Chapter 243, we've already broken up

Du Anran reached out and snatched the brooch back from him. She held it tightly and refused to let go.

Xin Zimo saw that she cared so much about him and let go of her hand. Du Anran pushed him away.

"We've already broken up. It's not good for us to go our separate ways. " Du Anran looked at him with a cold gaze.

"break up? Did I agree to it? "

"It's not like we're engaged. There's no need for both of us to agree. Besides, you've already taken the ring. If worst comes to worst, I'll return all the bracelets, earrings, and wooden combs you gave me tomorrow. "

"return it to me? Fine, you want to settle the debt with me one by one, right? " Xin Zimo looked at her, and there was frustration in her tone.

"If you can settle the debt, then we'll settle it. "

Du Anran lowered her head. They had long been entangled with each other. How could they settle the debt with so many people. It was hard to tell who had given the most and who had given the least. They were all sincere in giving, but it was a pity that they had missed out on a lifetime.

"You know that you can't settle the debt. " Xin Zimo's tone immediately softened.

"The Xie family now has a better future than the Xin family. I'm just a good bird choosing a tree to live in. At the same time, you can choose someone else to be your wife. "I don't think there's anything wrong with that. This kind of snobbish society is too extravagant when it comes to love. " Du Anran's face regained its calmness "It's just like how I chose to be with you because you said that I have my eyes on the position of the Young Madam of the Xin family. "

Xin ZIMO's entire face turned pale. He wanted to say "get lost" to her, but in the end, he did not say it out loud.

He glanced at her and was finally angered by her. He brushed past her, closed the car door, and walked away.

Du Anran patted her chest. It was good that the brooch was still there.

She waited until Du Anran took the brooch to the jewelry store to have it cleaned. It looked like it was brand new, then she called Xie Chenjin.

Xie Chenjin was at the Xie bank at this time, but after receiving a call from Du Anran, he drove over without saying a word.

Du Anran even specially made an exquisite box for the brooch. Xie Chenjin opened it and saw that the brooch was intact.

"I've returned the brooch to you. How are you going to help me? " Du Anran felt that she was useless. She did not have the money to get the Golden Plate Garden Project. In the end, she had to find someone else to help her.

"Two weeks later, the Golden Plate Garden project will officially be put up for auction. You will represent the Xie family. Whether or not you can get it depends on you. I can provide sufficient funds. "

Xie Chenjin did not ask Du Anran what she wanted him to help her with. He said straightforwardly. He had long guessed du Anran's thoughts.

Du Anran did not expect Xie Chenjin to be so easy to talk to. But the question was, what identity did she have to represent the Xie family?

Previously, at the golf course, the scandal between her and Xie Chenjin had not been clarified!

"I represent the Xie family. It's not right and proper, " Du Anran said straightforwardly.

Xie Chenjin curved his lips into a smile. His smile was unfathomable.

He suddenly lowered his head and put the brooch on du Anran's coat collar. He did not expect it to be so suitable. It was natural.

When he lowered his head, he was very close to Du Anran. It was the first time that Du Anran could smell the faint scent of Xie Chenjin so clearly. There was no smell of tobacco. There was only a faint smell of lavender.

She remembered that this was the smell in his car. Every time she smelled it, it made her feel particularly relaxed and calm.

But this time, du Anran was a little flustered.

She took a few steps back. Fortunately, Xie Chenjin was quick. Before she was too far away, he helped her put on the brooch.

Under the sunlight, the brooch sparkled with a bright luster, especially the Sapphire, which was particularly eye-catching.

"You're afraid that your name won't be legitimate, so you can be the daughter-in-law of the Xie family. Anyway, my mother has already given you a present. " Xie Chenjin smiled.

Du Anran also smiled. "You're afraid that your parents will force you to go on a blind date again! Is this considered using each other? "

Xie Chenjin felt a strange bitterness in his heart when he heard her words, but after a while, it flashed across his mind like a shooting star.

"Yes, since we're using each other, then let's make it more realistic. " Xie Chenjin pretended to be relaxed.

"Life is like a play. It all depends on acting skills. Alright, then let's see which of us has better acting skills. " Du Anran agreed. She felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Anyway, it was a fake play. As long as outsiders looked like it, it would be a success.

However, from the looks of it, Xie Chenjin seemed to be more skilled. The last time at the golf course, those photos of him really looked like it.

If not for her unnatural expression, everyone would probably think that she and Xie Chenjin were a couple!

"My parents have been urging me to bring you home for a meal. Do you think we should express our feelings? "

"FOR A meal? No problem. But Xie Chenjin, let's make a pact. Other than the necessary acting, our relationship is nothing. "

Du Anran's expression was filled with determination. When Xie Chenjin saw it, he did not know why, but he felt a tinge of bitterness in his heart.

"Don't be in a hurry to cut ties with me. Maybe after a while, you'll fall in love with me! " Xie Chenjin laughed.

"NARCISSIST! " Du Anran burst out laughing.

This man was as narcissistic as Xin Zimo. was every handsome man so narcissistic!

"This brooch represents the Xie family. Remember to wear it when you go to my house. "

"got it. " Du Anran stuck out her tongue. That's right. If we take down Golden Plate Garden, what are our chances of winning? "

"It depends on your ability, " Xie Chenjin said. "However, there are only a handful of people in city a who have the financial ability to take down this project. "

"Then, do I have nothing to worry about? This business seems to be worth it. " She did not spend much effort to convince Xie Chenjin. However, it was a little difficult to act with him, but it was also good to train her acting skills.

"It's not worth it. Acting with me is not an easy deal, " Xie Chenjin said.

"then I'm willing to challenge you. "

In the eyes of Du Anran, Xie Chenjin's mother was still easy to get along with. In the end, this deal should be worth it.

Her efforts were not in vain. At least, the plans that she worked so hard to produce could be put to good use in the future. If Xie Chenjin could compromise a little more, she would follow her father's plan and her own ideas, and make the Golden Plate Garden Project into the best project.

"since you're willing to challenge me, my father will treat you tonight. Come over. "

Du Anran shook her head repeatedly. "No, I haven't gotten this project yet. "


Xie Chenjin's eyes were filled with a smile. Could it be that she hadn't changed her mind yet As long as she represented the Xie family to participate in this auction, wouldn't it be the same as announcing to the world that she was the daughter-in-law of the Xie Family?

"those who are close to the vermilion bird will be red and those who are close to the ink will be black, " Du Anran said.

"Oh... " Xie Chenjin did not expose her. He continued to "praise" her. "Alright, since you're not willing to come tonight, you must come when the project is in your hands. "

"When have I ever broken a promise? " Du Anran said.

She had always been the only one who had been stood up by others. When had she not kept her promise.

"Well, Miss Du is the most honest and trustworthy. " Xie chenjin smiled, but this smile looked particularly treacherous.

Xie Chenjin secretly scolded her for being a "fool. " In this world, those who should keep their promises and those who shouldn't should learn to give up on their own initiative. If one blindly adhered to principles, the one who would be hurt in the end could only be himself.

Du Anran did not know whether Xie Chenjin was speaking the truth or not. However, she still liked to listen to compliments, whether they were real or fake.

Those few days, Du Anran was full of energy. She kept going to all the famous gardens in city a and spent days and nights in the library reading related books.

Although she was not a professional, she firmly believed that there was nothing difficult in the world.

For this project, she even went to the museum to visit experts in ancient architecture. Most of the old experts were amiable and gave her a lot of pertinent advice.

Although these days were hard, it was very fulfilling. It was better than being Xin Zimo's "secretary" in the Xin family. As expected, she did not receive any anonymous messages anymore. She knew that Xie Chenjin still kept his promise.

Freedom felt good, but every sunny afternoon, she could not help but think of Xin Zimo.

How could she not miss him? She loved him... ...

When she missed him, she would open her small box. Inside the box was the treasure he had given her. Especially the Agarwood comb that she loved the most. The sunlight gently shone on the comb. She would always remember that when she was in London, he would personally brush her black hair.

One afternoon, she sat on the balcony of the Du residence and held a piece of paper to think about it. She always thought about how to make the classic and modern fit perfectly. She walked through all the buildings in city a, and she always felt that there was no building that could perfectly combine the two.

Either it was deliberately retro, or it was mechanically imitated.

"SISTER ANRAN! SISTER ANRAN! " Just as she sat on the balcony, Liu Wanwan stood downstairs of the DU residence.

Du Anran stood up and looked down. "Wanwan, why are you here? Don't you have to work today? "

"sister Anran, come down quickly! I asked for leave and came back! " Liu Wanwan shouted from below.

Du Anran saw her anxious face and did not know what had happened. The last time they parted at Wanjue, they had not had the time to meet.

Du Anran walked down the stairs and Liu Wanwan ran over as soon as she saw her.

"What's wrong? " Du Anran asked doubtfully.

"Sister Anran, I went to Sun Ping's house today and found this. What do you think this is? " Liu Wanwan took out an envelope from her bag. The envelope was not sealed and it was very thin inside. It seemed like there was something inside.

Liu Wanwan's face was anxious, and she looked uneasy.

"What is this? " Du Anran's first reaction was a love letter. No matter what, Sun Ping was young and promising, and there must be a lot of young girls who admired him.

Wasn't Lu Jia the same last time? Although Lu Jia and her mother were rather strange, at least it showed that Sun Ping still had something attractive about him.

Liu Wanwan handed the envelope to Du Anran and signaled her to open it with her eyes, but there was a complicated look in Liu Wanwan's eyes.

She had always been careless, but now she seemed to have something to hide. She suddenly became silent.