Chapter 259, his concern

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I'm going to sleep. " Du anran forced a smile, which looked very forced.

"Have you eaten? I just made dinner. I'll bring it over now. Let's eat together. I specially made a few of your favorite dishes, " Bai Ruyun said.

Although du Anran was very tired, she was also very hungry. She nodded.

She didn't know if it was because she was in a bad mood, but she didn't have any appetite for her favorite dishes. She ate a few mouthfuls and couldn't eat anymore. She was hungry, but she couldn't eat anything.

She didn't force herself anymore. She stood up and said, "mom, I won't eat anymore. I'm going to sleep. "

"You must tell mom if you feel unwell. " Bai Ruyun was worried. She saw du Anran's Pale face.

"Mom, it's really nothing. You don't have to worry. eat well and eat more. " Du Anran smiled.

"You really won't eat anymore? You'll be hungry at night. " Bai Ruyun said with concern.

"I won't. Besides, you should eat less at night. It's healthier that way, " Du Anran quibbled, trying her best not to let her mother see any clues. She didn't want her mother to worry.

"I see that you don't look too well. Go and rest. I won't disturb you anymore, " Bai Ruyun said.

Du Anran nodded and walked upstairs to her room. Once she returned to her room, she lay on her bed. This was the place that belonged to her. She wanted to cry, laugh, argue, and make a scene. No one would care about her anymore.

She hugged the blanket and buried herself in it. Her tears immediately flowed down like a flood.

She could finally cry without restraint. No one would care about her anymore. Right now, she only wanted to cry.

She knew that crying could not solve any problems, but now, she could not find a more suitable way to vent her pain than crying.

She did not know how long she cried. When she finally lay on the bed and cried until she was tired and wanted to sleep, her phone rang.

She looked up and saw that it was a call from Xin Zimo. Why was he still calling her? Was He here to mock her for overestimating herself?

She did not want to be hit when she was down, so she hung up and did not pick up Xin ZIMO's call.

Xin Zimo knew that she would not pick up the call. It was completely within his expectations. It seemed that she would not pick up his calls in the future. She had to make him come personally.

He looked at his watch. It was not too late. It was only eight o'clock.

Hence, he did not go anywhere. After sending Tang Nuanyan off, he stepped on the gas and headed for the DU residence.

He was not sure if she was at the Du residence, but it was best that she was there. Otherwise, he would not let her off!

The main door of the DU residence was locked, but the lights in the villa were still on. He saw that the lights in Du Anran's room were also on.

When Xin Zimo called her again, he was notified that her phone was turned off. He saw that she did not look well today and her foot was injured. He actually wanted to see if she was alright.

Since her phone was turned off, he could only call Bai Ruyun.

Bai Ruyun was quite surprised. Why did she receive a call from Xin Zimo. However, Xin Zimo's words shocked her even more. Xin Zimo said that he was outside the door and asked her to open it.

Bai Ruyun ran out. Sure enough, she saw Xin Zimo outside the villa's main door.

"Why are you here? " Bai Ruyun didn't know how to treat Xin Zimo. Du Anran said that she was the one who broke up with him, so did that mean that it had nothing to do with Xin Zimo?

"Auntie, is anran asleep? " Xin Zimo asked.

Bai ruyun looked upstairs. "I don't think so. "

"Can I go up and see her? " Xin Zimo asked sincerely.

Bai Ruyun did not know what Xin Zimo was thinking. She was fooled by his appearance. She saw that Xin Zimo was anxious and thought that he was worried about Du Anran, so she nodded.

Although the two children had broken up, Bai Ruyun knew that Xin zimo treated Du Anran very well.

"Be quiet. If she sleeps, come back. She looks very tired, " Bai Ruyun said.

Xin Zimo did not expect Bai Ruyun to be so easy to talk to. He nodded. "I know. "

Xin Zimo went upstairs. When he gently turned the DOORKNOB, he saw du Anran lying on the bed.

Du Anran hugged the blanket with her eyes closed. She looked exhausted. She did not even notice that someone had entered.

Xin Zimo did not know if du Anran was asleep, so he tiptoed to her bed.

Her face was still pale. Her hair fell on the side of her face, full of gentleness.

Xin Zimo's heart melted. He did not know why she wanted to leave him, why she wanted to break up with him. He still did not believe the reasons she gave him.

But she told him time and time again that she didn't want him but another powerful backer. That was why he forced himself to believe her.

He told himself that if he let her go, he could marry a woman who was more beautiful and had more family background than her. But every night, she was the only one who made him yearn for her.

His hand caressed her face and his fingertips slid across her eyes. Du Anran frowned slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the face that had appeared in her dream. There was sadness, deep affection, and disappointment in his eyes.

She was suspecting that she was dreaming. It was... ... She must have thought too much. Why would he come ...

Xin Zimo's finger stopped on the side of Du Anran's face. Du Anran felt a chill and looked at the man in front of her again.

It was him... ... This was not a dream ...

"Does your foot still hurt? " Xin Zimo asked in a deep voice. His voice was a little hoarse.

"Why are you here? " Du Anran avoided his hand.

He could not help but feel disappointed when he saw her avoiding his gaze.

"I'm useless. I came to see you, " Xin Zimo said unhappily.

He did admit that he was useless. He did not expect that he would be so useless one day. He really could not do anything to Du Anran.

"I don't want you to see me. I'm not dead. What do I want you to see? " Although du Anran could not hear the sarcasm in his tone, she thought that he must have bad intentions.

"Are you cursing yourself like this? " Xin zimo frowned.

This woman didn't even know how to say Nice things.

Du Anran stopped talking. She would be relieved if she really died. She turned her head to the side and didn't look at Xin Zimo.

"It's fine if you ignore me. I won't come to see you anymore. " Xin Zimo said in disappointment.

He lowered his body. He had never been so humble for a person. Because she was du Anran, he was willing to be humble. However, his humility couldn't be exchanged for a look from her. He couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Forget it, she had really made up her mind not to love him. It turned out that once a woman let go, she was more ruthless than any man.

"You didn't need to come to see me in the first place. I don't need the sympathy of others, especially you, " Du Anran said coldly.

It would be best if he married the miss of the Tang family tomorrow. Even if he married Chi Xue, Xiao Qingqing, and Mi Li, she would not have any complaints. It would be best if she gave up all her thoughts. It would be better for him to marry anyone than to marry her.

She did not want her to become a burden for him. She wanted her to become his weak point so that he could be threatened by anyone.

"Good, very good! " Xin zimo's eyes emitted a freezing coldness. "You are relying on my pampering to be lawless. I will make you regret it. Also, remember, I will not let you get what you want no matter who you want to marry! "

"You don't have to threaten me. Even if I don't marry anyone in this life, I will not marry you. "

"Do you think I want to marry you? Have you forgotten what I said that night? Since you are not willing to be my wife, then I will not marry you. But you can be my lover! " Xin Zimo looked down at her "I'm not tired of your beauty and body. When you're old and Yellow, I'll let you go. What do you think? HMM? "

"CEO Xin, you'd better tell this joke slowly to the little girl. I advise you to be interested in the Xin Corporation. Don't wait for me to be old and yellow before you end up on the streets. "

"Du Anran, you saw it today. The Xin Corporation can easily sell a project for tens of billions. Do you think I'll end up on the streets? What a joke. "

"CEO Xin, you know best whether there's a problem with the Xin Corporation. What others see is fake. " Du Anran sneered.

Xin zimo admitted that this woman had successfully provoked his anger again.

He bent down and patted her face. "Don't provoke me. "

Du Anran did not speak again, she only returned his cold gaze. She was the one who had exposed the truth, she was so embarrassed that she became angry.

Since the Xin Corporation had a very serious internal problem, he should actively solve it and not dawdle with her.

"President Xin, don't ever see me again. I will find Miss Tang's number tomorrow. If you come again, I will give her a call. "

Xin zimo gritted his teeth. She actually dared to threaten him, or was it a brazen threat.

If he could be so easily threatened by a woman, his name wouldn't be Xin zimo anymore.

"If you're not afraid that the commander will seal your house and make you unable to establish yourself in city a, you can call me. I'm willing to play along, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

"You! " It was Du Anran's turn to grit her teeth. He always had a way to deal with her.

How could she forget that this man's nature was shameless? If someone offended him, he would repay them with double.

"Get out! " Du Anran pointed at the door.

She did not want to talk to such a villain anymore. She admitted that she could not win against him. She was very tired. She just wanted to sleep.

This same tone of chasing him away had happened a few days ago at the villa on Lake Heart Island. He, Xin Zimo, had been chased away by the same woman twice in a month. If word got out, he would definitely be laughed at.

"Du Anran, if you speak to me in such a tone again, I will let you get out of this house next time! " Xin Zimo said fiercely.

Today, she was ruthless. This villa was hers. He should not have been merciful and returned the villa to her.

Du Anran did not speak. No matter how much she said, she would be forced back by his unreasonable arguments. She was not his opponent at all.

There was only one outcome for fighting with him. She would definitely die. She did not want to die yet. She still had many wishes that had not been fulfilled.