In Chapter 234, he bumped into him again

He hated this woman more than ever. Du Anran really won beautifully this time.

Xin Zimo was now in a dilemma. He, Xin Zimo, had never met such an end. Debt collection Ha, don't be complacent too early. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. How could the XIN GROUP FALL SO EASILY!

"Sun Ping, how do you think we should return this model? "

"CEO Xin, the fastest and most effective way at present is to sell off a few projects... "

"SELL OFF PROJECTS? Isn't that the same as announcing to the world that our Xin Group can't make ends meet? " Xin Zimo's eyes were like torches as he kept looking at Sun Ping.

"Of course not. For example, selling off a project that a few shareholders already had very strong opinions about... " Sun Ping stopped at the point.

"GOLDEN PLATE GARDEN? " Xin zimo guessed it the moment he saw Sun Ping's expression. After going around and around, he still wanted Sun Ping to transfer the project.

"Yes... " Sun Ping did not deny it. "CEO Xin, no one is optimistic about this project... "

Of course, Sun Ping himself was not optimistic about it. He believed that Xin Zimo knew what was going on in his heart.

If that piece of land had been used as a commercial building according to the original design, there would not have been so many problems later on. However, Xin Zimo had changed his mind at the last minute and listened to Du Anran's words. He wanted to use it to build some Damn Garden.

"since you don't like it, then sell it! " After a long silence, Xin Zimo finally relented.

He strode forward without looking back. The sound of his determined footsteps could be heard on the empty floor, but he could clearly hear the sound of his heart breaking.

Sun Ping was stunned when he heard Xin Zimo's words. He had prepared a bunch of excuses to persuade Xin Zimo as usual, but these words did not come in handy.

He did not know what Du Anran did to make Xin Zimo so determined.

However, this was also good. Once this project was launched, at least a portion of the funds could be recovered, and the unnecessary investment could be avoided.

This time, du Anran must have made a great sacrifice. He thought of the phone call that Du Anran gave him today, and he inexplicably sighed in his heart.

However, life was very realistic. Love was never everything. When love collided with reality, there would always be sacrifices and concessions. Basically, it would depend on who loved the more deeply... ...

Du Anran did not see Xin Zimo again for the past few days, but those anonymous messages were still sent to her phone at a fixed time every day.

She still could not find the person who sent the messages. She felt that she was very useless. However, since Xie Chenjin had promised her, she believed that Xie Chenjin would not easily go back on his word, even though Xie Chenjin had not taken the initiative to look for her since the last time they met in the city of Loulan.

The people around her seemed to have become busy all of a sudden, but she was actually free.

After she delivered her resignation letter to the Xin Corporation, Xin Zimo did not call her again. It seemed that he had tacitly agreed.

She felt that this was good. He did not want to see her anymore, which meant that he had moved on. When time slowly healed his wounds, everything would be fine.

However, sometimes when she touched the smooth fingers, there was no longer the ring that she regarded as a treasure on them. She still felt a wave of disappointment in her heart.

It was the same for her. She needed time to slowly heal.

Those few days, Liu Wanwan happened to bring a child's gift to her. She was a little happy, but she did not expect Liu Wanwan to be so diligent.

There were a lot of gifts, filled with a big bag. There were puzzle chocolates, rice grains with Chinese characters engraved on them, and Santa Claus who could walk... ... In short, there were all kinds of things ... And they were all very interesting. Even du Anran couldn't help but smile when she saw them ...

She happened to have a lot of free time, so she brought a big bag of gifts to her mother's school.

It had been a long time since she went there. When the Group of children saw her, they ran over as if they had seen delicious food.

"Aunt Du! " "TEACHER DU! " "PRETTY SISTER! " The group of children shouted as they ran.

The moment du Anran saw them, all the gloom disappeared. The smiles of these children were very pure, and their smiling faces were like the rising sun, full of enthusiasm.

"SO OBEDIENT! " Du Anran half squatted down and smiled. "Have you had a good lesson recently? Have you been learning the piano seriously? "

"Yes! " More than ten children said in unison, their childlike voices.

"Okay, who will play a song for the teacher? If you play it well, there will be a reward! "

"Me! " "I know! " "I know 'twinkle twinkle twinkle' ! " "I know 'two tigers' ... " a few older children scrambled to raise their hands.

"everyone has a share, come, let's go to the classroom! " Du Anran with a gift in one hand, holding the hand of the youngest girl.

The little girl was only three years old. She could not walk steadily, but she was very cute. She had a mushroom head and big eyes.

Du Anran held the little girl's hand, her hand just enough to hold the little girl's hand, the child has a natural milk fragrance, du Anran felt very warm.

Being with this group of children would at least make her forget all her unhappiness.

When they arrived at the classroom, a few children rushed to play the piano. There were also children who learned the violin and wanted to perform for du Anran.

Du Anran let them come one by one. Although these children played intermittently and often made mistakes, Du Anran felt that it was very pleasant to hear.

She distributed the gifts to these children one by one. The children who received the gifts jumped around the classroom happily.

"Anran, when did you come? " Bai Ruyun walked into the classroom at this time.

Du Anran did not tell her mother when she came. She smiled and said, "I came to see these children. "

"You... didn't go to work? " Bai Ruyun did not know about Du Anran, so she could not help but have some doubts ...

"No. " Du Anran lowered her head and said, "mom, I resigned from Xin Zimo. "

"What happened? " Bai Ruyun did not believe it. It was not that she did not believe that Du Anran would resign, but she did not believe that Xin Zimo would let her go.

"Mom, let's talk when we get home. " Du Anran did not want to talk about these things in this place. This place was her haven. She only wanted to leave happy memories here.

Bai ruyun would never force Du Anran. She nodded. She understood and supported every decision Du Anran made. She felt that Du Anran was no longer a child. She had her own thoughts and attitudes.

Du Anran was very grateful for her mother's understanding. She was always proud of having such a mother.

"Teacher Du, this chocolate is so delicious... " The three-year-old child held du Anran's hand and used her small hand to break half of the chocolate, wanting to pass it to du Anran.

Du Anran paused. "It's delicious, but you can't eat too much. Be Obedient. After you finish this piece, you're not allowed to eat it again. "

"I know... " the little girl said in a childish voice, and then stuffed the chocolate in her hand into du Anran's mouth.

Du Anran bit the chocolate and smiled as she touched the little girl's head.

The little girl took advantage of Du Anran's carelessness to kiss her on the cheek, and then she happily skipped away.

Du Anran felt full of happiness. Suddenly, she thought, if only I had a child of my own... ...

This thought frightened Du Anran. She did not dare to think about it anymore.

After playing with these children for a whole day, du Anran was still reluctant to leave. She said to her mother, "mom, why don't I come to work here too? Look, they can't bear to part with me... "

Bai Ruyun's expression was a little heavy. She was silent for a few seconds before she looked at Du Anran and said, "Anran, I'm telling you the truth. Today, the principal suddenly called a few of our temporary teachers over and said that he wants to reduce the number of staff. "

"How can that be? There are so many children here. They should be increasing the number of staff! " Du Anran was puzzled.

"I don't know either, but since the principal said so, there must be a reason for him to do so. I didn't ask any further. "

"then... can you stay? " Du Anran didn't want her mother to lose her job just as she resigned ...

"I don't know. The principal only informed us in advance. The exact details will only be confirmed in a few days. " Bai ruyun looked a little disappointed.

"Mom, I'll help you find the principal! " Du Anran was really afraid that her mother would become depressed after losing her job. It was not easy for her to see her mother recover from the bankruptcy of Shihe.

"The principal has his own arrangements, there's no need to look for him, " Bai Ruyun said.

"Mom, you just don't want to fight for it. In fact, many things can still be fought for even if they are set in stone! " Du Anran knew that her mother had a calm personality, but most of the time, the other meaning of being calm was cowardice.

"School is over, let's talk about it tomorrow! " Bai Ruyun did not want Du Anran to be distracted by her matters.

"Mom, wait for me here, I'll try, " Du Anran said.

Without waiting for Bai Ruyun to speak, Du Anran left the place and walked toward the principal's office.

The principal's office was next to the library, which was a little far from here. Du Anran was afraid that the principal would go home after work, so she walked toward the office without stopping.

When she finally ran to the fourth floor, she ran into someone.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... " Du Anran touched her head.

However, before she could look up, the elegant and cold perfume on this man stunned her.

It was a very familiar smell. It used to be lingering in her nose every night, and it made her feel weak.

Compared to Du Anran's shock, Xin Zimo did not have much of a reaction. He subconsciously took a step back, as if he did not care to look at the woman in front of him.

The principal quickly apologized, "Mr. Xin, I'm sorry to have offended you. "

"It's okay. " Xin Zimo's voice was indifferent.

The principal did not know du Anran very well, but he had a slight impression of her. He asked, "who are you looking for? "

Du Anran stood rooted to the ground. She only came back to her senses when the principal asked this question. She wanted to escape, but she could not avoid Xin Zimo's cold gaze.

At this moment, she obviously would not say that she was Bai Ruyun's daughter. She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, I've come to the wrong place. "

However, the assistant behind the principal recognized Du Anran. He took a step forward and said, "aren't you teacher Bai's daughter? I've seen you a few times... "

Du Anran was very beautiful, so the people she had seen would naturally have a deep impression of her.

"Bai? Which Bai? " The principal had not reacted and blurted out.