Chapter 227, she was fooled again

"Is there a difference between you dealing with the Xin Corporation and me? " Du Anran asked.

"I'm an elementary scholar who met a soldier, so I can't explain it clearly. Alright, one sentence, are you going to help me or not? If you're not going to help me, then find someone else! " Xie Chenjin said deliberately.

Although du Anran did not like Xie Chenjin, she could not solve the problem of the anonymous text message by herself. At this juncture, she did not dare to look for Xin Zimo.

"Say, what's the show? " Du Anran compromised.

"Of course it's a good show. Come over, Loulan city, coffee shop. "

Xie Chenjin hung up the phone and sat quietly in the coffee shop. He flipped through the bookshelves casually. There were all the books that young scholars liked to read, such as Zhang Ailing, San Mao, Hai Zi... ...

Xie Chenjin was not interested. He still felt that financial securities were more attractive.

Du Anran did not know when Xie Chenjin had become artistic. Loulan city, this was a famous coffee shop in City A.

Loulan was an ancient city that had disappeared. The name-setter used this legend to add a mysterious feeling to the coffee shop.

It was as if the city of Loulan was also a piece of the city that was missing, but it gave a pure land to countless people who wanted to escape from the city.

In fact, it was just a gimmick that capitalists made use of the current situation of the hearts of men and women in the city to earn.

Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something. At that time, the city of Loulan was really a good place. She always thought that she would be able to resolve all the worries in her heart.

Now that she thought about it, it was really childish.

Du Anran put down the project in her hands and went to the city of Loulan. She immediately found Xie Chenjin among the few people.

He was wearing a windbreaker-style coat today. It looked quite compatible with the style of the entire city of Loulan.

"You asked me to come to a place like this. I can't tell that President Xie still has the mood to relax. Why? Do you want me, a journalism major, to recommend you some good books? " Du Anran said leisurely.

"I can't read any of the books here. " Xie Chenjin rolled his eyes at Du Anran. "Why don't you let me read exchange rate and international finance, econometrics, risk management and financial institutions... "

"Stop, stop, we're not here for an academic discussion. " Xie Chenjin immediately listed out a bunch of books that gave du Anran a headache just by hearing their names.

Xie Chenjin smiled. "Yes, you're here to act as my girlfriend. "

"What girlfriend? " Du Anran immediately felt a strong sense of deception.

"Didn't I ask you to act? Today, my mother introduced me to a girl. I feel that with my excellence, she will definitely pester me. At the critical moment, she will rely on you to help me get out and act as my girlfriend. "

"Xie Chenjin, you're overthinking it! " A row of crows flew over du Anran's head and pestered her. With his lack of passion, would she take a fancy to him?

"I hope I'm overthinking it. " Xie Chenjin curled his lips.

However, why did du Anran still feel that he had bad intentions However, she could not tell what was wrong.

In the past, she would have decisively rejected Xie Chenjin. If Xin Zimo found out that she and Xie Chenjin had such a brazen relationship, he would definitely be unhappy.

However, she remembered Sun Ping's words. A few days had passed, but she still had not made up her mind to leave Xin Zimo. Now, if her relationship with Xie Chenjin made Xin zimo angry, she would have achieved half of her goal.

Thinking of this, she replied Xie Chenjin with a "yes" , but still reminded him to help her with the matter of the text message.

Du Anran and Xie Chenjin chatted for a while. Not long after, a girl wearing a white sweater and a half-length flowery dress walked in.

Xie chenjin quickly hinted to Du Anran to let her leave. Du Anran happened to be hungry, so she used the bookshelf to block her way to the other side of the cafe.

She saw that this girl was very romantic. It would be strange if this kind of girl liked Xie Chenjin.

However, nothing was absolute. Didn't someone like her also like Xin Zimo, who was even less romantic than Xie Chenjin.

When she thought of Xin Zimo, she couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable.

The girl carried a hand-painted cloth bag on her back, and as soon as she entered, she looked for Xie Chenjin. She heard from her mother that the man was wearing a black coat... ...

Within a few seconds, she had found her target.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Xie? " The girl was very polite. She bent down and her voice was very gentle. It could melt a person's heart.

Xie Chenjin raised his head. No wonder his mother was full of praise. His grandmother was also quite satisfied. This girl was indeed not bad, but unfortunately... ... He didn't like it ...

"Hello, I'm Xie Chenjin. " Xie Chenjin stood up and reached out his hand very gentlemanly.

"Hello, I'm Fu Daiyao. " The girl smiled.

Du Anran felt that this girl was not bad. She was very cultured and was a lady worthy of her name. She was not like her. Ever since she stayed with Xin Zimo, she had changed from a lady to a lion that could explode at any time.

Du Anran looked at Fu Daiyao from behind the bookshelf. This girl's long hair was waist-length and looked like hibiscus. When she smiled, she even had two shallow dimples. She only hated herself for not being a man. If she was a man, she would immediately pounce on her.

If Xie Chenjin still did not like such a good girl, then he must have a problem with his sexual orientation.

Xie Chenjin let Fu Daiyao order two cups of coffee and some snacks.

Xie Chenjin was originally handsome and extraordinary. In addition, his speech and manner were very elegant, as if he was a modest gentleman. Sure enough, Fu Daiyao listened to him with a look of admiration.

Du Anran felt that she had nothing else to do. After eating the snacks, she could leave immediately.

She even imagined what would happen next. Xie Chenjin and Fu Daiyao might succeed, and then they would have time to fall in love. A man like Xie Chenjin, who had never fallen in love before, might get out of control and fall in love with Fu Daiyao.

After that, he wouldn't have the time to care about her anymore.

It was for the best, so that he wouldn't have to play tricks on her every two or three days.

She felt that Xie Chenjin was still somewhat capable of being narcissistic, and it didn't take long for Fu Daiyao to develop a good impression of Xie Chenjin.

But after a while, the plot didn't develop right.

Two middle-aged women suddenly walked into the cafe, but they still had their charm. They were very beautiful and elegant.

"Mom, Auntie! " Fu Daiyao called out and lowered her head shyly.

"We're late. How did it go? " Xie Chenjin's mother asked.

Du Anran understood. So there was a parent accompanying him.

But that wasn't right. Xie Chenjin had a parent accompanying him and asked her to come over and act as his girlfriend Only then did du Anran come to her senses. It was really... ... She had fallen into a wolf's den and was deceived again ! !

She knew that Xie Chenjin wouldn't have good intentions. While they were chatting happily, she was ready to take advantage of the situation.

Xie Chenjin had been watching Du Anran the entire time. How could he let her off so easily.

"Mom, Auntie, Mr. Xie is a good person. He's very funny and takes care of people. " Fu Daiyao was really satisfied with Xie Chenjin.

"I'm sorry, mom, Auntie, Daiyao, I have a girlfriend. "

As soon as Xie Chenjin said that, he pulled Du Anran out from behind the bookshelf, who was ready to take care of everything.

This time, it was du Anran's turn to be dumbfounded. Wait, she didn't follow the plot, nor did she follow the path that they started discussing Didn't they agree that Fu Daiyao was pestering him so much that she needed to appear?

However, Xie Chenjin's mother, Fu Daiyao's mother, and Fu Daiyao were also dumbfounded.

Several pairs of eyes stared at Du Anran in unison, causing du Anran's mind to be in a mess.

"No, I... "

"I'm sorry, I haven't told you all this while. " Xie chenjin hugged du Anran's waist and pinched her waist. He meant that if she dared to talk nonsense, he would kill her immediately.

Du Anran was stunned by Xie Chenjin's gaze. She was now riding a tiger and couldn't back down. She might as well be a good person to the end.

"What did the Xie family do? Didn't they say that Chenjin is single? " Fu Daiyao's mother was obviously very angry. Her face turned green, and she felt like she had been played.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. My mother doesn't know either. Please don't blame my mother. It's all my fault. I Apologize. " After saying that, Xie Chenjin really bowed.

Du Anran felt that Xie Chenjin was really enough. If she hadn't known him since a long time ago, she would have been fooled too.

Sure enough, Fu Daiyao's mother's anger subsided a little.

Xie Chenjin had a way of coaxing women. He quickly blinked and smiled. "Wait for me for a while. "

No one knew what Xie Chenjin was going to do. Xie Chenjin's mother was even more embarrassed. She also kept apologizing to Fu Daiyao and her daughter.

This was the first time du Anran met Xie Chenjin's mother. This woman was much more beautiful than she had imagined. She also had a good temper and was flexible.

In less than five minutes, Xie Chenjin returned, but there were two exquisite paper bags in his hands.

"Auntie, Daiyao, I'm sorry. I really didn't do it on purpose. This is a small gift for you. I hope you will accept it. " Xie Chenjin handed the paper bags to them.

Fu Daiyao had a good impression of Xie Chenjin. This made her feel that Xie Chenjin was a modest gentleman. She shook her head and said, "it's okay. "

Hearing that her daughter said it was okay, Fu Daiyao's mother naturally didn't say anything. Seeing that Xie Chenjin was so polite, she felt it was a pity.

"Chenjin really knows how to be polite. It's a pity that we can't be in-laws anymore. " Fu Daiyao's mother shook her head at Xie Chenjin's mother.

Xie Chenjin handed the gift to Fu Daiyao. Fu Daiyao wasn't from a small family, so she naturally knew what was in Xie Chenjin's paper bag.

It was an expensive piece of jewelry from a well-known international brand, DERIER.

Fu Daiyao didn't want it, but Xie Chenjin gave it to her with an apologetic look.

Du Anran felt that Xie Chenjin had enough. At this stage of his acting, why wasn't he tired. She could not help but admire Xie Chenjin's acting skills.

After sending off the Fu family mother and daughter, it was not over yet. Xie Chenjin's mother kept looking at Du Anran. Du Anran's skills were not as good as Xie Chenjin's. She was really afraid that she would be seen through if this continued.

Fortunately, Xie Chenjin turned around and continued acting. He put his arm around Du Anran's waist and smiled. "Mom, I haven't told you all this while. "

"It's not your fault. You should have discussed it with me. " Xie Chenjin's mother was quite open-minded. She sized up Du Anran. This girl did not put on any makeup, but she was also graceful and had a good temperament. In short, she was quite satisfied.

"I was the one who acted first and reported it later. MOM, you won't blame me, right? "

"Why would I blame you? Mom is still worried for you. Look at how anxious your dad is. It's good now. We don't have to worry anymore. "

"Mom, I'll order a cup of black tea for you. "

Du Anran saw that there was no end to this. How long did she want to talk about ordering tea?