Chapter 250, cruel and merciless

"Miss Chi, tell me something. Although I, Cui Hao, am a bit of a playboy, I am not an irresponsible person. You saw it yesterday at the banquet. I quite like you. "If you don't like me now, I think you can slowly cultivate your feelings. I can afford to wait. "

Cui Hao, on the other hand, was deeply in love, as if he was truly in love.

The true feelings in his eyes when he spoke could not be faked. It was a pity that Chi Xue did not seem to hear what he said.

Cui Hao knew that it was his fault and did not dare to force Chi Xue. However, this was not a solution.

The Sky slowly turned white. In the winter morning, everything was cold and desolate. Even a lively place like Wan Jue seemed exceptionally quiet.

Cui Hao was really forced into a corner. He simply picked up Chi Xue.

He did not expect Chi Xue to not resist at all and let him carry her. Her dull eyes looked ahead, empty and lost.

"I'll take you to the hot spring of Tianshan. " Cui Hao was only thinking of how to make up for Chi Xue.

Chi Xue didn't say anything. Cui Hao thought that this woman was too conservative, so he would be responsible to the end.

From the elevator on the 19th floor to the underground garage, Cui Hao took out his BMW. He put Chi Xue in the front passenger seat and wrapped her in a thick blanket.

The Sky had just brightened, and the surroundings had yet to wake up. Cui Hao drove Chi Xue to the Tianshan Hot Spring to let her relax.

When Xin Zimo left the suite on the 19th floor, he didn't go back to the auditorium on the 18th floor. Instead, he went directly to the villa on Huxin island. It was midnight at that time, and everything fell into a silent darkness.

When he went to the garage to get his car, he happened to see his mother coming downstairs. He was already sitting in the car. He wanted to leave, but mother Xin had already walked to his car.

Mother Xin knocked on the car window, and Xin Zimo had no choice but to open it.

Mother Xin had no intention of getting into the car. She only said calmly from the window, "I heard that Nuan Yan has a good impression of you. "

"Isn't that what you want? " Xin Zimo's eyes were looking straight ahead, and he did not look at mother Xin's face.

"Get along well with Nuan Yan. Nuan Yan is a good girl. "

"If her father wasn't Tang Zhen or the head of the military, would you think that she's a good girl? " Xin Zimo asked back, his eyes filled with coldness.

"I thought that after so many years in the business world, you would be able to weigh the pros and cons. I didn't expect that you would be worse off than before. " Xin zimo's mother's tone was calm, but there was an obvious reprimand in it.

She stood in the darkness in a Black Brocade Cheongsam. No expression could be seen on her face, but there were dark waves surging in her heart.

"Chi Xue is the daughter of the Chi family no matter what, yet you treat her like this. You're really ruthless, " Xin Zimo said in a deep voice. His deep voice sounded especially intimidating in the dark night.

At first, his mother asked him to go with her to find Chi Xue. When he opened the door, he did not believe what he saw. Although Chi Xue hated Du Anran and would occasionally play a little trick, she would not go so far as to get involved with another man at this time.

Later, when he saw the expression on Chi Xue's face, he was even more convinced that his judgment was correct. When he heard Chi Xue explain that she had been drugged, he understood everything.

Who else but his mother could have openly drugged the wine last night... ...

He could not help but recall that on the night of the New Year's Eve at the London villa, Chi Xue had once brought him a glass of red wine with medicine. The effect of the medicine was slow, but it was strong enough.

Fortunately, he had gone to Laidu Garden because of Du Anran's appointment. Otherwise, this kind of thing would have happened to him today.

It was probably because Chi Xue was not smart enough. His mother had given her a chance, but she had not been able to make good use of it. She had disappointed his mother, so she had turned to an orphan girl who was living under someone else's roof.

"If you blame me now, you will understand me in the future. " Xin zimo's mother's voice was light, like the sound of wind chimes in the dark night.

"Is that so? I don't wish for you to interfere in my personal matters! " Xin Zimo's words were harsh.

"This is not your personal matters. It is a major matter that concerns the entire Xin family and the Xin family! " Xin Zimo's mother spoke righteously.

"It's getting late. You should go home and rest early. You always say that I have forgotten the Chi family's kindness towards the Xin family. In reality, how could you remember it yourself? "

Xin zimo looked ahead, the corners of his lips curling into a sneer.

He started the car and did not look at his mother. He stepped on the Clutch and accelerator and drove into the vast night.

"ZIMO! " His mother shouted from behind and chased after him a few steps.

Her high heels knocked on the ground. The sound of "Dong Dong Dong" was particularly lonely. In this boundless night, it was lonely and lonely.

The car drove towards the villa on Huxin island. There were not many pedestrians on the road in the early morning. Only passing cars passed by occasionally.

Xin zimo lit a cigarette and focused his gaze on the road ahead. His heart felt like it was being ravaged by a flood, and his State of mind was extremely complicated.

It was true that he had never loved Chi Xue, but after all, he treated Chi Xue as his younger sister. Who would be willing to see such a thing happen to his younger sister... ...

Taking a step back, if it wasn't for the Chi family of the past, there wouldn't be the Xin family of today. His mother was really too much.

He didn't know how many tricks she still hadn't used, and he faintly felt some lingering fear.

If one day she used all these tricks on Du Anran, how would he protect Anran... ...

He did not expect that he would still think of him even though he had agreed not to fall in love with that little woman who had abandoned him.

He was really useless... ...

She had the Xie family by her side. In terms of strength, the Xie family after their revival was no weaker than the Xin family. Moreover, Xie Chenjin's mother seemed to like Du Anran very much. He had no need to worry about this!

But to hand her over to someone else just like that He was not resigned to it!

When he arrived at the villa, Xin Zimo took a shower and lay lazily on the bed. Many images filtered out in his mind. But the one who thinks most is du Anran... ...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

But at the thought of her terrible attitude that night, he could not help but want to grab her in front of a scold.

Yes, and she stood in the water in the cold, desperate to find the brooch that Xie Chenjin's mother had given her. He hates the thought of it. Does she care so much about other men You broke up with him so easily?

Xin Zimo pulled open the cabinet by the bedside and rummaged through it a few times. He found the diamond ring.

The diamond ring was still as beautiful as ever. Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful the diamond ring was, it could not hold her heart.

He held the diamond ring and stared at it intently. It seemed that the warmth and fragrance of her hand were still lingering on the diamond ring... ...

The next morning, Xin Zimo did not rush to the Xin Corporation. Instead, he gave Chi Xue a call.

As expected, Chi Xue did not pick up.

He had no choice but to find someone to check Cui Hao's cell phone number. When Xin Zimo called Cui Hao, Cui Hao was standing by Chi Xue's side.

He took Chi Xue to a hot spring. Throughout the whole process, Chi Xue didn't speak, nor did she move or show much expression, but at least she had calmed down and no more ups and downs.

Now, he got someone to buy a lot of beautiful clothes for Chi Xue. He was taking Chi Xue to bask in the sun on the recliner beside the hot spring.

"How is Chi Xue? " Xin Zimo's voice was low as usual.

"shh... She's asleep. I'll take good care of her, " Cui Hao said ...

"where are you guys now? " He was slightly relieved when he heard that Chi Xue was still fine.

If anything happened to Chi Xue, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life. He was furious when Du Anran and Jin Shaonan injured Chi Xue. If anything happened to her, he would definitely feel guilty.

"She's at Tianshan Hot Spring. Don't worry, she'll be fine. "

"Okay, tell me her whereabouts at any time, " Xin zimo instructed.

"got it, " Cui Hao said.

Chi Xue liked Xin Zimo. Logically speaking, Xin Zimo should be his love rival. However, he was not qualified to be Xin Zimo's love rival. Chi Xue would not even be willing to look at him.

When Xin Zimo arrived at the Xin Corporation, he realized that Tang Nuanyan was waiting for him in the lounge on the first floor. When Tang Nuanyan saw him, she smiled as usual. She was very ladylike and had the demeanor of a young lady.

When she came to the Xin Corporation, she attracted the attention of a group of men. They did not know when the Xin Corporation had recruited such a beautiful girl.

"Mr. Xin, I'm sorry to have come to visit you. I wonder if I've disturbed your work... " Tang Nuanyan said.

"No, I've just arrived at the Xin Corporation. "

Xin Zimo walked side by side with her through the first floor and went straight to the CEO's office on the thirty-sixth floor.

The first floor was instantly filled with commotion. Everyone Started Gossiping about the day as they watched the beautiful couple walk away side by side.

"I told you we wouldn't be lucky to have such a beautiful lady! " A boy said.

"Go back and take a look in the mirror. You should be burning incense if someone can marry you! A toad wants to eat swan meat, " a big sister teased him with a smile.

"Why do you say that every time a beautiful lady comes, she's always looking for the CEO? The Ouyang lady from last time was the same. "

"When you grow up to be like President Xin, pretty girls will come to look for you! This is a world that depends on your looks! "

"It's not just Miss Ouyang. There are countless beautiful girls who have come to look for the president. Let me count... ". ... This Miss Ouyang counts as one. The one who came today counts as one. Mi Li counts as one, anqi counts as one, Xiao Qingqing counts as one, the Chi family's miss counts as one, the beautiful female translator counts as one, the Japanese reception group counts as one, and.. ... ..

"I count as one too, it's just that CEO Xin never talks about me! " A little girl from the Public Relations Department at the front desk interrupted.

"Tsk, what kind of person are you? I reckon CEO Xin doesn't even know your name! " Everyone laughed.

"Look, CEO Xin has so many flowers and plants around him, but our CEO Xin is still single... " a little girl's eyes lit up.

"It's not your turn to be single, stop daydreaming! " Someone said.

"speaking of being single, you guys just forgot to count as a great beauty... " a programmer from the technology department said.

"Who? " Everyone said in unison.

"President Xin's ex-girlfriend! " A certain programmer said.