Chapter 208, Fu Sheng Chang 'an

However, she was even angrier when she saw that it was Xin Zimo. Why didn't he say anything when he came in? Why didn't he even knock on the door? !

Xin zimo placed the lunchbox on the table and suppressed a smile on his face. "It's me. "

"Why did you come back? " Du Anran ran smoothed her messy hair. Her eyes were still red from crying.

"I was afraid that you would starve to death! " The words that he said still deserved a beating.

Du Anran sat upright on the hospital bed. She had really lost all her face, yet he had seen her embarrassment. He did not know how to laugh at her in his heart.

After a while, she regained her composure. She did not look at him, but said calmly, "it's just a meal, it's not that serious. "

"okay, it's not that serious, right? "

Xin zimo calmly closed the door of the ward, took off his coat and coat, and calmly took out the food from the bag.

Suddenly, the entire ward was filled with a fragrant smell.

Du Anran immediately smelled that it was her cooking. She turned her head and saw that Xin zimo ignored her. He placed the lunch boxes on the table and picked up the chopsticks to eat.

If she didn't eat, he was really hungry.

Du Anran's eyes widened. How could this man be like this... ... Despicable, shameless ...

Actually, she was already hungry when she went to the villa on Huxin Island, let alone endure for a few hours. Now, this man was eating her cooking in front of her. It was simply infuriating.

She jumped off the bed barefooted and pounced in front of Xin Zimo.

"This is my cooking. You're not allowed to eat it! " She glared at him.

"Do you have proof? Did you put your name on it? " Xin zimo continued to eat.

Du Anran continued, "Xin Zimo, you spineless person. Didn't you scold me for being an adulterer? Didn't you scold me for being a cuckold for you? Didn't you say that we have nothing to do with each other? Why are you still eating my food? Aren't you afraid that you'll be poisoned to death? "

"If you dare to poison me, you'll be successful. " Xin Zimo continued to eat without even raising his head.

Du anran rolled her eyes at him. She did not have the energy to argue anymore. If they continued to argue, the food would be gone. She took another box of rice and sat across from Xin Zimo.

She made the dishes herself, why did he have to eat all of them? !

At times like this, she had to be quick, accurate, and ruthless. Every time Xin Zimo stretched her chopsticks towards a dish, she would block them first. Why did she let him off so easily... ...

Xin Zimo did not eat a single bite of the dish several times before he stared at her and said, "I'm the one who sent you to the hospital. Do you know how much effort it took to carry you up here? "

"I wouldn't have come to the hospital without you. " Du anran continued to eat. She had not said anything yet, but he was not convinced.

"Then didn't you come to deliver the food because you wanted to eat with me? " Xin Zimo said shamelessly.

"Didn't you say that I didn't cook this meal? " Du Anran returned the favor.

Xin Zimo was speechless. He did say that... ...

Du Anran did not care about him. He would only eat when he was full. This despicable person should have starved him for three days and three nights to vent his anger.

Seeing that she had taken over all the food, Xin Zimo put down his chopsticks. After a long time, he said leisurely, "if I'm not full, I'll have to eat you later. "

Du Anran stopped eating and looked up, just in time to meet the beast's dangerous gaze.

Seeing her expression, he was very satisfied, so he picked up his chopsticks again. Sure enough, she did not fight with him anymore.

The meal was finally safe. After Xin Zimo was full, he asked with concern, "are you full? "

"Yes, you can go back now! " Du Anran did not dare to share a room with a beast.

"Go back? " He looked at her meaningfully. "Then will you hide under the blanket and cry later? "

"which eye of yours saw me crying? " Du anran would definitely not admit such a shameful thing.

"I saw every eye! Someone was hiding under the blanket and was so scared that he didn't dare to come out... " Xin Zimo mocked her.

"Get out, get out, get out! " Du Anran was obviously embarrassed to be exposed, but this person was still Xin Zimo.

"Sure, since you don't like me, I'll go back. But this is a hospital, there are probably a lot of lonely ghosts in the middle of the night. Oh, I forgot to tell you, this is the 20th floor, an advanced ward. I looked around, and the room next to it was empty... "

Before Xin Zimo could continue, du Anran covered her ears. "Xin Zimo, that's enough! "

"It's not enough, I'm not done yet... " Xin Zimo deliberately moved closer to her ear. "I heard that at night... "

"Get out! " Du Anran did not wait for him to continue, and hurriedly pushed him out.

After she closed the door, she squatted in the corner and cried. This Xin Zimo, he clearly knew that she was afraid, but he still came to scare her. He was really a bastard... ...

"knock, knock, knock. " Hearing her faint sobs, he knocked on the door.

"Anran, open the door. I promise I won't scare you anymore. "

She was really gullible. She believed him when he said there was no one around. In fact, there were quite a lot of people here. At least there were several nurses on call at the reception on the twentieth floor.

"Xin Zimo, you big liar! " Du Anran choked with sobs.

"I'm a liar, I'm a bastard. Open the door. " Xin Zimo knocked a few more times.

Du Anran knew that if she really chased him away, she would not dare to sleep tonight. She could bend and stretch, stood up and opened the door.

"Don't cry, your eyes are swollen from crying. " Xin Zimo used his fingertips to wipe away her tears.

She actually did not expect him to be so angry tonight, and now he would still comfort her so gently. He had really changed. In the past, if she had done something wrong to him, he would definitely fly into a rage, or even threaten her.

"Go to sleep, I'll watch over you. " Xin zimo closed the door.

Du Anran looked at him suspiciously. He was so easy to talk to, but she still did not believe him.

"You promise you won't scare me again? You won't touch me? " Du Anran asked.

"I ran from s city back to a city today, and I went back and forth between the villa and the hospital a few times. If YOU'RE NOT TIRED, I'M TIRED! " Xin Zimo said and tidied up the SOFA.

Du anran got onto the bed doubtfully. She saw Xin Zimo enjoying himself, tidied up the SOFA, and took a quilt from her bed.

In fact, her bed was big enough to sleep two people, but du Anran did not dare to invite him.

After he was done tidying up, she fell asleep with peace of mind.

She did not know why, but she was no longer as afraid as before. Although the hospital was still the same hospital, the ward was still the same ward.

Her clothes still had the unique scent of his perfume on them. It was very warm and very warm.

She did not turn off the lights, but slowly fell asleep with her eyes closed. She slept very soundly. Her head did not hurt as much as before, and she even had a very sweet dream.

However, Xin Zimo was not as soundly asleep as she was. The SOFA was really too small, and it was very uncomfortable. It was difficult for him to turn over.

He could not fall asleep, so he kept looking at her.

He liked the way she looked when she was sleeping the most. At this moment, she was the calmest and most reassuring to him. Her long eyelashes fluttered gently, and her red lips were like Jelly. He could not help but want to kiss her.

Perhaps it was because of the heater, her face was still slightly flushed, which added to her charm. He had wanted to keep an eye on her for a long time, but he was still careless and let her and Xie Chenjin get together.

Tomorrow, he would get someone to find out everything. He did not know when she met Xie Chenjin. If he could forgive her, he would forgive her.

If she really betrayed him, he would not let her off so easily.

She must find it hard to understand his complicated feelings when he saw so many photos. Carrying the immense pressure of the Xin Corporation and her deceit, he was heartbroken and tired.

He hoped that this was a misunderstanding. After the misunderstanding was resolved, they could still be together.

Of course, when everything was clear, he would fulfill his promise, promising her a grand wedding and a peaceful life.

At midnight, the hospital was even quieter. Because the lights were still on, his gaze never left her face. He couldn't fall asleep. He wanted to look at her like this.

She was still restless in her sleep, moving around. By midnight, half of the quilt had fallen to the ground.

Xin Zimo got up and covered her with the quilt. Now that he was close to her, he could see her more clearly.

His slender fingers brushed across her cheek, touching her snow-white smooth skin. Her hair fell on his hand. It was very soft and emitted a light fragrance.

He couldn't help but kiss her cheek. Du Anran moved her arm slightly. He was afraid of waking her up, so he let go of her again.

However, he did not want to sleep on the sofa anymore. The bed was so big, it would not hurt to have him on it... ...

Therefore, when Du Anran woke up the next morning, she stretched out her hand and touched a firm chest.

She was so scared that she hurriedly opened her eyes. This beast... ... When did he climb onto her bed ...

His hand was still hugging her waist. When du Anran saw that he was sleeping soundly, there was nothing she could do. She could only sigh and continue to sleep.

Coincidentally, today was Monday and the Xin Corporation was extremely busy. Not long after, Xin Zimo's phone rang.

He frowned slightly and reached out to take the phone.

"What's the matter? "

"President Xin, where are you? He Yuguang's case is in court and you need to attend, " Sun Ping said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away. "

After hanging up the phone, Xin Zimo saw that Du Anran seemed to be still asleep, so he put on his clothes gently and got out of bed.

Du Anran did not fall asleep at all. When she heard Xin Zimo's movements, she knew that he was leaving.

But of course, this monster did not know that she was awake. Before he left, he lowered his head and planted a kiss on her forehead.

The kiss was gentle and affectionate. When she woke up, if it were not for the slight pain in her head, du Anran would have almost forgotten everything that happened last night.

Xin Zimo still did not notice that Du Anran was awake. He used the post-it note and a pen beside the bed to write a few lines of words.

Of course, this time, it was not words like "I love you" . Instead, he told her to go to the doctor later, to get the medicine, to pay the money, and to remind her not to forget to eat.