Chapter 211, stealing the documents

Therefore, she would be extremely tolerant and protective of the current Chi Xue. She was a person who clearly distinguished between love and hate. She could still distinguish between good and bad.

"Auntie, you're just like my mother. You're so kind and love me so much... " tears welled up in Chi Xue's eyes.

If she was hypocritical just a moment ago, she was truly sincere now. When she thought of everything related to her parents, she felt uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as Auntie is here, no one will dare to bully you. " Mother Xin was also moved, her eyes were red.

When the car reached home, mother Xu was already busy. The house had long been cleaned. Mother Xu knew that Chi Xue did not like to eat too much at night, so she only prepared some oatmeal and fruit for her.

At night, Xin Zimo did not go home as usual. In fact, mother Xu had not seen Xin Zimo since a long time ago. She was almost used to seeing him.

Chi Xue ate some fruit and went to her room alone. However, she had something on her mind, so she could not fall asleep no matter what.

She remembered something. A few days after Xin Zimo went to London, Mother Xin had once brought back a document.

She said that she was worried about Du Anran, but mother Xin was obviously very confident and had always told her not to worry.

In fact, she really wanted to know what was in that document. Could it really prevent Du Anran from getting close to Xin Zimo?

As the night deepened, she wanted to know more about the contents of that document. An idea sprouted in her mind. Yes, she could totally take advantage of mother Xin's absence to secretly take out the document.

After obtaining the contents of the document, she would then put it back. It would be completely undetectable and no one would know.

This idea slowly occupied her heart. She carefully planned it out and came up with several foolproof plans. She could not help but feel a little happy. She felt that the heavens were also on her side.

She had never believed that the power of Love was great. Even if Xin Zimo loved Du Anran, so what? They would still not be able to get together.

She had seen many lamentable love in this world. There were not many couples that would end up together. The future was unknown.

The next day, Chi Xue deliberately dawdled and did not go to the shop. She also lied to Mother Xin yesterday, saying that she was not feeling well. Therefore, mother Xin really did not suspect anything.

Mother Xin was invited out by a few madams to play again. It was said that she would only come back in the evening. Chi Xue was even more relieved.

As usual, mother Xu was busy in the villa. Chi Xue waited until eight or nine o'clock before going downstairs.

"Miss Chi, I made pudding, cheese, and TIRAMISU for you today. The milk that was just delivered is also ready, " mother Xu said to Chi Xue who was going downstairs as she tidied up the house.

"thank you, mother Xu. I love your breakfast the most. It's different every day, " Chi Xue said with a smile.

"Miss Chi, you're too kind. There's no need for a family to say thank you. " Mother Xu liked Chi Xue very much. She liked her from the first moment she saw her.

However, Chi Xue's mind was not on this. She was still thinking of how to get rid of Mother Xu. After all, if mother Xu saw this, there would be more complications.

After eating breakfast for a while, Chi Xue thought of an idea. She said to mother Xu, "Mother Xu, the post office said that my friend sent something from England. Can you go and get it for me? "

"Of course, of course. I'll go right away, " mother Xu said with a smile.

"Hey, thank you. I've troubled you again. "

"You child, as expected of someone from a high-ranking family. You're so polite. " In the eyes of Mother Xu, Chi Xue's upbringing was very good.

After successfully sending mother Xu away, Chi Xue did not bother to eat breakfast. She quickly went downstairs to mother Xin's room.

She was already very familiar with the Xin family's villa. Although she did not often go to mother Xin's room, she was not unfamiliar with it.

She had already thought of where mother Xin would place the documents. Therefore, once she entered mother Xin's room, she went straight to those places.

First, there was the cabinet with a lock at the bedside. The lock wasn't taken away, so the cabinet could be opened immediately.

However, what disappointed Chi Xue was that there was nothing inside except for some jewelry and common items.

Then, she searched the wardrobe, under the bed, and the bookcase... ... Unfortunately, she still didn't find anything ...

Chi Xue was a little discouraged. Why wouldn't there be anything? Mother Xin must have placed such an important item in her room. Just as she was feeling dejected, she saw a small wooden box under the bed.

It was an antique sandalwood box with vivid carps carved on it. It gave off an old smell and was very fresh and simple.

The box was locked. An exquisite small copper lock locked everything inside.

Chi Xue guessed that the document was inside this box because it was the only place in mother Xin's room that she could not probe.

However, she did not have a key. Without a key, it meant that she could not open the copper lock. Chi Xue flipped the box over and over again. She even shook it. The box was not heavy, and the sound coming from inside was very dull.

Chi Xue did not expect to encounter such a difficult problem. The lock could not be broken, but how could she open it... ...

In order to prevent mother Xin from returning suddenly, she planned to think of a way before entering.

At a loss, she thought of Xie Chenjin again. This man had many ways. He might even know how to open the lock.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to call Xie Chenjin again.

Xie Chenjin was obviously at the Xie Bank at this time. It was not surprising that he received Chi Xue's call.

"Xie Chenjin, I have a question for you. " Chi Xue went straight to the point.

"I don't dare. Miss Chi, please speak. "

"You... do you know how to pick locks? "

Xie Chenjin laughed out loud when he heard that. "Do you think I'm a locksmith or a thief? Do you even know this kind of unique skill? "

"I thought you were omnipotent! " In Chi Xue's eyes, weren't men like Xin Zimo and Xie Chenjin supposed to be omnipotent Even if she didn't know how, she could still come up with a good idea.

"Did my great image in your mind suddenly collapse? " Xie Chenjin said with a smile.

"More or less. " Chi Xue didn't show any mercy.

"okay, what's so important that you have to call me? "

"I can't tell you for the time being, but if I can get it, maybe I'll be one step closer to my young mistress' dream. " Chi Xue was still immersed in her own fantasy.

"really? Then I have to help you, " Xie Chenjin said.

"How? I think President Xie is still very smart. " Chi Xue knew that he must have a way.

Xie Chenjin thought for a moment. "You have to photograph the lock for me. It has to be high definition. Of course, it's best if you can give me the real thing. However, you have to promise that you won't do anything bad, like breaking and entering. "

"Don't worry. It's just a copper lock on a small box. I'll look for something, " Chi Xue assured him.

"Okay. " After spending many days together, Xie Chenjin had long understood Chi Xue's personality and style of doing things. He knew what kind of woman Chi Xue was. He was not worried that she would stir up trouble.

After Chi Xue and Xie Chenjin finished their phone call, mother Xu was still not back. She took the opportunity to size up the small box again in mother Xin's room.

After successfully sending the photo to Xie Chenjin, she let out a proud sigh of relief.

The Sun seemed to be particularly bright today. In short, Chi Xue was in a very good mood.

When mother Xu rushed back from the post office in a hurry, she had an apologetic look on her face. "Miss Chi, I didn't find your package. "

"Oh, mother Xu, my friend just called and said that it was sent by mistake. It will only arrive in a few days. " Chi Xue smiled apologetically. "Mother Xu, I'm really sorry to have made you come all the way here for nothing. "

Actually, it would be amazing if there really was a package. Chi Xue felt that she could lie more and more.

"Ah, it's fine. I have nothing to do anyway. If the package arrives, I'll go and get it for you. " Mother Xu did not see anything.

"You're so kind! " Chi Xue hugged mother Xu's arm, especially affectionately.

Mother Xu's heart was naturally filled with sweetness. She was very happy in her heart. She had always liked Chi Xue. She only thought that if Chi Xue married into the Xin family in the future, her life would be better.

When Chi Xue received Xie Chenjin's call again, it was already afternoon. However, she was still surprised at Xie Chenjin's speed.

Sure enough, Xie Chenjin said leisurely, "come and get the key from me when you're free. "

"President Xie, I'm really more and more impressed with you. I feel that I'm really lucky to be able to work with such a smart person like you. "

"I've heard such praise from you countless times. " Xie chenjin looked at the scenery outside the window. "If I hear it too much, I won't feel anything. "

"I'm sincerely praising you. " Chi Xue said, "then how about this, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to dinner? "

"Sure. "

Chi Xue was in a good mood. She felt that Xie Chenjin was different from Xin Zimo. He was not as distant as Xin Zimo, and his face did not have a frosty coldness.

There was not much pressure when she interacted with Xie Chenjin. However, there was one thing that she could not understand about Xie Chenjin.

These men who worked hard in the business world were used to wearing masks. No one could tell whether the mask was real or fake unless it was the person closest to them who could take off their masks.

"Xie Chenjin, I'm getting more and more curious about you. Why are you still helping me? I'm no longer of any use to you. You don't need money anymore, " Chi Xue said.

"I think we can discuss this slowly. " Xie Chenjin curved his lips.

"Okay, then let's meet at Jean restaurant at 7 pm. "

"Okay. "

Chi Xue really liked Xie chenjin's straightforward tone. She never rejected him. It would be great if Xin Zimo was like Xie Chenjin. However, Xin Zimo was not Xie Chenjin after all. He was just Xin Zimo.

The man she loved was called Xin Zimo.

When it was about six o'clock, Chi Xue dressed herself up a little. She was in a good mood today, so she put on some light makeup and picked out a very beautiful coat.

When she arrived at the landmark building in city a, Chi Xue went up to the 33rd floor. Jean Restaurant was a very famous French restaurant. At least it was very famous in City A.

Sitting in front of the French window, tasting red wine, listening to piano music, and looking down at the brightly lit city a, it was a very soothing thing.

Chi Xue liked this place very much. Many times, she had wanted to invite Xin Zimo over, but without exception, he had already rejected her with all sorts of excuses. She did not expect that she would be with Xie Chenjin this time.