Chapter 226: It all depends on your acting skills

Isn't there a saying that life is like a play, it all depends on your acting skills.

Xie Chenjin felt that his acting skills were top-notch, and he always had the elegant expression of a gentleman. Even if he was angry, he would almost never lose his temper.

That night, Xie Chenjin brought his family to a famous Chinese restaurant in the area. He knew that his grandparents were not used to western food, so he brought them to eat Chinese food.

Sure enough, not long after the meal, Xie Chenjin's father revealed his Fox tail and played the male lead in a bitter love scene in front of his grandparents.

"Chenjin, look at me now. I've already retired to the second tier, and the Xie family has been handed over to you. Recently, I've been thinking about your marriage, " Xie Baitang said.

Xie Chenjin knew that he could not hide from the truth.

In front of his grandparents, he greeted them with a smile, "Dad, I've been seriously considering it. Recently, many of my friends have been helping me introduce girlfriends. Some of them are not bad. I'll choose them carefully. "

When he lied, he did not even blink his eyes. He looked as if he was telling the truth.

"Is that so? " Grandma was rather happy "then you must let grandma make the decision for you. This girl not only depends on her appearance, but also her character. As for her family background, she doesn't want to be rich and famous, but she wants to be of equal status. Most importantly, you must be satisfied with yourself. "

Xie Chenjin had always thought that his grandma was the most open-minded person in the family. She was much more open-minded than his conservative father.

If the Xie family had belonged to his grandma back then, she would definitely be a hundred times more powerful than Xie Baitang.

After all, his grandmother was the youngest daughter of the provincial governors of Guangdong and Guangxi. She was a well-read socialite and knew the big picture.

He could not help but praise, "grandma, you know me the best. I know that you love me. I will definitely make sure that you are satisfied with this granddaughter-in-law. "

"You only know how to LIE TO YOUR GRANDMA! " Xie Baitang saw through Xie Chenjin's trick with one glance and exposed it mercilessly.

"How is this called lying? Grandma's words are reasonable. Of course, I will listen. Unlike some people who can't manage the company well and still have to let their son come back from abroad, " Xie Chenjin retorted back to Xie Baitang.

Xie Chenjin's words made his grandparents laugh. Even his mother was laughing in secret. Only Xie Baitang's face was dark with frustration.

"Chenjin, since your friend is helping you introduce a few girlfriends, I will also help you introduce a few. I will help you make an appointment. "

Xie Chenjin felt a headache when he heard these words. His mother was obviously a very open-minded person. Why was she like his father now? She must have been exposed to too much pillow talk.

"Mom, I have been... "

"recently, the Xie family is not busy. I see that you are in good health. " Before Xie Chenjin could find an excuse, Xie Baitang saw through it again and immediately interrupted Xie Chenjin.

If it weren't for the fact that Xie Baitang was his father, he would have rolled his eyes at him.

"In that case, I'll immediately invite the Fu family's daughter for you. The Fu family and the Xie family are of equal status. I've met the Fu family's daughter before. She's not bad, very sensible. She just returned from studying abroad in the summer. " Xie Chenjin's mother was obviously premeditated.

"Is it the Fu family, the media family? His daughter is not bad. I've met her too. " Xie Chenjin's grandmother echoed.

"Yes, it's the Fu family. I have to make arrangements for Chenjin earlier. Otherwise, such a good girl will find a boyfriend soon. " Xie Chenjin's mother was in high spirits.

Xie Chenjin lowered his head and ate quietly. It seemed that he would not be able to escape this disaster.

"Chenjin, we won't interrupt when their women are talking. By the way, have your go skills improved recently? " Xie Chenjin's grandfather whispered to Xie Chenjin's side.

"Grandfather, how can I have time to play go? " Xie Chenjin also looked like he had a deep grudge.

"I've recently studied a set of go manuals and my go skills have improved greatly. I still want to have a spar with you. "

"Grandfather, I haven't played go for a long time. Tomorrow, I'll find you a go class and activity center. You go and have a spar with someone. "

"Okay. Oh Right, I've also studied the art of flower arranging and cooking skills. When you're free, you can take a look at my skills. " Xie Chenjin's GRANDPA was rather elegant.

"Oh, I know. You must have also studied zither skills, calligraphy, painting, the way of tea, Buddhism... " Xie Chenjin twirled his fingers.

His GRANDPA was like an old mischievous child. In his old age, he still couldn't learn zither, go, calligraphy, or anything else.

If it wasn't for his grandmother's good genes, Xie Baitang would probably be a fool.

"Chenjin, you know me so well! " His grandfather looked happy and kept picking out a few dishes for Xie Chenjin.

As he tasted them, he said, "this Tofu is not delicate enough and doesn't taste smooth enough. There's too much mandarin fish sugar and the sauce is not cooked well enough. The heat is not enough. And the ribs are not chewy. And... "

Xie Chenjin facepalmed. "I still think that blind dates are more interesting... "

None of this family was reliable. Xie Chenjin really doubted if he was his biological son.

Two days later, as expected, Xie Chenjin's mother invited the daughter of the Fu family. She kept telling Xie Chenjin to seize this rare opportunity.

Xie Chenjin could not avoid it. Even if he did not give face to his mother, he had to at least give face to his grandmother and the Fu family.

The venue was a very elegant wooden house cafe. This cafe was very unique and advocated the purest life. Not only were the decorations close to nature, but the furniture was all wood Even the coffee and Western pastries in the cafe were made of the most primitive materials. No additives or chemical elements were added.

Xie Chenjin could tell at a glance that it was a little girl's style, but he didn't like it.

He would rather go to a noisy bar, because the bar was better at staring at the most essential things of a group of people.

According to the agreement, he arrived at the coffee shop an hour earlier. He had never been on a blind date before. He heard that girls had a rule that they must come late to try out the other party.

Xie Chenjin didn't know if the Fu family's daughter was also like this, so he didn't have the mood to care.

As soon as he sat down, he saw the sign in the shop -- "searching for the soul of freedom in the noisy city. " There were rows of bookshelves beside each scattered position, and some books were casually piled on them.

Xie Chenjin had come an hour earlier for a purpose. He leisurely called Du Anran first.

It was noon on the weekend. Du Anran was still busy with the plan. When she saw that it was Xie Chenjin calling, she hung up without thinking.

However, Xie Chenjin was bored. He had plenty of time, so he kept calling.

Du Anran was finally angry. She picked up the phone and said loudly, "Xie Chenjin, are you bored? "

"Yes, I'm very bored. "

"I'll teach you how to solve boredom. You stretch out your ten fingers and count your left hand from thumb to Pinky. Then, count your right hand from thumb to Pinky. Repeat the cycle until you're not bored anymore. Then, you'll succeed. Do you understand?"Du Anran said unhappily.

"I don't know how to count. Come over and teach me. "

"Xie Chenjin, get lost! " Du Anran was angry.

"Come over and do me a favor. " Xie Chenjin realized that she was going to hang up the phone, so he quickly said.

"Help? What's the benefit? " After spending a long time with Xie Chenjin, she had learned the word "benefit" first.

"What do you want? Xin Zimo's information? I'm sorry, I've already finished reading it. It's useless for you to go back. "

"I heard that you have a good relationship with Shaonan's father? " Du Anran said faintly.

In a few seconds, Xie chenjin understood du Anran's intention. She found the plan for the Golden Plate Garden project in her bag. However, what was the use of having the plan alone? Mayor Jin would not let go, and the Golden Plate Garden Project was built for nothing.

It seemed that she cared about this project very much. She did not know whether it was because of her father's dying wish or because of Xin Zimo... ...

"Yes, but your relationship with Mayor Jin isn't bad, right? "

Xie Chenjin had investigated thoroughly. Du Anran and her mother, Bai Ruyun, had once lived in the Jin family for a period of time.

"I feel that these two kinds of relationships are different. " Du Anran had long known that Uncle Jin treated her well because of Jin Shaonan, but he definitely treated Xie Chenjin differently.

She also heard a rumor that uncle Jin planned to hand over the Golden Plate Garden Project to Xie Chenjin after Xin Zimo let it go.

"different? I don't think there's any difference. Maybe in Mayor Jin's eyes, you're closer. "

"If I help you, you can help me convince Uncle Jin to give up the research institute's plan. "

Xie Chenjin really admired du Anran's perseverance. It was useless to look for Jin Shaonan, and now she was looking for him.

"I can't help you. I'm not that close to Mayor Jin, " Xie Chenjin said casually.

Actually, it was not that he couldn't help, but he was unwilling to help. Why should he help Du Anran? If he helped du Anran, he would help the Xin family. He was not that stupid.

"Forget it, I don't think you can help. " Du Anran was just casually saying.

This project belonged to the Xin family. How could Xie Chenjin help.

"Come over, maybe I can help you find out who sent you an anonymous text message. "

Du Anran had indeed been harassed by anonymous text messages for the past two days. Each time, there was a different content, but each time, there was only one photo.

The things in the photo surprised Du Anran. She did not know about the world and these things had happened. She even checked her father's study, but there were no relevant documents.

She also asked her mother. Her Mother didn't know much about the world and what had happened, so she almost didn't know.

Therefore, Xie Chenjin's words were a temptation to Du Anran. She thought for a moment and said, "what do you want me to help you with? "

"from your tone, it sounds like I want you to kill people and set fire to them. " Xie Chenjin smiled. "Come and help me put on an act. "

"Act? You changed your profession to learn acting? Are you ready to enter the entertainment industry? " Du Anran mocked.

"Life is like a play. Which Day doesn't require acting? It's just that I can't act alone today. You have to cooperate. "

"Who said I have to act every day? That's you. You've lived so tiredly. Have you gained anything? " Du Anran was still mocking her.

"Du Anran, you're really a little woman. Now, every time you talk to me, you have this attitude. It seems that I've really offended you. "We're different. The Xin family is the Xin family, and you are you. In the end, I dealt with the Xin family, but I didn't deal with you. Am I right?"