

Xin Zimo took out the medical kit in the car and treated Du Anran briefly. Then, he drove in the direction of the hospital.

Du Anran held her head with one hand and her brows were furrowed into a line. It was really painful... ...

"You don't stop worrying about me all day long! " Xin Zimo glanced at her and could not help but scold her in a low voice.

Du Anran did not have the strength to argue with him. She finally raised her eyes to look at him and met his cold eyes.

"It hurts... " in the end, she could not help but moan softly. If it was not too painful, she would not have shouted out loud.

"SERVES YOU RIGHT! " In fact, Xin Zimo did not think that he would accidentally push her. Although he was scolding her, he was still the one who felt the pain in his heart.

If he were to fall ill in the future, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Xin Zimo drove the car to the fastest speed possible and ran all the way to the hospital. He did not know how to scold this woman. She made him angry, made him angry, but in the end, he was still the one who compromised.

"drive slower... " because of the car's speed, Du Anran's head hurt even more. It was a heart-wrenching pain.

"Bear with it, we'RE ALMOST THERE! " Looking at her pained little face, Xin Zimo had no choice but to drive the car as steadily as possible.

Du Anran bit her lip and leaned weakly on the seat.

She shouldn't have come tonight, but it was fine. He would find out about Xie Chenjin one day, and she was already prepared. However, his reaction was slightly beyond her expectations. There was the expected anger, but there was also the helplessness that she didn't expect.

"When Sun Ping gave me the photo today, I really wanted to skin you alive! " Xin Zimo's heart was still filled with anger. "You cheated on me so brazenly? "

"You're unreasonable, " Du Anran said weakly. "You have so many lovers yourself... Besides, I told you, Xie Chenjin and I are just ordinary friends. "

"ordinary friends? " Xin zimo sneered. "ordinary friends look at you like that? And, let me make it clear to you, I don't have a lover! "

Du Anran's head hurt again. She did not want to talk to him anymore. This man was unreasonable and unreasonable. He was not like the mature and steady President Xin in the day.

Seeing that she did not speak, Xin Zimo seized the opportunity to scold her. "You ignored what I said before. I said, you are not allowed to leave me, you are not allowed to hook up with other men, and you are not allowed to drink. You simply don't put me in your eyes! "

Du Anran always ignored him so openly. He did not want to be angry, but he could not not be angry.

"You just said it yourself, we have nothing to do with each other, " Du Anran said lightly.

"You! " She would not let go of what he said. Of course, he also admitted that he would say the wrong thing when he was angry.

Du Anran saw that he was so angry that his eyes were red again, so she simply closed her eyes. What was out of sight was out of mind.

They finally arrived at the hospital. Xin Zimo stopped the car and carried her in.

Of course, du Anran was still angry. She did not appreciate it when he carried her, and she did not appreciate it when he was busy looking for a doctor to register her for medicine. She never looked at him. She was not a sheep who would not get angry. She was still docile after being scolded by others.

He finally found a quiet and comfortable ward for her to stay in. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the doctor said that it was not a big problem and only told her to be more careful next time.

After taking the medicine, her headache lessened a lot, but because she had lost a lot of blood, du Anran was still weak and weak.

"Do you know what kind of place Imperial International Golf Course is? " When Xin Zimo saw that she had quietened down, the anger in his heart had also subsided. Seeing her lying on the bed, he still felt bad.

Du Anran ignored him. Did he think that she was a little girl who had not seen the world Although she did not like playing golf, she used to be the daughter of a wealthy family. She had been to Imperial International Golf Course a few times.

He saw her ignore him, can not help but lower his head patted her face: "you see me to go there? "

To be honest, Du Anran has never seen her before. She went in to talk business with her uncle. But where he had been, and where he had not been, she did not know.

"It's called Gentlemen's Court in a good way, but in a bad way, it's called * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Du Anran did not know that there was such a reason. No wonder he was so angry.

"grow a brain next time! " Xin Zimo patted her face again.

Du Anran felt that she was like a fat sheep that could only be slaughtered by him. How could she have the strength to fight back? She did not even want to say anything... ...

"I don't need to listen to your explanation about your relationship with Xie Chenjin. I will send people to investigate it clearly. You'd better be sincere to me! " Xin Zimo threw down these words with a dark expression.

He was afraid of what might happen. What if she was really afraid of him and had submitted to him? What would he do... ...

Du Anran still did not speak. She was very tired and did not want to talk to him.

"Have you become mute again? " Seeing that she did not speak, it was obvious that she was angry. He was not happy either.

"I'm going to sleep. You go out, " Du Anran said lightly.

This was an order to leave. Xin Zimo was so angry that he stood up, picked up the car keys on the table, and left.

"then you should reflect on yourself! " Xin Zimo was so angry that he left the hospital without looking back.

The door closed with a bang, and the ward became quiet again. It was so quiet that Du Anran could even hear her own breathing.

Xin zimo walked down the elevator from the hospital. The hospital was crowded with people and filled with the pungent smell of medicine. Since she did not like him, then everyone should stay calm.

He took the car from the parking lot and drove back to the villa. He left her alone in the hospital.

The night wind blew on his body. He was only wearing a thin shirt, but it was still very hot. On the way, he had left the car window open. When the cold wind blew into the car, he felt much more awake.

She blamed him at night, saying that he had not fulfilled any of his promises. He admitted that it was... ...

He had given her nothing but an expensive proposal ring. Women were naturally sensitive to these things, but now the Xin Corporation was surrounded by enemies. He had promised her that he would give her a grand wedding. But now, he could not even save the only project she had pinned her hopes on... ...

If he had more time, he would tell her that her wait was worth it... ...

The car unknowingly arrived at the entrance of the villa. When Aqin and the others saw that Xin Zimo had returned, but du Anran did not, they could not help but widen their eyes in surprise.

Especially Aqin, the scene just now had scared her. Now that Xin Zimo's face did not have that kind of hostility, she patted her chest.

Xin Zimo entered the living room. The floor had been cleaned, and the food on the table was still intact.

He walked over and touched the lunch box. It was already cold.

"Aqin, heat up these dishes! " He called out.

"Yes, Mr. Xin. " aqin walked in from outside the door and nimbly took the lunch box away. Before she left, she asked, "Mr. Xin, do you want to make a few more dishes? "

"No need. " Xin Zimo sat at the dining table.

Only then did Aqin go down. Not long after, she used a beautiful blue and white plate to scoop up a few of Du Anran's dishes.

Xin zimo admitted that the appearance of these dishes was not very good, but they smelled very good.

He was probably tired from the noise and was very hungry. He took the chopsticks and tasted the dishes she made. Not only did they smell good, but they also tasted good.

Her culinary skills had improved a lot, and the corners of his lips curled up into a slight smile.

The dishes were obviously for two people. Xin Zimo knew that Du Anran did not eat dinner, so she specially came to eat with him.

He was a little regretful. After eating a few mouthfuls, he could not eat anymore.

"Aqin, pack up the food. " He knew that she had a bad stomach. If she was hungry that night, she might complain of a stomachache.

"Hey! " aqin quickly put away the food.

Xin Zimo knew that Du Anran was the nemesis of his life. He had never quarreled with someone and still acted so meekly, not to mention that it was not his fault.

But there was nothing he could do. He could not leave her. This was a really bad habit... ...

Just like that, Xin zimo drove around the city in the night for three times. He was obviously angry and ignored her, but he still brought her food without any backbone.

It had been nearly two hours since they came back and forth. Du Anran was very afraid to stay in the ward alone. She had been afraid of places like the hospital since she was young, especially at night.

Xin Zimo even chose a very quiet room. She could not even hear the sound of him walking outside.

Du Anran covered herself with the blanket when she was afraid, and her whole body was shivering.

She felt that Xin Zimo did it on purpose. Using this method to punish her was more painful than scolding her directly.

Du Anran's teeth chattered at the thought of having to stay here alone for the whole night.

There seemed to be a faint sound of crying outside the hospital. Du Anran hid under the blanket and covered her ears. She did not even know what floor this was. She only remembered being carried up by Xin Zimo.

As expected, she was a petty person who bore grudges. Du Anran wanted to cry but had no tears.

When Xin Zimo appeared in the hospital with a lunchbox in his hand, Du Anran was trembling and hiding under the blanket, not daring to move.

Therefore, when he pushed the door open and did not see her figure, his heart tightened. When he looked again, it turned out that she was trembling under the blanket.

Xin Zimo could not help but laugh. He had forgotten that she was afraid of the hospital, especially at night. Moreover, this was a very quiet ward.

His original intention was to let her not disturb him and have a good sleep. He did not expect it to backfire.

When she heard the door ring, du Anran almost cried. Was it a nurse Impossible, she did not call for a nurse. Xin Zimo It was even more impossible. He had already stormed out of the room in anger. If he came back again, he would lose face.

So when she heard the footsteps approaching, she was so scared that she was even prepared to fight back.

Perhaps Xin Zimo also wanted to scare her, so he walked to her bed without saying a word.

Du Anran did not care about anything else. She lifted the blanket and threw a punch.

Fortunately, Xin Zimo was an excellent Sanda master, and his reaction was faster than ordinary people. He grabbed her fist with one hand.

"It's you! " Du Anran lowered her head in defeat. Her reaction just now was indeed too much.