Chapter 251, a married woman

Everyone suddenly understood and said, "Oh. " A certain programmer immediately said, "among all the beauties, I still think that CEO Xin's ex-girlfriend is good-looking. This proves that CEO Xin's taste wasn't bad in the past. "

"everyone has their own merits! " Someone retorted. "I think all the beauties have different styles. It's hard to say who's good-looking, but the most charming one is definitely the popular movie star, Miss Mi Li! "

"I don't know if you've heard, but CEO Xin doesn't like his ex-girlfriend at all. He only got together with her because he wanted to use her. After using her, he immediately broke up with her. Wasn't there a period of time when everyone was talking about CEO Xin suing his ex-girlfriend in court? "

"Aiyo, we don't understand the grudges of the upper class. Let's just go back to what we were supposed to do! "

However, a little girl listened with interest. "No way? CEO Xin only looks a little cold. I didn't expect him to be so ruthless. "

"It's all hearsay. WHO KNOWS! "

The crowd immediately dispersed. Those who were supposed to write reports and those who were supposed to plan went to plan. The hall returned to its original state.

"This is my first time coming to the Xin Corporation. I didn't expect the Xin Corporation to be so big. " Tang nuanyan admired the man in front of her even more.

"It's just that you happened to see it in its glory. "

Probably only Xin Zimo himself knew that the Xin Corporation was currently short of funds, the project had failed, and all sorts of acquisition plans were in a mess.

"Mr. Xin is really too modest. "

Tang Nuanyan felt that this man had many advantages. He was elegant, polite, and serious. He was the perfect gentleman that she had always pursued.

"Miss Tang, is there something you need from me? ''XinnZii asked casually.

When he saw the admiration in Tang Nuanyan's eyes, he knew that he had deceived the little girl again. However, he could only act like a modest gentleman when dealing with outsiders. Moreover, it had been a long time since he had acted like a hooligan with a certain little woman, and it had also been a long time since he had been angered by a certain little woman.

When he thought of acting like a hooligan, he could not help but remember du Anran's aura again. He really missed her.

Tang Nuanyan saw the corner of his lips curve upwards, and her smile instantly captivated Tang Nuanyan. She felt that it was her great fortune to be able to get to know Xin Zimo.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to ask if you're free tonight. Let's go for a meal together? "

"Oh, just give me a call about something like this. There's no need to make a trip personally. "

"I just wanted to ask you personally. That would be more sincere, right? " Tang Nuanyan blinked and smiled.

"since Miss Tang is so sincere, I can't refuse. "

"Then I'll wait for you at the restaurant? "

"No need. Wait for me at home. I'll pick you up. " Xin zimo smiled and glanced at her.

These words melted Tang Nuanyan's heart. The so-called modest gentleman, gentle as jade, should be referring to someone like Xin Zimo, right?

Tang nuanyan nodded. "okay... I'll wait for you. "

After taking Tang Nuanyan for a short walk on the 36th floor, Xin Zimo handed her over to his secretary. In order not to disturb his work, Tang nuanyan obediently went to visit Xin Corporation with her secretary, no longer staying on the 36th floor.

When Xin Zimo entered the office, he immediately saw Du Anran's empty desk. She had been away from Xin Corporation for quite some time, but every time he entered the office, he still remembered her every frown and smile.

He remembered her tilting her head to read the report, he remembered her feeding the little fish, he remembered her sleeping on the table... ...

It felt good to have her by his side, but he just could not make her stay.

He wanted to see her every minute and every second, but she just could not wait to leave him every minute and every second. She told him, "I've had enough of you" ... ...

Xin Zimo's eyes suddenly filled with despair. She had had enough of him. It turned out that she had had enough of him long ago. It was he who had been overthinking things... ...

He walked to her desk. He wanted to find traces of her presence on her desk, but he could not see anything. She had tidied up everything, leaving nothing behind.

He could only walk back to his desk. At least there were still photos of her in the drawer.

In the photos, Du Anran was so gentle and generous. Xin Zimo's eyes were filled with a doting smile. He really wanted to see her... ...

But now that he was entangled with the Xin Corporation, he had no time to find her. He could no longer threaten her like before. With the Xie Corporation as her backer, any threat from him would be useless.

Just like that, he gave her up to someone else Just like that, he watched her walk into the Church with another man How could he be willing... ...

When du Anran was watering the flowers at home, she always felt uneasy. She felt that someone was badmouthing her. This feeling was really annoying. She couldn't even water the flowers properly.

With Xie Chenjin's help, her mother found a job as a private tutor. That person was Xie Chenjin's friend. Coincidentally, the children at home were learning the piano, and they couldn't find a good teacher, so Xie Chenjin recommended du Anran's mother to go.

Speaking of which, Du Anran was a little grateful to Xie Chenjin. At least, he had been helping her all along. Other than playing tricks on Xin Zimo, he treated her quite well.

Regarding her requests, he basically responded to them. His temper was also first-class. Patience, care, and concern. He did not lack anything.

She felt that she and Xie Chenjin both took what they needed. He helped her with whatever she needed, and she had to help him with whatever he needed.

However, this kind of cooperative relationship was still considered harmonious. However, Du Anran knew that one day, there would definitely be an injury between the Xie and Xin families.

She left Xin Zimo because she wanted the Xin family to prosper. Hence, no matter how good Xie Chenjin was to her, she hoped to see the Xin family gain a foothold in city a and not the Xie family.

Just as she was thinking, Xie Chenjin's car arrived at the entrance of the DU residence.

"Why are you here? Don't you need to go to work? " Du Anran put down the water bottle in her hand.

"My parents want to see their daughter-in-law. It's hard to disobey my father's orders! " Xie Chenjin got out of the car.

"To see my daughter-in-law! Wait a moment, I'm going to change my clothes. How long do I need to accompany her? How much acting skills do I need? " Du Anran looked at him and smiled.

"Don't change. By the time we get there, the sky will be dark. My parents will be anxious, " Xie Chenjin said. "As for acting skills... you have to put your heart and soul into it. Do you understand? "

"I don't understand. " Du Anran shook her head. If she put her heart and soul into it, wouldn't she have to put her heart and soul into it She wouldn't be able to put her heart and soul into it.

"You don't understand? Forget it if you don't understand. Anyway, you're an idiot. " Xie Chenjin pulled her into the car after he finished speaking.

"Who are you calling an idiot... Hey, wait, my door isn't locked! "

"How troublesome, go lock the door! " Xie Chenjin said helplessly.

Du Anran ran ran back to lock the door. After locking it, she turned around and sat in Xie Chenjin's car.

Xie Chenjin always drove himself and didn't hire a driver. Although Xin Zimo also drove himself, he would occasionally let the driver drive. Besides, Xin Zimo was too extravagant. He had several villas. In comparison, Xie Chenjin was much more frugal. Even now, he still lived in the small apartment that his grandparents gave him.

Thinking about it, Xie Chenjin was also a person who valued relationships. Why was he so immune to love He had always emphasized that love was a very vulgar thing... ...

Du Anran had a headache. It seemed that everyone was strange. Perhaps in the eyes of others, she was also quite strange.

"Just your parents? " Du Anran had to ask clearly before she could be prepared.

"Yes, just my parents. "

"Oh, your mother is quite easy to get along with. Your father... " Du Anran glanced at Xie Chenjin.

"ignore my father. His words are light. Just ignore him. "

Du Anran was sweating profusely. Xie Chenjin's father was at least the successor of the Xie family back then. He must have some boldness. However, before Xie Chenjin returned, he heard that the Xie family almost went bankrupt. Thinking about it this way, he probably did not have much boldness... ...

"I didn't even buy a welcome gift! " Only then did du Anran remember that she had neglected a very important problem. who asked her to not do such a thing!

"I've prepared it for you. It's in the trunk. " Xie Chenjin was very calm.

"You're quite attentive. You've prepared all the props for the acting! "

Xie Chenjin almost laughed out loud. What props... ...

"where's the brooch? Put the Brooch on. " Xie Chenjin looked at her collar.

Since the last time she found the brooch, Du Anran had always brought it with her in case of emergencies, such as Xie Chenjin's surprise inspection.

"Oh, okay. " Du Anran took out the brooch from her bag and put it on her collar.

"She looks like the daughter-in-law of the Xie family. " Xie Chenjin sized her up.

"If she passes your test, then your parents shouldn't be a problem. " Du Anran knew that Xie Chenjin was very picky.

"Let's get the certificate tomorrow. " Xie Chenjin smiled.

"What certificate? " Du Anran's mind was changing so fast that she couldn't react.

"marriage certificate. "

"I'm just acting with you, and then you help me get the Golden Plate Garden Project. There's no such thing as a certificate. Of course, if it's really necessary for acting, I don't mind getting a fake certificate. "

"getting a certificate is not eating you up. " Xie Chenjin frowned and rejected him again.

"getting a certificate means that I'm married. What kind of husband and wife am I to you? " Du Anran said angrily.

"Isn't it good to do fake things for real? " Xie Chenjin said.

"acting is acting, and life is life. The two can't be mixed together. "

"You can tell the difference clearly. " Xie Chenjin felt a little bitter in his heart.

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant they booked. Just as they were about to get out of the car, Du Anran received a call. She hurriedly took out her phone and took a look. It was Xin Zimo!

How long had it been since Xin Zimo called her Even she could not remember clearly.

When she saw Xin Zimo's name on the screen, Du Anran was stunned.

Xie Chenjin also saw Xin Zimo's name on her phone. A smile appeared on his lips. "ANSWER IT! "

Du Anran picked up the phone and didn't say anything. Both sides were silent for a few seconds.

"where are you? " Xin Zimo finally spoke first.

"I'm at the Xie family's house. "

"Come to the villa on Huxin island tonight. "

"You know my answer. " Du Anran didn't even bother to say the word "not going. " This guy was like an emperor every time. How could he still be entangled after breaking up... ...

"If you don't come, I'll have to ask Auntie to come and talk. "

"Xin Zimo, were you kicked by a donkey again? " Du Anran was really speechless. She had never thought that she could defeat a hooligan's ultimate move.

"I didn't kick you down, but I'M BEING SCOLDED! " Xin zimo said humorously.

"Who are you scolding? " Du Anran roared.

However, the other end of the phone had already hung up. Du Anran was furious. This kind of person would do anything. In the past, when he threatened her, didn't he also invite her mother to "Drink Tea" ?

He had seen through her weakness and knew that the person she was most worried about was her mother.