Chapter 242, caring so much

Finally, she tore off the seaweed and took out the brooch that was wrapped in the seaweed. In the sparkling water, Du Anran could not suppress her joy and kept admiring the brooch under the sun.

She did not think that the brooch could be so cute and beautiful. The Sapphire, white pearl, and golden edges of the brooch sparkled under the sun.

There was a "thank you" on the back of the Brooch. She did not notice it last time, but this time, she saw it clearly.

It was the "thank you" in small regular script. It was smooth and light.

Fortunately, the brooch was not damaged at all. When she took it to the jewelry store in the afternoon to wash it, it should be no different from a new one.

She happily threw away her gloves and the metal detector. However, just as she carefully took the brooch and was about to go ashore, she found that Xin Zimo was still there!

She was originally in high spirits, but now she became dejected again.

He could not get into the water, but he could wait on the shore. He really did not believe that she would continue to stand in the water.

At this moment, the corners of Xin Zimo's lips curled up into a smug smile. It seemed that he was the one who had the upper hand.

Du Anran looked around calmly. No matter where she came from, she would be caught by Xin Zimo. What should she do... ... If he was unhappy and threw the brooch away, she would really want to cry but have no tears ...

She spent so much time and energy to find the brooch. She didn't want to die in the hands of this beast.

So, she stood under the sun and looked at him.

The sunlight shone on his eyebrows and black handmade suit. It was really pleasing to the eye. She didn't seem to see much anger. Instead... ... She saw a smug smile on his lips ...

Yes, she was not mistaken. He was smug.

How could he not be smug at a time like this.

Compared to Xin Zimo's smug Look, Du Anran was dejected. In order to prevent him from seeing the look of defeat on her face, she had no choice but to turn around and pretend that she did not care. She stirred the aquatic plants in the water and teased the fish in the water.

Xin Zimo did not speak, and she did not speak either. She did not believe that Xin Zimo could stand here for a day. The Xin Corporation would not turn around without him. Moreover, at such a critical juncture, it would probably not take long for a phone call to come!

Thinking of this, she became more relaxed. She put the brooch into the pocket of her coat and watched the fish swimming in the water.

At most, she could wait a little longer. Anyway, she was still wearing a thick wet suit, although... ... It was really a little cold ...

Xin zimo stared at Du Anran in the water with his hands behind his back. She was relying on the fact that he did not know how to swim, so she could not go into the water to catch her. However, as soon as she came up, she would see how he would deal with her!

The two of them were in a stalemate. Du Anran was really suffering.

"Xin Zimo, why aren't you leaving yet? " She muttered softly. This man was really persistent.

She could not endure the torture of the two worlds of ice and fire many times and was almost about to compromise. However, when she thought that even if she compromised, there would be a storm waiting for her, she stood still.

Every minute and second was torture. Every second was longer than every hour.

Du Anran did not know how much time had passed. She really could not bear it anymore and finally turned around.

However, the moment she turned around, she felt discouraged. Xin Zimo was still standing where he was!

He looked straight at her like an eagle looking down at its prey.

Du Anran bit her lip. Did he not want to return to the Xin Corporation Did he really want to be a stupid CEO She did not make such a sacrifice for his mediocrity. What she wanted was for him to create a world of his own in the Xin Corporation and establish a permanent foothold in city a!

However, the way he was now, he simply had a feeling that he did not care about the overall situation.

She looked at him as if he was a disappointing child. Her eyes were filled with anger that she did not live up to her expectations.

Xin Zimo was initially proud of himself. However, when she really stood in the water for about an hour, the pride in his eyes turned into anger.

Was she a wooden person Could it be that she could not feel the cold in the water at all?

What an extremely idiotic woman!

Du Anran was still looking at him. The meaning in her eyes was that if he did not leave, she would not go up!

Xin Zimo was really angry. He did not care about his image anymore. He wore shiny leather shoes and went into the water.

Yes, he did not know how to swim. The last time he fell into the water, he was still a little afraid of the water. However, could he still allow her to play around like this?

Fortunately, the water was not deep, but it was too cold. Xin Zimo did not have that thick outfit. As soon as he went into the water, he could not help but shiver.

Du Anran's eyes widened. Xin Zimo would come into the water. This was completely out of her expectations.

Xin Zimo did not walk forward. He only shouted at the center of the water, "Du Anran! Come up! "

Du Anran shook her head like a rattle-drum. "I'M NOT GOING! Don't come over... "

"YOU'RE RUTHLESS! " Xin zimo gritted his teeth. He had lost again. It seemed that Du Anran was still one step ahead of him. He was being eaten alive.

He really did not know what he would do if this little woman married someone else one day... ...

Xin Zimo walked towards her while wading in the water. The water was really cold.

When she saw Xin Zimo walking over, Du Anran subconsciously stepped back.

"Why are you running! I'm not going to eat you! " Xin Zimo said coldly.

"How do I know you won't eat me... " Du Anran would not believe this beast's words.

"Come Ashore with me! " Xin zimo suppressed his voice. He could not stand it anymore. The water was like an ice cellar.

"Stay where you are and don't move. I'LL GO ASHORE MYSELF! " Du Anran was also cold, but she still had to maintain her dignity.

As expected, Xin Zimo did not move anymore. Du Anran looked at him suspiciously before slowly walking ashore.

"HURRY UP! " Xin Zimo's teeth were chattering. The current him really wanted to strangle du Anran to death.

When du Anran heard this, she ran to the shore without looking back. It was cold, really cold.

Once she reached the shore, she hurriedly took off her clothes and ran away. She couldn't be caught by Xin Zimo. If she was caught, her ending would be terrible.

When Xin Zimo saw that she had come to the shore, he came out of the water and couldn't help but sneeze a few times.

When he saw that she ran away, he looked at her back and sneered. No matter how fast she ran, could she run faster than a four-wheeled car?

He would slowly settle this debt with her.

He quickly went into the villa to change his clothes. After changing, he called for the driver. The driver drove the car to the entrance of the villa. Xin Zimo got into the car and instructed him to catch up to Du Anran.

Du Anran shook the water off her pants as she walked. WHAT POOR QUALITY WATERPROOF CLOTHES? Her pants and clothes were still wet. Now that the wet clothes were stuck to her body, it was really not pleasant at all.

She had suffered a lot, but the thought of being able to exchange for the Golden Plate Garden Project was probably worth it.

Just as she walked not far ahead, Xin Zimo's car stopped beside her.

Du Anran was frightened. Xin Zimo was the one who was haunting her. How could he follow her wherever she went.

Du Anran hid behind a big tree by the roadside. The car could not drive into the woods either. However, the car could not drive in, but Xin Zimo could.

Xin zimo waved his hand and signaled the driver to stop the car. He opened the car door and walked to Du Anran's side.

"What do you want... " Du Anran glanced at him, terrified.

"Give me the thing, " Xin Zimo said coldly.

"What thing? " Du Anran asked despite knowing the answer, but her hands subconsciously kept the brooch in her pockets.

"Brooch, " Xin zimo squeezed out these two words, his tone cold.

"I'm not giving it to you. " Du Anran shook her head, looking as if she was ready to die.

Xin Zimo had never been so patient. Seeing that she was not giving it to him, he could only snatch it by force.

"What are you doing! Don't touch me! Help! " Du Anran protected the brooch.

But she had never been Xin Zimo's opponent. After struggling for a while, the Brooch was snatched back by Xin Zimo. Du Anran pounced on him and wanted to snatch it back, but Xin Zimo grabbed her wrist.

"I threw it away, and you picked it up again. You really treat it like a treasure! "

Xin zimo looked at the brooch. It was really valuable. At this moment, under the sun, it shone with a little luster. However, the small regular script "thank you" on the back of the brooch seemed to be more dazzling than the sun, Stinging Xin Zimo's heart.

"This is my thing, what right do you have to throw it away! "

"because I don't like it! "

"there are so many things on the street that don't like it. If you don't like it, throw it away, beat it, and scold it! " Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo had always been this overbearing.

"I just don't like you! " Xin zimo looked at her coldly.

"return the brooch to me! Otherwise, I'll call the police! " Du Anran was really helpless.

"Go ahead, report it. "

"..."Du Anran lost again. How could such a shameless person be afraid of the police.

"What do you have to do to return the brooch to me? "

"Do you really care that much? " Xin Zimo admitted that she was jealous and sad.

"It's very important to me. " Of course, du Anran would not say that it was related to the Golden Plate Garden Project. He had abandoned the project and she had to find someone to bring it back. She also wanted to fulfill her father's last wish.

"Is it because it's a gift from Xie Chenjin's mother? " Xin Zimo said sarcastically.

Du Anran thought for a moment and looked up. "So what if it is? "

"Then don't even think about it! " Xin zimo threatened and wanted to destroy the brooch.

Du Anran immediately pounced on the Brooch. She could not destroy the brooch. If she destroyed it, there would be no one left to help her!

"This is mine, give it back to me! Xin Zimo, why are you like this? It's fine if you want your things back, but why do you want my things too? "

"Mine or mine, yours is mine too. " Xin zimo seemed to have declared his sovereignty.

He was much taller than her to begin with, so he looked down at her with an irresistible aura.

Du Anran went to grab the brooch. Xin Zimo turned his elbow backward, and Du Anran accidentally fell on his chest. Xin Zimo took advantage of the situation and hugged her, making her unable to move.

Du Anran had always thought that she had gone too far that night, and that he would definitely not want to see her again. She did not expect that he would still hug her now.

Xin Zimo had not hugged her for many days, and now that he was hugging her, he was a little absent-minded. When he lowered his head, her hair was still that light rosemary. It was so familiar, but there was a great sense of distance between them.