Chapter 262, the scene of the engagement

"Then Miss, please come back to the police station with us, " the traffic policeman said.

He was also afraid that Chi Xue would do something bad, hurt others and hurt himself.

"Don't worry about me! " Chi Xue enunciated each word clearly.

"Miss, MISS! "

Chi Xue swung her arm and left. The traffic policeman could only follow behind. However, they didn't walk far before they bumped into a BMW. A young man jumped out of the car.

"Chi Xue, didn't we agree that I would take you to climb the mountain today? Why didn't you come to my appointment again? " Cui Hao held Chi Xue's hand.

After searching for a long time, he finally found Chi Xue. These few days, he saw that Chi Xue was not normal. She was always in a daze alone, or she often spoke nonsense that he could not understand.

He did not know if that incident had triggered Chi Xue, but Cui Hao really could not understand. It was just a night of sleep. What was the big deal? Who cared about this now.

"I'm not in the mood, " Chi Xue said Lazily.

When the traffic police saw that someone finally came, they were relieved and handed Chi Xue over to Cui Hao. Then, they went on duty.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy again? Tell me directly what you want. I guarantee that you'll be happy. " Cui Hao felt that he hadn't been fooling around for so many years. He still had many ways to make people happy.

"Make me happy? If I want to kill someone, why don't you help me Kill Them? " Chi Xue said with red eyes.

"Little Xue, you can't joke about killing people. It's illegal to kill people. "

Although Cui Hao was cynical, he had never thought of killing people. Once he killed people, not only would his future be ruined, but his father would also be finished.

He had not enjoyed a good life yet, so he could not destroy the Great Wall.

"Who made you unhappy? Why are you so angry? " Cui Hao asked.

"I asked you to do me a favor. Will you help me or not? " Chi Xue looked at him.

"Say it. As long as it's not killing someone, I can help you do it! My young master Cui's ability is still obvious to everyone, " Cui Hao bragged.

"Come back with me. I want to show you something, " Chi Xue said slowly. She revealed a mysterious smile, and her eyes regained their luster.

A few days later, Du Anran received Liu Wanwan's engagement invitation. It was personally sent by Liu Wanwan.

Looking at the red invitation with peony noodles, Du Anran was both happy and sad. She had grown up with Liu Wanwan since they were young. was she going to get engaged just like that?

"Sister Anran, you have to come earlier when the time comes. Help me to refer to it. " Liu wanwan revealed a rare shyness on her face.

"Of course, I'll come over earlier to accompany you. Has Sun Ping been busy recently? Have you taken your wedding photos? " Du Anran smiled.

"He's still the same, but... I've heard that he resigned from the Xin Corporation... " Liu Wanwan bit her lip as she spoke, her voice getting softer and softer ...

"So what if he resigned? It's pretty good. What future does he have with Xin Zimo? He still has to suffer every day. "

"Sister Anran, have you really let go of that beast? " Liu wanwan still couldn't believe it.

"I haven't been in contact with him for a long time. He changed women as if they were clothes, and he has long forgotten about me. In fact, there aren't many cases of love that are as precious as gold and stone. It's only love that can be settled on a whim. "

Liu Wanwan was afraid of touching du Anran's wound, so she quickly changed the topic. "Sister Anran, I've also invited President Jin. Do you think he can rush back from abroad? "

Liu wanwan still remembered that they bumped into each other when she first met Jin Shaonan. At that time, the food had splashed all over her body. Now that she thought about it, she was quite emotional. Time passed really quickly.

"I called him a few days ago. He said that he's going to stay in London for a long time, and the matter hasn't been settled yet. "

"Ah? I really want him to come back... " Liu Wanwan said with disappointment, "President Jin is such a good person. Whether it's as a friend or as a boss, I'm very grateful for his meticulous care of me. I really hope that he can stay in the country when we get married... "

"When you get married, you have to inform him in advance. By then, he will rush back no matter how busy he is. "

"Sister Anran, since you broke up with that beast, I actually still want you to be together with President. " Liu Wanwan said what she was thinking.

"Shaonan has always given me warmth. I can't convert this warmth into love... " Du Anran sighed.

Liu Wanwan seemed to understand, but she only nodded slightly.

Liu Wanwan's engagement party was held as scheduled. Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan originally planned to keep everything simple and hold a big party when it was time for the official wedding.

However, Sun Ping's new owner, Zhang Cheng, refused. Zhang Cheng felt that whether it was an engagement or a wedding, it had to be grand and glorious. He even talked about how grand his engagement was.

Sun Ping only smiled because everyone in city a knew that Zhang Cheng had made his fortune by relying on his mother-in-law. Wasn't his engagement grand and glorious the same as his mother-in-law's.

However, in order not to offend the new owner, Sun Ping still adopted Zhang Cheng's suggestion and held a big one.

Zhang Cheng could be considered to be loyal. A few days before the engagement, he gave Sun Ping a year's bonus, a total of seven figures.

Because the engagement ceremony was big enough, Liu Wanwan invited Du Anran to be the bridesmaid. Sun Ping's best man was a young colleague of Hua Yuan.

As a former boss, Xin Zimo was also invited by Sun Ping. Xin zimo originally did not intend to come, but he knew that Du Anran would definitely go, so he did not think too much about it and came over.

After Sun Ping left, he did not hire a new secretary. Firstly, he did not have such a plan. Secondly, he really did not know who could replace Sun Ping.

Sun Ping understood all of his habits, his emotions, and even ordered what he ate every day.

However, such a capable assistant, almost a brother, left him silently, leaving the Xin Corporation.

Xin Zimo did not recover after many days. Just like how Du Anran left him, he was not prepared at all.

Now, Sun Ping was engaged. A year ago, he was still laughing at him for not being able to find a girlfriend. However, so soon, Sun Ping found his happiness. As for him, his life was still in such a mess. There were beautiful women like clouds surrounding him every day, but none of them could make him have any thoughts of getting married.

He had only proposed to one person, but that person had abandoned him.

There would come a day when he, President Xin, would be abandoned by someone. Even he himself felt that it was laughable.

At the engagement party, Xin Zimo saw du Anran as he wished. Du Anran, who was wearing a white dress, stood beside Liu Wanwan, who was wearing a wedding dress. Her face was filled with a very sincere smile, like Gardenias, emitting a strong fragrance.

Ever since he was chased out of the DU residence by her last time, he had not seen her for a while. He was angry that he did not want to see her anymore, forcing himself to forget her. But the more he wanted to forget, the more this longing wrapped around him like Ivy, forcing him to be breathless.

The entire engagement ceremony was sacred and dazzling. When Sun Ping put the ring on Liu Wanwan's hand, a few tears appeared in Xin Zimo's eyes.

He had prepared a lot of words that he wanted to say, but could he still say them to her in this lifetime?

His gaze had been fixed on Du Anran, who was sitting at the side. Occasionally, Du Anran would turn her head and see Xin Zimo sitting at the banquet.

He was still the same as before, surrounded by countless rays of light. Even though he was wearing a very low-key and ordinary black coat, his aura allowed her to find him easily in the crowd.

Du Anran knew where he was sitting, and later on, she stopped looking in that direction. She sincerely wished Liu Wanwan well and watched Sun Ping put the ring on her hand.

At that moment, she subconsciously touched her ring finger, but the ring was long gone... ...

Xin Zimo also saw her tiny action and his heart suddenly ached.

Halfway through the engagement ceremony, the emcee made a small game. She asked the groom and bride to choose five single boys and girls, and gave them ten words. She asked the ten people to write down the first word they saw on the paper, and after they finished writing it, they would announce it. Those who wrote the same words, even if they had a telepathic connection.. If they needed to perform and drink, of course, they would also receive a red packet.

After Xin Zimo heard it, he thought to himself, "childish. " But soon, he heard Liu Wanwan was the first to mention Du Anran's name.

Du Anran was Liu Wanwan's best friend in City A. OF COURSE, the first person she chose was Du Anran to play the game.

Sun Ping chose two or three colleagues who were about the same age as him but were also single. When Liu Wanwan had chosen all five girls, Sun Ping was still having trouble choosing the fifth person.

Actually, he was hesitating whether he should invite Xin Zimo, but he thought that Xin zimo would definitely not want to play this kind of game. Of course, he also could not imagine what it would be like for the Prim and proper CEO Xin to play games.

While he was hesitating, the emcee urged him.

He decided not to invite Xin Zimo. After all, he was the one who had asked Du Anran to leave Xin Zimo. It was best that the two of them did not get involved anymore.

However, he did not expect Xin Zimo to come up on his own. Du Anran and Liu Wanwan were also surprised.

"You only want to be single, right? " Xin Zimo asked the emcee casually.

"Yes, as long as you're single. " The emcee smiled.

Xin Zimo also wanted to see if he and Du Anran had the so-called telepathic connection. The game was very childish and did not have much credibility. However, he stubbornly wanted to know if there was still a tacit understanding between him and Du Anran.

Of course, he did not want to see du Anran with other people during a performance like drinking a cup of wine.

Xin Zimo, who was standing on the stage, kept looking at Du Anran. He was originally good-looking and attracted the attention of many girls below the stage.

Du Anran deliberately avoided Xin Zimo's eyes. She sometimes looked at the big screen, and sometimes looked at the audience. In short, she did not look at Xin Zimo.

Later, she would definitely not write the same words as Xin Zimo, although sometimes there was an invisible telepathy between them.

Just like that time at the London airport, when all the beads in her hands were scattered on the ground, something happened to him.

"Okay, is everyone ready? Let's begin the first round of the game. " The emcee looked at the ten people and pressed the PPT switch button in his hand.

The big screen appeared with flowers flying all over the sky. After the flowers fell, ten words appeared: If, love, still, stay, place, you and I, turn the corner, will, meet again.