Chapter 260, making trouble for no reason

Early the next morning, the headlines of the financial and entertainment newspapers were all about the auction of the project yesterday. Hua Yuan was undoubtedly the headline of the entire headline, attracting a lot of attention.

However, there were still quite a number of photos that were secretly taken, which made people talk about it with great interest. Gossip was everywhere, and there were many different opinions.

One was about Sun Ping standing next to the president of Hua Yuan Group. This photo confirmed the rumor that Sun Ping had long left the Xin Corporation.

The other was a photo of Xin zimo bringing commander Tang's daughter to the hotel. In the photo, the two of them were wearing sunglasses, but commander Tang's daughter was holding Xin Zimo's arm. The two of them were talking and laughing, and one of them was very intimate when she lowered her head.

There was also the scene of Xie Chenjin and DU anran being photographed in the car. Because of the many reporters surrounding them, Xie Chenjin deliberately protected Du Anran and did not let her be exposed to the cameras. Therefore, there were all kinds of speculations about Xie Chenjin's female companion.

It had been a long time since du Anran's family had subscribed to a newspaper, but she quickly saw the news and photos online.

She was originally the person involved, so she did not have much interest in the gossip.

She locked herself in the House and did not want to go out or eat. After yesterday's events, she looked like she had lost a lot of weight and had no desire for anything.

She looked at the design and manuscript of the Golden Plate Garden Project and suddenly felt like crying.

This project had been taken away by Hua Yuan. Soon, if Zhang Cheng cleared all the joints, the project would start... ...

These plans would be useless. Her hard work and hard work looked ridiculous.

She smiled bitterly and put all the things related to the Golden Plate Garden Project into the box. When she opened the box, she saw all her memories, earrings, bracelets, wooden combs... ... And the amber stone that Han Yuan had given her ...

The Butterfly in the amber stone was alone, just like her.

She could not help but think of a poem on the porcelain of the Tang copper official kiln: "I am far away from Jun, and Jun is far away from me. ".

She was not worthy in the end.

When she locked the box, du Anran looked up at the ceiling and did not let her tears fall.

The next time Du Anran saw Chi Xue, it had been many days since she lost the Golden Plate Garden Project. That day, she was shopping by the roadside when she saw a middle-aged man holding a monkey on the street.

Du Anran did not hate monkeys, but she was afraid of monkeys, so she kept her distance.

It turned out that the middle-aged man was a beggar. He brought the monkey out to swindle money. The monkey's fur was scalded until there was not a single piece left. Moreover, this monkey was held by an iron chain. It was bony and its eyes were begging.

The middle-aged man reached out to ask Du Anran for money. Du Anran knew that he was a swindler. Once you did not give money, he would let the monkey jump on you and not let you go.

Du Anran was a little scared, so she took out ten yuan from her wallet and gave it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man waved his hand without raising his head, his face full of disdain.

Du Anran felt that ten yuan was not a small amount. She threw the money to the middle-aged man and ran away in a hurry.

She turned around and bumped into Chi Xue. Chi Xue was afraid of falling, so she subconsciously pushed du Anran. Du Anran slipped and fell behind.

The middle-aged man with the monkey had not left yet. He originally wanted to follow Du Anran with the Monkey. When du Anran was about to fall, the monkey pounced on her.

"Ah! " Du Anran screamed. She was so frightened that she covered her eyes.

Suddenly, a man walked out from beside her and blocked the monkey with a punch. His eyes were filled with murderous intent. He shouted at the middle-aged man who was playing with the Monkey, "if you don't leave now, I'll call the police! "

When the middle-aged man saw that a man had come, he embarrassedly led the monkey away. Before the monkey left, he would turn his head from time to time and bared his teeth.

"Miss, are you alright? " The young man helped Du Anran up.

"I'm fine, thank you. " Du Anran was still in shock and patted her chest.

"It's good that you're fine. Swindlers like this are clearly prohibited. In the future, if you see them, stay away from them, " the man reminded her.

Du Anran nodded and her gaze happened to meet Chi Xue's.

She had not seen Chi Xue for a long time. This time, when she saw her, she did not expect that Chi Xue had changed.

In the past, no matter how unhappy Chi Xue was, her face would carry a sense of pride. Sometimes, she would smile very sweetly, and sometimes, she would act coquettishly. However, she had never seen coldness on Chi Xue's face.

This word should belong to Xin Zimo. However, at this moment, Du Anran saw it on Chi Xue's face.

Chi Xue was wearing a long skirt, the hem of the skirt extended all the way to her ankles, and her upper body was only wrapped in a thin sweater. She looked very casual.

Even her hair was scattered over her shoulders, and she did not wear any makeup. She looked like a woman who had just woken up.

Du Anran smiled at her, turned around, and was ready to leave.

"You bumped into me the moment you saw me. How Much Do you hate me? " Chi Xue pulled her back, and there was a fierce look in her eyes.

Du Anran felt that Chi Xue was being unreasonable. She suspected that she had taken the wrong medicine again today and did not want to provoke her.

However, it was indeed her who had accidentally bumped into her. Du Anran hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I was careless. "

"Do you also think that I'm funny? Very pitiful? But no matter how pitiful I am, I won't allow you to bully me! " Chi Xue muttered to herself a lot, chattering non-stop.

Du Anran decisively felt that Chi Xue had taken the wrong medicine today. No matter how much she had targeted her in the past, she would not shout in public like this.

She almost did not recognize Chi Xue's outfit today.

Du Anran could not guess why Chi Xue was so out of control, but she thought that it was probably because of Tang Nuanyan's matter.

Now, the person beside Xin Zimo was Tang Nuanyan, commander Tang's daughter. Her status was much higher than Chi Xue's. Chi Xue was feeling inferior?

But didn't mother Xin Dote on her She still had hope of becoming the young lady of the Xin family. There was no need for her to target a person like her who had nothing!

Did Chi Xue not understand the situation? Now, it was not her who was fighting for Xin Zimo, but Tang Nuanyan.

However, Chi Xue could not win against Tang Nuanyan. If she dared to touch Tang Nuanyan, she would die even faster. Thinking of this, she might have been too angry and had nowhere to vent, so she came to provoke du Anran.

Du Anran knew that a woman in this state could not be provoked. She pushed Chi Xue away and said, "I'm sorry, I have something to do. "

She did not expect Chi Xue to pull her away and slap du Anran.

Just when Du Anran thought that she could not dodge, the man who had helped him just now held Chi Xue's hand like the wind.

"Miss, if you have anything to say, say it properly. " The man emphasized the last three words.

Chi Xue's hand was in so much pain that her face turned pale. Today, her face was already pale, but now, she was more like a ghost. She was terrified.

The early spring sun shone in her eyes, shining faintly.

At this moment, Du Anran only thought of one word: A resentful woman.

"Let go of me, you don't need to care about me and her affairs as a passerby! Du Anran, tell me, have you always wanted to harm me? To Take Revenge on me? You just can't stand to see me get better, can you? " Chi Xue yelled at Du Anran.

Du Anran had previously thought that Chi Xue was a little scheming. She did not expect that after not seeing her for so long, she would become paranoid again.

She wanted to harm her Was there a need for that?

"Chi Xue, ask yourself, have I ever harmed you Who was the one who pushed me into the sea in London back then I have never treated you as a target for revenge, but you refused to let me go. Today, I accidentally bumped into you. It was my fault, but do you have to make a big deal out of it?"Du Anran felt that Chi Xue was becoming more and more unreasonable.

She used to think that Xin Zimo was a little jealous that he would marry Chi Xue, but later, Xin Zimo told her that he had never loved Chi Xue and was only thanking the Chi family for their kindness.

Hence, she had never treated Chi Xue as a love rival.

"You didn't hurt me? Are you sure you didn't hurt me? Back then, you and Jin Shaonan knocked me to the ground and almost cost me my life. How could you forget that? "

Chi Xue had recently been feeling unwell and had gone to the hospital for a check-up. She only found out that the people who had injured her that night were Du Anran and Jin Shaonan. Xin Zimo had kept this matter a secret from her for more than half a year.

No wonder du Anran had kindly given her blood. It turned out that she was the culprit!

"since you know, let me say something as well. Shaonan and I did not expect to hit anyone that night. Shaonan has always been careful when driving, and there was no mistake that day. It was you who suddenly ran a red light and turned into our line of sight. "Of course, human lives are the most important. We admit our mistakes, " Du Anran said.

"You admitted it yourself, and you still say you didn't hurt me? I'm going to sue you and Jin Shaonan together! I'm going to sue your family! " Chi Xue's tone was ruthless.

"Chi Xue, are you crazy? " Du Anran said casually.

"whose family are you going to sue to death? "

Suddenly, a stern and cold female voice sounded from behind. A well-maintained woman walked out from a low-profile Porsche. It was impossible to tell her age at all.

The woman wore sunglasses, but du Anran recognized her at a glance. She was Xie Chenjin's mother.

"Madam. " The man who had helped du Anran bowed.

Du Anran lowered her head embarrassedly. It was too embarrassing. She had quarreled with Chi Xue on the street and almost got into a fight.

However, it was not her fault. Her attitude was already very good. However, at this moment, she felt like she was caught by the form teacher for writing a cheat sheet during an exam.

Chi Xue did not recognize Xie Chenjin's mother. She looked up at her mother and asked, "who are you? "

There were many people watching from the side of the road. Du Anran felt that she was already so embarrassed. She could not drag mother Xie Down with her.

She pulled mother Xie's hand and said, "Auntie, it's okay. She was just saying it casually. She was just joking! "

"I'm just going to let her bully my daughter-in-law so indiscriminately? " Mother Xie said.

Du Anran was a little embarrassed. daughter-in-law... ...

Chi Xue laughed loudly when she heard this. "Du Anran, you're really good. You've hooked up with another man so quickly, even acknowledging your mother-in-law. However, this lady, I'm afraid you don't know. This woman, Du Anran, will definitely cuckold your son. "