Chapter 233. She really deserved it

However, because her shoes had fallen into his villa, she had been barefoot since last night. At this moment, she was standing on the cold ground. In addition to the difference between the temperature outside and in the car, she could not help but shiver.

A gust of cold wind blew, and her entire body was shivering. She hurriedly ran to the hospital. She did not have much money on her, so she just wanted to go in and sit.

Her bare feet and miserable appearance attracted the attention of many people, so she could only lower her head.

In the car, Xin Zimo gnashed his teeth in hatred. When he saw that her feet were red, he could not help but clench the hand that was holding the steering wheel.

Du Anran carefully avoided the pebbles on the road, but every step she took still caused waves of soreness under her feet.

Xin Zimo finally could not bear to watch any longer. He pulled the car door forcefully, took a few steps to her side, and carried her horizontally.

Her clothes were messy, and he was dressed in a suit. The two of them formed a sharp contrast. In addition, Xin Zimo suddenly came from behind. Du Anran was not mentally prepared. She thought that he had left.

"You... " she widened her eyes, but she could not find a trace of expression on Xin Zimo's face.

Her thin lips were pursed lightly, and she was calm. There was no anger from last night, nor was there any heartache. There was only calmness like a pool of water... ...

He only helped her find a doctor according to procedure, opened the ward, and prescribed medicine. Because she did not have shoes, he practically hugged her throughout the whole process.

When du Anran was close to his chest, she could still clearly smell the breath that made her feel at ease on his body. This kind of warmth would probably not be present in the future.

For some reason, she felt a little greedy. He did not speak, and she did not speak either.

In fact, she only caught a cold. There was no need to stay in the hospital. However, Xin Zimo still chose a good ward for her and found a dedicated nurse to take care of her.

When he threw her onto the hospital bed, there was still no heartache on his face. He only said coldly, "serves you right! "

Without any hesitation, he closed the door of the ward with force. From this force, Du Anran could still feel that he was angry.

She lowered her head and comforted herself. It was fine. After this period of time, he would forget about it.

Xin Zimo walked out of the Ward and returned to his car. Seeing her like this, he actually couldn't bring himself to be ruthless. He could have left her to fend for herself, but he just thought too highly of himself.

The feeling of being upset returned. He stepped on the accelerator and drove to the Xin Corporation.

Du Anran was alone in the hospital. Her phone could finally be charged. She opened it and was shocked. There were many missed calls, but this time, there was no more Xin Zimo.

She called Liu Wanwan back. "WANWAN... "

Liu Wanwan was editing the newspaper when she received a call from Du Anran. She was about to say that she was too happy to go home, but her voice did not sound right.

"Sister Anran, what's wrong? Are you too tired? "

"No... I'm fine. I saw that you called me so many times. I was afraid that you would be worried. " Du Anran's voice was very weak ...

"Sister Anran, where are you now? Did you go back with Xin Zimo last night? " Liu Wanwan was a little worried.

"I. . . I'm at work. I was afraid that you would worry, so I gave you a call. " Du Anran pretended to be calm ...

"Oh, then you take good care of yourself. " Liu Wanwan also felt that she was overthinking things.

"Okay, work well. "

Du Anran hung up the phone and looked at the ceiling alone in the ward. Loneliness and loneliness came at the same time. She had abandoned all of her. The world had also abandoned her. Now she had nothing... ...

She called Sun Ping again and told him that she had made up her mind.

"Sun Ping, I will leave Xin Zimo forever in the future. If possible, I hope that you can always help him and support the Xin Corporation. " At this moment, Du Anran had also calmed down. She had to make Sun Ping promise her.

"Even without your instructions, I will always stay by President Xin's side, " Sun Ping said calmly.

"Tell me, will the Xin Corporation be in danger this time? " She could only trust Sun Ping now.

"The XIN corporation is already in danger. It's just a matter of whether it's serious or not. "since you've decided to leave CEO Xin, I'll try my best to get CEO Xin to abandon the Golden Plate Garden Project. This way, we can avoid unnecessary capital investment and more or less reduce the losses. "

Du Anran nodded with tears in her eyes. She could only give up on this project. She could not watch helplessly as the Xin family was dragged down by this project.

"okay... " she said weakly. She had no way to fulfill her father's last wish.

If the Golden Plate Garden Project fell into the hands of others, she only hoped that she would try her best to salvage it.

"If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. " Sun Ping sighed. In fact, apart from the relationship between Du Anran and Xin Zimo, he still felt that du Anran was very kind.

"No, I'm fine, " Du Anran said.

Hearing that she immediately refused, Sun Ping sighed lightly in his heart.

"Alright, I'll go back to work first, " Sun Ping said.

"Okay, Sun Ping, you must remember to always be good to Xin Zimo... " She knew that Sun Ping advised her to leave Xin Zimo for the sake of the Xin Corporation and not out of selfishness, but she still hoped that Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan could always be good.

After all, Liu Wanwan was her good sister. Even if she lost her happiness, she also hoped that Liu Wanwan could be happy and that Sun Ping would treat her well.

"I will. " Sun Ping's tone was very firm.

Du Anran smiled. She knew that Sun Ping would.

After hanging up, Du Anran played with her phone, her eyes a little unfocused.

After taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, she planned to leave the hospital. Wearing the disposable slippers in the hospital, she looked very awkward.

She hailed a taxi and went home first.

After this incident, she knew that Xin Zimo would never pay attention to her again. It was for the best that he didn't miss her anymore, didn't do anything for her, and didn't make any sacrifices for her.

After she went home, she took a hot bath. She was physically and mentally exhausted. She soaked herself in the bathtub, closed her eyes, and let the hot water flow over her body.

The bathroom was filled with the fragrance of calming lavender essential oil, fragrant and soothing... ... The hazy water vapor filled the entire bathroom. Du Anran thought that she should just do this and not think about anything else ...

However, fate was cruel to her. All the beautiful things were like bubbles. She could clearly see the beautiful brilliance, but in an instant, all of them were destroyed.

Who would accompany her on her future path? would she spend the rest of her life alone... ...

On that day in the Xin Corporation, without exception, everyone around Xin Zimo was bombarded and ridiculed by Xin Zimo. No one in the entire corporation had ever seen Xin Zimo like this.

In their eyes, CEO Xin was at most taciturn and difficult to guess, but he would never lose his temper so recklessly in public.

"these are the new plans you gave me for the New Year? How can you show off such lousy things? " Xin zimo threw a stack of documents to the person-in-charge of the planning department.

"Why hasn't there been any progress on the promotional film? Who is in charge of the follow-up at the Phantom Corporation? " Xin zimo's cold eyes swept across the entire venue during the meeting.

"How many days has he Yuguang's case been going through? Your finance department still hasn't sorted out the bill for me! " Xin zimo glanced at the people from the finance department a few more times.

Everyone kept quiet. How would they dare to speak.

Originally, this group of people were used to neglecting their jobs. Usually, no one cared about them. This time, Xin zimo actually asked about it personally. Everyone couldn't help but sweat.

Even Sun Ping, who was standing beside Xin Zimo, didn't speak. In the eyes of others, they only thought that Xin Zimo might be in a bad mood. However, he understood that Du Anran had made up her mind to leave Xin Zimo.

Sun Ping could completely understand Xin Zimo's current mood. After all, he had given his all.

However, one thing was another. Putting aside Du Anran's matter, Xin Zimo's opinions and dissatisfaction towards the Xin Corporation were quite pertinent today.

This group of people were used to being negligent. It was necessary to punish them.

Xin Zimo did not get angry. They thought that Xin Zimo was a sick cat.

After the meeting ended, all the people in charge walked out of the meeting room with their heads lowered. Almost all of them were scolded by Xin Zimo. The large meeting room was very quiet. Only the air conditioner made a "humming" sound.

Only Xin Zimo and Sun Ping were left. Sun Ping kept all the information quietly, but he was not spared.

"Sun Ping, how did you become the chief secretary? Is this how you usually discipline them? A thousand-mile-long dam is destroyed by an ant's nest. How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to let go of any details? The details determine success or failure. Have you forgotten? "

"CEO Xin, it was my mistake. "

Sun Ping was drenched in sweat. He did not dare to say anything else. He could only take the initiative to admit his mistake. Xin Zimo was on the verge of exploding. Whoever provoked him would be facing the barrel of a gun. He did not want to live anymore.

"mistake? One mistake, two mistakes. How many mistakes can the Xin Corporation tolerate? " Xin Zimo continued to wear a cold expression.

He had a stomach full of anger the night before and had nowhere to vent it. He had caught the group of people from the Xin Corporation slacking off.

"I will definitely make up for my mistake and reduce the losses to the minimum. " Sun Ping was submissive.

Xin Zimo knew that Sun Ping was giving him a perfunctory reply. However, it was useless to be angry at Sun Ping. He glanced at Sun Ping and left the meeting room.

Sun Ping carried a pile of documents and followed Xin Zimo back to the president's office. He had something to say to Xin Zimo, regardless of whether Xin Zimo listened or not.

Xin Zimo left the meeting room wanting to be alone, but he didn't expect Sun Ping to follow him.

He stopped, and Sun Ping stopped as well.

"What do you have to say to me? " Xin zimo's attitude softened a little.

"President Xin, several bank bosses came to look for me personally today, " Sun Ping said.

"This group of sly old foxes, acting according to the wind! " Of course, Xin Zimo knew what they were here for. Seeing that the Xin Corporation had invested a lot of funds but did not see any return, they were naturally anxious.

"President Xin, especially President Yang and the other banks, they said that the loan period has expired and they hope that we can repay the loan within a month. "

Xin Zimo was really gnashing his teeth in hatred. If it was not for du Anran leaking the secret, he would have taken these banks as his own long ago. How could he have come to this point!