Chapter 210: Revenge for the smallest grievance

Who knew that she would have to wait for a few hours. She stood at the entrance of the elevator in a daze, waiting for Xin Zimo to come out.

She did not expect that Xin Zimo and Du Anran would not come, and instead, she had to wait for Xin Zimo's mother.

Chi Xue was shocked when she saw Xin Zimo's mother. It was too late for her to hide. She could only smile and greet her. "Auntie, why are you here? "

"You've finally understood and decided to come to the Xin family? " Xin's mother looked at her indifferently.

"Yes... I'm looking for brother Zimo... I've only just arrived. " Chi Xue did not dare to say that she had waited for a few hours. If that was the case, mother Xin would scold her for being useless again.

"Why didn't you go up when you came? " Mother Xin glanced at her.

"I was afraid that brother Zimo would be busy with work, so I'll just wait for him downstairs. " Chi Xue had an understanding look on her face, which made mother Xin very satisfied.

"I'll go up with you! " Mother Xin held her hand.

They could not take Xin Zimo's private elevator, but they could take the VIP elevator. Not Many people in the Xin Corporation knew Chi Xue, but there were still quite a number who knew mother Xin.

"Auntie, are you looking for brother Zimo? "

"Mrs. Wang dragged me to the beauty salon again today. When I came back, I passed by the Xin Corporation, so I came to take a look. I haven't been here for a long time. " Xin zimo's mother adjusted the dark green scarf around her neck.

"Is it that Mrs. Wang whose husband is in the Discipline Inspection Commission? "

"Yes, she's the one who introduces Zimo's girlfriend all day long. Today, she even dragged me to say that she saw a few more beautiful girls, and they were around the same age as Zimo. "

"Oh. " Chi Xue lowered her eyes. If she still could not marry Xin Zimo, even Xin zimo's mother would probably lose confidence in her.

As they spoke, the elevator arrived. The little secretary wanted to stop the stranger, but when she looked again, it turned out to be the president's mother.

The little secretary quickly smiled and said, "Madam, you're here! President Xin is inside. I'll help you inform him. Please follow me to the waiting room to sit for a while. "

"There's no need. I'm just passing by. " Xin Zimo's mother stood at the door of the president's office and didn't move.

Chi Xue knew that the opportunity had come. She heard that Du Anran was working in the same office as Xin Zimo. Perhaps she was also inside. She quickly smiled at the little secretary and said, "madam is just here to see President Xin. Just don't disturb his work. "

The little secretary quickly connected the call to the president's office. When Xin Zimo heard that his mother and Chi Xue were here, he really felt bored.

However, he had no choice but to go out. Xin Zimo opened the door and walked out.

Chi Xue and mother Xin could not see the situation inside clearly. Chi Xue did not know if du Anran was in there.

"Why are you here? " Xin Zimo asked and frowned.

"Why, can't I come over? I am the owner of the Xin Corporation's shares and a legal shareholder. " Mother Xin looked at Xin zimo calmly.

Ever since they last met in London, she had not seen Xin Zimo for a long time. She did not know if he was avoiding her on purpose.

"You know, I've been very busy with work recently. " Xin Zimo's hands were in his pockets as he stood at the door and looked at Xin zimo's mother.

"brother Zimo, aren't you going to invite us in for a cup of tea? " Chi Xue asked on purpose.

Xin zimo finally understood Chi Xue's intentions. He led them to the lounge. "Sure, I'll treat you to a cup of tea. "

Xin Zimo was obviously not stupid enough to bring them to his office. There was also du Anran's desk there. If his mother found out about this, she would definitely flip the sky over.

Xin did not think too much about it. She only thought that Xin Zimo's attitude was not bad. When they arrived at the lounge, he brought them to have a simple meal and chatted with them for a while.

"Zimo, don't work too late. Don't work so hard. " Xin Zimo picked a cup of black coffee.

"It'll be fine after I finish this period of time. " Xin zimo nodded.

"I don't know anything about the Xin Corporation. You can do as you see fit. I trust you. " Xin zimo's mother was very reasonable when she did not mention his marriage.

Xin Zimo also smiled gratefully. "I know. "

"If you have time, come back and accompany mom. Mom is not a tiger. Do you have to hide every day? "

"No, I'm just too busy with work. " Xin Zimo did not want to go back to that home because that home was not warm. It was even filled with hidden battles that were on the verge of breaking out.

He was already very tired in the Xin family. What he wanted was a harbor, not another battlefield.

"brother Zimo, you're so busy with work every day. Why don't you go out for an outing on the weekend? I'll invite a few friends over, " Chi Xue said.

"No, it's okay. Now is the crucial period of the Xin Corporation. You can't live without me for a day, " Xin zimo rejected as usual.

Although mother Xin really wanted to promote the relationship between Xin Zimo and Chi Xue, in her eyes, the Xin Corporation was also very important. She then advised Chi Xue, "Zimo is right. After he's done with his work, I'll definitely ask him to accompany you out. "

"That's settled then. Brother Zimo, don't make excuses when the time comes. "

It was already dark outside. Du Anran called Xin Zimo, but he did not pick up. She then called Sun Ping, who said that he was in his office. So, Du Anran cooked and ran to the Xin Corporation.

Because there was not too much of a problem with her head, she decided to leave the hospital today. She also personally cooked a few dishes as an apology and thanks.

"where's CEO Xin? " Du Anran could not help but ask when she saw the little secretary walking around the office door.

The little secretary quickly said, "Miss Du, CEO Xin is in the dining room accompanying madam for dinner. There's also a lady. "

"Oh. " Du Anran nodded. She looked at the dinner in her hands and wondered if she had cooked for nothing again.

To think that she almost hurt her finger when she was cutting the vegetables today. It was truly a miscalculation.

However, she was also hungry. She might as well go into the office. No matter what, she had to eat her fill first.

What she made today was shredded pork with fragrant fish, steamed carp, winter melon stewed pork ribs, and a small plate of cold cucumber. These dishes were really laborious and took her several hours to cook.

Especially the winter melon stewed pork ribs. She heard that the bone soup had to be slowly stewed, and she was afraid that if the temperature was not controlled properly, the soup would run out, so she would go to the electric rice cooker from time to time to take a look.

But now that he was accompanying her to eat, it just so happened that she had to eat so many nutritious dishes by herself. It was just to replenish her blood.

She leisurely treated his office as a dining room and lined up the dishes on the table.

He had his red wine and coffee, and she also had her delicacies.

But before she could move her chopsticks, the office door opened. Du Anran was shocked. She thought it was mother Xin, but fortunately, it was only Xin Zimo.

"When did you come? Did you eat alone? " Xin Zimo walked up to her.

"I just came. I haven't touched my chopsticks yet! " Du Anran picked up the bowl.

"Then I came at the right time. " Xin Zimo sat opposite her. He saw two lunchboxes and knew that they were for him.

"Haven't you eaten? It's not like I haven't been to the restaurant upstairs. The chef's cooking is much better than mine, " Du Anran said casually.

"although your cooking is a little ugly, it tastes okay. "

"What do you mean by okay? If you don't praise me, I'm not allowed to eat. " Du Anran moved all the lunchboxes to her side.

"You're not going to give it to me? Then feed me, " Xin Zimo said innocently.

He had been hungry for an entire day and had only just had some coffee with mother Xin. He was already famished, yet du Anran still refused to let him eat.

"You have your own hands and feet. If I don't give it to you, won't you snatch it? " Du Anran glanced at him.

"..."Xin Zimo facepalmed, but this was a good idea.

Hence, a certain someone did not make a move, but when he did, he was worse than a beast. He snatched all the food that Du Anran cooked and ate happily.

Although he was very hungry, he still ate elegantly. Du Anran was ashamed of being inferior to him. However, she was very happy to have him accompany her.

Halfway through the meal, Xin Zimo praised her and said, "you've improved, but you're still not one-tenth as good as me. "

Du Anran felt that he might as well not praise her. Was this a compliment He was obviously narcissistic.

Du Anran glanced at him. "Are you still angry with me? "

"What anger? "

"It's about my relationship with Xie Chenjin. " Du Anran lowered her head.

"I'm done being angry, " Xin Zimo said calmly, but with an irresistible authority. "However, if you dare to go behind my back with another man in the future, I'll dare to bring a woman to you openly. "

"What a petty person, " Du Anran muttered.

"It's much easier to be a petty person than a gentleman, isn't it? "

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo was very good at quibbling. He could say whatever he wanted.

Chi Xue was still quite disappointed when she accompanied mother Xin back. Why didn't she run into Du Anran. However, mother Xin didn't seem to have much on her face. She looked very relaxed and was in a good mood.

Chi Xue thought that it was probably because she hadn't seen Xin Zimo for so many days. When she saw him today, Xin Zimo's attitude wasn't bad. He was chatting with her and drinking coffee with her. Mother Xin was naturally in a good mood.

However, she was different. In the past, Xin Zimo was willing to talk to her a little, but now he was completely indifferent.

Could it be that Xin Zimo really didn't mind du Anran and Xie Chenjin's interactions at all?

Thinking of this, Chi Xue remembered Xie Chenjin, that man. Yes, she could still look for Xie Chenjin. Xie Chenjin's brain was far smarter than hers. He could definitely do things that she could not do.

"Little Xue, you don't look too happy. " Mother Xin drove the car and said to Chi Xue who was beside her.

"No, Auntie. I might have just caught a cold wind in the morning, and my head hurts a little, " Chi Xue lied.

"You have to pay more attention. Although the weather has improved, there has been a cold wave recently. Remember to wear more clothes. "

"Okay, I'll take my medicine when I go back. It's fine. "

"You must pay more attention to your body. When you go back, ask mother Xu to cook a few more dishes for you. I saw that you didn't eat much upstairs just now. Your body won't be able to take it if this goes on. "

"thank you for your concern, Auntie. I'll take good care of myself. You take care too. "

"I don't worry. You've always been very obedient, " mother Xin said lightly, but it was somewhat perfunctory.

Chi Xue could still sense that mother Xin was very dissatisfied with her performance. She didn't even have the ability to persuade Xin Zimo. How could she win Xin Zimo's heart in the future.

Chi Xue lowered her head and her eyes turned red. "Auntie... actually, I'm a little homesick... "

"Sigh, you child... " Mother Xin sighed. "Just treat Auntie's home as your own. Auntie will not mistreat you. "

"I know Auntie is very good to me, but I don't have any friends in city a and my parents are far away in London. I really want to go over and accompany them... " Chi Xue could not help but shed tears when she mentioned this.

"It's been so long, Xiao Xue. You still have to forget what should be forgotten. Your parents also hope that you can live well. You have to pull yourself together and treat yourself well, as well as the people around you. " Mother Xin comforted her.

Mother Xin still couldn't bear to hear her say these things. Her memory suddenly returned to twenty years ago. At that time, the world was cold and unfeeling. She tasted them one by one. Only the Chi family's two elders'generous help made her feel grateful to this day.