Chapter 247, alcohol mixed with drugs

"I don't believe it. " Tang nuanyan shook her head gently. "I don't believe that there's anyone better than Mr. Xin. "

She regretted meeting Xin Zimo late today. She didn't believe that there was anyone better than Xin Zimo.

"He's not better than me, but he knows how to take care of girls better than me. "

Xin Zimo himself admitted that his Eq was below average. Otherwise, he wouldn't have let du Anran walk away from him.

Didn't Du Anran always say that he had a bad temper? Another meaning of having a bad temper was that he didn't know how to take care of other people's feelings.

However, he had been changing, but du Anran did not accept it. Whatever, even if he did not accept it, he, Xin Zimo, did not lack women. He had not been so tired to change himself for a woman, and he had almost lost the Xin Group.

"Oh? Then I am quite curious, who could make Mr. Xin praise him so much? " Tang nuanyan asked.

"Xie Chenjin. " Xin Zimo spat out three words, and there was no emotion in his tone.

"CEO Xie? " Tang nuanyan probably knew a little about Xie Chenjin, but she did not know him well.

"It's him, the CEO of Xie Bank. " Xin Zimo took a sip of wine and said lightly.

Tang nuanyan shrugged. "I don't know him. "

"You can try to understand him. ''

Xin zimo looked at the wine in his glass. Du Anran, do you think you can live a good life in the Xie family How ridiculous.

"I'm not interested. " Tang Nuanyan said, "Mr. Xin, do you... have a girlfriend? "

"No, " Xin Zimo said. He knew that his mother must have said something to the ladies. In order to not let his mother lose face, he still denied it.

He wanted to openly admit that du Anran was his girlfriend and his fianc��e in front of everyone one day. But, was there still such a day?

Xin zimo sneered as if he was mocking himself. She was not willing to be his wife at all.

When the Xin Corporation was in danger, she took advantage of the situation and defected to Xie Chenjin. WHAT A VAIN WOMAN!

The words she said that night were still engraved in his heart. Whenever he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Later, when he saw that she could not go home, he hid under the Rose Rack and slept for a night. He wanted to open the door several times to carry her back and scold her, but in the end, he still stood on the balcony to accompany her for a night.

"Mr. Xin, since you don't have a girlfriend and I don't have a boyfriend, why can't we give it a try? Let's get to know each other better. Perhaps we're very suitable for each other? " Tang Nuanyan said.

Xin Zimo had really underestimated a girl who looked very introverted. He did not think that she would have the courage to say these words.

Give it a try Yes, Du Anran had already left him. Why was he still so persistent Even if he would not love Tang Nuanyan, the benefits that the Tang family could bring to him were countless.

This could be considered as fulfilling his mother's long-cherished wish!

Du Anran... ... When he thought of this woman, he gritted his teeth in hatred ...

"I hope you don't regret it. " Xin Zimo raised his head and downed the wine in his glass.

Tang Nuanyan felt a wave of joy in her heart. Did this mean that he had agreed She quickly shook her head. "I'll only regret it if I don't try. ''

Xin Zimo did not say anything else. No matter which aspect, he and Tang Nuanyan were very compatible. However, if he could never show his true side in front of a woman, then he definitely would not like this woman.

Just like the current him. In Tang Nuanyan's eyes, he must be elegant and graceful. However, only du Anran knew that he was wearing a mask in front of others. Only du Anran could easily take off his mask.

However, after wearing the mask for a long time, he naturally could not take it off. Since that woman was destined to be his pain for the rest of his life, then he would give up.

He was not young anymore. It was time for him to start a family.

However, he would not easily forget the pain that this little woman had brought him. In the future, he would let her slowly return it to him. He wanted to tell her that he, Xin Zimo, was not someone to be trifled with.

When Chi Xue heard Cui Hao's interesting story about her own road trip, she suddenly felt hot and uneasy all over her body.

At first, she thought that the heating was too much, so she wanted to go out and get some air.

"Miss Chi, are you not feeling well? " Cui Hao saw the panic in her eyes, and there was still some pain on his face.

"No, I'm going to the bathroom. Excuse me. " Chi Xue stood up and left the hall.

Chi Xue went straight to the rooftop after leaving the hall. Only there was a strong wind that could wake her up.

She was only wearing a small gown. When the wind blew on her body, it was cold and messed up her hair.

However, she felt cold, but she did not feel comfortable at all. There was a burning sensation in her body. This feeling was similar to when she was drunk in the past, but it did not feel like it.

Chi Xue desperately breathed in the cold wind on the rooftop, trying to drive away the discomfort in her body.

"Miss, is there anything you need help with? " A waiter walked over.

"No... " Chi Xue's voice was very weak when she opened her mouth.

"Miss, you don't seem to be feeling well. You can follow me to the suite upstairs to rest. Mr. Xin has booked many rooms in wanjue today. They are specially provided for guests to rest. "

Chi Xue nodded. "Alright, bring me there. "

The waiter supported Chi Xue. The discomfort in Chi Xue's body was deepening. This feeling was very strange and also very uncomfortable.

The suite was on the 19th floor. The elevator reached the first floor. The waiter carefully supported Chi Xue and led her to a very large room.

Chi Xue looked at the door number. 1906. She couldn't fall asleep here later. She had to go over again.

Cui Hao waited and waited but couldn't find Chi Xue. He was a little worried, so he went out to look for Chi Xue.

When he went outside, he asked the waiter and found out that she was not feeling well and had gone upstairs to rest. He didn't know if the waiter was exaggerating or if Cui Hao was too worried about Chi Xue, so he went to the 19th floor to see Chi Xue.

In the suite, Chi Xue opened all the windows in the room. The wind blew into the room, and the temperature of the room, which was originally heated, suddenly dropped to single digits.

However, Chi Xue still felt uncomfortable. It was as if there were countless tiny ants scratching her body. She had never experienced this kind of discomfort before.

When she saw herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, her face was already red. The wind could not take away the heat in her body, so she had to undo her dress.

When Cui Hao went upstairs, he asked the waiter for a room card, but when he opened the door, he was shocked.

Chi Xue lay on the bed with her clothes disheveled, and the wind from the window blew into the room. The room was very cold. Chi Xue gritted her teeth, as if she was enduring some kind of unbearable pain.

The hair on her forehead was wet with sweat. As soon as Cui Hao entered the door, he quickly closed the window for her.

"Why are you opening the window? You'll catch a cold! " Cui Hao said.

"Don't close it! " Chi Xue jumped out of the bed. Although the open window couldn't alleviate her pain, it was better to open it than to close it.

"It's winter now, and it's night. The window CAN'T BE OPENED! " Cui Hao said.

Chi Xue argued with him. During the argument, Chi Xue's hand touched Cui Hao's hand like a piece of charcoal suddenly touching a pool of clear spring water. Chi Xue actually had a kind of desire all over her body.

Cui Hao also felt her boiling hot arm. He frowned and his right hand touched Chi Xue's forehead. "Chi Xue, do you have a fever? "

His hand brought a different kind of feeling. Chi Xue, who was in a daze, actually moaned. That voice made Chi Xue and Cui Hao both stunned.

Chi Xue's body seemed to not be controlled by will. Cui Hao in front of her looked for a long time and slowly turned into Xin Zimo... ...

"Zimo... " she had not been able to talk to Xin Zimo for a whole night. At this moment, she was also hallucinating.

Cui Hao was stunned, and he immediately understood.

He had a good impression of Chi Xue tonight, but he didn't expect that Chi Xue had a man in her heart, and that man was Xin Zimo.

Although he was a good-for-nothing, this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Chi Xue was in a daze. Her mind was only filled with Xin zimo's every frown and smile, and her ears were filled with Xin zimo's voice.

"Zimo, can you let me hug you... " Chi Xue reached out and wrapped her arms around Cui Hao's waist.

This time, "Xin Zimo" actually didn't leave as usual. This made Chi Xue feel extremely gratified. She couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile on her face.

She rubbed against "Xin Zimo"'s chest and hugged her arms even tighter.

Cui Hao was experienced in the battlefield. He could understand Chi Xue's situation at a glance. She had been drugged. Cui Hao was used to being cynical. In addition, he had a good impression of Chi Xue. Now that Chi Xue had taken the initiative to climb up to him, he didn't plan to be a gentleman anymore... ...

Although it was inappropriate to take advantage of others'danger, Cui Hao did not think too much about it. It was such an open society now, it was fine to just play around.

Moreover, it was not like Chi Xue did not have a boyfriend. He also did not have a girlfriend, so there was nothing wrong with hanging out together.

It was just that Chi Xue kept calling out "Xin Zimo"'s name, which made him very uncomfortable. When he was with other women, those women wanted to treat him as their darling. How could they call out someone else's name when they were in bed.

However, although he was uncomfortable, he would feel better later.

When Chi Xue snuggled into Cui Hao's arms, her face was full of satisfaction. However, this did not reduce the heat in her body. The closer she got to Cui Hao, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Cui Hao caressed Chi Xue's exposed and smooth shoulders. He did not expect that this simple caress would trigger a huge reaction from Chi Xue.

"UGH... " Chi Xue buried her head in Cui Hao's chest and could not help but moan softly.

"Chi Xue, look who I am... " Cui Hao whispered.

"You... " Chi Xue raised her head. She was already unconscious due to the alcohol and the knockout drug. All she could see was a rather handsome face in front of her. "You are... Zimo... "

Cui Hao held her face and lowered his head. "take a closer look... "

"You... Cui... Hao? " Chi Xue only felt that there were two figures in front of her, but she didn't want to answer this question at all. She only knew that it was very uncomfortable... ...

"Yes, I am Cui Hao, not Xin Zimo. " Cui Hao hugged Chi Xue and carried her onto the bed.

"I don't know... how would I know... " Chi Xue was confused. She only knew that when this person's cold hand brushed past her body, she didn't feel uncomfortable anymore ...