Chapter 261, equal status

Du Anran could already feel that Chi Xue's temperament had changed drastically. She did not know if she was the only one being targeted.

"I don't know whose daughter you are. You are so uneducated. However, my daughter-in-law doesn't need others to tell her what to do. " Mother Xie looked at Chi Xue with a strong sense of warning in her eyes.

However, Du Anran felt a little guilty. The more mother Xie protected her, the more guilty she felt.

She and Xie Chenjin were just faking it. If one day mother Xie found out, would she strip her skin, pull out her tendons, and drink her blood... ...

The first time she met Mother Xie, she felt that she was a very kind and amiable woman. The second time she accompanied mother Xie to dinner, she felt that she was a good wife and mother. Now, the third time she met Mother Xie, she saw the domineering aura of a strong woman from mother Xie.

She did not expect mother Xie to protect her so much. They had only met three times.

"I don't have manners? I'm reminding you out of kindness. If you find out in the future, it will be too late... " Chi Xue gloated.

"Shut up! " Mother Xie shouted, "Go back to where you came from. If I find out that you bullied anran again, don't blame ME FOR BEING RUDE! "

Du Anran was like a little rabbit that was being cared for. She stood at the side and lowered her head slightly. When the sun shone on her, she actually felt a kind of warmth.

She really liked this kind of warmth, this kind of warmth that was protected by her family.

Mother Xie was like her mother. At this moment, she almost wanted to acknowledge mother Xie as her godmother. Unfortunately, she and Xie Chenjin were just acting. In the end, she had no fate with mother Xie.

The dejection that she had been feeling for many days was like the smog in the sky at this moment. It was blown away without a trace.

"All of you bullied me by being alone. All of you bullied me by living under someone else's roof... " Chi Xue's eyes turned red again. She cried out loud.

More and more people were watching on the street. It was as if Chi Xue had been beaten up by an evil person.

Du anran quickly whispered to mother Xie, "Auntie, let's go! "

"Xiaoye, clean up the aftermath, " mother Xie said to the man who had just helped du Anran, then left with Du Anran.

In return, Du Anran played with mother Xie for a whole day. Mother Xie liked jade, so she took du Anran to pick out jade and Hetian jade.

"Anran, what do you think of this pendant? " Mother Xie pointed at a piece of jade in the glass cabinet.

Du Anran did not understand, but she nodded patiently, "it looks good. "

"This lady really has good taste. This is Hetian jade seed material. The color is bright and the surface is smooth. It is carved with a guardian beast, which can protect the safety of the family, " the salesgirl said.

Du Anran did not understand. She just thought that it was very beautiful, but the price was really amazing.

"Anran, do you like it? " Mother Xie said with a smile.

Every time Du Anran met Mother Xie, mother Xie would give her a lot of gifts. She quickly shook her head. "Auntie, there's no need. This jade is too expensive... "

"This kind of jade can protect its owner. Look at you. You're bullied every time you go out. " Mother Xie looked at her and smiled dotingly.

"Auntie, it was just an accident... I had some small conflicts with her in the past... " Du Anran lowered her head ...

"This golden honey bracelet is not bad. If you think that jade is expensive, take this. Jade is not expensive or cheap. The price is only for outsiders to see. The most important thing is to like it, " mother Xie said patiently.

Du Anran was indeed an amateur. She did not know the goods, but she could not ask for anything from mother Xie anymore.

She shook her head. "Auntie, you really don't have to give it to me. It's too wasteful. I have some gadgets at home. Although they can't be compared to these, it's still quite interesting to wear. "

"It looks like you really don't want it. Alright, let's go and eat. Don't reject me this time, " mother Xie said with a smile.

"okay, I like eating the most. I'm good at this! " Du Anran held mother Xie's arm.

They walked on the street intimately. Mother Xie was really beautiful and elegant. Many people thought that she and Du Anran were sisters.

As they walked and chatted, Du Anran suddenly asked Mother Xie a question that she had always wanted to ask.

"Auntie, I don't know if you understand. My family is just me and mother. We don't have any money or family background. Actually, I've always wanted to ask, if Xie Chenjin marries me, do you really not mind? "

What du Anran wanted to say was that no matter which financial magnate or company, they all wanted to find a daughter-in-law who was of equal status. This would not only be good for the company, but it would also be good for the family.

No matter what, the Xie family was a prestigious family. There was no profit to be gained from marrying her.

Du Anran really wanted to hear what mother Xie thought. At least in her eyes, Mother Xin would definitely think so.

However, she always felt that mother Xie was different from Mother Xin. Mother Xin was a realist, but mother Xie was more like an idealist.

"To be honest, life is not romantic. Even if Cinderella married into a rich family, she would not understand the life of a prince. "But you are different. First, your life is not much different from Chen Jin's. Second, Chen Jin likes you. "A mother hopes that her son can live well, not only materially, but also spiritually. "If he can only choose one of the two, I hope that he can find a wife who knows and loves each other, because the Xie family does not lack money and status. "If Chen Jin regrets it for the rest of his life, I will also feel heartbroken

"You really love Chenjin very much and treat him as your beloved son, not a tool. "

Du Anran was very grateful to her mother for being able to say such heartfelt words to her. She also understood that Xie Chenjin held a very important place in her heart.

"Chenjin's happiness is my happiness. I hope he can be happy forever, " Mother Xie said.

Du Anran was very touched by what she heard, but she knew that the Xin family was different. Not only was mother Xin different, but there were also many aspects.

"Anran, Chenjin really likes you. The Way He looks at you is different. "Ever since he was born, this is the first time I've seen him look at a girl like that. Although when he was with you, I couldn't hear him saying sweet words, but you must remember that he definitely likes you, " Xie said sincerely.

"I... " Du Anran wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to say. It was impossible for Xie Chenjin to like her. They were just acting and taking what they needed. Maybe Xie Chenjin's acting skills were better!

"Come to the house more often. I heard that you play the piano well. Let's discuss it. "

"Auntie... If one day, I mean if... Xie Chenjin and I break up... " Du Anran said bluntly. The beneficial relationship between her and Xie Chenjin would end one day. She was afraid that when the time came, Xie Chenjin's mother would really be disappointed.

"really? I'm not ready yet. But don't say such things. As long as you are willing to be the daughter-in-law of the Xie family, Chenjin will not break up with you. " Xie Chenjin's mother seemed to know her son very well.

Du Anran lowered her head. It was not that she would not, but she would definitely.

On the street, Chi Xue dragged her heavy and lonely steps. Her eyes were unfocused, and her hair was messy. The sunlight shone directly on her body, dragging her shadow for a very long time.

It was already early spring, but it was chilly. She was wearing only a sweater and felt very cold. She could not help but slightly cross her arms.

Her mind was blank. Why Did du Anran easily get happiness, but she still could not get it... ...

"Don't touch me, don't touch me... " she mumbled, her mind in a trance.

"I want to kill you, kill you... " she murmured again.

Suddenly, a car came to an emergency stop behind Chi Xue.

"Are you walking without looking at the road? Are you blind? How dare you walk in the middle of the road! " The person in the car stuck out his head and scolded.

Chi Xue stopped when she heard someone scolding her. A sense of hatred appeared in her eyes. Why did everyone in the world want to hurt her? Why... ...

"Are you leaving or not? If you don't, I'll hit you with my car! " The driver was obviously impatient. He threw the cigarette butt out of the car window and cursed at Chi Xue's back even more.

Some cars behind also became impatient and kept honking their horns.

Chi Xue was stunned for a few seconds. She suddenly turned her head and glared at the driver.

"You want to hit me to death too? Are you in cahoots with Du Anran? Did she bribe you? Hire a murderer? "

The driver did not understand what she said and scolded loudly, "you're blocking the road, do you know that? ! "

"If you have the ability, then just hit me! " Chi Xue said, "If you hit me to death, then I'll be a ghost to pester you! "

"CRAZY! " The driver cursed.

The sound of Horn honking came and went from behind. The traffic police in the distance had no choice but to come over to maintain order. They saw Chi Xue standing alone on the road and forcefully pulled her away.

"Miss, please make way. You can't stand in the middle of the road and obstruct the traffic. " The traffic police's tone was very gentle.

Chi Xue was forcefully pulled and couldn't move. She could only watch as the scolding driver drove away.

"Don't bother about me! I just like standing on the road and letting them hit me! They don't have the ability to hit me! " Chi Xue shouted at the police.

"Miss, please calm down. We need to follow the traffic rules. "

"I respect the rules. Who Will respect me? "

"Miss, let us send you back. Please give us your family's cell phone number. " The traffic police thought that Chi Xue was drunk, but they could not smell the alcohol.

"family? I don't have a home... I don't have a home... my parents are in trouble... I'm an abandoned child... " Chi Xue cried as she spoke ...

Why did the heavens treat her like this? The only person she could rely on, brother Zimo, would no longer care about her. Auntie would no longer love her. Even she despised herself... ...

"What about your friends? We'll help you find your friends. " The traffic policeman was helpless. This girl seemed to have been provoked.

"friends? Are there any friends in this world? However, they're all people who come to cling to you when you have money. If you have no money, they'll kick you away. Who would believe in friends? "

The traffic policeman was helpless. He could only explain, "Miss, don't be so desperate. There must be someone who treats you sincerely. "

"My parents... they treat me well, and only they treat me well... I don't know anyone in City A. "