Chapter 248, innocence is at stake

"You don't know? Then... do you want me? " Cui Hao's voice was hoarse ...

His hand had already removed Chi Xue's little gown, and the little white gown was like a white lotus flower blooming on the ground. Cui Hao was experienced in the battlefield. He only dealt with Chi Xue a few times and made Chi Xue completely admit defeat.

"Don't... ah... " Chi Xue instinctively resisted. She seemed to still be a little clear-headed. What was she doing ...

"It's too late to say it now... " Cui Hao also untied his bow tie and took off his shirt.

Chi Xue resisted, but her whole body was weak, so she didn't have the strength to resist. Moreover, the heat in her body was spreading everywhere. Only when Cui Hao's hand passed by, she would feel better.

Slowly, she also gave up resisting.

After a night of indulgence, the entire suite was filled with an indescribable aura. Chi Xue lost herself in his skillful technique.

When the love was strong, Cui Hao leaned over her ear and said, "Chi Xue, say you love me... "

Chi Xue didn't know what she was doing. Cui Hao asked her to say the word "love" , so she murmured, "i... Love... You... "

Cui Hao was obviously very satisfied. He felt a sense of accomplishment after taking another woman. However, he still had a good impression of Chi Xue. The old man had always wanted him to put his heart into marriage. If Chi Xue was willing, they could get married. He would take responsibility.

If she was not willing, he would not publicize it. Although he, Cui Hao, was cynical, he still had some morals.

With this plan in mind, Cui Hao could not help but feel proud.

When everything finally stopped, Chi Xue fell asleep in Cui Hao's arms.

Cui Hao looked at the little woman in his arms and lowered his head to look at the red mark on the bedsheet. He felt a little sorry for Chi Xue. He hugged Chi Xue tightly, as if he didn't want to let go.

He felt that he had fallen in love with this woman. He actually had a feeling that he had never felt before. No matter how he looked at it, Chi Xue was a good marriage partner. She was highly educated, gentle and generous. If she could be in the hall, she could definitely be in the kitchen.

It was in line with his grandfather's expectations for his future daughter-in-law, as well as his choice of wife.

Cui Hao had never fallen in love with a woman like this before. He felt that it was a little funny.

He smiled alone and kissed Chi Xue's Red Lips.

Her body was no longer boiling hot. Instead, it was ice-cold. Cui Hao was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he covered her with the blanket.

The faint smell of orange perfume on her body made Cui Hao intoxicated. This kiss could not help but be a little intoxicating.

He gradually deepened the kiss. When he was with a woman, he, Cui Hao, would never take the initiative to kiss a woman. However, Chi Xue made him fall deeply into her and could not extricate himself.

Just when he wanted to take a step further, Chi Xue woke up. She opened her eyes in a daze.

When she opened her eyes, she was shocked.

Cui Hao Why was Cui Hao in her room!

"Ah! " Chi Xue cried out and pushed Cui Hao away. Her face instantly turned pale.

She already knew what had happened. She stared at Cui Hao like she had gone mad. Impossible, impossible, how could she do such a thing!

Now, her body no longer had that uncomfortable burning sensation. She suddenly seemed to understand something. She had been drugged.

She had not eaten anything. How could she have been drugged... ...

Throughout the entire red wine party, she was just drinking red wine and eating snacks like everyone else. Everyone was fine. Why did she become like this! !

"Don't be agitated, Chi Xue. I will take responsibility. " Cui Hao pulled her back.

Chi Xue's eyes were red, as if she wanted to eat someone. She did not know where she got the strength to push Cui Hao off the bed.

"It was you who drugged me, wasn't it? Beast, are you still human? " Chi Xue threw the blanket and pillow at Cui Hao.

She was sure that it was Cui Hao who did the good deed. This man was the only one who had been walking around her all night. He even tried to seduce her several times and asked her if she would be his girlfriend.

She had always been cold to Cui Hao. Moreover, she didn't like anyone except for Xin Zimo. Of course, she rejected Cui Hao without hesitation. She didn't think that she could escape from the hands of a good-for-nothing like Cui Hao. He actually drugged her directly.

"Don't misunderstand me. Although my character is bad, I need a woman who wouldn't use such despicable means! " Cui Hao was also anxious and shouted at Chi Xue.

In the past, it was always women who hooked up with him. He didn't need to hook up with other women.

No matter what, he was the son of the deputy commander. There were countless women who wanted to climb into his bed. Did he have to resort to such despicable means?

"Not to the extent? A man like you only looks at the pot from the bowl. Why don't you go to hell! " Chi Xue cried like a pear blossom in the rain.

She threw the cup in her hand at Cui Hao. Her innocent body was actually given to a playboy whom she had just known for less than a night.

How should she face Xin Zimo in the future... ... She kept saying that she loved Zimo, but now she was like this ! !

She wished she could kill Cui Hao and herself. All her efforts had been in vain. Her love suddenly became absurd and ridiculous.

She tried her best, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen. She hated herself!

"Clang! " With a crisp sound, Cui Hao couldn't avoid the cup that Chi Xue threw at him. His head was hit by the cup, and blood immediately flowed out.

"You! " Cui Hao, who had grown up with a golden spoon in his mouth, had never suffered such humiliation. He was also a little angry "I already said that I didn't do it on purpose! You were the one who was drugged and kept pestering me! And I also said that I will be responsible for you! "

Cui Hao knew that Chi Xue was different from other women. She was the daughter of Chi Jiawen. Chi Jiawen had made a name for himself in city a very early on, but later on, he went to England because of health reasons. At that time, his father was handpicked by Chi Xue's father.

Taking a step back, even if Chi Xue was alone in city a and living under someone else's roof, she was still living under the Xin family's roof. Of course, he was very clear about the status of the Xin family in City A.

Since he and Chi Xue had done such a thing, even if he didn't like her, he probably had to take responsibility.

Moreover, he still had a good impression of Chi Xue.

"Get lost, get lost! " Chi Xue roared. She had already lost her mind.

Chi Xue's hair was all over her face, looking as terrifying as chastity. Her face had lost all color, and now, it looked like a ghost.

Cui Hao stood up, but the blood on his head was still flowing!

He quickly used disinfectant alcohol to wipe the blood on his head. He shook his head repeatedly. He had never suffered such injustice in his entire life. His parents came late to have a child, and the family spoiled him like the Emperor. Not to mention bleeding, even wiping a piece of skin with a finger would make his heart ache for several days.

Chi Xue was not appeased at all when she saw Cui Hao. She kicked Cui Hao a few more times, and it happened to hit Cui Hao's heart. Cui Hao immediately squatted down and cried out, "AIYO! AIYO! ".

"Scum, beast! You will die a horrible death! " Chi Xue cursed. How could she have any sense now.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, she saw herself. Her whole body was covered with hickeys and her pale face.

She pushed the floor-to-ceiling mirror to the ground and smashed it with a sharp object. The mirror shattered with a few clangs, and the floor was covered with broken glass.

Chi Xue's hands were bleeding, but she still smashed the mirror with all her might.

"Crazy woman, you don't want to live anymore! " Cui Hao stopped wiping his own blood and quickly pulled Chi Xue back.

"Let go of me! " Chi Xue had mixed feelings. She couldn't even describe what she felt.

Xin Zimo... ... The man in front of her wasn't Xin Zimo ...

Why, why did the heavens tease her... ... They couldn't give her happiness, but they wanted to destroy her ...

She had been fighting for it. Why didn't they give her a chance!

"Calm Down, calm down. Let's have a good talk, " Cui Hao said, "besides, it was just a careless move. What era is it now? "

"What nonsense are you talking about? ! Who Do you think you are? ! " Chi Xue became even angrier when she heard Cui Hao's words.

She struggled to get rid of Cui Hao's arm, squatted down, and picked up a piece of sharp broken glass from the ground.

"DoN'T DO ANYTHING RECKLESS! Let's have a good talk! " Cui Hao was scared. Although he had seen a lot of things, this was the first time he had seen this kind of world!

He had never been so cowardly before. Chi Xue was the one who was drugged, and he... ... was just a convenient antidote ...

"Cui Hao, can I perish together with you? " Chi Xue walked towards Cui Hao step by step with the broken glass in her hand. Her face was already written with the words "facing death with ease" .

Chi Xue felt that she really did not care anymore. The only person she cared about was Xin Zimo, but with her current state, could she still marry Xin Zimo?

"NOT GOOD! Not Good! PUT DOWN THE GLASS! Let me tell you, if you feel wronged, you can marry me. We, we will go to collect the marriage certificate tomorrow! I, Cui Hao, have always kept my word. I will not treat you unfairly. "

Cui Hao's forehead was covered in sweat. Chi Xue couldn't really be upset, right Logically speaking, she had lived in England for so many years. How could she still be so conservative She was even more conservative than the girls of the 1970s and 1980s.

This kind of thing was nothing to him, the eldest young master Cui!

But now, he was riding a tiger. Once such a conservative woman made a crazy move, it was hard to imagine.

"marry you? Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror! " Chi Xue was also annoyed to say such words.

She had forgotten that even if Cui Hao was not a thing, he was still the young master of the deputy commander's family. If she said such words, it would be fine if Cui Hao was not angry. However, if he was angry, she, Chi Xue, would not be able to have a good life for the rest of her life.

If it was more serious, it might even implicate the Xin family.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm not a thing... " Cui Hao nodded repeatedly and was very docile.

He, the eldest young master Cui, did not have any other good qualities. He had a good temper, but his attitude towards women was true. After spending time with thousands of flowers, who would not praise Cui Hao for being popular.

He felt that women were made of water. When they were angry, they should be treated gently. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I really want to kill you and then kill myself! " Chi Xue approached Cui Hao and pointed the sharp glass peak at Cui Hao.