Chapter 232, parting forever

Du Anran lowered her eyes. Yes, this was his place. Even though he had once said that he would give this place to her and let it belong only to the two of them, he would not admit it.

In the future, when she left him, this place would probably become a place for him and other women to live.

It was fine. There would be no entanglements. They would go their own ways and live their own lives.

"then... I'll go... " Du Anran no longer made any unnecessary resistance. She took the messy clothes on the bed ...

But he wouldn't let her go. He was close to her, and she didn't even have the space to move.

"where are you going? " He was still jealous. Didn't she know how much he was reluctant to leave?

"I'm going home! " Du Anran looked at him.

"Home? To the Xie Family? That's right. Her mother even gave you a present. You can't wait to kiss her, can you? "

Du Anran bit her lips. "So what? Does it have anything to do with you? What's wrong with me marrying into the Xie family? Xie Chenjin is younger than you and has more potential than you. Xin Zimo, don't you feel bad being forced to pay by the bank? "

Xin Zimo's eyes were filled with the urge to kill. He Pinched du Anran's Chin, wishing that he could crush it. "Are you that smug? Do you think the Xie family would want a ruined woman? I don't even have the skills to be my lover... "

"So despise me you still want me? " Du Anran sneered.

She took her clothes and draped them all over herself. She was going to leave here, forever... ...

She knew that if she left this time, she might never return to this place... ...

When she put on her coat, the ring on her hand hooked onto the thread at the button. Her heart suddenly hurt. This ring represented the diamond ring that would last for all eternity. She was the only one left to protect it in this life.

She wanted to keep the ring. At least, this was her last thought. Even if their love was like Catkins in the wind, drifting away, she would still remember that there was once someone who gently helped her put on the ring.

But just as she retracted her hand, Xin Zimo also saw the ring on her hand.

He suddenly grabbed her hand like a wolf and fiercely took off the diamond ring on her ring finger.

"You don't deserve to wear it! "

Du Anran retracted her hand. She desperately wanted to keep the ring. She curled her finger and refused to let him take it off. He had said before that she was not allowed to take off the ring. She did not take it off, but why did he not let her wear it now... ...

"No, let go... " she finally cried.

"You can't bear to? That's true. How could I forget that you're so greedy. How could you bear to take off a ring worth 99 million... " he forcefully took off the ring on her finger. He was determined not to give it to her.

"Ah... " she felt the pain and bit lightly. When her finger spasmed, he took off the ring on her finger.

Looking at the ring in his palm, tears gushed out like a flood. She hugged her knees and lay on the blanket, crying bitterly... ...

"Do you feel sorry for this 99 million? " Xin zimo raised his eyebrows and sneered, throwing the ring on the ground.

This was the ring that he had taken a fancy to at a glance. This was the wedding ring that he had specially bought for her. He had gone through a lot of trouble, but in return, it ended up like this.

If he took off the ring, it meant that he would never marry her in this lifetime!

Du Anran wanted to pick up the ring. No matter what he thought, she still wanted to keep the ring... ...

"GET LOST! Don't let me see you again! " Xin Zimo blocked in front of her.

Du Anran looked at him with tears in her eyes. Even if he hated the DU family, he had never said such heavy words. This time, he really hated her to the core.

Du Anran's messy hair was scattered on her shoulders. She looked extremely pathetic now. Since she had taken this step, there was no way out... ...

She had nothing to regret. Even if it was painful, it would only be this one time. She did not want to see the Xin family get into trouble. She did not want him to live a miserable life with her. She had experienced that kind of life before, and she did not want him to experience it again.

She wanted him to always be in the limelight. She wanted him to protect his beloved career and stand above everyone else. She also hoped that he would have a happy family in the future, have his beloved wife, and have his beloved children... ...

And she, will never be his best option, she can not give him anything, she will only implicate him.

Who doesn't make a fool of himself when he is young? When Xin Zimo has passed this period of time, he will definitely forget her. He will.

"GET LOST! " Xin zimo repeated this word for the second time and roared at her.

Du Anran grabbed her clothes, stumbled out of the room, quickly ran downstairs, left the villa... ...

She ran barefoot all the way, she only know to run forward, but do not know where to run... ...

The sound of the wind whistled past her ears. The cold wind at night was very cold, like the ice in the Winter River. It blew past her ears and entered her clothes.

This road was originally desolate. It was surrounded by dark mountains, pressing down on her until she could not breathe. She was afraid of the dark night, especially this kind of empty night.

She did not dare to go forward. She hid in a corner outside the villa, squatted down, and hugged her trembling arms tightly.

There were roses growing in this corner, but there were no roses in winter. Even the green leaves could not be seen. There were only bare branches and a continuous stretch of withered grass.

Du Anran used withered vines and withered grass to cover her body as well as to block some of the cold wind.

Her whole body was trembling, and her heart was so painful that it was numb. However, her tears continued to flow down. No one saw her here, so she could cry without restraint... ...

Upstairs in the villa, Xin Zimo scolded du Anran away, but he did not feel the slightest comfort in his heart. Her scent seemed to be lingering in the air in the room. The faint fragrance of the flowers reminded him all the time that she had just come.

There were clothes on the ground, and the ring was lying quietly on the ground.

Xin zimo picked up the ring and punched the wall.

Leaning against the wall, all his anger slowly turned into loneliness. He cried, and his tears soaked his collar. He had never cried like today... ...

Why did he work so hard for her, only to end up like this?

He had thought that he had a heart of stone, but in the end, all his happiness, anger, sadness, and joy were placed on one person. He had changed for her, paid for her, and gave everything he could to her. But this was how she had repaid him... ...

The night was very quiet, especially in this villa that was close to the mountains and water. It was even quieter.

Xin Zimo stood by the window and smoked for the whole night. The cigarette butts were thrown all over the balcony. The night outside the window was like a beast. He stared at everything outside the window, all alone.

When du Anran was tired from crying, she fell asleep beside the rose stand. She was really tired, physically and mentally.

Unfortunately, it was not summer. Otherwise, when this rose bloomed, it would definitely sing a beautiful ballad.

Du Anran's hair stuck to her face. When she slept, she was very quiet, just like a water lily.

She walked and walked again, parting with Jun Sheng. They were separated by tens of thousands of miles, and they were separated by a horizon.

From now on, they were separated by a horizon. I only hope that you are safe and sound as before.

The night was still very cold. Du Anran did not sleep for long before she was woken up by the cold wind. She hugged her arms tightly, but it was of no use. She was as cold as a kitten and curled up in the corner. Her whole body was shivering non-stop.

However, there were no cars on the road of this villa at night. She could not recognize the road, and she could not walk away. Her phone was out of battery and she could not call anyone. There was no place to shelter her from the wind and rain nearby. She could only stay under the barely ventilated rose frame and curl up into a ball.

Her small face was red from the cold and her lips were purple from the cold. She hid herself in her clothes, but it was useless.

She could only clench her teeth and comfort herself in her heart that she would be fine after enduring the night... ...

When she was so cold that she could not feel anything, du Anran fell asleep again, but a gust of cold wind would wake her up. Just like that, she waited for the first ray of light to come.

But she didn't expect that Xin Zimo's car would come along with the morning sun.

He sat in the car, wearing a black suit and a dark blue tie, looking like an emperor.

When the low-key, luxurious black Mercedes slowly passed by her, he looked at her and saw that her hair was still covered in white frost.

"You asked for it! " Xin Zimo scolded in the car, without any sympathy.

He could totally imagine that she had stayed outside for an entire night. He had chased her out, so of course she had nowhere to go.

Du Anran also saw him. Through a layer of glass, she saw his cold and handsome side profile, which was even colder than the Winter Frost.

She stood up shakily. She did not know whether it was because her legs were too numb or because she was completely exhausted. Before she could stand up, her mind suddenly went blank. Her legs went soft and she fell heavily to the ground.

She lay on the ground without moving, her face Pale.

"Du Anran! " Xin zimo panicked. He immediately opened the car door and jumped out of the car.

Although he had scolded her countless times in his heart, he was also so spineless. This was his first reaction!

"Du Anran! If you want to die, don't die outside my villa! " He pinched her with all his strength, but it was useless. Du Anran had no reaction at all.

Her entire body was cold. He felt as if he had touched a block of ice when he touched her. He brushed the frost off her head and suddenly felt his heart ache.

He carried her into the car and covered her with a blanket. After making the necessary arrangements, he stepped on the accelerator and drove to the nearest hospital.

Du Anran was only in shock because of the cold, but Xin Zimo's car was very warm. She quickly woke up from her daze. She first saw the blanket on her body, then she saw Xin Zimo.

"Stop the car... " she called weakly.

Xin Zimo heard her, but he did not stop the car.

Du Anran did not think that he would still care about her. She thought that he was eager for her to die.

Seeing that he had no intention of stopping the car, she stopped shouting. She did not have the strength to struggle. She closed her eyes and silently felt the warmth in the car.

After sending her to the hospital, he stopped the car. Without looking at her, he only coldly said two words, "get out of the car! "

"okay... " Du Anran dragged her tired body and placed the blanket on the seat. She opened the door and got out of the car.